Seeing the last words left by Iron Man, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Thor: This human being is indeed a great hero, and I believe… He is definitely in Valhalla now.

Stephen Strange: Valhalla? I hope he survives more than that.

Wolverine: It doesn’t matter, as a man, there should be no regrets if you can die on the battlefield with dignity.

God of War Kratos: That’s right! Even if you die, as long as you can destroy all the enemies, it is definitely worth it!

Captain America: This Iron Man did not die to kill the enemy, he sacrificed his life to save the world and save the universe!

Carol Danvers: That Thanos breathed so much, in the end he didn’t die in one… The hands of the earthly humans he despised?

Rocky Oddinson: Woman, you were not small before, claiming that one person can end the war, what was the result?

Carol Danvers: Bah! This weak chicken, what qualifications do you have to accuse me?

Carol Danvers: If that purple potato monster didn’t get the Infinity Gauntlet, under normal circumstances, he would never be my opponent! Convex (艹皿艹)

Seeing the miserable appearance of the “own” Thanos punching the air on the screen, Captain Marvel immediately remembered… The humiliating defeat before that.

Before this, Captain Marvel was still full of confidence that he would be able to defeat Thanos and wash away the shame of that defeat.

But who would have thought that the final result would be a battle with the planet Morag… Same!

At the thought of that purple potato monster, who might still be sitting on his spaceship at this time laughing at himself, Captain Marvel was so angry that his face was red with anger, and his forehead was bulging with green tendons.

But in fact, Thanos’ mood at this time was not good at all.

Temple 2.

“Abominable humans!”

Thanos Huo Ran stood up from his throne. His eyes widened and he let out a terrifying roar.

Even just watching the video, Thanos seems to feel the fear and despair of “himself” before he dies.

The great cause that he had worked hard for all his life came to naught, all his subordinates were killed, and the only thing he could do was to sit where he was… Waiting for the body to turn to ashes!

Is there anything more terrible in the world?

With this thought, Thanos is interested in Earth… The hatred for Tonis Dak was suddenly raised to the limit!

If he can do it, he will definitely not hesitate to completely wipe out all life on the earth, and completely ignore the so-called… “only kill half” principle!

And at the moment when Thanos roared, a terrifying killing intent swept in all directions like a frenzy! The shock made everyone in the hall tremble.


Led by the Dead Blade General, the five Obsidian generals each knelt on the ground, covered in cold sweat, and their heartbeats almost stopped for a while.

Even on the battlefield, they rarely saw Thanos so angry.

Moreover, what is this substantively killing intent?

Was he going to kill on Temple 2?


Just when everyone was terrified, Thanos himself suddenly felt that something was wrong.

You know, although Thanos has killed countless people, his targets are all carefully selected! The purpose is to make the universe balanced again.

The inexplicable desire to kill just now seemed to be uncontrollable, and it instantly rushed straight to the head! I don’t know where it came from!

At this moment, Thanos suddenly smelled a strong bloody breath.

He looked down and saw that he was holding a bloodstained war hammer in his hand. The blood condensed on it seems to be still illuminated by the light… Releases an eerie light.


Karma Taj.

“This man, it’s really a pity.”

Archmage Wang sighed, his face full of regret, as if he was regretting the death of the iron man on the screen.

In addition to him, most of the magic apprentices in the square were also full of embarrassment and immersed in sadness.

Obviously, Iron Man’s heroic sacrifice really infected them all.

And at this moment, Strange frowned slightly, lowered his head thoughtfully.

After a while, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly raised his head to look at the ancient mage, his eyes widening in disbelief.

“Mage! Did you say…what ‘you’ said to the Hulk back then! Refers to…”

The ancient mage nodded slightly, and the fan shaking in his hand also stopped.

Seeing Gu Yi’s statement, Strange was even more shocked, and his eyes showed a heavy color that could not be contained.

“Strange? What do you mean? ”

Archmage Wang stood on the side looking at his face full of confusion, and couldn’t help but blurt out.

Strange opened his mouth slightly, but he didn’t know what to say, and the ancient mage directly took the stubble and said indifferently:

“In another universe, the Hulk travels back in time and gets the Time Gem from my variant.”

“And before I left, ‘I’ said to him, ‘We’re all on you.'”


Master Mordo couldn’t help but ask on the side:

“That mage should have seen through the future and knew that only the Hulk can snap his fingers and bring everyone back.”

Ancient Mage nodded slightly and continued:

“That’s right, but in fact… The Hulk can do more than that. ”

Her voice suddenly became heavy:

“If the Hulk relays my words to Tonis Dark, then… He should be able to guess what I mean and tailor it for the Hulk… Two Infinity Gauntlet! ”


“Two gloves?”

Upon hearing this, Master Wang and Master Mordo were both taken aback, and a strange thought flashed through their minds.

Could it be that the ancient mage meant… Can the Hulk snap his fingers for the 2nd time?

“Of course he can.”

After figuring everything out, Strange also said with a heavy face:

“The Hulk’s body is already full of gamma energy, so his endurance of the energy of the Infinity Stones is far stronger than ordinary people.”

“Although Iron Man had long been ready to build the second Infinity Gauntlet for himself, he didn’t expect it… You can use the Hulk as an alternative! ”

“Since the Hulk can snap his fingers once and not die, he can naturally hit the second time!”

“In this way, Iron Man does not have to die!”


Hearing Strange’s analysis, Master Wang and Master Mordo were all stunned on the spot as if they were struck by lightning.

“This… It’s unbelievable. ”

“Ancient Mage, did you even foresee this layer?”

The two looked at Strange with a shocked and dull look, and then looked at Gu Yi, both of them only felt that their throats were dry, and they couldn’t speak for a while!

A strong shock swept through their hearts!

