Seeing that Swallowing Star was killed again, the chat group became lively again.

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! That planet eater was defeated again, how many times?

Bruce Banner: I don’t know why, anyway, this creation god… It’s like I’ve never won a battle.

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: ………………… (⊙_⊙)

Ghost Rider: Miss… Advise, you still don’t get too excited.

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing star: What is there to be excited about, I’m not excited at all.

Ghost Rider: ???

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: That transcendent can easily smash the galaxy, and his strength is obviously above my father!

Ganata, daughter of the star swallowers: In the face of such an existence, it is not surprising to lose.

As the daughter of a cosmic god, although Swallowing Mei looks like a little girl on the surface, she has had an unknown number of thousands of years of experience.

In just a split second, she judged the strength of the transcendent.

Defeating in front of such a strong person is actually not a shame.

Wolverine: Such a powerful guy who brings all the superheroes and supervillains together just to see them… What does it look like to fight each other?

Jerome Valeska: Hmm… In ancient Roman times, it was a very popular activity for criminals to fight each other in the arena.

Jerome Valeska: This transcendent probably wanted to see a similar scene.

Hermione Granger: If that’s the case, that’s too much! (▼へ▼メ)

Starlight: The guys who are overemphasized first, who knows what’s going on in their heads, maybe… It’s all already crazy!

Agent J: Well, listening to what you said, I think of the “marbles universe” again. ╥﹏╥

Agent J: In the eyes of the strong, we ordinary humans may really be similar to dust.

Lori Jinx: Oh, sorry to disturb your self-pity, but I’m still a little strange.

Lori Jinx: If this transcendent is really that strong, then… At the beginning of this video, why is it introducing molecular people?

Ghost Rider: Who knows? This guy may have great power, but his personality is really bad. There is simply no way to exert power.

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: However, being able to manipulate energy and matter from the subatomic level is definitely a cosmic skill!

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing star: No wonder observers say… Molecular humans have the potential to destroy the universe!

Runaway Lori Jinx: Destroy the Universe? Wow! If he is really so powerful, will it be enough to resist that transcendent?

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: ………

As soon as she saw Jinx propose to say this, Swallowing Mei’s heart suddenly shook slightly.

Intellectually, she admitted that it was possible.

However, that transcendent … But he easily defeated the Planet Devourer!

Such a powerful existence, if it is caught up and surpassed by a human being, then Devouring Star… And what is it?

Thinking of this, another thought suddenly popped up in Swallowing Mei’s heart.

Maybe the human beings on Earth are really beloved beings by the OAA.

Therefore, among them, one after another will be born… Incredibly powerful heroes and villains!

And just when Swallowing Sister was thinking about it, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After seeing the divine power displayed by the Transcendent, Dr. Doom was extremely excited! ] 】

[Since this transcendent is so powerful, then… If you can achieve the ultimate victory in this game, you will definitely achieve the ultimate wish! 】

[Next, the superheroes and supervillains trapped on the planet “Doujie” began one melee after another. ] 】

[In these melee battles, no one can achieve the final victory, and the battle situation is at a stalemate for a while. 】

[But just when the hero and the villain were having fun, Professor X Charles Zell suddenly noticed something strange! ] 】

[“Not good! The Planet Eater is trying to devour the entire Dou Realm! “】

[Seeing that the planet under his feet was about to be destroyed, Professor X quickly notified all the superheroes with psychic telepathy. ] 】

[“The machine on that high mountain is the instrument used by the Planet Devourer to destroy the world! “】

“We have to stop him!”] “】

[In order to stop the Star Devouring Doujie, all the superheroes joined forces to attack him. 】

[But halfway through, the Planet Eater suddenly dropped them, left the Doujie, and flew into the universe. ] 】

[Seeing this, Mr. Wonder Reed Richards was suddenly shocked. 】

[“Oops! We failed. “】

[The other superheroes are all extremely puzzled:]

[“Reid! What are you talking about? We’ve driven the Planet Eaters away.” “】

[“Yes! We also destroyed the machine it used to devour the Doujie. “】

“Nope! We lost. “】

[Reed Richards looked up at the sky, his face extremely gray:]

[“The Planet Eater wants to go back to his spaceship and then take all the cosmic energy contained in the spaceship… Devour it all! “】

“Only then will he have enough energy… Go to the showdown with the Beyonder! “】

[Just as the heroes also raised their heads, a dazzling golden light suddenly lit up above the sky. 】

