【Image continues】

[On the screen, I saw a huge reptilian monster being sent into a newly built containment place. 】

[This monster looks… It is like a crocodile that has been magnified many times, but it is full of ferocity and violence. 】

[This is the one who has an immortal body and has undergone countless Foundation experiments, but he has never been able to be killed… SCP-682! 】

[After being sent to this toaster-equipped containment facility, SCP-682 spent the first two months peacefully. 】

But after 60 days, the power of the toaster began to affect its thinking. 】

【”Howl!! “】

[With a terrifying roar, SCP-682 rushed towards the industrial refrigerator in the containment facility, frantically devouring various slices of bread in the refrigerator. 】

[After eating, SCP-682 remained in a state of rage, not only began to attack everything around it, but also began to spit out strange vomit from its mouth. 】

[Seeing this, the Foundation immediately activated a new round of control measures against SCP-682.] 】

[After some fire coverage, SCP-682 was finally “controlled” and “contained” again.] 】

[The purpose of this experiment is to reduce SCP-682’s aggressiveness through the toaster.] 】

[From the result, there is no doubt that it failed.] 】

[Foundation researchers carefully investigated the items that SCP-682 had vomited before and found that all of them were slices of bread that had been baked. 】

After discussion, the researchers decided to feed the toast to a D-class person and then observe the reaction.] 】

[Surprisingly, after being fed this “SCP-682 Special Bread Slice”, all the D-class personnel were full of praise. 】

“It’s delicious. “】

【”It’s so good to bake! “】

“This is the most delicious slice of bread I’ve ever had!” “】

[On the other hand, SCP-682 returned to normal after being recontained, and never again showed a desire for bread. 】

[It seems that his self-healing ability has also driven away my influence on his brain.] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Oh my God…”

Little Wanda’s little face was wrinkled, and the expression on his face was indescribably wonderful.

Next, I felt that she turned her head and covered her mouth with one hand, as if she was going to vomit the next moment.

And in addition to him, the expressions of the others in the live broadcast room… They are also all varied, weird and inexplicable.

“That big lizard… What is it? ”

Peter Parker’s eyes widened. The gaze that looks at the screen is full of incredulity.

This monster is immune, and he can barely understand the effects of the toaster on his brain.

But why… The bread spit out of 682’s mouth is actually baked?

And, it’s still delicious?

Does this guy’s body really have the function of baking bread?

“Damn, the people in these foundations are so much.”

At this time, Bruce Wayne’s face changed color, and it seemed that he finally couldn’t bear it.

Before the foundation used D-level personnel as experiments and guinea pigs, it had already touched some kind of bottom line of Young Master Wayne.

And now, the Foundation’s approach is simply madness!

Spit bread out of the monster’s body… Feed to D-class?

Are these guys crazy?

“I think the person who made this suggestion and did this kind of thing should be taken in!”

Young Master Wayne shouted sharply:

“Such a crazy approach is simply inhumane!”

“It’s no different from that mysterious organization in the cabin in the forest before!”

“Yes, those guys… I really didn’t treat these D-level personnel as people. ”

Tony Stark said with a smile:

“Under normal circumstances, you should think about feeding the animals first?”

“As a result … They actually took it directly to feed people! ”

Magneto said coldly:

“In the eyes of the people of these foundations, these deaths, criminals and animals are no different.”

At this time, Loki suddenly covered his mouth and smiled:

“Huh… What are you so angry about? ”

“Listening to the reaction of those old mice, the special slices of bread seem to be delicious.”

Little Wanda just couldn’t get used to Loki’s triumphant appearance, and immediately turned his head and drank:

“Bah! What this monster spits out, I think only you like to eat. ”

“Little ghost! I think you’re the best fit to be assimilated into a toaster! In this case… In your empty head, at least you can stuff a few loaves of bread! ”

“My mind is not empty!”

Seeing that the pair in front of him quarreled again, the anger in Young Master Wayne’s heart had nowhere to vent, so he could only take a deep breath for a while, and finally calmed down his mentality.

And at this moment, another thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

“This toaster… possession’s power; What exactly is it? ”

“Why, is it able to affect so many people? Can it change the way people in the same universe call it? ”

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[That weird narration suddenly began to introduce. 】

“All ‘memes’ are the basic unit of information dissemination. “】

“Harmful memes are messages with abnormal phenomena that can affect and damage the human brain. “】

[“Human beings only need to read information, consciousness, heart, memory with “harmful memes”… All will be changed. “】

“But at the same time, the human body doesn’t change anything. “】

In order to combat these SCPs with harmful memes, the Foundation has gradually developed a systematic “reverse meme” method. “】

In the live broadcast room.

Hearing this, Xiao Wanda’s eyes suddenly showed a look of realization:

“That’s right! It turns out that the toaster is a harmful meme. ”

“As long as you stay with it, your consciousness will change and you think of yourself as a toaster!

“But the body … But nothing will change! ”

At this time, Bruce Wayne pondered for a while and said slowly:

“I used to read about memes in college.”

“This concept can be understood as the ‘gene’ in culture, concepts, and thinking.”

