
“In the exclamations and screams of countless revenants, Kratos fell into hell. “】

[“Below, the River Styx is waving to him. “】

“This eerie river of the underworld is enough to take away the most powerful mortals in the world and bring them to the eternal burial place. “】

“But … Kratos didn’t plan to sleep like this! “】

“He wants to live and return to earth to fulfill his mission!” “】

[“Seeing that the River Styx was getting closer and closer to him, Kratos, who was falling in the air, suddenly found something, and finally stretched out his hand and grabbed it hard. “】

[“Ahhh! “】

“With an exclamation, caught by Kratos… It’s actually a person! “】

I saw that this man was trying to pick up a bunch of monster skeletons, desperately hanging in mid-air. “】

And his voice sounded familiar. “】

“Let go of me, you idiot.”] “】

“You will drag me into that cursed river!”] “】

Kratos dragged the man’s body up while also recalling the man’s true identity. “】

[“It turns out that this long-lost unlucky bastard turned out to be the captain who was thrown into the esophagus of Hydra by him! “】

[“Although this guy has died a long time ago, he has not been until now… Haven’t fallen into the River Styx yet. “】

[“Huh… There is still a task waiting for me to complete in the world, and I don’t plan to die like this! “】

[” Kratos sneered, pulled out the Chaos Blade from behind, and fiercely inserted it into the captain’s back, completely penetrating his body! ] “】

[“Ahhh! “】

[“As the captain of the spirit body, blood actually spewed out of his mouth again! “】

[“Using the Blade of Chaos as a staircase, Kratos stepped on the captain’s spirit body and climbed all the way up the monster’s skeleton. “】

But surprisingly, although you were “fatally” seriously injured, you turned into the captain of the spirit body, but you are not “dead”. “】

And on the edge of the monster’s bones, the captain looked up at Kratos, who climbed up, and his face suddenly showed a look of horror. “】

[“You! It turned out to be you again! “】

“He never dreamed that he had already fallen into hell, and he still couldn’t escape this terrible killing star! “】

[“Get out!” “】

“Kratos didn’t stop doing anything, he simply flew up and kicked the captain down fiercely. “】


With a long scream, the captain fell all the way into the scarlet Styx below, and there was no more sound. “】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively again.

The Flash Barry Allen: Oh my God, what’s going on? I couldn’t believe my eyes. ( ̄△ ̄; )

Deadpool: I wipe! This is really handsome, that captain was actually killed again!

Deadpool: This guy… It’s really a ghost that can’t escape Kratos! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Captain America: To be honest, this Kratos is so ferocious and kills countless people! If he really died like this, it might still be a good thing for this world.

Ghost Rider: I don’t disagree with your opinion of Kratos, but he is clearly not dead, and in turn has become the god of war!

Master Mordo: Resurrection from hell, does this involve magic?

Bruce Wayne: No! Compared to magic, I think this should be divine power!

Bruce Wayne: Do you remember? In the city of Athens, Kratos meets the old man who claims to be digging a grave for him!

Bruce Wayne: In other words, this old man had already foreseen that Kratos would die!

Master Mordo: God? Could it be that this old man is a god, but how could God transform himself into a gravedigger?

Wonder Woman Diana: As far as I know. Among the Olympian gods… Many of them like to become adults and then dive into the world for fun.

Wonder Woman Diana: And the one who likes to do it the most…

Stephen Strange: That’s Zeus, as I mentioned before, Zeus turned himself into an ox and took the Phoenician princess Europa.

Lori Jinx: You’re right, is that Zeus a pervert? (⊙_⊙)

Wonder Woman Diana: ……… ╥﹏╥

Nick Fury: If that gravedigger was really Zeus’s change, then the whole thing about Kratos against Ares… It may all be just a conspiracy of this god king.

God of War Kratos: ……………

Bruce Wayne: Not only that, but it seems to me that Ares has his conspiracy too.

Nick Fury: Oh?

Bruce Wayne: It’s just a simple reasoning, after all, why did this god of war choose to be in the present… Attack on Athens?

Bruce Wayne: If he just wanted to go to war, he didn’t have to go out himself.

Nick Fury: You mean… The god of war Ares personally went to war, is he trying to lure someone?

Nick Fury: Could it be that he was trying to seduce Kratos?

Carol Danvers: Ha, a god, would strike specifically for an ordinary mortal?

Carol Danvers: You think too highly of him.

Bruce Wayne: Mortal Kratos certainly wasn’t worth it, Ares shot, but do you remember? Before Quidos dies… What was the last thing he saw?

Carol Danvers: ……… That box?

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! It’s Pandora’s Box!

Bruce Wayne: That’s right, that’s what Ares wants!

