[Standing on the platform of the sky mothership, Wolverine sweated and recalled the past. 】

[Soon, he recalled his childhood, his life full of killing and pain, and the experience of being injected into Edman alloys…]

[However, by the time he was looking for Wanda, his memory was stuck! ] 】

[What happened later, Wolverine doesn’t remember at all. 】

[“Someone moved my brain! “】

[As soon as this thought came out, Wolverine suddenly couldn’t hold back. 】

[Since the whole world is already in chaos, all he can do now is to find Professor X as soon as possible, and then find a way… Go back to the normal world! 】

[Until now, Wolverine thought that he had come to a new world! ] 】

[Looking at the gloomy face of Wolverine, a person standing on the edge of the high platform talking to himself, the expression of the witch who is his companion has also become very strange. ] 】

[In fact, Wolverine in this world is already a general under Magneto, serving as a commando leader, specifically responsible for suppressing human resistance! ] 】

[But under the witch’s confused gaze, Wolverine 2 didn’t say a word, directly stepped over the platform of the sky mothership and jumped from thousands of meters in the air! ] 】

[With hundreds of kilograms of Edman alloy skeleton, Wolverine fell violently on the roof of a building. ] 】

[Although the fall was bloody, this injury is not worth mentioning to Wolverine. 】

[Next, Wolverine casually snatched a person’s motorcycle and began to look for the traces of Professor X in this completely strange world. 】

[However, when Wolverine came to the academy, he found that this place was in ruins. ] 】

[When he hit the road again, Wolverine suddenly entered a different dimension and came to a strange place. 】

[In this remote underground world, Wolverine meets Luke Cage and an old acquaintance… Hawkeye who died before him, Clint Barton! 】

[It turns out that Luke Cage and Hawkeye are leading a human rebel army that specializes in rebelling against Magneto’s mutant rule. 】

[They are also extremely hostile to Wolverine, who is a lackey under Magneto. 】

[At this moment, the huge sentinel robot suddenly attacked. 】

[It turns out that in this world where mutants are king, sentinel robots have also become killing machines specifically designed to target humans. 】

[Everyone finally escaped from the pursuit of the sentinel robot, and Wolverine had the opportunity to tell the story of his world to Hawkeye and others. 】

[Wolverine just mentioned Scarlet Witch Wanda, and Hawkeye said that he knew this person! ] 】

[However, as Magneto’s daughter, Wanda is not a mutant, but an ordinary human! ] 】

[Wolverine was surprised to hear this, and then he continued to tell the situation of the 616 universe. 】

[“In my world, mutants are a minority, and humans are the majority! “】

“And the reason why the world became like this must have been made by Scarlet Witch Wanda! “】

[In the face of these rather “absurd” words, Luke Cage said that he believed Wolverine’s words. 】

[The reason why this is so is because just yesterday, a little girl named Layla suddenly appeared and said exactly the same thing as Wolverine!] 】

[Wolverine learned after talking to this little girl named Layla that this girl is also a mutant. 】

[The only superpower she has is to make other people recall things from the “before” world!] 】

[After learning that Layla had such superpowers, Logenlik led everyone to the residence of Emma Foster the White Queen. 】

[With Layla’s help, Emma Foster also recovered her memory. 】

[“Aaaa Magneto!!! “】

[After recovering her memory, the White Queen was furious! ] Roar to kill Magneto and kill all his children! 】

[Next, with the help of Layla, Wolverine awakens the memories of those superheroes one after another. 】

[Phantom cat who is a teacher, Doctor Strange who is a psychologist, Hulk who is a lawyer, Tonis Dak who is a monopoly…]

The process of awakening Peter Parker’s memory is probably the worst. 】

“Ahhh… Uncle Ben! No way! “】

[After the memory was restored, looking at the dead Uncle Ben, standing alive in front of him, Peter Parker suddenly collapsed! ] 】

He fled to a corner in tears, unable to cry. 】

[“Tell me! Logan! “】

[Peter Parker cried while venting and shouting:]

