Seeing this amazing series of pictures on the screen, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Charles Xavier: Apocalypse? In that 616 universe, he turned out to be a subordinate of the “Lord of the Holy Shield”!

Magneto: Humph! It’s a shame that the dignified “original mutants” submit to humans.

Miss Polaris: Father, this is to deal with the crisis on earth.

Miss Polaris: If you can’t fight off those zergs, everything on Earth will be eaten by them!

Magneto: ………

Wanda Maximov: Wow, you’re really kind.

Wanda Maksimov: I heard you say before… Being persecuted so badly by humans, I thought you hated them so much.

Miss Polaris: Smile bitterly, no matter how much I hate humans, they are better than alien bugs.

Wolverine: Interesting, under that Egyptian, in addition to the apocalypse, there is also a “moonlight knight” protected by the moon god!

Wolverine: What is this again? Is there still this god on earth?

Wonder Woman Diana: In the Olympian god lineage, there is indeed a moon god. But…… She is…

God of War Kratos: Artemis! She’s a vicious slut!

God of War Kratos: Even if she really gives divine power to humans, it is only for self-preservation, not out of any kindness!

Charles Xavier: Wait a minute, the Lord of Egypt’s Holy Shield, recruited… It should also clean up the superpowers of Egypt itself.

Charles Xavier: So, I don’t think… The knight of the “moon god” will be related to ancient Greece.

Wonder Woman Diana: Luna of ancient Egypt?

Wonder Woman Diana: Even the champion knight of the gods can recruit his subordinates, and this “Lord of the Holy Shield” is really not a simple character.

The Flash Barry Allen: yes, really an amazing man.

The Flash Barry Allen: But… Among his successors, there are still some unreliable people.

The Flash Barry Allen: Like that “Fullmetal Alchemist” in Baghdad, he actually wants to rely on what “creation engine” to put other people’s wisdom and memories… Merge into yourself.

The Flash Barry Allen: This approach is almost like those supervillains!

Magneto: Hmph, you didn’t watch the video carefully, did you?

Magneto: This guy took this risk to better protect and save the world.

Magneto: It’s just that he failed, that’s why he was laughed at by guys like you.

The Flash Barry Allen: I just think it’s cruel!

Magneto: If you can’t even bear the necessary sacrifices, don’t try to do anything!

Reed Richards: Ahem, so the most powerful is that Zhang Heng!

Reed Richards: Not only could you have created amazing inventions more than 2,000 years ago! It was also able to convince the Tenjin group!

Reed Richards: He solved this crisis that could destroy the world without even going to war.

Reed Richards: I don’t even know… How did he do it!

When it came to the strength of the Celestial God Group, Reed Richards also sighed a little.

But he remembers very well, in the previous images, these alien giants… But it can easily destroy the planet!

Reid asked himself that he still had some talent for invention, but if he had to be clever and eloquent, then he didn’t have the slightest confidence.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): But how to solve that god group baby, “he” seems to be still in the sun of the 616 universe!

Reed Richards: This kind of thing can probably only be counted on future generations of human beings.

Reed Richards: Well, Zhang Heng may have also hit such an idea, pinning his hopes on future generations.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image left the Shenzhou continent and came to the West.

The calm narration voice also sounded again.

“After more than a thousand years of dark ages, the West has finally slowly emerged from the Middle Ages. “】

[“Like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo… These peerless geniuses began to emerge and eventually all joined the Brotherhood of Holy Shields. “】

“But with the emergence of genius, with the crisis. “】

“In 1582 AD, Earth was once again invaded by alien life. “】

[“This time it was not an alien zerg that invaded the earth, but a giant called the Planet Eater! “】

[“The reason why the Planet Eater came to Earth is not to invade, but to devour the planet to satisfy his eternal hunger! “】

[“Facing this monster that is enough to devour the planet, “Galileo”, a member of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, once again recreates the great invention of the “Fullmetal Alchemist”. “】

[“Galileo” created the “creation engine” that led to the simultaneous death of thousands of members of the Holy Shield Brotherhood hundreds of years ago! ] “】

