Suddenly, I found that everyone in the live broadcast room was looking at themselves with strange eyes, even Clark, and Master Wayne was a little embarrassed at first, but quickly recovered.

With his clever mind, Bruce Wayne sorted out the clue in an instant.

Even he himself would not think that killing an invading alien would be considered a violation of the “principle of not killing”.

After all, which law on earth … Can you control the battlefield of fighting aliens?

Moreover, Young Master Wayne also understood where the worries of his own variant came from.

In the end, superhuman power is too strong.

If he makes any wrong judgment or starts to rush people’s lives, no one can stop him.

And, by now, Bruce Wayne can also be sure … On their own variants, there is no kryptonite.

Otherwise, his fear of Superman would not have reached such a point.

“What a hassle…”

Young Master Wayne sighed secretly, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

In his opinion. The most worrying at the moment. It’s not Superman in that universe, but Batman.

Due to the lack of a powerful counterweight to Superman, this Batman has become more and more obvious… Overwhelmed by your own fears.

If this continues, his concerns and cautions about Superman are likely to turn into some kind of “self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Batman feels that Superman may pose a threat to the world, so he will do everything possible to contain Superman.

The result of this is likely to be… Superman really became a threat to the world…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After gaining the support of all peoples, Superman decides to further strengthen his control over the world in order to preserve the hard-won peace. 】

[But to do this, the Justice League alone is obviously not enough.] 】

[So in desperation, Superman decided to find his best friend… Lex Luthor helped. 】

[And as the best scientist on the planet, Lex Luthor really lived up to expectations and came up with his new invention… Superman potion. 】

[After taking this potion, it can improve the physical strength of human beings tens of millions of times in a short period of time, so that it can almost compete with superhumans. ] 】

[Although this ability cannot last, it is definitely not something that anyone other than Superman can resist. 】

[But which earthlings should take these drugs cannot be decided for a while. ] 】

[So, Lex Luthor simply stored the prepared superhuman medicine in the space base of the Justice League… In the watchtower. 】

[One night, someone suddenly sneaked into the room where Lex Luthor stored the superhuman medicine and stole the only medicine in the world. 】

[This person is none other than Damian Wayne. 】

[After stealing the superhuman pill and eating it in his stomach, Damian used the Lookout Tower’s teleportation system to transmit to Earth and came to Batman’s Batcave. ] 】

[Entering the familiar bat cave, Damian stood in front of Nightwing’s uniform, his eyes full of guilt. ] 】

[At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Damian. 】

[It turned out to be Alfred.] 】

[The reason why Damian suddenly left the watchtower and returned to the bat cave was actually a message from Alfred. 】

[Facing the wanderer who finally returned home, Alfred was full of relief and tried to persuade Damian to return home and stop being angry with Batman. ] 】

[And at this moment, with the sound of the Batmobile, Batman also returned to the Batcave. ] 】

[Seeing his father, Damian’s bear child nature has another attack. 】

[Due to the different positions and views of the two fathers and sons, they soon quarreled again. 】

[Seeing that the father and son quarreled again, Alfred hurriedly walked to Damian’s side, wanting to persuade,]

[Who knows, Damian forgot that he just took the superhuman medicine and waved it casually… Just knocked Alfred out! 】


[Alfred slammed into the screen of the Batcave, and then fell weakly to the ground.] 】

[“Damian! You…”

[Seeing that Daming first killed Ye Ye by mistake, and now hit Alfred, Batman’s disappointment and anger surged in his heart at the same time. ] 】

[As a father, he instinctively stepped forward and wanted to restrain the bear child. 】

[Who knew that when Damian saw Batman leaning up, his instinct was to punch and knock his father away! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Batman crashed into a giant memorial coin in the Batcave, hundreds of kilograms of coins, fell in an instant, and was about to press on Alfred! ] 】

[“Don’t! “】

[Just when Alfred raised his hands in horror, thinking that he would be squashed by the coin the next moment…]

[A woman suddenly appeared and easily caught the heavy giant coin. 】

[It turns out that this person is one of the members of the Justice League… Eagle Girl. 】

[Watching the Eagle Girl make a move and save Alfred, Damian was relieved, and several questions suddenly surged in his heart. 】

[How did this woman know the location of the bat cave?] 】

[Moreover, where did she have so much strength to lift such a heavy giant coin?] 】

[As the son of Batman and the grandson of the ninja master, Damian soon came to a terrifying conclusion. 】

[“This Hawk Girl is not a Hawk Girl! “】

[“She was pretended by someone else!”] “】

[With Damian’s shrewdness, he even quickly guessed who the person pretending to be the Eagle Woman was.] 】

[“Boom! “】

[I saw that this bear child quickly threw the flame bomb on his body to the ground, causing a raging fire! ] 】