Bruce Wayne: If I’m not mistaken, the reason why he personally went out was to seduce the gods and give Panandora’s box to Kratos, so… Ares can snatch it!

Bruce Wayne: If this box allows a mortal to kill a god, what if it falls into the hands of a god?

God of War Kratos: This god can kill the god king Zeus!

God of War Kratos: Humph, Ares! Zeus! This is your conspiracy!

The Flash Barry Allen: Is this a game between gods? I was dizzy from hearing it.

Ghost Rider: The father wants to kill his son, and the son also wants to kill his father, which is worthy of Greek mythology, which is wonderful!

Wonder Woman Diana: Sigh… (╯_╰)

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen,]

【Image continues】

[That calm narration voice also sounded again.] 】

“Although climbing up the bones of that monster, Kratos is still deep in hell and has no way out. “】

Just when he was helpless, a rope suddenly fell from the blood-colored sky. “】

Feeling that he had nowhere to go, Kratos simply climbed up the rope. “】

No one expected that Kratos would climb along the rope all the way to the city of Athens. “】

And the place where he climbed out in front of him happened to be the grave dug for Kratos by that strange mad old man outside the Temple of the Prophet before! “】

[“Kratos actually crawled out of his grave! “】

And this strange old man happened to be standing next to the grave and said with a smile: ]

“The time is right, Kratos, I also just dug your grave. “】

Looking at the old man in front of him, Kratos asked with a solemn expression: “】

“Who are you?” “】

The old man said indifferently: “】

“Athena is not the only god watching you, the Spartans. “】

“Go and complete your mission, Kratos!”] Athens needs you! “】

“Then the gods will forgive your sins! “】

As soon as the words fell, this strange old man disappeared in front of Kratos like green smoke. “】

[“Although I faintly feel that something is wrong, Kratos, who is full of hatred for Ares… Still dropped the matter and rushed directly to the square of Athens. “】

[At this time, Ares, the god of war, had already hung Pandora’s box on his wrist and shouted to the sky: ]

[“Zeus, now you see how powerful your son is? “】

“You gave all your favor to Athena!”] But her city has been reduced to ruins under my feet! “】

[“Now, even Pandora’s box has fallen into my hands, aren’t you afraid… Do I use it against Olympus? “】

Suddenly, the smug Ares suddenly sensed something. “】

He looked back and saw Kratos standing behind him, like a larger ant, looking up at him. “】


[” glanced contemptuously at Thrush, turned his head again, looked at the sky and shouted: “]

[“Old man, is this your killer skill? “】

[“You actually sent a weak mortal to deal with me? “】

[“Just when the god of war Ares was disdainful of Kratos and looked up at the sky to boast, Kratos condensed a bolt of lightning with the divine power that Zeus gave him! “】

[“Ugh!” 】

The lightning in Kratos’ hand shot out and shot down Pandora’s box on Ares’ wrist in an instant. “】

After the magic box landed, Kratos immediately rushed forward and opened it. “】

[“Ugh! “】

[“In an instant, the god-killing power in Pandora’s box was released, dissolving into Kratos’s body, causing his body to expand wildly, and soon became as tall as Ares! “】

[“Facing the reborn Kratos in front of him, the arrogant Ares still does not put him in his eyes:”]

[“Hmph! You’re still just a mortal, just as you were when you begged me to save your life. “】

“I’m completely different from what I was then, Ares! “】

“Prepare to die now. “】

Pulling out the Blade of Chaos, which had been strengthened by the power of Pandora’s box, Kratos roared and rushed towards Ares. “】

[“This battle to kill the gods has begun! “】

“But not long after fighting Kratos, Alves was immediately surprised to find that this legendary imprint warrior… Already have the power above him! “】

[“In addition to the god-killing power in Pandora’s box, countless battles over the years have also brought Kratos’ combat skills to the pinnacle of humanity! “】

[“Now, wielding the Blade of Chaos… There is only one thought in my head! “】

[“It’s killing Ares in front of you!”] “】

[“Avenge your wife and daughter! “】

[“Abominable! “】

Unable to believe that he had fallen into the downwind, Ares roared and unleashed strange magic, pulling Kratos into the illusion. “】

[“In this fantasy realm, Kratos saw his wife and daughter again, and countless people rushed out of the surroundings… An undead exactly like him before. “】

“These undead seem to be about to kill his wife and daughter again in front of Kratos!”] “】

[“Stop! “】

“Unable to accept that nightmare repeating itself again, Kratos pulled out the double blade of chaos and frantically killed these “selves.” “】

[“In order to protect his wife and daughter, Kratos slaughtered all these undead who looked exactly like himself! “】

