“After Wilcox woke up from his coma, he not only forgot what he had done before… All the dreams associated with Cthulhu, and never had similar dreams again. “】

“It’s like… He could no longer receive something. “】

“Since then, what Wilcox has told Professor Angel is some ordinary dreams that are meaningless. “】

So, the professor eventually stopped recording his dreams. “】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively again.

John Constantine: It’s terrible, and those who are affected and become crazy must be people with “inspiration”!

John Constantine: This Cthulhu psychic power… It can cover the whole world!

Thinking of this indiscriminate spiritual blow at the global level, Konstantin couldn’t help but gasp.

He has also been able to see all kinds of strange things since he was a child, and his inspiration is definitely one in a million, otherwise he would not be able to become a hellish detective in the two worlds of Yin and Yang at this age!

But in other words, if he was also in the world of Cthulhu, he would definitely be moved by the spiritual power of this Lord of Lalaye and enter that crazy dream!

Hermione Granger: Global scale? How is this possible? (⊙o⊙)

Sitting in the chair in her bedroom, Hermione shrunk into a ball, her face turned pale, and her body trembled slightly.

At this moment, an incredible thought suddenly popped up in the little girl’s mind.

“Fortunately, there is no Cthulhu in our world.”

Otherwise, once this monster unleashes his psychic power, I’m afraid that in addition to Dumbledore’s level of great wizards, the entire wizarding world… I’m afraid it’s going to crash!

In the face of this kind of old dominator who can affect the whole world with a single thought, how small the human mind should be!

Daddy: Can a demon who can sneak into human dreams? Daddy is not afraid of you!

Deadpool: Yes! What is there to be afraid of the octopus head, watch me slash you to death! Yaha! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○

Dad:………… Daddy suddenly had a sense of foreboding. (⊙_⊙)

Nick Fury: Even while still in the seal, you can use your psychic power to do such an incredible thing.

Nick Fury: If you really let this Cthulhu break the seal, in that era when technology was not yet prosperous, could humans really resist it?

Loki Odinson: Ha! Does this still need to be said?

Loki Odinson: Not to mention nearly a hundred years ago, the current human world, can it deal with this kind of old dominator who can cross the universe and the galaxy?

Loki Odinson: You know, in antiquity, the old dominators… But conquered an unknown number of planets in the universe!

Loki Odinson: What is the earth?

Carol Danvers: One thing I always find strange.

Carol Danvers: That Strange used to say something like, “Don’t look directly at God.”

Carol Danvers: But the young man who had nightmares, not in a dream… Saw that octopus head Cthulhu with your own eyes?

Carol Danvers: Not only did he not go crazy or die, but he recovered from his illness.

Carol Danvers: Did you say… This Cthulhu is not a “cosmic evil god” in the true sense?

Stephen Strange: No! I remember…… Cthulhu is a descendant of Jugsotos and gauze Nicholas.

Stephen Strange: That’s the Oneness of All Things and the Most High Mother Goddess!

Master Mordo: Not only that, but Cthulhu can convey his dreams to all corners of the globe! The strength is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Master Mordo: And the anomaly after Wilcox, I think… It should be “loss of inspiration”.

Carol Danvers: What?

John Constantine: His talent… Got gone?

Master Mordo: That’s right, he’ll be an ordinary person from now on.

Hermione Granger: This is terrible! If it’s in my world, it means… He’s become a Muggle.

John Constantine: Muggles?

Hermione Granger: It’s just an ordinary human who has no talent for casting spells at all, and it is absolutely impossible to become a wizard.

John Constantine: That is, this guy’s talent is dead! Thus changing his life! That’s good luck.

Hermione Granger: It’s terrible, death or loss of spell casting, I don’t know which is more terrifying?

Stephen Strange: Little girl, stop talking nonsense, no matter what kind of ability you lose, it’s better than giving your life!

Hermione Granger: ………

Bruce Wayne: One more thing, didn’t you all pay attention?

Bruce Wayne: The professor came and asked Wilcox as soon as he heard his story… Is it a member of the Cthulhu Order!

Bruce Wayne: That is. This archaeology professor knew about the existence of Cthulhu before!

