[Storm Titan “Typhon” body in the mountains of the mountains. 】

[Looking at Prometheus, who was pecked by a giant bird in front of him, but couldn’t ask for death, even Kratos couldn’t help but feel a little compassion. ] 】

[He stepped forward and asked in a deep voice:]

“Who on earth made you suffer so much? “】

[Prometheus said bitterly:]

“It is Zeus, because I brought the flame of Olympus to earth so that mankind could use it. “】

“But Zeus thought I had betrayed him!”] “】

“So he cursed me for immortality, and then tied me here to be pecked at by that damned bird every day!”] “】

[Right in front of Kratos’ eyes, Prometheus’s internal organs pecked by the giant bird were completely healed! ] 】

[Feeling the healing of his body, Prometheus shouted in despair instead:]

“Please, Spartan Ghost, free me from this endless pain. “】

[Looking at Kratos, Prometheus pleaded with him to throw himself into the Olympian flame beneath Typhon’s palm. 】

[Only this method can completely kill Prometheus and make it impossible to revive him.] 】

[Although Kratos wanted to help this poor god, he found that he was holding the Chaos Twin Blade. He actually cut the chains on Prometheus! 】

[Obviously, these chains are blessed with Zeus’s divine power. 】

[In desperation, Kratos had to abandon Prometheus first and continue to travel through the cold mountains. 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Hermione Granger: Zeus! Athena! Prometheus! It’s unbelievable.

Hermione Granger: The gods in the mythological storybook actually appeared in front of my eyes! (⊙o⊙)

Jerome Valeska: Interestingly, this god of war killed the real god of war, Ares, so he came to the throne?

God of War Kratos: Bah! What real God of War? That scum… Ask me for mercy before you die!

Jeromé Valeska: Oh… A real mythical world? It’s incredible.

Jeromé Valeska: But there is one thing I still don’t understand.

Jerome Valeska: Before Zeus killed “you”, why did he say…”you” will not rule Olympus?

God of War Kratos: Who knows, maybe you should ask him!

When he said this, Kratos also faintly felt that something was wrong.

But out of some instinct, he stopped himself from continuing to think.

Stephen Strange: Well… I remember that in Greek mythology, Zeus’s grandfather, Ouranos, was killed by his father, Kronos.

Stephen Strange: And Zeus himself, again defeated his father with his own hands… Kronos.

Stephen Strange: If you think so…

Hermione Granger: No! Could it be that this bald god of war is also the son of Zeus?

God of War Kratos: What? That’s impossible! My father…

As soon as the words came out, Kratoston was stunned.

From an early age, he only knew his mother, but not who his father was.

In fact, Kratos’ mother was rejected by the original clan because she became pregnant out of wedlock, and she was exiled to the Spartan city-state.

Hermione Granger: Wow! That is, this Mr. Kratos is also the son of Zeus, a dignified demigod?

Runaway Lori Jinx: Demigod? What is so great about demigods, can they be compared with real gods?

Hermione Granger: No, in Greek mythology, the most powerful people are often demigods!

Hermione Granger: Demigods like Hercules and Perseus have all done incredible feats!

Stephen Strange: Little girl, you really read a lot of books.

Hermione Granger: Hey, hey…. ^_^

“Son, am I the son of Zeus?”

Sitting on the throne of the God of War, Kratos pondered for a while, and suddenly gritted his teeth fiercely.

No wonder, Athena sometimes has strange eyes looking at herself!

It turned out that she had known all this for a long time!

Zeus was so anxious to kill himself, he may have been really afraid… He took the throne by defeating his father like he did back then!

“That’s why he wants to break the reincarnation by killing!”

“Pathetic coward!”

After thinking all this, Kratos suddenly let out a sigh, and a confident look lit up in his eyes.

If we say that the fate of the Zeus family is “father and son”.

So, how could I let him down?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Kratos searched everywhere in the frozen mountains and finally found the body of the storm titan “Typhon”. 】

[This titan has completely lost his mind because he was sealed by Zeus in this icy place. 】

[Relying on the Blade of Chaos, Kratos jumped into his face against the freezing gas spewed by “Typhon”, and dug out a divine weapon from the eyes of the Storm Titan. ] 】

[This is the artifact of the Titans, “The Scourge of Typhon”! ] 】

[With this magic bow and arrow, Kratos returned to where Prometheus was. 】

[“Oh! “】

[Relying on the scourge of the wind, he shot off the chains of divine power that bound Prometheus. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[This unfortunate deity finally fell into the Olympian flame and was burned to ashes. 】