“Tell me, the memories in my head are fake. “】

“And the world I live in now is real! “】

[Looking at Peter Parker, Wolverine is also a little helpless. ] 】

[In this world, Peter not only “acquired” a living Uncle Ben, but even had a child with Gwen Stacy! 】

[If they really have some way, they can reverse all this and “return” to the previous world. 】

[Then, not only will Uncle Ben die, but even this child of Peter and Gwen will disappear!] 】

For Peter Parker, this is too cruel. 】

[After awakening countless superheroes, looking at Steve Rogers, who is close to 100 years old and trembles even when he walks, everyone hesitates. ] 】

[Such a dying old man can’t serve as their leader at all. 】

[In the end, all the superheroes decided to let the elderly Rogers enjoy his old age in peace and stop bothering him. ] 】

[At this time, in Ginotha’s palace, Magneto, dressed in a gorgeous costume, stood alone in the clearing, silent. 】

“Father, are you all right? “】

[The youngest daughter’s North Star Nona came over with concern and asked about Magneto. 】

[Magneto Wen Yan sent Polaris away and walked to a tombstone on the edge of the clearing, his eyes full of sadness. 】

[That tombstone reads… Tomb of Charles Xavier. 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded like a pot, and it was very lively.

Charles Xavier: I… Am I dead? Why, why does Wanda want me to die? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Seeing now, Charles already understands how strong the power of the Scarlet Witch really is.

Except for Hawkeye Patton, who has no corpse, Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben doesn’t know how many years he has been dead, and she can bring them back to life!

What a formidable force this is!

In Charles’s opinion, unless Scarlet Witch wants to die herself!

Otherwise, why did everyone live “happily” in this paradise and die themselves?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Uncle Ben, my child with Gwen, abominable! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○

Looking at the crying “himself” on the screen, Peter can almost feel it in the scene… His pain and grief.

Living with his loved ones, as well as his wife and children, this is already the perfect life Peter dreamed of!

But now he was told that all this was fake, and the worst thing was… In this case, that Spider-Man… You even have to fight to “ruin” this perfect world!

This feeling is simply worse than wiping your neck with a knife!

Captain America: Damn, why can everyone struggle, I can’t help!

Deadpool: Come on, your variants are 100 years old, even if you recover your memory, what can you do? I’m afraid I can’t even shout cheers.

Captain America: …………

Deadpool: Eh, speaking of which, why didn’t anyone think to recover “my” memory? I should be able to help too.”

Carol Danvers: No kidding, what’s the use of you pervert, if you want a self-healing meat shield, they already have a Wolverine!

Deadpool: Wow, you have a point! I was speechless.

Wolverine: …………

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Xiao Wanda also involuntarily hugged her arm, and her eyes showed a look of fear.

To be honest, seeing now, she can fully understand what the strongest scarlet witch is.

Can modify the entire earth with his own power, reverse life and death, distort time and space…

This is really a god-like method!

But why?

Why did Scarlet Witch, who has such great power, “set” herself as a human without superpowers?

Moreover, if Wolverine, a group of superheroes, really kills her, can the world change as it is?

Just as little Wanda was nervous, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Just as the superheroes were about to attack, someone suddenly expressed dissent. 】

[This person is the little spider.] 】

[“Excuse me… Do we have to change the world back to the way it was? “】

[As soon as the little spider came out, others immediately echoed. ] 】

“Yes, have any of us been harmed? “】

“If the answer is no. So why do we have to work so hard to change the world back? “】

[Spider-Woman Jessica Drew, simply said appalling words:]

“Magneto got what he wanted, don’t we do the same?”] “】

“When a comet hits the Earth and destroys the dinosaurs, it’s called natural selection. “】

“And the current situation is like a comet hitting the Earth for the second time! “】

“Mutants now rule the world, maybe this is natural selection! “】

[Faced with those who insist on wanting to go back in time, Spider-Woman claims… They are just frightened by the status quo and want to retract into their shells! 】

[After hearing these words, the little spider, who was already in a mood, directly chose to quit. ] 】

