“The spacecraft launched by the Foundation have found some planets suitable for human habitation in the universe. “】

“Moreover, the drones on the spacecraft have also found signs of civilization on these planets.” “】

“But there isn’t any life on these planets.” “】

“Based on the traces of civilization left on the planet, the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft came to a conclusion. “】

“It should be that the “Black Moon” destroyed life on these planets. “】

“It took several years for the spacecraft to search tirelessly in the universe, and finally…” it “found a civilization whose technology is far above human beings.” “】

“The civilized creatures on this planet are some kind of humanoid fungi. “】

“They have built a very developed civilization, with advanced cities covering almost the entire surface of the planet. “】

But even so, these fungal people are not immune to the howl of the black moon. “】

In response to the Black Moon, the fungus people even set up their own “SCP-like Foundation Organization.” “】

[“Out of incredible good luck, the drone sent by the spacecraft actually found a fungus man on this planet! “】

“It’s using cryogenic technology to trap itself into a kind of cryosleep.” “】

The drone immediately transported the frozen alien onto the spacecraft. “】

“Then, the spacecraft turned around and flew toward Earth as fast as it could. “】

After learning the news, the administrator’s face showed an excited smile. “】

After taking over the responsibility of the “Balancer” from that old man, he finally saw hope of ending the Black Moon. “】

[“After the spacecraft returned to Earth, the keepers and the aliens who woke up from the freeze… Face-to-face conversations were conducted. “】

“These fungal humanoid aliens communicate with others telepathically. “】

[“Because their psychic abilities are so strong, among the earthlings… Only an administrator who is a “balancer” can bear it. “】

[“Through aliens, managers finally know:”]

The so-called “balancer” is actually a kind of “duty” that spans the entire universe. “】

[“On this alien planet, there was also such a great balancer! “】

[“He leads the others as a “hero” to fight the Black Moon! ] “】

But as time went by, the hero was finally overwhelmed. “】

“He left his planet and traveled to other worlds, passing on the responsibilities of the Balancer! “】

In the universe, the “Balancer” has existed for an unknown number of billions of years. “】

[“They have only one mission, and that is to destroy the Black Moon! “】

During the conversation, the manager also stated his final plan to fight the Black Moon. “】

“The plan is so shocking that even aliens are shocked. “】

In the more than 1,000 years since the SCP Foundation was founded, scientists in the Foundation have developed a “singularity concept against barriers.” “】

“As long as you hide in this barrier, you can be immune to the howl of the night. “】

The administrator claims that with the help of the Singularity Concept Against the Barrier, he can seize victory against the Black Moon. “】

“But to get such a victory, it has to take a long, long time. “】

The alien asked with some curiosity: “】

“What you said for a long time … How long does it mean? “】

The manager replied calmly, “]

“Have you seen the stars in the sky? I’ll wait until they’re all extinguished. “】

The aliens were flabbergasted. “】

[“Such a victory … What’s the point, exactly? “】

After getting the administrator’s answer, the alien was silent for a while before replying with a sigh: “]

“It’s incredible, but I hope you succeed. “】

Next, the administrator and the alien said goodbye and entered the “Singularity Concept Confrontation Barrier” alone. “】

“The Foundation operates with a newly established O5 Committee. “】

[“In 5011, more than 1,000 years later. “】

[“The fungal alien discovered by the Foundation suddenly emitted blue light! “】

After saying words like “hope, hope”, the alien turned black all over and then completely annihilated. “】

“Apparently, Black Moon finally found him. “】

“At the same time, the entire SCP Foundation has nothing to do but be killed.” “】

“The administrator, who was given the last hope, waited alone in the fortress. “】

Inside his fortress, there is also a machine named “Tome.” “】

“The role of this machine is to search for and record the last information of all the destroyed civilizations in the universe. “】

[In other words, as long as the administrator survives long enough, he can be in this fortress… Witness the demise of all life throughout the universe. “】

“Inside this fortress, the caretaker waits alone. “】

“He doesn’t know how long he’s been waiting. “】

“As early as 7329, the last human settlement in the universe has been completely wiped out by the Black Moon. “】

“Humans have been extinct for countless years. “】

“But the administrator is still waiting. “】

“He was waiting for that last moment. “】

“He is waiting for the demise of all life in the universe. “】

“He is waiting for the annihilation of all matter in the universe. “】

“In the end, the administrator waited. “】

“At this time, all the stars in the universe have become dim. “】

“The material world has come to an end. “】

[Now the universe where the foundation is located is empty, only the “singularity concept confrontation barrier” remains. “】

“And the only survivor in the barrier. “】

[“Administrator. “】

“And then… The black moon has fallen. “】

“To destroy the last living thing in this universe. “】

“It came to the real universe. “】

[“Black Moon opened the door of the Singularity Concept Confrontation Barrier and entered the inside of the fortress. “】


Looking at the image inside the First Fortress, Black Moon fell into doubt. “】

“It” doesn’t understand, what happened? “】

“I should be a high-dimensional being that transcends reality. “】

But “But now…” “It” is in a bar. “】

“I saw rows of wine bottles on the bar, and a jukebox next to it. “】

“And standing behind the bar, there was a man wiping his glass. “】

“He’s the administrator. “】

[“Yo! There you are! “】

[Looking at the black moon walking into the bar, the administrator smiled as if he saw an old friend and asked: “】

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, want something to drink?”] “】


Black Moon didn’t know how to answer. “】

As a high-dimensional existence beyond reality, the current “it” seems to be compressed. “】

“First it turned into a cloud of black smoke, and then it turned into a vague human form. “】

