[Image continues.] 】

[After the appearance of reverse lightning, Dr. Wells’ team successfully controlled this speedster with the force field device set up before. 】

[Faced with the real murderer of Barry Allen’s mother in front of him, black police detective “Joe” wanted to get words out of his mouth, but Reverse Lightning ignored him and only talked to Dr. Wells. 】

[But the two only said a few words, trapped the force field device of the reverse lightning, and suddenly something went wrong! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[I saw a flash of light! ] The reverse lightning caught Dr. Wells in the force field equipment! 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[I saw the reverse lightning punching and kicking Dr. Wells in the force field, hitting him with blood all over his face. 】

[Seeing that Dr. Wells was about to be killed, the black police detective “Joe” quickly turned off the force field device, but this only released the reverse lightning. ] 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[After the reverse lightning was freed, he first snatched the faster-than-light particles, and then killed all the policemen present, leaving only Eddie Swan and “Joe”. 】

[Although the Flash also rushed over, in the face of the reverse lightning whose strength was far above him, he was also flattened again without suspense. ] 】

[Fortunately, just when the Flash was beaten to the ground, Catherine’s ex-boyfriend Ronnie suddenly appeared, and he who had turned into a “firestorm” casually released a powerful flame and knocked the reverse lightning away. ] 】

[After World War I, Eddie Swan fell into extreme depression and doubt, he couldn’t understand it at all… Reverse lightning killed so many policemen present, but he didn’t even touch himself! 】

[What’s going on here?] 】

[Next, the screen turned, and came to Dr. Wells’s secret room.] 】

[Wells came to the secret room and opened the door with his ring, and inside was the yellow suit of anti-lightning! ] 】

[The faster-than-light particle accelerator that he has personally modified… Dr. Wells, who was mounted on the chest of the yellow battle suit and his face was full of wounds, said with a smile:]

“Merry Christmas! “】

[This faster-than-light accelerator is his Christmas gift to himself! ] 】

[It seems that Dr. Wells, or reverse lightning… Really have the ability to doppelganger! 】

[The Flash and others, although they still don’t know anything about this secret, but through the battle between The Flash and the Reverse Lightning, there are others who see the flaw. ] 】

[After putting it on, Sisko, a researcher at Star Lab, found black police detective “Joe”. 】

[In Sisko’s opinion, in the battle just now… The red and yellow lightning bolts are exactly the same as when Barry Allen’s mother was killed! 】

For years, Barry Allen claimed that there were two bolts of lightning when his mother was killed, but no one believed him. 】

[However, “Joe” is now seeing is believing, and he has to believe it. 】

[Through Sisko and “Joe’s” investigation, they recreate the night Barry Allen’s mother was killed 15 years ago.] 】

[By doing DNA identification of the blood on the wall, they determined … That red lightning bolt is Barry Allen as an adult! 】

[That is to say, in the future, Barry Allen used his super speed to travel through time and returned to the past! ] 】

[At the same time, Midtown has a new superpowered criminal, Mark. 】

[This person has a feud with Black Detective Joe, and he also has a terrifying ability to control the weather. 】

[Just as the Flash and Mark were fighting back and forth, researcher Sisko discovered another amazing thing. 】

[It turns out that the force field device that Dr. Wells used to trap the reverse lightning was not a problem at all! ] 】

[In order to better investigate, Sisko asks his female colleague Catherine… Help drag Dr. Wells so he can further investigate the device himself. 】

[On Day 2, under Sisko’s research, he discovered… The reverse lightning that was caught at the beginning is just an afterimage! 】

[On the other hand, Catherine tried to drag Wells as Sisko instructed.] 】

[But unexpectedly, she just turned around, and Dr. Wells disappeared! ] 】

[At this time, when Sisko had just discovered the truth about the reverse lightning, Dr. Wells suddenly appeared behind her, and… It’s actually standing! 】

【”Snap, pop”】

[While clapping, Dr. Wells said with a smile:]

“You’re so smart, Sisko, smarter than I thought.”] “】

[Facing Sisko, who saw through his true identity, Will said calmly:]

“My real name is Alberd Swan. “】

[It turned out that it was precisely because Alberd Swan and Eddie Swan were related that the reverse lightning did not kill him that night. ] 】

[Moreover, the reverse lightning also showed his doppelgänger stunt in front of Sisko. ] 】

[As long as he moves rapidly, he can create an illusion of extreme speed.] 】

[Not only that, but Reverse Lightning also claimed that he was originally going to kill Barry Allen 15 years ago. 】

[And the reason why Reverse Lightning has been teaching Barry Allen to use the power of godspeed is to use his power to return to the future. ] 】

[After confessing all the truth, the reverse lightning directly shook his arm at high speed, and then inserted it into Sisko’s murderous mouth. ] 】

[Kill people and kill mouths, never suffer from future troubles.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Deadpool: Doppelganger! Can you be avatar with super speed? Is this really not magic?