[“Oh! “】

[From the spaceship of the Planet Devourer, a strong light beyond the acceptance of human vision was released! ] 】

[Even the sun… It’s all eclipsed! 】

[And in the heart of this brilliant light mass, the Planet Eater is frantically devouring… The cosmic energy he had accumulated over countless years! 】

[At this time, in a certain underground base in the Doujie, Dr. Doom’s eyes suddenly widened! ] Launched your long-planned plan! 】

[“It’s now! “】

[“Boom! “】

[I saw that in the starry sky of the universe, the spaceship of the Planet Devourer was completely distorted and deformed under the powerful energy explosion, and then turned into nothing. ] 】

[And in the raging and boiling energy storm, Star Swallowing is preparing to inhale all the energy into the body. 】

[But in the next moment…]

[“Boom! “】

[The endless cosmic energy actually left the star-swallowing body and turned into a mighty torrent… Rush to somewhere in the Doujie! 】

“What? What’s going on? “】

“That place seems to be the base of Dr. Doom!”] “】

[“How is that possible? “】

[Looking at the incredible changes in front of you, the superheroes and supervillains in the fighting world were all stunned. ] 】

[At this time, Dr. Doom’s base, relying on a special guidance matrix, is frantically devouring the cosmic energy prepared by the Planet Devourer for himself! ] 】

[It turns out that Dr. Doom saw through the intentions of the Planet Devourer from the beginning! ] 】

[And this “guidance matrix” he built was originally intended to be used to steal the energy of the transcendent. 】

[But after a slight modification, Doom changed his target from the Transcendent… Replaced with Star Swallowing! 】

[“Such a powerful energy, now it’s all mine! “】

“This… This energy turned out to be so powerful! “】

[After completely devouring the cosmic energy, Dr. Doom was completely shocked by his own strength. 】

[Now you can still feel every cell of all living things, every atom of all matter! ] 】

[It can even read the minds of all the creatures around it like Professor X!] 】

[Now that he already has such power, Dr. Doom’s ambition suddenly swelled again. ] 】

[If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely be “small rich and safe” at this moment, use this power to defeat those superheroes, and then become the ruler of the earth. ] 】

[But Dr. Doom wants more!] 】

[He wants to become stronger, he wants to defeat the transcendent who has not yet appeared, and take his power for himself! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Dr. Doom gathered all the cosmic energy, turned his body into a shooting star, and rushed straight towards the white crack in the deep space of the universe. 】

[From a distance, it rushed closer and closer, and in that crack… Once again, came the voice of the Transcendent. 】

“Stop quickly, you can’t come near me!”] “】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Dr. Doom was already satisfied at this time. Laughed maniacally with excitement :]

[“A coward who hides his head and shows his tail! If you are so afraid of me, then quickly kneel down and worship your master! “】

“If you still have knees!”] Then hurry up and surrender to me, Dr. Doom! “】

[“Boom! “】

[The power of Dr. Doom and the Transcendent… Colide in space! 】

[The impact stimulated by the madness spreads in all directions! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Even if they are far away, the “Doujie” is also affected by their energy shock, and it is shaking the mountain for a while, it is like the end of the world! ] 】

[Even a sun in the universe is like a candle fire… Extinguished by this shock! 】

[“How so?”] “】

[Right before the entrance to the Transcendent Realm, Dr. Doom’s eyes suddenly became terrified. 】

“My energy is almost exhausted, but the power of the Transcendent… It’s still being endlessly enhanced! “】

[“Is his power infinite? “】


[In the face of the endless energy storm of the Transcendent, Dr. Doom’s defenses finally collapsed. 】


[Dr. Doom, who was completely defeated, almost evaporated all his body, leaving only a small fragment of his limb to fall back to the Doujie. 】

[But even so, the Transcendent did not let him go. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[I saw a ray of light shoot down from the breach in the transcendent realm, just shining on Dr. Doom. ] 】

[It’s a transcendent! ] He probes into Dr. Doom’s mind and begins a search for his memories and life. 】

[But just when the Transcendent focused all his spirits in Dr. Doom’s mind, something strange happened. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Incomparably strong golden light illuminates the entire Dou Realm! ] Shrouded all the superheroes and supervillains. 】