[“Oops! “】

[Under the influence of the flames, the eagle girl suddenly appeared in her original form. 】

[It turns out that he is the most famous changer in the Justice League… Martian Manhunter! 】

[Although this person also has various superpowers such as flying and super power, he has a fatal weakness, that is, he is afraid of fire! ] 】

[The changed Eagle Girl of the Martian Manhunter is actually a trick of Batman buried in the Justice League to probe Superman’s intelligence. ] 】

[Now, although the identity of the Martian Manhunter has been revealed, Batman has also known… Lex Luthor has invented some kind of superhuman medicine that can elevate mortals to superhumans! 】

[Damian, who noticed the existence of the undercover agent, also fled back to the watchtower directly with a smoke, and told Superman and others everything. ] 】

[“This is Batman’s consistent style! “】

[In front of everyone in the Justice League, Damian talked eloquently, and did not hesitate to tell all the information and entrustment of his father:]

[“Of you… No one knows my father better than I do! “】

“But even I don’t dare to say I know him. “】

[“This person is definitely acting unscrupulously! I’ve seen before… He keeps archives of all of you. “】

[“The entire Justice League! All the strengths and weaknesses of superheroes are recorded by him! “】

“Not only that, but not only your personal affairs, but also your friends, your family, your past! “】

[Speaking of this, Damian’s eyes suddenly became a little deep:]

“If Batman feels the need, he will not hesitate to use these retributions against you!”] “】

[“Then each one breaks!”] “】

[Hearing Damian’s series of descriptions of Batman, there was a sudden silence in the watchtower. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the sound of gasping for air continued to sound. 】

[“How come?”] Batman is actually such a person? “】

“Did he also find my weakness?” “】

[“It’s incredible…”]

[The faces of everyone in the Justice League were shocked, the expressions on their faces were completely frozen, and most of them almost couldn’t believe their ears. 】

[Is this Batman who is considered the brain of the Justice League?] 】

[He actually from the beginning… Treat all superheroes except yourself as potential enemies? 】

“That’s true. “】

[The face of half of the steel bone turned into steel, and it was suddenly full of anger. ] 】

[At this moment, he immediately remembered the scene that happened in the Arkham Asylum not long ago. 】

[At that time, it was just a face, and he was put by Batman! ] 】

[It turns out that when he and Batman met, the other party had already set up a backdoor in his database! ] 】

[Faced with such a situation, Superman also made a move that no one expected. 】

[He activates the communication system on the watchtower and broadcasts directly to the world, wanting to reveal Batman’s true identity.] 】

[But Superman forgot one thing, the watchtower base they are in was funded by Batman, or Bruce Wayne, from the beginning! ] 】

[Sitting in the Batcave, Batman looked at Superman on the screen, and just pressed a button, which directly paralyzed the entire watchtower, while blocking all the signals in the watchtower! ] 】

[This is the horror of banknote ability! ] 】

“What happened? “】

[“What’s going on? “】

[Inside the watchtower, all the superheroes floated in mid-air, because the gravity system has been turned off, and they are all weightless now.] 】

[“Abominable! All systems were offline, even the power was cut off. “】

[Steel bone said with a shocked face:]

“Even the life support system has been shut down. “】

“Batman stopped our oxygen? The Flash asked incredulously:]

“His son is here, too.” “】

[Lex Luthor is still calm:]

“We have to drop the watchtower to Earth before we run out of oxygen. “】

[“Superman, now we can only count on you and Wonder Woman…”

“Nope! “】

[At this time, Superman made a different decision again, only to see his eyes shining with wisdom, and said in a deep voice:]

“That’s what Bruce Wayne wants us to do. “】

“He wants to use this means to disrupt our rhythm, and thus for himself … Gain time to make a plan. “】

“But I will never give him time!”] “】

[“Since I decided to publish his identity, then I just want to do it!”] “】

[Looking at the resolute Superman in front of him, Steel Bone said a little helplessly:]

“Now that the power to the watchtower has been cut off, I can’t use the communication equipment.”] “】

[At this moment, Damian Wayne suddenly stood up, pointed to the steel bone and said:]

“You’re a living supercomputer. “】

[“And you…”]

[Damian looked back at Lex Luthor and said:]

“It’s the smartest man on earth. “】

“You two combined, can’t you still get a simple sentence online?”] “】

[Like a word to break the dream person, like the steel bone who woke up from a dream and Lex Luthor looked at each other, they both saw the realization in each other’s eyes. ] 】

A few minutes later, on the largest social networking site on the planet, Superman used his account to post a short tweet. 】

“Batman is Bruce Wayne. “】

【Next moment,…… The world shakes! 】

[This is Superman’s counterattack! ] 】

[With the help of the son of Batman, Superman uses his intelligence and knowledge of Batman, in this showdown… Won Game 1! 】

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