Starlight: Huh? What’s going on? Could it be that archaeology… Are you still responsible for examining the old dominators? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Wayne: I don’t know the specifics, but I think the professor’s profession… Definitely related to this.

Speaking of this, Young Master Wayne’s expression did not move, but a trace of haze flashed in his eyes.

He was thinking, was the death of that Professor Angel really an accident?

If not, wouldn’t that mean… Even though it is deeply sealed, Cthulhu is still in the world and has its own spokesperson?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】


[“At home in Boston, Professor Angel’s grandnephew… Thurston put down the first manuscript he had read and let out a long breath. “】

At this time, his face already showed doubt, curiosity, horror, disbelief… and other emotional waves, can not calm down for a long time. “】

Thurston originally wanted to take a break, but his urgent curiosity was like an invisible pusher, driving him to quickly pick up the second manuscript left by his uncle and grandfather. “】

“In contrast to what happened to Wilcox, this manuscript records an old event from 17 years ago. “】

[“And the encounter with that Inspector Leglas on the manuscript, in addition to horror, is full of blood! “】

After seeing this manuscript, Thurston knew why his uncle and grandfather… Will believe Wilcox’s words so easily. “】

[“It turns out that Professor Angel has long been in contact with Cthulhu! “】

“Seventeen years ago, in 1908, Professor Angel was invited to attend the annual meeting of the Archaeological Society and made a wonderful speech. “】

And after the speech, an inspector who identified himself as John Legras approached him. “】

“This Inspector Leglas showed the professor an extremely ancient stone sculpture. “】

“This stone sculpture, which Legras seized a few months ago during a search of the Shoe Sect, seems to be the god they worship. “】

“Inspector Leglas didn’t know what kind of god this was, so he came to this archaeological society. “】

[“He hopes to get clues from experts, so that he can follow the vine and kill this organization!” “】

When Inspector Leglas took out this strange stone sculpture, all the archaeologists present were shocked. “】

“This stone sculpture is carved from inky gold stone, depicting a monster with an octopus-like head and countless tentacles on its face. “】

“The body of the monster is covered with strange gelatinous objects with scales on it. Although it has human limbs, there is actually a bunch of broken wings dragged behind its back. “】

The octopus monster squatted on a stone platform with illegible hieroglyphs engraved on the pedestal. “】

[“The whole stone carving technique is very exquisite, and the octopus monster carved is lifelike. “】

“But no matter how you look at it, you can feel a very evil ancient aura. It’s like facing a “miniature version” of the Elder Devil. “】

[“Based on the texture of this statue, some experts even believe that… It was probably made dozens of centuries ago, thousands of years ago. “】

“But no one can recognize which civilization this is the product of. “】

“Just when the archaeologists present for decades were helpless, a scholar finally stepped forward. “】

The scholar claims that nearly 50 years ago, he participated in an expedition to the North Pole. “】

“During that expedition, he encountered a group of Arctic tribes who were performing horrific rituals. “】

“This strange tribe seems to have practiced some kind of demonic worship and also practiced human priesthood in front of fires. “】

However, even in the face of this horrific scene, the scholar actually had the courage to step forward to communicate with this tribe. “】

“In that tribe, the scholar also saw an idol of a god that was very similar to the octopus-headed stone carving. “】

According to the accounts of the tribesmen, this ritual is a custom that they have passed down from ancient times. “】

“But because the time is so old, no one in the tribe knows what the true meaning of this ceremony is. “】

“Thankfully, the mantras chanted during the ceremony have survived intact. “】

“According to this scholar, the spell text he saw from that Arctic tribe… It is almost exactly the same as the hieroglyphs on the octopus head stone carving in front of you! “】

[According to the explanation of the great wizard of the tribe, this spell means: ]

[“In the palace of Lalaye, the sleeping Cthulhu is waiting for you! “】

[“Next, at the venue of the annual meeting of archaeology, at the urgent request of a group of archaeologists, Inspector Leglas finally had to say… He had collected the whole process of that strange stone sculpture from the hands of the Jungle Shoe Sect. “】

“Just a year earlier, in 1907, after receiving a report from a woman, Inspector Leglas led his men into a jungle. “】

“According to the woman, there is a mysterious group of strangers in the jungle, performing terrible rituals, and… It seems that quite a few people have died! “】

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