After watching the battle between the immortal lizard and the terrifying old man, everyone in the chat group was the evolutionary ability shown by this big lizard… And be amazed!

Bruce Banner: What’s going on with this lizard’s body? First I was conjuring up my eyes, and now I am simply conjuring tentacles!

Bruce Banner: Is it some kind of shapeshifter?

Venom: Hmph, but just attacking enemies with tentacles, I can do such a small thing!

Runaway Lori Jinx: Hahaha! Speaking of tentacles, maybe the final form of this crocodile’s evolution… It’s the tentacle octopus monster Cthulhu! ^_^

Hermione Granger: Don’t you think the foundation’s methods are too cruel compared to that?

Hermione Granger: They actually used the young man as live bait to lure the old man into the bait!

Hermione Granger: Even that terrifying old man knows, just hear the screams… It’s “dinner.” ”

Jerome Valeska: Calm down, SCP-106 will not eat its victims anyway. He will only crush them to death.

Hermione Granger: ……… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Jerome Valeska: Now, I’d like to see what the murderous doctor who is said to be full of “kindness” to mankind is.

Stephen Strange: That is not a murder doctor, but a plague doctor…

While everyone was discussing, a new image appeared on the screen.

And that weird narration voice also sounded again.

“The Plague Doctor is a humanoid individual with a height of 1.9 meters. “】

[“This man wears a thick black robe and a beak-like mask on his face, and his attire looks like that of a plague doctor in the Middle Ages. “】

“The strangest thing is that after the examination of the instrument, these clothes seem to have grown from his body! It has been completely connected to the skin and flesh of the plague doctor. “】

“But after X-ray testing, under the surface skin of the plague doctor, there is indeed a structure similar to that of human skeletons. “】

“Moreover, the plague doctor’s beak mask has become part of his bone structure. “】

“When he was taken in by the foundation, he still had a cane in his hand. “】

“It looks very similar to the kind of cane that ancient doctors used to examine patients through the air. “】

“The plague doctor speaks multiple languages, but he prefers to speak English and medieval French. “】

“Under normal circumstances, the plague doctor has always been very cooperative and reasonable. “】

“If you confront the researchers at the foundation, he will be very friendly. “】

“It seems that the plague doctors treat these scientists as their peers. “】

However, this gentle and friendly doctor is still classified by the Foundation as an “Euclid” level SCP. “】

“Under normal circumstances, the plague doctor would be extremely gentle and willing to cooperate in front of the Foundation’s personnel. “】

“But once you feel the presence that he thinks carries the plague, it becomes extremely aggressive! “】

[“In this state, the plague doctor will not only kill, but also the human corpses that die under his hands… Do something horrible! “】

“So far, no one has been able to figure out what the plague in the mouth of the plague doctor is? “】

“And. He has been refusing to reveal to the staff… Own definition of the plague. “】

In fact, although he has always been very reasonable, whenever someone asks him about the “plague”, then the plague doctor will immediately be very annoyed. “】

“Moreover, refuse to provide the most basic information about this so-called plague. “】

“For example, what are the symptoms of this plague? How is it diagnosed? Wait…”

“It appears that the reason why the plague doctors refused to disclose this information to the researchers may be because he believed … Those in white coats, since they are doctors, should naturally know these things. “】

“Moreover, the plague doctor can kill a person with just one touch! “】

To this day, the Foundation has struggled to determine the exact cause of death of the victims who died at the hands of the plague doctors. “】

“Thankfully, plague doctors can only kill when they touch each other’s skin. “】

“Therefore, all the guards in charge of guarding the plague doctor will wear the thickest protective clothing possible. “】

“Before killing the victim, the plague doctor would ask his victim questions like a real medical worker. “】

“But in the process of seemingly harmless interrogation, this strange man with a bird’s beak suddenly rushed to the victim at lightning speed, stretching out his hand… Just take his life! “】

“Sometimes, when killing the victim, the plague doctor thinks that the “plague” in these unlucky eggs has been cured. “】

“But sometimes, plague doctors also think that the problem hasn’t really been solved.” “】

In this case, the plague doctor will fall to his knees and show remorse for the corpse of his victim, believing that he has not been able to completely cure his patient, so that the “plague” still exists in the body of this unfortunate egg in some “way”. “】

“And from here, things get weirder. “】

“Once the plague doctor believes that there is still plague in the bodies of those victims, he will take various surgical instruments from the handbag he carries with him and operate on the corpse. “】

“For unknown reasons, the plague doctor seems to be able to remove an endless number of surgical tools from this bag. “】

“Sometimes, he can even take something out of the bag, something much larger than the bag itself. “】

[It seems that this bag is connected to other places, and the plague doctor did not use the bag to take things out, but only through this “door” and entered other spaces! ] “】

“And once the plague doctor completes its operation, the corpses he killed will be resurrected again and turned into some kind of zombie! “】

“These resurrected zombies have only the lowest level of intelligence and have no memories of life. “】

“Thankfully, they don’t actively devour human flesh and blood or brains like other legendary zombies. “】

“But once these zombies are provoked, or attacked by the order of the plague doctor, they become extremely aggressive! Crazy attempts to attack and kill… All living beings you come into contact with! “】

