Starlight: Ancient Gods? Is there any difference from our impression of God?

John Constantine: Hey, in the world of black magic, many of the ancient gods are demons, synonymous with demons.

John Constantine: Because in the ancient world, human beings worshipped all powerful beings without scruples! Even if the other party is a demon!

Agent J: Wait a minute, I think these ancient gods may also be aliens from aliens!

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Huh? What did the aliens do when they came to primitive Earth? Those primitive people… What can you do with it? When food?

The Flash Barry Allen: You… What did you say?

Ghost Rider: Miss, when you speak, be careful not to scare others.

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: ……… Anyway, I just think that these ancient gods are unreliable.

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: Just sending a few humans as sacrifices can keep them asleep, and they don’t look very powerful.

Ghost Rider: Miss, if according to your standards, you can’t destroy the existence of the planet… It’s not great…

The Flash Barry Allen: Destroying the planet… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Nick Fury: Even if these sleeping ancient gods are not capable of destroying the earth, the mysterious organization is very convinced that they can destroy humanity!

Nick Fury: Moreover, although they have mastered extremely powerful black technology, they only use these technologies to close the space in the entire canyon, but they do not want to fight the ancient gods! It can be seen that these gods are powerful.

Clark Kent: Unfortunately, it looks like there are no superheroes in that world.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Seeing that Thor, the god of thunder, was killed by the electronic barrier, the black brother and the beautiful woman had no choice but to re-get into the RV, ready to find other safe places. ] 】

[Who knows, there is actually a zombie hidden in the car, and he took the gap to kill the black brother with one move! ] 】

[Out of control, the whole RV drove into the lake, and the beauty luckily swam and escaped. ] 】

[But the beauty just climbed onto the shore of the lake, but found that another zombie was waiting for her on the shore! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[In the face of the inhumane undead monster in front of him, the beauty who has been exhausted… A final scream was made! 】

[At this time, in the underground base, seeing that the last college student was about to be killed by a monster, the staff actually opened champagne and cheered and celebrated. ] 】

[It seems that this year’s sacrifice is about to come to a perfect end.] 】

[In fact, in other parts of the world, secret organizations have also arranged various sacrifices, but for unknown reasons… All failed! 】

[If you want to appease the sleeping ancient gods, this base under the cabin in the forest is the last hope! ] 】

[As long as all 5 college students are killed by monsters, then the evil god will continue to sleep, and the world can last another year. ] 】

[But just as everyone was drinking and celebrating, the phone in the monitoring room suddenly rang, claiming that in addition to the beauty, there was another person alive! ] 】

“What? “】

[Hearing this news, the originally jubilant atmosphere of the scene instantly dropped to freezing point. 】

[And the happy smile on the employee’s face to complete the task.] It also came to an abrupt end! 】

[Everyone looked at the screen in disbelief, but saw behind the zombie who was about to kill the beautiful woman… There was actually one more person. 】

[It’s decadent Gomartin!] 】

[Before, although this thin man was pulled into the depths of the dense forest by zombies, he actually did not die, and successfully killed back! ] 】

[Now, the decadent brother is coming to the hero to save the beauty! ] 】

[And in the forest, during this time, Brother Decadent also discovered that there were people behind these monsters, and he even found the entrance to the mysterious organization. ] 】

[Who would have thought that the entrance was actually right there… These zombies crawl out of the grave! 】

[Inside the entrance, Brother Decadent used his mechanical knowledge to connect the line and open an elevator. 】

[According to the speculation of decadent Gomartin, someone should have sent these zombies to the ground through the elevator… Come and kill the five of them! 】

[With nowhere to go, Brother Decadent and Beauty decided to favor Hushan Xing, and in turn entered the enemy’s Lao Cao to see what was going on? ] 】

[The two took the elevator to the depths of the ground, and then they immediately saw the terrifying truth through the transparent glass on the elevator! ] 】

[I saw that outside the transparent elevator door, a hideous and terrifying werewolf suddenly appeared. ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[Decadent brother and beauty were stunned by the monster in front of them, but this werewolf also seemed to be locked up in some transparent cage, and could only roar at them, but could not rush into the elevator at all. ] 】

[With the movement of the “elevator” on which the two were sitting, the werewolf disappeared.] 】

[Behind the two of them, a skeleton ghost like green smoke suddenly appeared! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, the two saw that in a certain room in front of them… A little girl in a ballet costume appeared. 】

[But when this little girl turned her head, it immediately scared both of them to a standstill! ] 】