At this time, the ancient mage sighed with some regret:

“Since you already know about this, don’t say it.”

“Under the circumstances, Hulk’s right hand was scrapped, and Iron Man’s second Infinity Gauntlet was also set on his right hand.”

“Therefore, Iron Man’s sacrifice can only be the only way!”

Hearing the mage’s words, Strange and the others were speechless for a long time.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[It’s also Iron Man’s cabin, where his funeral is taking place.] 】

[This funeral may seem small, but the people involved… It’s unimaginably big! 】

[All the guests are superheroes who fought to defend the earth! ] 】

[And all these heroes, at this moment, are remembering the Iron Man who saved them and the world with solemnity and respect. ] 】

[Under everyone’s gaze, Pepper placed Tony’s Ark reactor on the flower pile.] Drift down with the river. 】

[The reactor is engraved with this line.] 】

“Tony Stark, has a warm heart. “】

[Looking at this group of flowers that like carrying the soul of Iron Man, floating farther and farther in the river, the superheroes who participated in the funeral felt the sense of loss again. ] 】

[The man who was like a reactor, exhausting himself in order to warm others, finally went. 】

[After the funeral, the superheroes also went their separate ways. 】

[Fat Thor entrusted the Asgard remnants to Valkyrie, and he boarded Star-Lord’s spaceship and decided to venture into space. ] 】

[After everything settled, the wise Hulk asked Captain Mi to return the 6 Infinity Stones to the original timeline. 】

[Looking at the captain, the wise Hulk said with a complicated expression:]

“When I helped me put on my gloves and was ready to snap my fingers, I really thought about it… Bring Natasha back. “】

[Hulk’s eyes are full of sadness:]

“I really miss her. “】

“Me too. “】

[The captain also nodded at the Hulk with a serious face. 】

[Afterwards, he said goodbye to Sam Wilson and Bucky the Winter Soldier, carried a chest containing 6 gems, and walked onto the quantum time machine. 】

[At this time, Sam Wilson couldn’t help but ask:]

“How long is he going to go?” “】

[The Hulk replied while debugging the machine with his intact left hand:]

“For him, he can stay as long as he wants in the past. “】

“But for us, it’s just 5 seconds. “】

[Standing on the time machine, Captain America hasn’t even forgotten to bring it… Mjolnir that Thor took from the past. 】

[“Launch the quantum realm, 3, 2, 1! “】

[Just after the Smart Hulk pressed the button, the captain’s figure immediately disappeared. ] 】

【”Start preparing for the return journey 5,4,3,2,1! “】

[The Hulk flipped the button again, but this time nothing happened.] 】

【“??? 】

[Falcon Sam asked with a surprised look:]

[“Where’s the captain?”] “】

[The Wisdom Hulk is also confused:]

[“I don’t know, the time settings are obviously synchronized. “】

“He should have come back.” “】

[At this moment, Bucky the Winter Soldier turned his head to look into the distance, and his pupils suddenly shrank. 】


[Hearing Bucky’s voice, the Falcon and the Hulk all followed the prestige.] 】

[I saw an old man with white hair sitting not far from time, and there was even a round thing under his feet. 】

[The falcon walked up, looking at the familiar old face in front of him, he asked tentatively:]

“Captain? “】

[I saw this old man with a wrinkled face, and responded calmly:]

“Hello, Sam. “】

[Falcon took a deep breath and forced the excitement in his heart to ask:]

“So… Did something go wrong, or did you deliberately stay? “】

[The elderly captain said with a smile:]

“After helping me get the Infinity Stones back, I thought, maybe I should give it a try… The kind of life Tony advised me to live. “】

[Falcon asked:]

“What about the result?”] “】

[The old captain’s eyes were full of memories and he nodded:]

“Very beautiful. “】

[The falcon showed a reassuring smile:]

“In that case, I’m happy for you, too. “】

“The only regret I have is that in my world, there will never be a captain again. “】

“Oh, that just reminded me. “】

[Hearing this, the elderly captain took the round thing at his feet and opened it to see that it was his vibranium shield that was placed inside. 】

[It turns out that he came to pass this shield to Sam! ] 】

[From now on, Sam Wilson will be the new captain of the United States! ] 】

[Just after taking the shield with a happy face, Sam still couldn’t hold back the curiosity in his heart and asked the captain:]

“You want to talk to me… Is she? “】

[The captain chuckled and shook his head:]

[“No… Still don’t use it. “】

[At this moment, the picture turned again, and came to a house in the forties and fifties. 】

[In the living room of the house, young Captain America and Peggy Carter are hugging each other, dancing that section… He promised the other party’s dance. 】

[During the dance, the two faced each other affectionately, as if at this moment, they already had each other. ] 】

[At this moment, the screen dimmed.]

[“Avengers 4” (below) ends.] 】

And seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded.

Wolverine: How did this happen? Did he go back in time and then didn’t come back?

Bruce Banner: Incredible, he stayed in the timeline of the past and lived into the future!

Wanda Maximov: Wait a minute! What are you kidding, do you say that in our world, there is also the 2nd captain of the United States

Bruce Banner: It’s ridiculous, but it’s the only possibility.

Bruce Banner: After going back in time, the captain supervisor returned all the gems, and then he chose to be with Peggy Carth and lived in the past ever since.

Nick Fury: This… Peggy Carter’s husband is indeed very mysterious, and no one has ever seen his true face.

Nick Fury: It turns out that he is the captain of the United States!

Captain America: What? I? Me from the future, married Peggy Carth, and… Just living on our timeline? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Even if he is not afraid of death, the captain is shocked beyond course at the moment, and his eyes are stunned to look at the screen, looking particularly distracted.

Two selves, living on the same timeline!

How could there be such a thing in the world?

PS: The next chapter is “Joker”, and then “Black Widow” ^_^

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