Hearing “Cthulhu may have woken up,” most of the people in the chat group were shocked.

After all, although this old ruler never appeared, his previous actions had already left a deep impression on everyone’s hearts.

Even if it has been sealed under the deep sea for countless years, it can still rely on powerful spiritual power to affect countless human beings around the world!

What happens once such a god awakens?

No one knows.

Or rather… Don’t want to know!

But even though it was shocked, someone soon discovered that something was wrong.

Bruce Wayne: That’s not right!

Bruce Wayne: If they boarded by these seafarers… It is really the ancient city of Lalaye that has risen back to the sea, and Cthulhu has awakened.

Bruce Wayne: How did that Gustav get back? Could he be able to fight Cthulhu?

Agent J: How is it possible! This is an alien evil god who has descended across the galaxy and descended on the earth!

Agent J: Even the most terrible weapon of mankind may not be able to hurt “Him”!

Agent J: Unless humans can get their hands on alien weapons, there is absolutely no chance of victory against Cthulhu.

As a member of the Men in Black, Agent J knows the horrors of aliens better than anyone.

In his opinion, humanity’s only hope against aliens … It’s about getting alien technology!

Otherwise, it is a sure defeat!

Daddy: That’s right, only magic can defeat magic! Aliens must be used against aliens.

Bruce Wayne: That’s not the strangest, according to that old seaman of West Ban, once Cthulhu wakes up, it will reconquer the entire earth, bringing horror to all mankind to kill, kill, frenzy and tide!

Bruce Wayne: Probably, only ‘his’ believers will be spared.

Bruce Wayne: But Gustav first fled back in a boat and then died of cardiac arrest. Thurston then went to his house and got the logbook from his wife.

Bruce Wayne: How many days have been here?

Bruce Wayne: What has Cthulhu been doing for so long?

Hermione Granger: Maybe… Did it fall asleep again? (O_O)

Morty: What? This is an alien god? I slept for an unknown number of tens of thousands of years, and finally woke up and slept again?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallowers: Alien deity… A lot of them are quirky.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: But it’s not to blame for this.

Hermione Granger: More than that! According to the old seaman, it would take the stars to move to the right position for the seal of Cthulhu to be lifted.

Hermione Granger: If Cthulhu went to sleep again, and when the position of the stars changed again, would he be sealed again?

Runaway Lori Jinx: Whahahaha! So much fun!

Violent Lori Jinx: The alien evil god has been repeatedly sealed for hundreds of millions of years, and it is actually because of sleep! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Tony Stark: There are too few reports to draw proper conclusions.

Tony Stark: But in terms of results, maybe… The old ruler did not really break free from the seal.

Hermione Granger: Phew… If that’s the case, at least, that world can continue to exist.

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen]

【Image continues】

[“Standing on the ship and looking at the nameless ancient city, Gustav John and several of his crew members were all terrified, and some even exclaimed. “】

“These patterns, and the text… What are all things? “】

“Unbelievable! No matter which sea it is, the map does not mark this island. “】

[“How is this possible, so where did this island come from?”] “】

After a while, someone finally raised his head in shock and shouted in a tone like waking up from a dream: ]

[“Tempest! It was the storm the day before yesterday! “】

[“On that day, maybe there was an earthquake or a volcanic eruption! “】

“So… The changes in the earth’s crust caused the island to rise from the bottom of the sea to the surface! “】

Listening to all kinds of strange speculations, Gustav John picked up the telescope and looked around at the towering stone pillars on the island. “】

“Even if he used up all his brain cells, he couldn’t imagine … What kind of means can be used to make such majestic stone products. “】

“And, most incredibly, all the stone pillars are carved with monstrous octopus monsters and dense hieroglyphics. “】

But after looking at it for a while, Gustav realized that something was wrong. “】

He jerked back at the armed speedboat they had seized from the blacks. “】

[“I saw a shrine in the most conspicuous place of the speedboat, and there was a statue inside. “】

“That statue, carved … It’s a monster with an octopus head! “】

[“Sure enough! These blacks are from this island! “】

“In other words, this island may be their base!”] Maybe there are still people above! “】

After thinking carefully, Gustav finally decided to lead the rest of the crew and land on this strange island. “】

“After all, they don’t even know where they are right now. “】

“Instead of drifting aimlessly in the ocean, landing on an island to survive is obviously the best policy. “】

“And after landing on the island, the seafarers were soon surprised to find that the island… It seems to be a huge rock. “】

“All the dirt is only shallow! It’s like being carried by the sea or the wind. “】

[“It’s incredible! What kind of ingenuity created such an island? “】

With such amazement and doubt, Gustav led the rest of the seafarers on an expedition around the island. “】

“They look everywhere and there are all kinds of strange scenery that subverts their imagination. “】

“Those twisted huge stone pillars and the strange angles of the buildings do not seem to be made by humans at all! “】

“In this labyrinthine ancient city, many crew members even have their vision distorted, as if they have stepped into some kind of strange magic realm. “】

[“In the midst of walking, sometimes, Gustav and others have to lower their bodies to climb! “】

“It’s as if they’re not walking on a plane at all, they’re climbing a peak.” “】

【”In this magic city, all the stairs, corridors, and even the terrain show a dizzying angle! “】

By this time, they were not sure whether the “ground” and the ocean they were standing on were horizontal? “】

After a long trek, the crew finally found a huge door carved with monsters. “】

[“The monster on the door, it is the seafarers who have come all the way… The octopus monster that I have long been accustomed to. “】

【”The huge door in front of you, some people in the crew even suspect that there may be treasures from ancient times hidden inside! “】