[Prometheus, finally liberated. 】

[After being burned to ashes by the fire of Olympus, Prometheus’ ashes actually covered Kratos’s body as if conscious. 】

[Although it is not the first time Kratos has been covered in ashes, this time, he has not received a curse, but a reward. 】

[These ashes were Prometheus’ last gift to him. 】

[From now on, Kratos has obtained a new divine power: “Wrath of the Titans”! ] 】

[As long as he enters the state of Titan’s wrath, he will ignite the Olympus Holy Flame all over his body, and his combat power will explode! ] 】

[Relying on this titan-like power, Kratos finally hurt “Typhon” and forced him to release the giant palm that suppressed Pegasus! ] 】

[Driving the Pegasus that regained his freedom, Kratos embarked on the journey again. 】

[It didn’t take long for him to arrive, the destination of the trip. 】

[The island of creation where the three goddesses of destiny are located! ] 】

[But above the island of creation, Kratos encountered a large number of griffin knights. 】

[And in the battle of these knights, the Pegasus that Kratos called to drive was finally killed! ] 】

[Due to the death of his mount, Kratos had to fall from the sky and fall to the temple of Laxis on the ground. 】

[“Laxis” is one of the three goddesses of fate. 】

[All the way to the entrance of the gate of the temple of Laxisis, where Kratos met the famous Athenian king Theseus. 】

[In mythology and legend, he defeated the fearsome minotaur Minotaur and married Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons.] 】

[Seeing Kratos, Theseus actually laughed out loud! ] 】

[It turns out that Theseus has always been jealous, and Kratos is also a mortal but can ascend to heaven and become a god in one step. 】

[Now looking at Kratos’s completely lost divine power, Theseus’s undisguised expression of schadenfreude. 】

[Facing this annoying fellow, Kratos easily defeated him, and also smashed Theseus’ head with the gate! ] Let him never laugh again. 】

[In the temple, Kratos saw the illusion of Kronos, the king of the titans. 】

[Facing Kratos, who was already standing against the gods of Olympus, Kronos did not hesitate to give him his own divine power. 】

[From then on, Kratos got the “Wrath of Kronos”! ] 】

[As long as he exerts this ability, he can release endless thunder outside his body! ] 】

[It looks like the original wrath of Zeus!] 】

[Kronos and Zeus are worthy of being father and son, and even the “appearance” of the skills is similar. ] 】

[The next thing to turn back is to open the blindfold of the “Time War Horse”, use the Chaos Blade in his hand as a horsewhip, and drive the war horse to gallop forward. ] 】

[Huge horses, with their infinite divine power, actually took the island of creation… Pulled abruptly to the vicinity of the Temple of Laxisis! 】

[In this way, Kratos can finally set foot on the island of creation! ] 】

[After Kratos landed on the island of creation, he prepared to go to the temple of destiny at the highest level of the island. 】

[But in the swamp of the island, he meets an “old friend.] 】

[“Hahaha, Kratos, I really see you again! “】

[A strong man holding a giant hammer, riding on a brown-red, fire-like steed, looked at Kratos in front of him and let out a roar of joy:]

[“I fought Hades’ minions and killed all the way out of hell! “】

[“By changing my destiny, the Goddess of Fate appreciates my achievements, thus giving me the opportunity for revenge! “】

[“You! It turned out to be you. “】

[Looking at the strong man in front of him, looking back is uncontrollable and remembering the day he fell into the Ares trap! ] 】

[It was because he lost at the hands of the barbarian prince in front of him that Kratos had to ask Ares for help, thus starting his tragic life! ] 】

[“The slave of Ares, the ghost of Sparta, this time… I will cut off your head! “】

[The barbarian prince laughed loudly, brandished a giant hammer, and drove his horse towards Kratos! ] 】

[Next, this pair of old enemies will start the final decisive battle on the island of creation! ] 】

[However, the current Kratos is not the person he used to be! ] 】

[After countless battles, Kratos’ strength is no longer what it used to be. 】

[Soon, he killed your prince’s horse!] 】

[“Abominable! “】

[Seeing the war horse being killed, the barbarian prince who was embarrassed and angry roared and displayed his new ability! ] 】

[It turns out that after killing all the way out of hell, this prince actually gained the ability to summon revenants from hell. ] 】

[The most outrageous thing is that during the battle, the barbarian prince actually took the soul of the old captain who was “killed twice” by Kratos… Summoned. 】

“Nope! It won’t be you again, will it? “】

[Looking at the fierce and vicious Spartan ghost in front of him, the ghost of the old captain is about to collapse. ] 】

[But Kratos doesn’t care who he is, he directly uses the Chaos Blade in his hand to send this captain on his way again. ] 】

