【”Howl! “】

[After falling to the ground, that hideous alien opened its mouth and let out a howl! ] 】

[But then, a series of bullets rushed over, lifting its skull! ] 】


[Green blood spilled all over the ground.] 】

[It turned out that it was Hank, the farmer who piloted the huge robot, who activated the revolver machine gun set on the robot! ] 】

[However, this is just the beginning! ] 】

[“Hula la…”]

[I saw that in mid-air, a strange black hole that became larger and larger appeared, and it was like a tide inside… Countless alien aliens gushed out! 】

[“Tap-da-da! “】

[The robot controlled by the farmer Hank began to design these monsters madly! ] 】

[The tongues of fire spewed out by the two-barreled heavy runner machine gun are like cutting wheat, cutting down countless alien monsters one after another! ] 】

[But these monsters… As if regardless of life and death, as soon as it landed, it began to frantically tear the cows in the cattle farm. 】

[In the end, Hank finally killed the group of monsters, and the black hole in the air also closed again.] 】

[But the cow he raised was killed by the monster to the point that only one remained.] 】

[Farmer Hank uses a robot to grab the remaining cow and prepares to go home. 】

[But halfway through, he saw a terrifying image.] 】

[I saw that on the other side of the valley, countless balls of light lit up in mid-air. 】

[It turns out that these balls of light are now portals! ] 】

[If they are all opened, tens of millions of monsters will rush in!] 】

[“Inform everyone to join me at the mountain defense line. “】

[Farmer Hank ordered loudly:]

“In addition, open the shelter and transfer the old and weak women and children inside. “】

[Upon hearing her husband’s order, the wife who stayed at home immediately used communication to contact other nearby farmers. 】

[It turns out that on this land, there are several high-tech farms of all sizes. 】

[And the owners of these farms all have huge mecha warriors in their hands! ] 】

[Just when several farmers were manipulating mecha warriors to the mountain defense line, the huge portal had opened! ] 】

[“Howl! “】

[There were unimaginable numbers of alien monsters, rushing towards them all over the mountains. 】

[But these farmers must not back down, because their families are behind them!] 】

[If some of their children have not yet entered the underground shelter, they will definitely be torn to pieces by these monsters and swallowed into their stomachs! ] 】

[“Kill! “】

“Never let them come!”] “】

[“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! “】

[The three farmers on the front line, the controlled mecha warriors began to fire wildly! ] 】

[They use lasers, flying bullets, and rotary machine guns… Killed countless alien aliens! 】

[But these aliens seem to be very clever, and have no intention of fighting them at all, but directly bypassing these mecha warriors and wanting to attack their lair! ] 】

[“Abominable! Stop these bugs for me, never let them break through! “】

[The farmers frantically unleashed their weapons and killed most of the alien aliens who broke through the defense line.] 】

[And the very few alien monsters that managed to rush to the rear farm were also killed by the automatic defense weapons on the farm. ] 】

[But at this moment, the three mechs fighting in front were almost running out of ammunition, and the battle situation was precarious. ] 】

[Fortunately, at the moment of the shot, the wife of the “machine gun farmer” sent ammunition supplies by drone! ] 】

[The three mech warriors, after replenishing the ammunition, are full of power again! ] 】

[But the number of enemies, after all, is still too much…]

“Damn! “】

[A farmer, Jack was careless and was climbed onto his mecha by a large number of aliens! ] 】

[“No, no, no… Don’t! “】

[Like a lion that was pounced on by countless evil wolves, the farmer’s mecha warrior just shook and fell to the ground with a bang. ] 】

[“Jack! You’re okay, hold on! We’re here to save you! “】

[Hearing the communication of his companions, Farmer Jack’s face suddenly showed determination:]

“Hank! I think I probably can’t do it anymore. “】

[“However, I will still make a way for you to get out, do a good cover!”] “】

[While speaking, Jack opened a red button box inside the mecha warrior! ] 】

[Hearing the communication, the other two farmers were immediately shocked. 】

[“Oh my God! That guy wants to expose himself! “】

[“Jack! You calm down. “】

[“Snap! “】

[After pressing the button again, the farmer named Jack closed his eyes and waited for the coming end. 】

“Hank! Remember to tell Helen that I died heroically! “】

[Just after he said this…]

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying explosion shook the earth, and the strong golden-red fire actually illuminated the night sky! ] 】

[“Hula la! “】

[The terrifying shockwave is sweeping in all directions madly! ] And the alien that was relatively close to the explosion was directly vaporized by the high temperature! 】


