[And at the same time that Superman and Batman were arguing fiercely, there was another dispute on the ocean. ] 】

[The cause of this fight was an Inazuma fishing boat that brutally killed several sperm whales. 】

[After Aquaman Arthur noticed it, he was immediately angry! ] 】

For years, he endured human pollution and destruction of the ocean. 】

[And the tragic death of these sperm whales seems to have finally become the last straw that broke the camel’s back. ] 】

[The angry Sea King overturned the fishing boat of Inazuma Country and finally ushered in the Justice League. ] 】

[In the face of a large number of superheroes, Aquaman Arthur alone obviously cannot win. 】

[In this case, the furious Arthur did not flinch, but summoned the ancient sea monster Kraken! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[The huge octopus monster stretched out terrifying tentacles from the bottom of the sea, entangled several Justice League members in an instant. ] 】

[Even pulled them into the sea!] 】

【The sea is the home of Aquaman! 】 】

[Fighting here, even the Justice League, it seems that it can’t take advantage! ] 】

[But at this moment, an urgent voice suddenly came from the communicator in Aquaman’s ears. 】

[It’s Batman’s voice! ] 】

“Arthur, what are you doing?” You have to stop because…”

“He’s already here! “】

[As soon as Batman’s words fell, I saw a figure wearing a cape, like a god descending from the sky! ] 】

[It’s Superman! ] 】

[He has finally arrived! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Superman rushed directly to Arthur’s side and reached out and choked his throat. 】

[“Let that sea monster go!”] “】

[Superman’s eyes flashed with an ominous red light, it seemed that the next moment… It will shoot out deadly heat rays! 】

[In the face of the great change in momentum in front of him, and the superman who released terrifying killing intent all over his body, Arthur only felt cold all over his body, and his cold hair stood on end. ] 】

[Actually, he is also a member of the Justice League. 】

[But in all these years, Arthur has never seen such a terrifying Superman!] 】

[Although a little scared, the pride of being the king of the sea still made Arthur want to struggle. 】

[At this moment, Batman’s voice continued to ring in his ears:]

[“Arthur! Quickly do as he says, don’t provoke him! “】

[Faced with the threat of Superman and Batman’s persuasion, Arthur finally gave in, and he ordered Kraken to retreat to the bottom of the sea, releasing the Justice League and others. ] 】

[But even so, Aquaman decided to maintain his dignity in front of Superman:]

[“Superman, I understand… You lost your kingdom due to the destruction of the Metropolis, but don’t try to take my country! “】

“You can rule the world on earth at will, but the bottom of the sea belongs to me. “】

[In the face of Aquaman’s self-talk, Superman was a little confused for a while:]

“I don’t want to rule the world, I just want to protect the world. “】

[And Aquaman just listened and smiled.] 】

[For a king, there is no difference between the two at all. 】

[But the big boy in front of him, although he has mastered the supreme power, seems to know nothing about the way of domination. 】

[“Superman, whether you realize it or not, your reign has begun! “】

[Aquaman said categorically:]

“But … There is only one king in the underwater world, and that is me! “】

[Superman’s unusually strong power seems to have stimulated Arthur in turn, making him feel that his rule is in jeopardy. 】

[Driven by this sense of crisis, Arthur also made some irrational behavior! ] 】

[Soon Wonder Woman looked at Superman with a hurried look and shouted:]

[“Not good! Superman! On the coastlines of countries around the world, Atlantis armies appeared. “】

“These undersea people, it seems that this has declared war on the whole world. “】

“What? “】

[Upon hearing this, even Superman was taken aback. 】

[And at this time, looking at the shocked looks on the faces of Wonder Woman and Superman, Aquaman Arthur instead wrapped his arms around him, with a smug look on his face:]

“Superman, how you want to rule the surface world has nothing to do with me. “】

“But you have to remember that as Aquaman, I can turn the surface world into nothing at any time! “】

“If those surface people have the opportunity to see the sun tomorrow, it is also because of my kindness! “】

“This is my power! Now…”

[Aquaman stared at Superman and said coldly:]

“Get out of my sea!”] “】

[Through the communicator, hearing this arrogant and arrogant speech, Batman in the bat cave was also so angry that he clenched his teeth. ] 】

[As the smartest person in the world, Batman instantly judged the intention of Aquaman’s move. 】

[Arthur has realized… Superman begins to abuse his powers. 】

[That’s why he wanted to show the full strength of the Undersea Kingdom in advance, with such a warning… to force Superman to stop. 】

“Maybe I can’t beat you, but my underwater kingdom has the power to destroy your surface kingdom! “】

[This is the “terror balance” that Aquaman wants to achieve! ] 】

[“Arthur! You idiot! “】

[Batman hates iron but not steel… Shouting in the communicator :]

“You don’t know Superman at all, you can’t threaten him!”] “】

[Sure enough, just as Batman guessed, in the face of Arthur’s threat, Superman flew out without saying a word. ] 】

[And he did something shocking next.] 】

[Superman united with Hal Jordan, Wonder Woman Diana, Shazam and other Justice League members to dive to the bottom of the sea and put the kingdom of Atlantis… Lifted up from the bottom of the sea! 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a terrifying loud noise, the entire kingdom of Atlantis was lifted to the sky by Superman and the Justice League, and finally placed in the Sahara Desert. 】