[“It’s so bright! Captain, what is that? “】

【”Be careful! Hawkeye! The light is above us. “】

[“There’s something in this photophore!”] “】

[Just under the horrified and inexplicable gaze of these superheroes, a person they never dreamed of… From the golden light in the sky. 】

“The Transcendent is dead. “】

[“Now the supreme being of the universe is me! “】

[It turned out to be Dr. Doom!] 】

[For unknown reasons, he actually plundered all the power of the Transcendent in turn! ] 】

[Now he… It’s the God Monarch Doum! 】

[I saw Dum take off the mask on his face in front of all the superheroes. ] 】

[Originally, Doom’s face had suffered extremely serious injuries, so he used a mask to cover his ugly appearance. 】

[But now he has completely recovered his previous handsome and dashing appearance. ] 】

[Obviously, the power of the Transcendent is enough to make Dum reverse everything! ] 】

[“Now, I, Victor von Dum, am the most omnipotent being in the universe! “】

[Looking at the superhero in front of him, Doom said with a confident face:]

“I can crush you all into elementary particles with just one thought!”] “】

[Next, Doom ignored these “heroes”, but stretched out his hand and clicked the molecular figure standing aside. 】

“What? “】

[Looking at the scene around him that suddenly changed, the expression of the molecular man suddenly stiffened. 】

[It turns out that Doom brought him to the origin of the universe, the foundation of all things in the world. 】

[In this place, the survival and destruction of everything is only a single thought. 】

[And seeing the scene in front of him, the molecular man finally understood the essence of his power. 】

“Owen Jones, you have the most powerful power in the universe. “】

[Doom looked at the molecule man and said calmly:]

“You can control all matter and energy in the world, and no one in the universe is your opponent except me!”] “】

“You actually have such power for a long time, it’s just… Because of your subconscious inferiority and cowardice. I made all kinds of restrictions on myself! “】

“And after comprehending all this, you will become my most powerful subordinate! “】

“What? Is this who I am? “】

[Due to excessive shock, after returning to the real world, the molecule actually knelt on the ground with a demented expression on his face. ] 】

“I can control the molecules of organic life, I can do anything!” “】

[“Dr. Doom, he opened my heart! “】

[“It turns out … I’m so powerful! “】

[After getting Doom’s “point”, the molecular man was finally able to fully exert all his strength. 】

[You know, everything in this world is either energy or matter, and Owen Jones can modify everything at will! ] 】

[In other words, at this moment, he already has the ultimate ability to “modify reality”! ] 】

[And the object, even the entire universe! ] 】

[But in contrast to the molecular people of Great Enlightenment, Dr. Doom is in trouble. 】

[Although he has obtained the power of a transcendent, he is completely unable to control this power himself. 】

[Although Doom once used his “power of transcendence” to kill all superheroes, including Captain America. 】

[However, these heroes were later inexplicably resurrected. 】

[When he realized all this, Doom finally came to his senses. 】

[I didn’t control the power of transcendence, and I was even controlled by the power of transcendence! ] 】

[So, deep down in his heart, he wants these superheroes to survive… Good to stop yourself! 】

“Nope! That’s impossible! “】

[Although he has infinite power, Dr. Doom, who perceives the truth, almost collapses in his heart! ] 】

[In this almost out of control situation, the transcendent power in his body finally burst away. 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying golden light rushes straight from the Doujie to the starry sky of the universe! ] 】

[It’s a transcendent! ] 】

[It turns out that he is not dead, but the opportunity he has been waiting for! ] 】

[And at the moment when Dr. Doom’s mind was lost, the Transcendent finally seized the opportunity and regained his power from Doom’s body! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[With a scream, Doom’s face put on the hideous iron mask again.] 】

[Then, in a flash of golden light, his body also disappeared.] 】

[The resurrected Transcendent, took him.] 】

[And this vigorous secret war came to an end. 】

[But this is not the end, just the beginning! ] 】

[By parsing Tara’s mind and memory, the Transcendent finally has a clear understanding of humans… Or “life” becomes interested. 】

[Soon after, the Transcendent left the Transcendent Realm and descended on Earth! 】

[Here, he will make monstrous waves, including the five gods of creation… and even all the gods of the universe, including the Court of Life. It’s all rolled in! 】

[This is the real “Secret War of the Beyonder”! ] 】

PS: The first part of the secret war, the plot is really a bit, and the second part is where Jing Hua is. ^_^

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