But at this moment, Ares’s voice sounded in the illusion again. “】

“Kratos, you can’t save them. “】

“You abandoned your wife and children for the sake of supreme power! “】

“No, I didn’t know it would be such a price! I don’t want them to die at all! “】

As if touched by Ares’ words, Kratos roared in excitement in the illusion. “】

[“Seeing the will of this imprint warrior in front of you… Finally, there was a loosening, and Ares laughed proudly: “】

[“Hahaha! There is nothing that compares to the power I give you. “】

“But you betrayed me!”] So…… Now you are no longer worthy of my power! “】

[“Taking advantage of the moment Kratos’s heart was shaken, Ares used his divine power to seize the Chaos Double Blade that he had given Kratos. “】

Next, these two terrifying blades seemed to have eyes, and once again stabbed at Kratos’s wife and daughter. “】

[“Remember, Spartans! What you have… It can only be death forever! “】

[“Don’t! “】

But your wife and daughter died tragically in front of him that time, and Kratos’s will seemed to finally collapse, and he fell to his knees helplessly, his face full of horror and despair. “】

[“No… Don’t be like this again. “】

At this time, in the square of the city of Athens, Ares looked at Kratos, who had fallen to the ground in front of him and had lost his will to fight, and proudly raised the blade in his hand. “】

“Just now, he used the illusion created by divine power to destroy Kratos’s will. “】

[“Now, although this Spartan in front of him still has the power to kill gods, the soul in his shell should be dead! “】

[“Prepare to die! “】

[“Ares swung his blade and was about to slash Kratos’s head, but at this moment, the vengeful anger in Kratos’s heart. Suddenly, it burned again! “】

“Nope! , I haven’t finished my revenge, how can I die like this? “】

Kratos jerked his head at the last moment, just in time to catch a glimpse of the giant sword in the hand of the statue of Athena next to him. “】

[“This sword is called the “Blade of the Gods”, it is not an ordinary weapon, it also contains amazing divine power! ] “】

[“Ha! “】

[“Dodging Ares’ attack at the last moment, Kratos rolled over, grabbed the statue, and raised the sword of the gods! “】

[Then, he turned his head and fought the final battle with Ares again! “】

[“At this time, Kratos, who once again witnessed the death of his loved ones in front of him, had poured all his anger into the sword in his hand! “】

[“With every blow, he gathered his life’s strength! “】

[“Ah! “】

“Chance by Kratos again, Ares’ face was also full of shock and disbelief. “】

[“Are you the god of war? “】

[“How could you be defeated by this mortal again and again? “】

“Kratos, don’t forget! I saved you. “】

In desperation, Ares begged Kratos for mercy. “】

“When I killed your relatives, I just wanted you to become the best fighter. “】

[“Hmph! Then you did it! “】

[“Kratos didn’t continue to roar, just snorted coldly, and then took the blade of the gods in his hand… Fiercely inserted into Ares’s fierce chest! “】


Ares roared, blood like a waterfall spurted out of his mouth, and then fell to the ground with a bang. “】

[“The God of War, just died at the hands of a mortal! “】

And by killing Ares, Kratos also completed the contract with the gods of Olympus. “】

“His last mission is over. “】

But when Kratos saw Athena again and asked him to fulfill his promise, Athena gave an amazing answer. “】

“Well done, Kratos. “】

Athena said calmly, ”

“Your sins have been forgiven in reward for you, but I have never promised to take away your nightmares. “】

“Both man and God will always remember the terrible evil deeds you did! “】

[“Upon hearing this, Kratoston was struck by lightning, and the whole person was stunned, and only then did he realize that he was just a tool man under the gods of Olympus,”]

[“The gods … From the beginning, I just intended to take advantage of him. “】

After learning that he would never be able to get out of the nightmare of the past, the disheartened Kratos climbed the cliffs on the shore of Athens. “】

“Now… All hope has been lost. “】

“The Olympian gods have abandoned him. “】

[“Kratos, who was completely loveless, took a step forward, and the whole person suddenly fell into the stormy waves of the Aegean Sea. “】

“After ten years of pain, ten years of nightmares, everything can be over. “】

“Only death can free him from madness. “】

But Kratos didn’t know that the gods’ use of him as a tool man was not over. “】

[“When it jumped into the icy waters of the Aegean Sea, a divine force suddenly descended from the sky and pulled Kratos to the shore! “】

[Then, Athena reappeared in front of Kratos, claiming that now that Ares is dead, Olympus needs a new god of war! “】

And the gods thought that the most suitable person was Kratos. “】

[In this way, Kratos not only killed the god of war Ares as a mortal! He even took over his throne as the new god of war! “】

At this time, the screen gradually dimmed.

[“God of War Part II”… End of playback】

PS: Next is the Flash, and then there’s a new round of live broadcasting. ^_^

PS2: Wouldn’t it be a bit abrupt to let the characters from Digga Ultraman join? Feeling out of place?

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