[He really can’t do it… Destroy your own happy life with your own hands. 】

[It’s late at night, Ginosha’s palace. 】

[“Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you… Magnus family! “】

[With applause like a tide, the world-ruling Magneto family finally appeared in front of the eyes of the guests! ] 】

[Magneto, dressed in full costume, appeared in front of everyone with his three sons and daughters and two grandchildren. 】

[But just before this banquet began, the wreckage of an abandoned sentinel robot suddenly fell from the sky.] 】

【“!!! “】

[Magneto and Polaris raised their heads at the same time, and two magnetic waves surged out, stopping the huge sentinel robot in mid-air. 】

[However, this is just a pretense! ] 】

[Countless superheroes swarmed out from the wreckage of sentinel robots and launched an attack! ] 】

[A terrifying melee, suddenly in full force! ] 】

[In the face of the superheroes who are constantly attacking, Polaris Nona immediately ordered her brother Quicksilver to leave with Wanda! ] 】

[But Quicksilver just grabbed Wanda’s body, and suddenly found out in amazement that his sister was like a broken puzzle, falling apart in the air! ] 】

[“What’s going on? Damn it! What did you do to my sister? “】

[Just as Quicksilver was shouting in horror, Doctor Strange took the spirit out of his body and silently sneaked into the depths of the palace. ] 】

[I saw that here, Wanda, who had just fallen apart in Quicksilver’s arms, was playing with his two children in the bedroom. ] 】

[It turns out that that Wanda outside, and those two children, are just real Scarlet Witches… Use your own chaos magic to create a stand-in! 】

[Looking at the Scarlet Witch in front of him, Doctor Strange calmly expressed his opinion. 】

[He thinks that the little girl named Layla was actually conjured up by Scarlet Witch with her subconscious.] 】

[It’s as if he made up his own stand-in.] 】

[Because subconsciously, Scarlet Witch knows that what she is doing is wrong.] 】

[So, she hopes that someone will debunk what she created… This huge scam! 】

[After learning that a fierce battle is now taking place outside, Scarlet Witch expresses disappointment and claims that all she has done is just for everyone to be happy. 】

“Happiness? Is that what Magneto said to you? “】

[In the face of Doctor Strange’s question, Scarlet Witch did not answer directly, but used her magic to show him what had happened. 】


[Before everything happens. 】

“What do you want me to do?” “】

[Magneto roared angrily at Quicksilver, and then left without looking back. ] 】

[Leaving Pietro alone, kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly.] 】

He knows that the Avengers and X-Men will soon come to take the life of her sister Wanda.] 】

[But he alone can’t do anything.] 】

[After Magneto left, Quicksilver hugged Wanda, and the two began to arrive before the final finale… Reminisce about the past. 】

[Back then, Magneto abandoned them both since childhood for the sake of his mutant cause. 】

[When Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch became adults, they joined the Avengers through their own efforts. But no one expected that in the end, it would fall into this field. 】

[Thinking of what she did to the Avengers after she went crazy, Scarlet Witch felt heartbroken. 】

“What a joy I had in The Avengers, and I was willing to pay any price… to redeem it all. “】

[Quicksilver was silent beside him for a while, then suddenly turned his head and said:]

“You can do it! “】

【”Not only can you go back to the happy old days, you can even make everyone happy!”] “】

“Maybe… That’s why you get this power! “】

[“Trust me! Sister! Use your powers the way I said! “】

“Otherwise, they’ll kill you!” “】

[Seeing the vision in front of him, Doctor Strange’s eyes widened in horror, and his face showed disbelief. ] 】

[“It’s Quicksilver, all this is not Magneto, but Quicksilver’s idea! “】

[At this moment, an arrow suddenly flew out from behind and hit Wanda! ] 】

[It’s Hawkeye!] 】

[After recovering his memory, Hawkeye has been waiting for the moment to shoot this arrow! ] 】

[But… Everything in this world is under Wanda’s control. 】

[With just one thought, she turned the arrows shot by Hawkeye into dust. 】

[In the face of the angry Hawkeye, Wanda still wants to catch up with him. 】

[However, one of the children that Wanda “made” suddenly roared angrily at Hawkeye:]