[Although thrown into the desert by Superman, the people of Atlantis did not die. 】

[Not yet…]

[This is Superman’s counterattack.] 】

[You want to threaten me?] 】

[Then I’ll serve your entire kingdom in one pot!] 】

[Seeing that Superman raised the level of threat to a kingdom, Batman was also very shocked. ] 】

[But at this moment, Superman doesn’t even want to listen to Batman’s words. ] 】

“Batman, do you think I didn’t hear the sneaky conversation between you and Arthur just now? “】

[Still for the clown thing… And for Batman, at this moment, Superman’s heart is full of doubt and anger. 】

[He even thinks that Aquaman Arthur suddenly made such a scene, which may be Batman’s back! ] 】

[In order to prevent him from maintaining world peace, I want to give him a dismount! ] 】

[Driven by this skepticism, Superman directly ordered Steelbone to put Batman’s communication channel… Remove from the Justice League. 】

“I’ve heard enough of your words, Bruce! “】

“From now on, you are no longer from the Justice League. “】

[Even after clearing Batman out of the portal, Superman is still full of unhappiness. ] 】

[Therefore, he simply gave the task of negotiating with Arthur to Wonder Woman Diana. ] 】

[And in the face of Diana, Arthur chose to compromise, while letting down his guard, he said the words of his heart. ] 】

[After witnessing a series of shocking acts of Superman, Arthur confessed: he felt… Superman’s reign has begun! 】

[Whether Superman realizes it or not, he is already on the road to becoming the “king of the world”! ] 】

“If Superman wants to be a true king!”] “】

[“If he wants to know how to rule the world peacefully, so that the people will embrace him, not just fear him…”

“Then, he can come to me. “】

[Arthur said a little sadly:]

“I have ruled Atlantis peacefully for many years, and in this regard… Still have some experience. “】

[Diana understood as soon as she heard it. 】

[Arthur is now using euphemisms to express his willingness to “submit” to Superman! ] 】

[However, his so-called “teaching the way of the superman king” is actually trying to compete for his own right to speak by Superman’s side. ] 】

[Since you can’t beat it, then join! ] 】

[If Arthur can become the “king master” of the king of the earth, then it is not a shame, right?] 】

“I’ll tell Superman for you.”] “】

After simply coping with Arthur, Diana returned to Superman. 】

【”Is the problem solved?” “】

[After receiving Diana’s affirmative answer, Superman asked again:]

“Arthur must have something else to say to me. “】

[Diana slowly turned her head:]

“No, he didn’t say anything. “】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Deadpool: I’ll go! What’s wrong with this Diana? What is he doing?

Lori Jinx: I think she may be competing for favors, worried about that Arthur… Will rob her of her place in Superman’s heart.

Deadpool: What? Besides Batman, are Superman and Aquaman related? (⊙o⊙)

John Constantine: Amazing! Amazing, even if I am a Yin countryman, this is too shocking.

Clark Kent: No… It can’t be. ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Jerome Valeska: Ahem, I think you’re thinking too much.

Jerome Valleska: Based on some of my own immature judgments, the lady named Diana may have wanted to maintain her influence on Superman.

Jerome Valeska: She wants to be… The only one who is strong enough to influence Superman!

Jerome Valeska: It’s not about feelings, it’s purely a matter of righteousness.

Carol Danvers: Does she want to be the queen of Superman, the queen of the whole world?

Carol Danvers: What an ambitious guy!

Bruce Wayne: Not only that, this Wonder Woman wants to mold Superman into a… Decisive explosion of killing·· Monarch!

Bruce Wayne: So, she said to Arthur… Let the rulers beloved by the people have no interest or even some rejection!

Bruce Wayne: She doesn’t want Superman to be that kind of person!

Captain America: What a terrifying woman, what does she want?

Captain America: Artificially created an explosion that rules the world… Monarch? What’s the point of that?

God of War Kratos: Hahaha, I can understand her. ^_^

God of War Kratos: That Diana, the divinity in the body… Obviously beyond human nature!

God of War Kratos: In the eyes of the gods, human beings are like ants, and the so-called “benevolent rule and rule” and “supported by humans” are simply jokes!

God of War Kratos: As a god, why show mercy to a group of ants? Can you give me a reason?

Wonder Woman Diana: This, this,………… ∑( ̄□ ̄*|||

John Constantine: Okay guys, I heard all three views refreshed. (⊙_⊙)

The Flash Barry Allen: Is this the world of the gods?

Morty: Can’t afford to mess with it! Can’t afford to mess with it!

Nick Fury: No wonder the name of this video… It’s called “God on Earth”! That’s what it means!

In the live broadcast room.

“Humans … It should not be ruled by God. ”

Young Master Wayne sighed lowly, suddenly turned his head, and glanced at Geromah who was standing in the corner.

Judging from the speech just now, this young man full of books has a very clear mind.

But somehow, Young Master Wayne always felt… You shouldn’t take him lightly.

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