[After killing all the ghosts summoned by the barbarian prince, Kratos took the giant hammer from the prince’s hand and beat the old friend in front of him into a meatloaf! ] Sent back to Hades again! 】

[Through this battle, Kratos harvested the “Barbarian Hammer” in the hands of the prince, and also obtained the ability to summon the ghosts of Hades. 】

[After entering the Temple of Destiny through the swamp, Kratos met the famous Perseus here. 】

[But this hero somehow wants to kill Kratos to please the goddess of fate.] 】

[But in the face of Kratos, who killed gods like slaughtering dogs, Perseus lost without suspense and lost his shield. ] 】

[After taking out a series of monsters that stood in his way, Kratos met the mythical Icarus in the temple. 】

[In mythology, this famous craftsman made himself a pair of wings so that he could fly into the sky. 】

[But because it flew too close to the sun, the wax on its wings was roasted, so it eventually fell from the sky and fell alive.] 】

[The reason why Icarus came to the island of creation is also to find the three goddesses of destiny and change his destiny. ] 】

[Facing Kratos, this nervous birdman keeps flaunting his wings, claiming… Only with wings on his back can fly across the strait and reach the temple on the opposite side. 】

[Upon hearing this, the fierce and brutal Kratos didn’t say a word, directly pulled out the wings on Icarus’ back, and then installed them on himself! ] 】

[Icarus fell into the abyss in the scuffle, all the way into Hades.] 】

[In the underground world, Kratos met the titan who was sent here by Zeus to carry the entire Greek world… Atlas. 】

[After expounding his hatred of Zeus, Atlas also gave Kratos a new divine power, “Atlas Land Earthquake”! ] 】

[With Atlas’s help, Kratos finally entered the Temple of Destiny. 】

[Here, he meets Laxis, one of the three goddesses of fate. 】

[Facing Kratos, who wanted to change his life against the sky and even slaughter God for revenge, Laxis said dismissively:]

“In this world, no one can change his destiny. “】

[“Only our three sisters can decide the cause and effect of all things! “】

[“I made the Titans defeat in fate, and I also let you come to this place! “】

[In the face of Laxis’s raving, Kratos roared:]

“No one can decide my destiny, not even God! “】

[During the battle, Laxis was surprised to find that he really couldn’t reverse the fate of the Spartan man in front of him! ] 】

[If you continue to fight, you may even fail! ] 】

[In desperation, Laxis had to summon another of the three sisters of fate, Atropos, to help! ] 】

[In order to kill Kratos from the root, these two sisters of fate relied on their divine power to return to Kratos’ past. 】

[Kratos, also came to the past time and space with them! ] 】

[This is Athens, the place where Kratos and Ares fought in the last battle! ] 】

[Atropos wants to destroy in advance, Kratos uses to kill Ares’s giant Excalibur… Blade of the Gods! 】

[In this way, Kratos will lose in this station, and he will not be able to become the God of War! ] 】

[However, Atropos also underestimated Kratos’ strength. 】

[Not only did she fail to destroy the greatsword, but she was defeated by Kratos and trapped in the mirror! ] 】

[By smashing the mirror leading to the past, Kratos completely killed this goddess of fate! ] 】

[Next, Kratos defeated Laxis who was in the way! ] 】

[He came all the way to the Hall of Intertwined Fates and met the last of the three sisters of Fate… Spinner, Kloto! 】

[It’s exactly Cloto… Responsible for weaving the thread of destiny of all humans and gods in the world, thus determining the fate of all of them! 】

[But even this goddess, who decided the fate of everything in the world, died at the hands of Kratos in the end. 】

[After killing Cloverto, Kratos found his own thread of destiny through the loom of the goddess of fate. 】

[Kratos turned the spinning wheel of the thread of fate, and found the past he wanted to go to in the space-time magic realm ahead! ] 】

[That was the moment when he was defeated by Zeus on Rhode Island! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Kratos rushed into the space-time magic mirror and returned to the past. 】

[Right in front of his eyes, Zeus is raising the Olympian Excalibur and stabbing it into the body of another Kratos!] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Kratos rushed forward and knocked Zeus to the ground. 】

“What? How is this possible? “】

[Seeing a Kratos appear in front of him again, Zeus was first taken aback. 】

[When he came back to his senses, the shock in his eyes became even stronger. 】

[“The three sisters of destiny will actually help you? “】

“Those three sisters have been slaughtered by me! “】

[Kratos has no scruples… Drawing the Olympus Excalibur from the fierce front of “himself”, the eyes looking at Zeus were full of murderous aura. 】

[“The next … It’s you! “】

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