Stephen Strange: It seems that it must be some kind of “afterimage illusion” created with super speed.

Stephen Strange: But this kind of thing… It’s really magical.

The Flash Barry Allen: Abominable! Sisko!

After waking up, Barry Allen has a decent relationship with this approachable researcher.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be so easy… He was killed by the reverse lightning!

Ghost Rider: Humph, this villain! Even if he killed his disciple Sisko, the other female employee, Catherine, knew the cause and effect.

Ghost Rider: It seems that the true identity of this anti-lightning bolt will soon be exposed!

Nick Fury: It’s really that simple, this guy seems to have been in seclusion on this timeline for 15 years.

Nick Fury: Such a deep-minded supervillain may not be exposed so easily.

The Flash Barry Allen: Don’t bother! I’ll go find Dr. Wells now, bring him down once and for all, and avenge my mother!” (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○

Bruce Wayne: If only to knock him down. Maybe it’s not too difficult for you. But then, how do you prove your father’s innocence?

The Flash Barry Allen: This……… (⊙_⊙)

Bruce Wayne: Maybe we should think of a way to get Reverse Lightning to confess his sins so that we can pay your father’s innocence.

The Flash Barry Allen: Can this really be done?

Bruce wayne:…………

To be honest, Young Master Wayne didn’t have much confidence at the moment.

A sophisticated figure like Reverse Lightning can’t fool him at all with ordinary means!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, on the other side, the superpowered criminal Mark kidnapped the black police detective “Joe” and used his superpower to cause a huge tsunami that tried to flood the entire Midtown. ] 】

[At the moment of life and death, Joe’s daughter Iris confided her true feelings to Barry Allen in front of her, saying that she has always loved each other. ] 】

[Looking at the woman in front of him who loved him deeply, Barry Allen no longer hid it, and directly turned into the Flash in front of Iris. ] 】

[Then The Flash rushed out and decided to save the city with all his power! ] 】

[In order to block the impending tsunami, The Flash ran along the coastline at his fastest speed, trying to create a wind wall with super speed to resist the huge waves. 】

[In the face of all the previous horror crises, The Flash has raised his speed to the fastest level! ] 】

[An invisible wind wall began to rise from the shoreline! ] 】

[But at this moment, because the speed is too fast, the Flash seems to have broken a space-time barrier! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In an instant, the Flash left the coastline and suddenly came to the streets of Midtown. 】

[Also, time seems to have moved from day to night.] 】

[Looking at the familiar scene on the street in front of him, the Flash suddenly woke up. ] 】

[Wasn’t this last night?] 】

[Do you say… Did he go back in time? 】

[Back at Star City Lab, Barry Allen told Dr. Wells about his journey back in time and back in time. 】

[And the Doctor also seriously warned him that traveling through time will bring unpredictable dangers! ] 】

[To avoid irreparable damage to the timeline, Dr. Wells suggests… Barry Allen don’t tell anyone about this, and must live today as it is. 】

[Otherwise, even a slight discrepancy may lead to unimaginable consequences.] 】

[But Barry Allen did not listen to the Doctor’s words, and as soon as he left Star Lab, he immediately killed the super criminal Mark who could manipulate the weather… He was put in a superpower prison. 】

[In this way, the tsunami threat that Midtown is about to face disappears.] 】

[But due to the backlash that disrupted time, Barry Allen encountered a series of unfortunate things in his life. ] 】

[Fortunately, on the other side, Sisko and Black Detective Joe once again turned their suspicious eyes to Dr. Wells. 】

[But this time, instead of risking Wells, they set their sights on 15 years ago.] 】

“At the time, Dr. Wells appeared to have been in a car accident that killed his wife. 】