“What if … Genes determine the direction in which the human body grows, so memes determine the evolutionary direction of thinking. ”

Peter Parker also nodded again and again when he heard it, and his face was full of realization:

“If you can influence a person’s genes, you can turn that person’s body into a monster.”

“And if it is a meme that is affected, then the person becomes a madman.”

And Tonisdak stood aside without speaking, but there was also a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Now, he really wants to know what exactly are all the inverse memes?

Is it some kind of psychic level shield, or is it high-tech equipment?

At the same time, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The weird narration continues:]

“Because of the special harmful meme effect, I had to be sealed in a room with any window so that no one could see me. “】

“The door to my room must have a label completely unrelated to my number and characteristics to prevent the accidental spread of my main effect. “】

“Only staff at level 3 and above know of my existence. “】

“Any employee affected by me must receive C-level memory deletion and transfer to another site. “】

“Memory deletion is a very common tool for foundations. “】

“But in order to carry out this special procedure, the Foundation needs a special substance called ‘Y-909.'” “】

“And to seize this particular substance would require extraordinary sacrifices, even… Access to an SCP capable of destroying humanity! “】

“This SCP, because of its powerful divinity and high personality, is called the Supreme Divine Being (Supreme Divine, being)! “】

“This incident goes back many years at the earliest. 】

[At that time. The SCP Foundation through a global intelligence network… I learned that something strange happened on a remote coastline. 】

[According to some bizarre accounts from locals and fishermen, the Foundation suspected that SCPs were lurking in the water, so it arranged for relevant personnel to take submarines to explore the depths of the water.] 】

[In the face of unknown SCP, the members of the submarine had anticipated danger and even death long before departure. 】

[But what they encountered in the depths of the sea was… Even more eerie horror! 】

[Before starting the mission, all the crew members were in an extremely good state of mind. 】

[But when the submarine sank into the sea, many of them felt strange tension and inexplicable panic. 】

[The most serious of these was a veteran Foundation agent named Williams.] 】

[Everyone in the submarine could see that Williams was pale, sweaty, and shaking like a leaf.] 】

[No matter how much the people around him comfort Williams, it doesn’t work.] 】

[As the submarine dives deeper and deeper, the situation of the internal crew is getting worse and worse.] 】

[Almost all the members fell into a state of panic, and those crew members who were already a little panicked were even more cold sweating and at a loss. 】

[As for Williams… At this time, he had begun to swirl around in the submarine like a trapped beast, and he began to mumble strange words that no one could understand. 】

[In the end, Williams simply screamed loudly, and at this moment, everyone in the submarine saw the purpose of their trip. 】

[That’s an SCP. 】

[However, this underwater monster is too big, and they come from the porthole… It’s almost impossible to see its entire body! 】

[This monster looks like an eel, but just a head is the size of a town, and its body is unimaginably long.] 】

[The most terrifying thing is that this monster’s eyes flashed like searchlights, illuminating the entire sea! ] 】

As the submarine approached the huge SCP, Williams’ situation worsened. 】

[His eyes became stunned, as if he had completely lost his mind, and just kept screaming:]

[“Don’t!!! “】

[At this moment, the rest of the crew also fell into extreme panic,】

[The strange eyes of that huge eel seem to look straight into the depths of their hearts! ] And it leads to the deepest fear in their souls! 】

[“Aaaa “】

[By the end, Williams was completely out of control, shouting frantically and breaking free from the crew who were trying to suppress him.] 】

[Rushing to the edge of the submarine, Williams began to use his head and desperately smashed into the porthole of the submarine! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[The hardness of this tempered glass is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people! ] But Williams has fallen into absolute madness, and even erupted with terrifying strange powers! 】

[“Hmm… Duh… Hmm…”

[Looking at the gradually cracking porthole, all the crew members on the submarine were scared stupid! ] 】

[Now they’re in the deep sea!] 】

[If the porthole breaks, everyone will die!] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Oh my God, is that man crazy?”

Watching Williams on the screen desperately bang his head against the porthole, even if the blood flowed all over his face, Peter Parker opened his mouth and seemed to be completely stunned.

At this time, Tonis Dak’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly blurted out:

“Meme! It’s a meme”

“That giant eel at the bottom of the sea must have released a meme! It affected the sanity of these people. ”

“And this guy named Williams is the one who suffers the most.”

Hearing this, Little Wanda shook his head with some doubt:

“Isn’t it? Is the so-called supreme divine existence only this maddening ability? ”

Tony shook his head solemnly:

“You’re thinking too simply.”

“Who knows how big the boundaries of this monster’s ‘madness’ ability are?”

“If its ‘sphere of influence’ is as large as his body, once one day ‘it’ floats on the surface of the sea and approaches the crowd gathering area, it will cause a terrible tragedy!”

Listening to Williams’ breathtaking screams on the screen, Peter Parker suddenly felt only a little chill behind him.

This invisible and shadowless ability to make people crazy is indeed terrifying.

Could it be that this is the power of the “Supreme Divinity”?

Even if nothing is done, just humans approaching… Will go crazy?

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