[Moreover, this girl actually has no facial features on her face! ] 】

[Only round and round… A big mouth like a monster, and it is also covered with Bai Sensen’s teeth! 】

[Just when the two were frightened, the beauty suddenly saw that a cogwheel-headed monster appeared in another glass prison. ] 】

[And this monster is holding a Rubik’s cube-like sphere puzzle in his hand.] 】

[Seeing this familiar sphere puzzle, the beauty immediately remembered. ] 】

A few hours ago, they saw an identical thing in the basement of a cabin in the woods. 】

[“We chose it…”]

[A flash of understanding flashed in the beautiful woman’s mind, and she trembled and spit out a sentence:]

“The things we fiddled with in the basement are the choices they want me to make!” “】

[“As long as we select those things, we will summon the corresponding monsters!”] “】

“They want us … Choose how to die for yourself! “】

[I saw that underground, there are countless transparent glass prisons stored! ] 】

[As a beautiful woman who is a high-achieving college student, she immediately figured everything out. ] 】

[Whatever they choose in the basement, they will be hunted down by monsters.] 】

[The deaths of the five of them have long been preordained. 】

【”Ahhh!! Damn it!!! “】

[Thinking of the death of a friend… It was actually because of this that the beauty suddenly collapsed and shouted, and frantically slapped the transparent glass in front of her. 】

[And as the elevator gradually descended, the camera zoomed out, and it was clear that the glass elevator room where the two were located… It is actually located in a terrifying monster maze. 】

[In this labyrinth, there are almost invisible … All kinds of demons and ghosts! 】

[It looks numb, and the cold hair stands on end! ] 】

[At this time, the supervisors of the underground base were also in chaos, desperately looking for the whereabouts of the two, and finally found them hiding in the elevator on the monitor. ] 】

“Take them down and bring them to me.”] “】

[The middle-aged supervisor gave the order coldly. 】

[Just after the elevator door opened, a base policeman… Wei immediately pointed his gun at the decadent brother and the beauty. 】

[Fortunately, the zombie remnants that the decadent brother killed before also happened to fall into the elevator. ] 】

[And the zombie’s arm, which was not “dead” for a while, suddenly moved, grabbed the guard’s foot, and diverted his attention. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Decadent brother did not waste this good opportunity, raised the club in his hand, and stunned the police with one blow… Protect. 】

[Just when the two successfully entered the interior of the underground base, a woman’s voice suddenly sounded from the intercom in the corridor. 】

[“Things shouldn’t have gone this way…”]

[There is a hint of regret in the woman’s voice:]

“It’s all long overdue. “】

“You have experienced horrific events and nightmarish creatures, but those creatures are nothing compared to the ancient beings lurking underground. “】

“Our task is to appease these ancient gods. “】

“That is, you … Dedicated to them! “】

“We’re sorry about that, but it’s a mission that has to be done!”] “】

[Hearing the ominous meaning in the woman’s voice, the decadent brother Martin hurriedly took the beauty … Hide in a room that looks like a control room. 】

[As soon as they entered the door, the police with guns… Wei rushed over and shot at them in a flurry of shots, so that the two of them did not even dare to lift their heads. 】

[Under extreme adversity, the beauty looked at the countless monster images on the screen and quickly found the most conspicuous red button on the console. ] 】

“Nightmarish creatures? Right? “】

[The beauty looked back at the decadent brother Martin, and the two looked at each other and immediately reached a consensus. ] 】

“Just let this party begin!”] “】

[With a cold drink, the beauty pressed the red button with one hand! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[At this time, outside the control room, the leader of the group of armed guards also seemed to sense that something was wrong. 】

[And in the next moment…]

[“Ding! “】

[The elevator doors of the control room for 4 weeks have all opened, and countless nightmare monsters have jumped out of it! ] 】

[It turns out that the red button that the beauty just pressed unexpectedly released all the countless monsters that the secret base has sheltered for many years! ]


[“Don’t! “】

[“Help! “】

[“Squeak!!! “】

[For a while, outside the control room, it immediately turned into blood… Meat·· Apprentice… Field! 】

[Countless demons and monsters… With all kinds of chilling methods, start killing those guards with guns and live ammunition! 】

[I saw that among these monsters, there was a giant snake more than 100 meters long! ] 】

[Scary vampire bats! ] 】

[A vampire banshee flying in the air. 】

[There are even living man-eating trees! ] 】

[Soon, the scene suddenly turned into hell on earth! ] 】

[I don’t know how many guards have been torn to pieces by these monsters, or even swallowed whole! ] 】

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