“Harry Quinn? That clown girl? ”

Hearing this name, Peter Parker was slightly stunned at first, and then remembered it after a while.

At this time, Young Master Wayne had nodded heavily:

“That’s right, it’s her!”

“I didn’t see her face, but… I ran to that kind of abandoned factory in the middle of the night, recorded all the videos, and let it go viral on the Internet! ”

“I don’t believe it, it’s all coincidence!”

Young Master Wayne’s eyes were full of doubt, but his tone was full of firm confidence:

“All this must be the conspiracy of the clown!”

“That madman just changed his way of playing and wanted to use special means… Defeat ‘me’! Defeat Batman! ”

“As for this Mr. Napier, it’s just another disguise for him!

Speaking of this, Young Master Wayne’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted loudly as if he had discovered a new continent:

“It’s possible that … The clown’s madness, from the very beginning, he pretended to deceive! ”

“This guy has been pretending to be crazy and selling stupid all this time!”


Looking at Bruce Wayne’s resolute face, everyone was speechless for a while.

After talking for a long time, don’t you still have no evidence?

This can also be associated with the Joker?

Or do you say… You only have that madman in your head?

And Loki looked like he wanted to laugh, but in the end he just reached out and touched his forehead and muttered in a low voice:

“It’s really a natural pair…”

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The trial against the “Joker” has finally begun. 】

[And “Jack Napier”, who has been reborn, after being fully prepared, stood tall in the dock of the court and defended himself. ] 】

[Facing the judge and the countless spectators in the audience, Napier talked eloquently, claiming that he was back then… But just a rural young man who aspires to be a Gothamman. 】

However, the high pressure of city life eventually caused him to have a nervous breakdown and eventually become a bank robber. 】

[Although he spent 10 years in prison because of his crimes, the Gotham police still did not let “Jacket Napier” go. ] 】

“After that bank robbery, after so many years, the police have no evidence that I have been involved in violent criminal activities or killed people! “】

“However, they still added a trumped-up name to me, which is a super criminal! “】

[“Because for the police, this anti-crime activity is a good deal to make money! “】

[In the dock, Napier, who was full of confidence, talked about Gotham City’s deepest… It is also the ugliest secret, which is revealed. 】

[Napier has found it… Evidence that Batman is complicit with the Gotham Police Department. 】

[After all, the searchlight used to summon Batman is on the roof of the police station.] 】

[And, through collusion with Batman, the Gotham Police Department has created a new money-making business for Gotham City…”Fight Super Criminals”! ] 】

[In the eyes of the Gotham Police Department and the people behind them, the clown is the perfect “big bad”. 】

[After all, his exaggerated makeup, crazy demeanor, and famously fearsome notoriety are enough to make any Gotham citizen terrify.] 】

[If you want to scare the people, there is no more suitable tool than the clown.] 】

[So. Whenever the citizens of Gotham question that the tax is too high, the guests will let the clown out like a vicious dog, let him escape from prison, and go out to create panic! 】

[The more fearful the people are of clowns, the easier it is to be willing to pay all kinds of high taxes. 】

[And the police department can also take this opportunity to use the guise of fighting super crime to get a big piece of the cake from ZF’s various expenditures! ] 】

[This trick is called raising Kou self-respect! ] 】

“When these high taxes get into the pockets of those high-ranking people, they will release their watchdog, Batman, to capture me back to Arkham!”] “】

“This repeated “cat and mouse” game has been played many times. Both me and the citizens of Gotham are losers! “】

[“The only ones who really profit are those who are really behind the scenes! And Batman! “】

[Napier’s speech was methodical, full of reason and persuasion, and the clown who could only laugh maniacally before, was completely different. 】

[But if anyone looks closely, they will find that the shadow left by Jack Napier in the dock of the court… But it is still very similar to “Joker”! 】

[However, at this time, everyone in the court had been shocked by the shocking secrets exposed by Napier, and no one noticed his shadow at all. 】

[“This is the criminal industry created by the top management of Gotham! And I… Just one victim who was taken advantage of by them. “】

“Moreover, these high-ranking officials even tempted the public to believe that Gotham, unlike other cities, is a crime capital!” It’s a city of fear! 】

“This city is destined to be full of all kinds of criminals, as well as masked vigilantes! 】

[“Any honest citizen can only survive in this crime capital if he obediently hands over his wallet to the top! 】