“Since he was taken in by the foundation, the plague doctor began to ask the foundation to provide him with a variety of warm-blooded animals. “】

“Those animals from pigs, cattle, sheep… Monkeys, so gorillas…”

“The plague doctor will first kill the animals by touch, and then use the surgical instruments in the surgical kit to operate on them and transform them into various animal zombies. “】

“It seems that in his opinion, the whole world is already sick! “】

[“In the eyes of the plague doctor, all living things may carry the plague! “】

[“Given that the Plague Doctor can instantly kill any living form just by touching, the Foundation has also considered using him to kill SCP-682… Don’t destroy the lizard! “】

[And the reason is simple, SCP-682’s greatest weapon is extremely powerful vitality! “】

[“SCP-682 can withstand most damage with its physical body regardless of any attack, and then recover with its terrifying self-healing abilities, and can also gain the ability to adapt to similar attacks. “】

“However, if the plague doctor is able to touch … If its life is terminated in an instant, SCP-682’s “life force”, “self-healing ability” and even “adaptability” cannot be used! “】

Driven by this motive, the Foundation finally decided to bring the Plague Doctor to SCP-682’s containment chamber. “】

“Thankfully, when the plague doctor first saw the Immortal Lizard, he reacted immediately. “】

[“Huh… The plague is indeed not just present in humans. “】

[” Issuing a calm voice, while staring at the hideous and terrifying large lizard in front of him, the plague doctor withdrew the glove on his right hand. “】

Seeing this, SCP-682 immediately let out a low roar of vigilance, while constantly retreating backwards. “】

“With some kind of weird sixth sense, this big lizard seems to have sensed the horror of this bird-beaked weirdo in front of him. “】

[“Ugh! “】

In an instant, the Plague Doctor rushed to SCP-682’s side at an astonishing high speed, wanting to touch it with his right hand. “】

[“However, SCP-682 is incredibly agile with its large body… Dodged this killer blow! “】

[“Roar! “】

With a roar, SCP-682 counterattacked with its claws, and the Plague Doctor dodged his blow. “】

Next, the two SCPs entered a state of confrontation, while the plague doctor was very uneasy, and was finally taken out of the containment room by the Foundation personnel. “】

“Afterwards, the Plague Doctor told the researchers that he was greatly mentally stimulated in the face of SCP-682. “】

[“The execution of SCP-682 using the Plague Doctor has failed again. “】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

The Flash Barry Allen: Unbelievable, who is this guy?

Starlight: This doctor doesn’t look like a bad person, he just wants to cure the patient.

Rocky Odinson: Cure? You can say that again!

Rocky Oddinson: Killing all humans and turning them into zombies can indeed cure all diseases. ^_^

Stephen Strange: Maybe the disease that the doctor wanted to cure was “death.”

Wanda Maksimov: Eh! Makes sense!

Wanda Maksimov: It sounds crazy, but if people die and then become zombies, they are indeed far from death.

Hermione Granger: You… You’re not serious, are you? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Wayne: That’s not right! Judging from the image just now, the doctor did not think… All humans suffer from the “plague”.

Bruce Wayne: He also talks to the Foundation’s general researchers, but he doesn’t kill them and turn them into zombies.

Stephen Strange: This…

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Wait a minute! I remembered, what this doctor wants to cure, will it be the “IT” that appeared in the previous live broadcast?

Stephen Strange: What you’re talking about is lurking in the Foundation universe… All earth humans, monsters in the depths of consciousness?

Stephen Strange: Can all human, conscious and operational beings be manipulated?

Deadpool: Hahaha! If he really wanted to kill that thing. Then everyone should be killed!

Deadpool: It’s like my variant, slaughtering the Marvel Universe!

Bruce Wayne: That’s not right again, because the Plague Doctor isn’t hostile to everyone.

Jeromé Valeska: Inexplicably, maybe this guy is simply crazy! You can’t use logic to infer the actions of a madman!

Bruce Wayne: Crazy… Is it?

Stephen Strange: As a doctor, I don’t know if this bird’s beak doctor is crazy. However, the surgical bag in his hand is definitely a magic item!

Mage Mordo: Well, I also think so, being able to take out an item larger than the bag itself can only be space magic!

John Constantine: But… This doctor has never shown signs of magic.

John Constantine: Did someone else give him this surgical kit?

Stephen Strange: It’s hard to understand, there are so many mysteries about this doctor.

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[That strange narration sound sounded again.] 】

[“The plague doctor was discovered by the Foundation in the countryside of the country of Qi. “】

“However, the origin of this SCP remains a mystery within the foundation. “】

“Because, the plague doctor refused to discuss anything related to his past. “】

[“No one could have imagined that this amiable-looking bird-beaked doctor was really born in the era of plague, plague, rampant, and travel! “】

“Moreover, the magical power he has mastered is also related to a supreme divinity. “】

[“This supreme divinity is the youngest of the three brothers of death, but also has the strongest divine power! “】

“The Plague Doctor gained incredible power by making a deal with the Little Death. “】

“However, this also led to terrible tragedies! “】

[“All this has to start hundreds of years ago…”

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