[After all, this kind of story of “straying into the lost ancient city and returning home after taking the treasure” has long been a familiar maritime legend for all seafarers! “】

Maintaining similar delusions, many crew members began to try to find a way to open this giant door. “】

“Someone started pushing the protruding places on the door, and someone started climbing towards the door, pressing all the places they climbed through. “】

[“After a while, I don’t know if someone really touched the mechanism, and this huge door slowly opened inward! “】

[“Looking at the darkness inside the door that seems to be enough to swallow everything after the gate is opened, among the seafarers… There are even people who are ready to go inside and find out. “】

But soon, the crew member who first stepped through the gate let out a terrifying scream. “】

[“Aaaa “】

With a terrible scream, the crew member took a step forward, as if falling into the abyss, and the whole person disappeared into the endless darkness behind the door, and even the shadow could not be found. “】

[“How come?”] “】

Gustav was shocked and raised the source of fire in his hand, ready to try to illuminate the darkness inside the door. “】

But he was soon stunned to find that the endless darkness seemed to be able to swallow even light! “】

At this moment, only listening to the “boom”, a huge claw suddenly stretched out from the darkness in the door. “】

[“Snap! “】

[“With just a flick of the giant claw, it knocked several crew members to pieces! “】

“It’s like crushing an ant!”] “】

[“Hula la…”]

[“Immediately after, with the sound of huge slimy limbs rubbing against the floor, a huge and terrifying monster emerged from the endless darkness in the door… Squirmed and walked out! “】

[“I saw that this monster had dragon-like wings, an octopus-like head, and its limbs were barely human-like, but its hands and feet all had sharp claws. “】

[The size of “it” is so big that it is almost impossible to describe in words! ] “】

[“Seeing this terrifying monster, all the seafarers immediately recognized it! ,”】

[“It” is exactly on the countless stone pillars of this island… Carved monsters! “】

[“Who would have thought that this nightmare-like demon was real! “】

[“Oh God! “】

[“Run away!”] “】

[“The devil! The devil has appeared! “】

[“Looking at the terrifying and invincible octopus monster in front of them, all the seafarers were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. “】

But because the horror caused by the octopus monster was so amazing, two seafarers actually fell straight down the moment they saw him and stopped breathing. “】

[“They were scared to death alive! “】

In this desperate situation, only Gustav and another crew member escaped back to the ship. “】

Next, desperately, they started the ship’s engines and prepared to leave the island. “】

[“Behind them, that terrifying octopus monster is actually walking on the surface of the sea! Continue to chase after without mercy! “】

[“Hahahaha! We’re dead! “】

[“The other crew just glanced back, and was immediately frightened by the true appearance of the monster and collapsed on the spot, letting out a maniacal laugh! “】

Feeling the horror of the octopus monster, Gustav made a decision in an instant. “】

[“Since the other party is walking freely on the sea, then… It is simply impossible to escape by boat. “】

“It” only needs a few more steps to catch up. “】

“So if you want to survive, the only way is to turn defense into attack and fight to the death! “】

[“After making up his mind, Gustav jerked the steering wheel and at the same time pushed the engine to maximum power, bringing the entire speedboat at maximum speed… Rush head-on towards the octopus monster. “】

“This is human courage! “】

[“Bang! “】

With a loud thunderous noise, something incredible happened! “】

[“This ship actually passed through the body of the octopus monster! “】


“A large amount of green gum is like blood flowing around, polluting a large area of the sea. “】

[“In an instant, the monstrous stench spread, as if 1,000 graves had been opened in an instant! All kinds of smells of death and decay spread in all directions. “】

Gustav looked back and saw that although the octopus monster had been knocked out of a big hole, his body was like smoke, and it was rapidly reorganizing. “】

“However, it did not continue to catch up. “】

Gustav steered the ship with his last will and left the sea. “】

“That’s what was written in the logbook he left behind.”] “】

After reading this logbook, Professor Angel’s nephew Thurston’s mood could not be calmed for a long time. “】

[“As far as he knows, there were indeed people afterwards, according to Gustav’s whisper after his madness… I searched the sea, but found no trace of the ancient city of Lalaye. “】

“It seems that this ancient city should have sunk to the bottom of the sea again. “】

“As for that great Cthulhu, he must have fallen into a deep sleep again. “】

“But … Is this the end? “】

After thinking for a long time, Thurston collected the diary and two of his uncle’s manuscripts, locked them in a box, and decided to seal them forever. “】

“Maybe in the near future, Cthulhu will really wake up again and destroy everything humanity has created, but that doesn’t have much to do with him.”] “】

“Thurston knew he was going to die soon. “】

“He knows too much, and the Cthulhu Order will not let him go. “】

“Right now, Thurston has only one thought. “】

“After he dies, this information about Cthulhu… I won’t let the second person see it again…”

“When Thurston packed all the information into the box and locked it, the big screen dimmed. “】

[“Call of Cthulhu” ends. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was silent for a while, and then exploded.

Lori Jinx: What a joke, this is what came to Earth across the galaxy… Old Dominators?

Violent Lori Jinx: Actually knocked over by a ship?

Lori Jinx: I’m looking forward to it… I just want to see Cthulhu destroy the world! And you just let me see this? (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

Captain America: You… What do you want to see? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Nick Fury: It’s hard to believe, Cthulhu wouldn’t be that weak, would it?

Agent J: If it’s such an alien, I can solve it alone.

Bruce Wayne: No… There are several possibilities for this.

Bruce Wayne: And I think the biggest possibility is that it should be… The time for the stars to return to their places is still not here!

Bruce Wayne: Cthulhu, still under seal!

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