“But such a pathology will not last any longer! “】

Napier looked at the jury sitting on the right side of his body, and his tone was very calm and full of infection. 】

“In the last few weeks, I’ve submitted evidence that I’m cured, so… Please don’t call me “Joker” in the future. “】

“I hope you will set me free in the name of the law, let me fight against the corrupt Gotham high-ranking people, and save this city we love so much.”] “】

[In the face of Napier’s powerful testimony, the jury quickly sentenced him… Acquitted! 】

[Not only that, his sharp and piercing remarks even detonated the entire Gotham City! ] 】

[After all, if Napier’s statements are all true, then the real darkness of Gotham City… Much scarier than everyone thought. 】

[The so-called super criminals are actually just tools created by the corrupt high-level of Gotham City to accumulate money! ] 】

[At this time, Napier’s fierce news in court has forced the popular support of Gotham City ZF and the police department… A new low ever. 】

[Not only that, his criticism of the high-level of Gotham has made the people at the bottom regard Napier as a hero! ] 】

After gaining his freedom, the Joker, or “Napier,” returned safely to his home. 】

[As soon as he entered the door, “Harry Quinn” immediately welcomed him warmly. 】

[However, I can’t get used to Napier’s plain face, Harry Quinn can’t wait… I want to reapply his makeup, and then come again. 】

[But Napier stopped her, and apologized for the perverted behavior he had done to Harry Quinn before:]

“My previous crazy fascination with Batman was just too much to completely ignore your feelings. “】

[But now, Batman and I are over…”

[Saying bad lines, Napier suddenly knelt down on one knee and put a wedding ring on Harry Quinn’s hand. 】

“Are you TM crazy? “】

[I was already impatient with Napier’s spiritual monologue, looking at this ring, the clown girl finally broke out! ] 】

“Love? Marriage? Surely these pills broke your brain! “】

[“Hurry up…”】

[Before the clown girl finished speaking, someone next to her suddenly flew up and kicked her off! ] 】

[And the woman who appeared turned out to be the first generation clown woman. ] 】

[Real Harry Quinn! 】

[It turned out that the woman who refused “Napier’s” marriage proposal and kicked him to the ground was not the real Harry Quinn at all. ] 】

[Her name is Maria Drews, and she was originally a bank counter girl.] 】

[Later, because of a broken love, Maria cut directly behind the counter… Bowl. 】

[Who knew that at this moment, the clown appeared to rob the bank and coerced Maria to load money for him! ] 】

[And while Maria was busy loading money, the clown suddenly called her Hallie, and took her back and made her wear the clown girl’s clothes.] 】

[It turned out that the real Harry Quinn had left at that time, feeling lonely clown, and just grabbed a random woman to replace her. ] 】

[But Maria was seduced by the Joker’s charm and willingly began to play Harley Quinn’s stand-in. 】

“You’re not me at all. “】

[Looking at the stunned Maria in front of him, the real Harry Quinn smiled:]

“You love that crazy clown, and I love everything about him!”] “】

After leaving these words, Harry helped “Napier” leave Maria and return to his apartment. 】

[Originally the Joker’s attending doctor, Harry Quinn has always wanted to cure the Joker’s madness, but the Joker has refused to undergo any treatment for many years. 】

[So, looking at Napier, who has regained his senses, Harry Quinn is happy, and his heart is also rekindled with love for him. ] 】

[In the apartment, Napier looked at Harry Quinn, who had removed his makeup in front of him, as if he didn’t remember the past at all, and asked her:]

[“At the beginning. Why did you leave me? “】

[Harry Quinn said with a wry smile:]

[“Back then. I am attracted to your violence, your ferocity, your capriciousness. “】

[“Until… Until the man appeared. “】

[It turns out that years ago, the Joker’s fascination with Batman grew day by day, making Harry feel like he was sharing a lover with Batman. ] 】

“I’m trying my best to get your attention, and you’re trying to get Batman’s attention!”] “】

“That’s when I realized… You’ve fallen in love inextricably, it’s just… The object of your love is not me. “】

[Speaking of this, the bitterness on Harry Quinn’s face became stronger. 】

[Napier, on the other hand, was so stunned that his mouth opened wide.] 】

[Although he has long known that “himself” has some kind of infatuation with Batman, he never expected it… It was actually so serious that even his girlfriend was left out in the cold! 】

[Harley Quinn continues to elaborate on her past:]