[Coming to the scene of the car accident, Sisko used his own instrument to detect the existence of faster-than-light particles. 】

[Following the instructions of the instrument, Black Detective Joe dug up a body in a wasteland on the side of the road. 】

After DNA testing, they finally determined that the body was the real Dr. Wells.] 】

[It turns out that 15 years ago, Reverse Lightning came to this time and now wants to kill Barry Allen as a child. ] 】

[However, the Flash also crossed with him! ] 】

[After a big battle between the two, Reverse Lightning can’t kill Barry Jr., he can only kill his mother to vent his anger. ] 】

[Moreover, due to time travel and the battle with the Flash, Reverse Lightning used up all its energy and was trapped in this past timeline.] 】

[His only hope of returning to the future is the Flash Barry Allen.] 】

[In order to help the Flash be born early, Inverse Lightning killed Dr. Wells, the inventor of the particle accelerator, and replaced it.] 】

[In this way, he can invent this instrument in advance and lead to the birth of The Flash!] 】

[After seeing through the true face of Dr. Wells, Sisko was on the computer… Examined the architectural model of the entire Star Lab and found that there was a small house that no one had ever entered, but it was real on the model! 】

[Barry and the others came to the outside of the secret room, and strangely, Barry Allen’s own palm print actually opened the door of the secret room. ] 】

[Everyone entered this secret room, and they found the anti-lightning suit hidden by Dr. Wells, as well as the artificial intelligence Gideon! ] 】

[On the screen Gideon shows, a future newspaper is still playing.] 】

[It reads: The Flash disappeared at the same time as the Reverse Lightning in a big war.] 】

[Just when Barry Allen and the others were shocked by everything in front of them, Sisko suddenly discovered that Dr. Wells had returned to the Star Laboratory and would soon come to this secret room! ] 】

[Barry Allen knows… He can’t beat Wells yet, or reverse lightning. 】

[But he didn’t know how to stop Gideon from telling Dr. Wells about their arrival.] 】

[Just as everyone was in a hurry, Gideon suddenly claimed… Will keep it secret for Barry Allen and others. 】

[It turns out that in the future, the person who created this artificial intelligence is Barry himself! ] 】

[After learning the true face of Dr. Wells, Barry Allen and others planned to take down the culprit.] 】

[According to Sisko’s dream, they set a similar trap again near the force field device, ready to lure Dr. Wells in. 】

[The Doctor was indeed invited, but the stance barrier they had prepared for Wells… But he easily passed through. 】

[Seeing that Dr. Wells was about to walk near Sisco, black police detective Joe directly took out his gun and fired three shots in a row! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Seeing this, Barry Allen was shocked and quickly rushed forward, wanting to grab the bullet with his hand. 】

[However, he only had time to grab two bullets, and the third bullet still hit Dr. Wells, killing him in an instant.] 】

[Seeing Dr. Wells lying on the ground without breathing, Barry Allen was suddenly grief-stricken. 】

[This culprit died, then his father… I can’t sink into the snow in this life. 】

[But at this moment, Dr. Wells, who died in front of everyone’s eyes, suddenly became another super criminal… Transfiguration! 】

[This transfiguration person can transform into anyone, and the Flash still took a lot of effort to catch him in a superpower prison. ] 】

[Looking at the “fake Dr. Wells” in front of them, everyone was stunned and speechless, completely unaware of what happened. ] 】

[At this moment, Dr. Wells’ voice suddenly sounded in the room:]

[“Huh… I’ve told you before. “】

“I’m always one step ahead of The Flash. “】

[“Abominable! “】

[An angry Barry Allen returns to Dr. Wells’ Chamber of Secrets, where he sees amazing images. 】

[Barry’s home, Joe’s home, the police station, the forensic office, the inside of Star Lab, and even the café on the street…]

[Dr. Wells actually used high technology to monitor all these places! ] 】

[It turns out that all this time, all of their every move is under the control of Wells! ] 】


Office of the Forensic Doctor.

Seeing this, Barry Allen was suddenly shocked, turned his head sharply, and looked around in horror.

Do you say… Is Dr. Wells spying on himself even now?

The series of live broadcasts just now were all seen by Wells?

PS: A new round of live streaming will begin tomorrow, first “Spider-Man Far From Home”, then “The Strongest Series” “SCP” and “Cthulhu Mythos”! ^_^

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