[“Back then, the reason why the Fullmetal Alchemist created this forbidden machine was to combine the power of the Brotherhood to save the world when the crisis came! “】

“And now, the time has come! “】

[“Relying on the power of the Creation Engine, Galileo put two-thirds of the life force of the members of the Holy Shield Brotherhood… Turn into energy! And then released! “】

[“Boom! “】

“After an earth-shattering explosion, even the Planet Eater … He was also injured by this “life energy wave” that fused countless Saint Shield brothers! “】

“After being injured, the Planet Devourer finally chose to retreat. “】

[“Galileo, with human power… Repelled Star Swallowing! “】


In the middle of a wasteland, Canata, the daughter of Star Swallowing, widened her eyes and her face was full of incredulity.

What kind of joke is that?

No matter how hungry his father was, he was one of the five gods of creation.

What kind of “Galileo” is this, just gathering a group of human life force, can hurt him … Or even repelled?

What is this possible?

At this moment, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: Wow hahaha! How did that Star Swallowing Swallow be defeated again?

Wonder Woman Diana: This god… It’s too unlucky.

Wonder Woman Diana: In my memory, it seems like he’s never won a battle.

God of War Kratos: Humph! Is this a cosmic-level deity? I was really eye-opening!

God of War Kratos: Originally, I thought that those scum gods of Olympus were enough waste…

Wonder Woman Diana: ………

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: Something is wrong, this is really wrong!

Ganata, daughter of the star swallower: My father is so powerful, why does he always lose? (ㄒoㄒ)

Rocky Odinson: Maybe it’s the planet’s problem.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Huh?

Loki Oddinson: This planet is too weird, all kinds of unimaginable god-level existences, all gathered here!

Rocky Odinson: Other planets in the universe should not be like this!

Carol Danvers: Something is really wrong with what you say.

Carol Danvers: I’ve traveled the universe for so long, and I’ve really never seen it… There are so many planets where superheroes exist.

Tony Stark: I have a theory, maybe… It’s because of Stan Lee!

Carol Danvers: Huh?

Tony Stark: Didn’t someone say before that Stan Lee was particularly fond of spiders?

Tony Stark: But I think he might really like Earth! That’s why so many scientific geniuses and superheroes have been created on Earth.

Carol Danvers: Stark, you’re not going to say anything about yourself anymore, are you?

Tony Stark: Huh? Is my tone that obvious? ヾ(^?^)?

Carol Danvers: ……… →_→

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The picture, again from the west to the east.

The calm narration voice also sounded again.

[“In the East. In the land of Huaxia, there is a magical otherworldly dimension called the Dragon City “Kunlun”! “】

[“Kunlun”, and the ruler is the famous Jade Emperor! ] “】

“And this Dragon City is also the hometown of the Immortal Iron Fist! “】

In 1596 AD, the Jade Emperor, the ruler of Kunlun, felt a mysterious cosmic force in a precognitive dream. “】

[“That’s the power of the phoenix! “】

[“According to the Jade Emperor’s prediction, the body of the “Phoenix” will soon descend on the earth and turn the entire planet into dust! ] “】

“But that doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything. “】

[“Because in the precognitive dream, the Jade Emperor also saw a girl. “】

[“This red-haired girl mastered Kunlun’s “Divine Dragon Power”, and with her unique talent and strength, she finally surrendered the phoenix and became the new host of the phoenix power! ] “】

“This girl is the key to saving the world!”] “】

“After waking up from the dream, the Jade Emperor immediately left Kunlun and came to the world. “】

“In the pier below the mountain, he found a red-haired girl who was exactly like in his dream. “】

“This girl’s name is Wu Fengji. “】

[“The Jade Emperor brought Wu Fengji back to Kunlun, and ordered his subordinate “Lei Gong” to teach her Kunlun Secret Realm kung fu! “】

[“This girl will be the next immortal iron fist! “】

Hearing the words of the Jade Emperor, Lei Gong, who was the guardian god of Kunlun, was greatly surprised. “】