【“…… Later, I found out that you wanted to kill Robin in order to attract Batman’s attention. “】

“It wasn’t until then that I realized that the man I loved was gone, leaving only a crazy clown. “】

“In this case, I brought Batman to the hope that he would rescue Robin. “】

“But by the time Batman arrived, Robin had disappeared without a trace, not knowing if he was dead… Still escaped. “】

“Did I kill Robin?”] Napier frowned and pondered. 】

[Although that drug restored his sanity to normal, it seemed to erase a lot of his memories. 】

[After thinking for a while, Napier completely put the past aside, he took Harley Quinn in his arms, and whispered in her ear:]

“Follow me, let’s this time… Will save Gotham! “】

[“We want to expose the true face of Batman and the Gotham Police Department, and we want the world to know who the real bad guys are!”] “】

“Ready to be a good person?”] Harley Quinn? “】

On this day, Bruce Wayne drove to a charity dinner. 】

[But he didn’t expect that on the TV screen at the dinner party, Jack Napier and Harry Quinn’s face suddenly appeared. 】

[The well-suited Napier proclaims that he is going to build a library for the poor neighborhood of Gotham City. 】

[Not only that, but he also accused Batman in front of reporters… It’s just that pit bulls of the elite 1% will fight only for the interests of the upper classes. 】

[Bruce Wayne was furious and shouted to turn off the TV screen, but at this moment, a well-dressed upper-class man next to him said with a smile while drinking:]

“However, this Joker’s statement about Batman is quite correct, every year… I can make millions in real estate just by relying on Batman. “】

[Bruce Wayne was shocked to hear this, and quickly asked. 】

[Then he got the truth that stunned him.] 】

[It turns out that Batman fights criminals in the ghetto every time. That area will be marked as “Batman Haunted Zone” by Gotham City. 】

[In these areas, house prices will plummet. 】

[At the same time, Gotham ZF will also earmark funds for the reconstruction of disaster-stricken areas.] 】

[In this way, many wealthy people will take advantage of the decline in housing to buy.] 】

[In this way, on the one hand, they can get the reconstruction money, on the other hand, they can also make a net profit when the house price rises.] 】

“In Gotham City, crime is the best business. “】

[Listening to the frank words of the man in the suit next to him, Bruce Wayne’s eyes widened, and he almost couldn’t believe his ears.] 】

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the clown, or Napier, in the courtroom. 】

[And now it seems that what that madman said may be true! ] 】

[For many years, I have fought crime as a superhero, but I actually just fattened this group… The pockets of criminal businessmen who collude with the top! 】

[Bruce Wayne was furious, knocked down this guy who used crime to make money, turned and left the dinner. 】

[At the same time, on the other side, Napier, in the name of the Joker, gathered all the super criminals and underworld bosses in Gotham City. ] 】

[On the surface, he wants to combine the power of all villains and join forces against Batman. ] 】

[But these villains have all expressed opposition. 】

They don’t want to be below anyone at all. Follow anyone’s orders. 】

[Looking at this group of rabble, Napier smiled:]

“I know you’re going to object, so I’m just here to treat you to a drink.” “】

[And at this time, Harry Quinn, who was dressed in formal clothes, handed Napier a hat:]

“Here you go, little pudding. “】

[Seeing this hat, some of these villains finally noticed that something was wrong. 】

“Isn’t this the Mad Hatter’s hat? And also…… Where did the mud face go? “】

[It turned out that Napier had long known that those evil villains would not obey his command. 】

[Therefore, he had already used the Mad Hatter’s device to control the mud face, and then let the mud face turn his body into sand, mix it into wine, and let all those villains drink into his stomach. ] 】

[Now, these villains and gang leaders who have finished drinking have become puppets of clowns! ] 】

[For Endothelium, the existence of mud faces is equivalent to an antenna that enhances the mind control signal! ] 】

[And now he has included all the villain forces in Gotham City into his palm! ] 】

[Napier has become a well-deserved underground king of Gotham City! ]

[This is… An unprecedented feat that even the clown of that year could not do! 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Sure enough! This guy hasn’t gotten better at all, he’s still that villain! ”

Young Master Wayne’s eyes erupted with anger, and he gritted his teeth and said:

“He’s just getting more dangerous and more cunning.”

PS: After thinking about it, it’s better to let Jerome join than Jerome.

After all, Jerome to Master Wayne… But true love. ^_^

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