“Shut up! “】

[Under the roar of this child, Hawkeye Clint Barton’s body instantly collapsed and turned into nothing! ] 】

[This kid actually has a similar ability to “modify reality” like Wanda! ] 】

[But it’s too late.] 】

[The stimulation of Hawkeye seems to be like the last straw that broke the camel’s back! ] 】

[The scarlet witch knelt on the ground in pain, her eyes full of tears, and her face showed a look of horror. 】

“No… I almost lost control of it! “】

[At this time, on the battlefield outside, the situation suddenly changed drastically. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Magneto is like a changed person, releasing infinite power. 】

[He manipulated the steel and controlled everyone!] 】

[At this moment, Magneto’s anger was not directed at the invading heroes like Wolverine, but at his son… Quicksilver! 】

[It turns out that the moment Scarlet Witch lost control, Magneto also recovered his memory.

[He got it. It turns out that I have always lived in a … In a living dream! 】

[This dream is woven by Quicksilver. 】

“Who gave you the power to do such a thing?”] “】

[Feeling like a pawn, being played wantonly by his own son, Magneto’s fierce anger suddenly made him lose his mind! ] 】

“You took advantage of your sister! You also took advantage of me! “】

[“Boom! “】

[Under the extreme rage, Magneto operated a huge piece of metal, almost beating Quicksilver into a pile of meat puree. 】

[But at the next moment, a harsh scream suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears. ] 】

[“Brother! “】

[It’s the Scarlet Witch coming!] 】

[“Pon! “】

[In an instant, a terrifying magic aura filled the heavens and earth! ] 】

[Under the endless sense of oppression, everyone fell to the ground, and no one could stand up! ] 】

[“Wanda! You…”

[Magneto’s body seemed to be bound by an invisible rope, and the whole person was suspended in mid-air, and he couldn’t even speak. ] 】


[Looking at the ground like meat mud, Quicksilver, who has long died, Scarlet Witch once again urged the chaos magic. ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In an instant, this dead man came back to life. 】

[Looking at the Scarlet Witch who crushed everything in front of her and could easily reverse life and death, everyone’s eyes were full of horror. ] 】

“Emma, what should we do?” “】

“I don’t know, she’s completely lost her mind! “】

“With just one thought, she can wipe out our existence!”] “】

“Doctor Strange? “】

[“I can’t help it anymore…”]

[Just as the superheroes were shivering, Scarlet Witch finally opened her mouth:]

“She just wants you to be happy, but what have you done to her…”?

[“Father! “】

[The Scarlet Witch stared at Magneto, who was bound in the air, and shouted fiercely:]

[“You abandoned us since you were a child, for your mutant business! “】

[“Because of your arrogance, you think that mutants are superior beings, and you think that we are superior to ordinary humans! You think we are born to dominate everything. “】

“But you see… What results have been obtained now? “】

[Scarlet Witch roared with tears in her eyes:]

“You got everything you wanted!”] But you still ruined everything! Even your son! “】

“We are not the next step in evolution, we are not gods, we are not gods, we are monsters! “】

[Under the extremely intense emotions, Wanda suddenly calmed down. 】

“Now, I’m going to change that. “】


[Looking at the Scarlet Witch with a drastic change in appearance in front of him, Doctor Strange and others suddenly felt bad. ] 】

[But before they could do anything, they saw Wanda put Quicksilver on her lap and said a word in an extremely cold voice:]

“From now on… There are no mutants in the world…”

[Just after Wanda said these words, the terrifying magical energy suddenly swept in all directions like a terrifying wave! ] In an instant, everything in front of everyone’s eyes was as bright as day! 】

[Everything in heaven and earth is covered with white! ] 】

[No more mutants! ] 】

[Scarlet Witch Wanda… Say this mantra that modifies reality! 】

[The words she said not only affected the 616 Earth, but even affected other multiverses! ] 】

PS: The next chapter is Stan Lee’s cameo album! ^_^

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