[Hank raised his head from the broken mecha cockpit with difficulty, looked around, and his eyes were suddenly full of pain. 】

[Jack’s self-exposure directly emptied the entire battlefield and almost killed the alien alien! ] 】

[But at this moment, there was a sudden change on the battlefield! ] 】


[I saw that in the largest portal, a huge figure suddenly appeared. 】

[This turned out to be a super alien! ] 】

“What the hell is that?” “】

[Looking at the big boss in front of him, the remaining Hank was shocked and inexplicable, almost unable to believe his eyes. ] 】

[Ordinary alien, like a mouse in front of his mecha warriors. 】

[But in the face of this “Big Mac alien”, Hank only felt that cold sweat flowed out. ] 】

[Now, he has a feeling. 】

[Drove on the mecha himself… It’s a mouse! 】

[Despite his fear, in order to protect his wife and children, farmer Hank desperately tries to stop the advance of the Big Mac alien. 】

[But in the face of such a terrifying monster, the flames released by Hank’s mecha are simply like tickling. ] 】

[At this critical juncture, Hank’s wife finally brought him good news. 】

[It turned out that in order to prepare for their wedding anniversary, the wife installed a super cannon on the farm in advance! ] 】

[And what Hank has to do next is to fix the figure of this alien monster so that the cannon can directly enter the mouth of the alien alien! ] 】

[Only in this way can we ensure that this cannon can kill him!] 】

[In order to avoid being captured by the aliens, Hank fixed his mecha warrior to the iron scarecrow with steel cables. 】

[“Come on! Bastard! “】

[Using steel cables to stabilize his figure, Hank manipulated the mecha and used his maximum output… Jerked open the alien monster’s big mouth. 】

[“Fire! My dear! It’s now! “】

[After receiving Hank’s instructions, his wife violently pressed the cannon button in the control room! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a loud bang, a high-tech cannonball shot straight into the mouth of the giant alien! ] Then it exploded in its throat. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Big Mac let out a wail, and then, its huge body fell down like a hill! ] 】

[Although they paid a heavy price, these farmers still defended their homeland and annihilated the evil alien monsters! ] 】

[By the time the sun rose on the second day, all the women and children survived. 】

They left the underground shelter and looked at the rising sun, and all had happy smiles on their faces. 】

[After the victory, the farmer Hank looked at Jack’s widow and handed over a bottle of wine with a serious face:]

“Jack did something very noble. “】

[Looking at Hank’s humble face, Jack’s widow smiled bitterly, and finally some radiance appeared on her face. 】

Next, these farmers who defeated their enemies sat together, drinking while enjoying this hard-won victory. 】

[But at this moment, the camera began to gradually zoom away.] 】

[Soon, I came to the outside of that invisible barrier! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[From the perspective outside the atmosphere, looking down from above, I see this planet… Not a blue Earth at all, but an unknown alien! 】

[On this alien planet, there are all kinds of alien settlements. 】

[It seems that they are the real masters of this planet! ] 】

[The most shocking thing is that in many parts of the planet, this kind of “dome” wrapped in protective shields has appeared. 】

[Under the dome, there are farms controlled by those farmers!] 】

[Moreover, from outer space, these farms are like cancers, growing everywhere on this alien planet! ] 】

[However, all the farm domes are covered with densely packed alien aliens! ] 】

[It seems that these aborigines, although they do not have powerful high technology, are still determined to use their own flesh … Fight the alien invaders to the death! 】

[At this time, the screen gradually dimmed.] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“This… What’s going on? Wasn’t this Earth the same? ”

Looking at the limit reversal in the last few seconds, little Wanda’s eyes widened, and his eyes were full of surprise… With curiosity.


Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne looked at each other, and both saw the understanding and helplessness in each other’s eyes.

With their IQ, just seeing those domes, without even a second, they have already guessed the truth of the matter!

But…… If you want to tell the truth, it is really embarrassing.

For a moment, no one spoke.

At this moment, Magneto’s cold voice suddenly sounded in the live broadcast room.

“Hmph! What else is not understood here? ”

When everyone heard the sound, they looked back and saw Magneto’s face like frost, and he said categorically:

“This planet originally belonged to those indigenous people!”

“Those human farmers look like they’re protecting their homes, but in reality… They are the invaders who deserve to die. ”

Speaking of this, Magneto snorted coldly, and there was a little more sarcasm in his tone:

“In other words, the whole of the United States… In fact, it was all built like this! ”

PS: There are many things to do in the New Year, so it’s a little late…

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