“This high-dimensional evil god, who has long destroyed all creatures in the universe and has just witnessed the demise of the entire universe, is completely confused. “】

“What is here?” “】

Under the extreme chaos, that black smoke finally shook the air and made its own sound. “】

[“Why am I talking, what’s going on?”] “】

Feeling the confusion of the black moon, a smug smile appeared on the administrator’s face. “】

“For this moment, he waited countless billions of years. “】

“Let’s put it this way. “】

The administrator shook his finger. “】

[“This place is actually not a “singularity concept against barrier”, but a “singularity concept containment fortress”! ] “】

He glanced at the bar beside him. “】

“The sole purpose for the existence of this shelter fortress … It’s just to contain you! “】


The figure made of black smoke stood up from the chair in front of the bar and slowly walked down, administrator. “】

[And looking at the black moon that is getting closer and closer, the administrator is not vain at all, just continue to smile and say: ]

“In this place, everything is conceptual. “】

[“Bar is a concept, bar is a concept, wine glass is a concept…”】

“Even you and I… Also a concept! “】

“Here… There is no god! There is nothing immortal either! “】

“It’s me or you, it’s the same!”] “】

“We are all just information! Just thoughts! “】

[“Pointless! “】

The black moon continued to move forward, but there was already a hint of emotion in the voice it made. “】

“Is it? “】

“The emotions that the administrator had suppressed for many years finally poured out. “】

“You still haven’t figured it out? I let you in on purpose. “】

“Because only by entering here will you be reduced to the same level as me.”] “】

“If I don’t let you in, you can completely smash this fortress from the outside!”] “】

“But now you’re in! “】

“You and I… It’s on the same level! “】

“In this containment fortress, the caretaker spent countless billions of years of solitude. “】

“Now is the time for him to reap the fruits of victory. “】

[“It’s pointless, you’ll still die eventually!”] “】

[“The humanoid formed by the black smoke screamed, and then began to accelerate towards the administrator! “】

At this moment, the administrator took out a shotgun from under the bar and shot at the black smoke. “】

[“Bang! “”】

“The bullet from the shotgun hit Kuroyue’s body solidly, making two holes in him. “】

“But … The black smoke still solidified into a human form, frantically pounced on the administrator, and threw him down.”

[“Ground. “】

[“Aaaa “】

Black Moon let out a roar that did not resemble a human voice, and pinched the administrator’s throat with his hands formed by black smoke. “】


The administrator only felt that everything in front of him began to gradually turn black, and it seemed that the world itself was about to come to an end. “】

And just before fainting, the administrator used his last strength to pick up an ashtray that had fallen next to him. “】

[“He used this glass ashtray and hit the head of the night hard! “】

[“Bang! “】

[“The human figure formed by the black smoke shook and fell to the side.”

And the administrator did not stop, he continued to use the ashtray as a weapon, and severely beat the fallen monster. “】

[“Bang! “】

[“Bang! “】

[“Bang! “】

[“Please! Two! Three times…”]

“After the administrator beat the black moon countless times, in the end, the black smoke lay on the ground and never moved again. “】

[“Black Moon… High dimensional evil god, supreme divinity. “】

“Killed by the administrator of the foundation, with an ashtray. “】

[“Whether in another dimension or in the real universe, the Black Moon is an unimaginably high-dimensional existence, with endless power. “】

But since “he” entered this “singularity concept containment fortress”, he was relegated to the same level as the administrator. “】

“Inside the fortress, it is no longer a high-dimensional evil god, but a conceptual existence like an administrator. “】

[That’s why the administrator can use the concept weapon to damage it or even kill it in the end!”] “】

“Even with the victory, the administrator was mortally wounded. “】

“As a conceptual being, he also lived for a short time. “】

But with the last bit of strength, the administrator still hobbled to the jukebox. “】

He took a shiny coin from his arms and put it in the jukebox. “】

“Administrators transformed their bodies into concepts and information countless billions of years ago. “】

“In this conceptual fortress, there is no substance, only information. “】

“But just outside this fortress, the real universe has also been completely extinct. “】

“But as soon as the administrator presses the button of the jukebox, he can release the information inside the fortress and then transform it into matter in the outer universe. “】

“Simply put, he can recreate a universe. “】

“Ha, let’s see what happens when matter is introduced into the void. “】

While coughing up blood, the administrator shook as if he were about to fall to the ground. “】

“However, he finally stood still. “】

[At the last moment, the administrator stretched out his hand, pressed the button on the jukebox, and said softly: ]

[“Let there be light…”

“And then… And then there was light! “】

In the midst of a cloud of light, the screen gradually dimmed. “】

Seeing the incredible scene in front of him, the chat group was silent for a while, and then exploded.

Morty: Oh my God, what did that admin do?

Starlight: God said there would be light, and so there was light!

Starlight: He created the world! Become the Creator God!

Carol Danvers: Unbelievable, really unbelievable. (⊙o⊙)

Dr. Manhattan: So it is, in the face of an irresistible high-dimensional existence. He chooses to translate himself into concepts and data, and then waits for the moment.

Dr. Manhattan: Finally. This mortal introduced the high-dimensional evil god into that specially made shelter and reduced it in dimension!

Wanda Maksimov: Dimensionality reduction? Is it two-way foil?

Dr. Manhattan: Much more than that, this fortress reduces high-dimensional existence to low-dimensional “conceptual existence.”

Dr. Manhattan: So, that administrator was able to kill him with conceptual arms.

Nick Fury: Concept armed? What you’re talking about is… Ashtrays? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Dr. Manhattan: ………

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