“Your Majesty, the Immortal Iron Fist has not appeared for 75 years. “】

[“Now the time has come…”]

After leaving these words, the Jade Emperor returned to Kunlun’s palace. “】

“Through the power of foreknowledge, he began to peek into the future and look for opportunities to save the world. “】

When the answer was finally found, the Jade Emperor sent his envoys to the West. “】

“This messenger crossed the ocean and eventually came to Florence. “】

“Here, the messenger found the famous genius. “】

[“Leonardo da Vinci! “】

[“Facing Leonardo da Vinci, the messenger frankly said his intentions:”]

[“Our Majesty the Jade Emperor can not only master the physical body and the Yuan God, but also see through the future! “】

And in the dream, he saw a terrible threat! “】

Speaking of this, the messenger suddenly asked: “]

“Master Leonardo da Vinci, you can believe in the existence of the power of the phoenix. “】

[Facing the strange oriental in front of him, Da Vinci nodded unexpectedly: “】

“To be honest… I believe. “】

“That’s easy. “】

The Kunlun messenger said calmly: “】

[“His Majesty the Jade Emperor has seen the future, and soon after, the phoenix will come from nine heavens away, and the flames of the firebird will burn everything in the world! No one is immune! “】

After hearing this prophecy, da Vinci did not question it, but asked solemnly:]

[“In that case, what does His Excellency the Jade Emperor want me to do? “】

The Kunlun messenger responded, “】

[“In the prophecy, there is a girl who can hold the power of the phoenix and even control ‘it’! “】

“But we don’t know exactly how much time is left, so… Can you come back to Kunlun with me to save the world? “】

[“Me? “】

Faced with this invitation, da Vinci was still a little surprised. “】

However, whether it was curiosity about the Eastern Holy Land or a sense of urgency to save the world, he immediately agreed. “】

When Leonardo da Vinci crossed the ocean and came to the mountains in the east, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him. “】

[“In the remote barren mountain, there is even an otherworldly dimension! “】

“And in this dimension, there are countless gorgeous buildings! “】

[“Here, this is the otherworldly city in the East… Kunlun! “】


[Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, Leonardo da Vinci’s eyes widened and he muttered in an incredulous voice: “】

[“The messenger … I have to say, no matter how skeptical I was about this trip. “】

“Now, it’s all gone. “】

After entering Kunlun, Da Vinci immediately witnessed a contest. “】

[“In order to train the future host of the power of the phoenix… Wu Fengji, the guardian saint of Kunlun “Lei Gong”, is having a 1-on-1 battle with her. “】

“Yet. As a fledgling girl, how could Wu Fengji be Lei Gong’s opponent. “】

[“She was knocked to the ground again and again by Lei Gong without any suspense, and Lei Gong also constantly reprimanded Wu Fengji:]

【”You should use the tiger fist! “】

[“That’s too bad! Is that all you learn? “】

[“Come again! “】

[“Being knocked down again and again by Lei Gong, Wu Fengji’s frustration and anger in her heart… Start accumulating! “】

And in the next moment, her eyes. Suddenly, a dazzling golden light flashed. “】

[“Immediately after… Just listen to the “boom”. “】

[“Pon! “】

[“The gorgeous golden flame turned into a huge firebird and erupted from Wu Fengji’s body! “】

[“Ahhh! “】

[“The terrifying impact force was like a sea of mountains, rushing Lei Gong far away, and flipped several heels on the ground. “】

[“Bird of Fire! “】

[“How come!!! “】

[Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, da Vinci’s pupils suddenly contracted violently, and his face showed a look of surprise and joy. “】

“Although never seen before, with the instinct of a genius scientist, da Vinci was almost certain … This golden flame is the power of the phoenix! “】

Seeing this scene in front of him, the Jade Emperor nodded secretly. “】

“Sure enough, he didn’t pick the wrong person. “】

[“If this girl can control the power of the divine dragon, she can become the perfect host of the phoenix and eventually control the power of the phoenix! “】

“That’s the only way to save the planet.” “】

[“Dragon and phoenix in one! “】

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