“That’s not right!”

Bruce Wayne pondered for a while, and suddenly said categorically:

“If this 3125 was really so powerful, that Marian supervisor would have died a long time ago.”

“Since she can survive after discovering the secret of 3125, it is certainly not a coincidence!”

Tony Stark also nodded slightly, with an unruly smile on his face:

“I don’t believe it… This anti-meme monster is really so invincible! ”

“In the previous world, there must be that founder, who would rather turn himself into data, wait for countless billions of years, and finally kill the supreme divinity… Black Moon? ”

“Human beings, they will never lose to some alien monster!”

Seeing Tony say such categorical words with a lazy expression, everyone’s expressions became a little strange for a while.

“Cut… Stark, can’t you be serious? ”

Little Wanda shook her head, but her expression completely relaxed.

She felt that if there really was some kind of apocalypse, she… It should be possible to rely on this man.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

And that weird narration voice also sounded again.

In the containment room of 3125, Marianne on the laptop was full of frustration and became more and more frustrated with what she said:”]

“We could try to make a weapon against the 3125, but that would require a huge amount of space and countless amounts of money. “】

“But the most troublesome thing is, what do we do with the people who make it… Forgot the existence of 3125? “】

“It’s like asking the people who carried out the Apollo project to forget the moon in the sky! “】

“It’s impossible. “】

“Then think of other ways?” “】

[Looking at her dejected self on the screen, Marianne, the head of the anti-meme department, secretly clenched her teeth. “】

“This “she” in the video looks… It’s like a weak person who has completely collapsed! “】

“This is so weird! “】

[At the same time, Marianne in the video simply announced that she had admitted defeat: ]

“This is not a war at all, the war is over, we have lost, everything is over. “】

“The only reason we can exist is to have the world’s leading memory deletion technology. “】

“But this also happens to doom us!” “】

Marianne lowered her head in the screen, and her voice became like a sigh: “]

“I can make my subordinates too good here, they will definitely continue to track down, one day they will find 3125, and then everything will have to start all over again.] “】

“I’ve taken too many memory enhancers, plus memory deletion pills, and my head is already a mess. “】

[“Recently, every day when I sleep, I can have nightmares related to “Adam”…”

“Adam? Who’s that? “】

Seeing this, Marianne suddenly frowned. “】

[“This name sounds familiar, is it someone who is very close to you? “】

And at this moment, he walked out of the screen while sighing: “】

“It’s over, I don’t know how we’re going to win, I don’t know how we’re going to live, I can only go out now and forget everything and become you.”] “】

“I hope you can fix all this. “】

[“Because I can’t do it…”

[“Marianne Wheeler looked at the screen that had gone black, and for a moment… I actually felt like I was drowning!” 】

“If she follows normal procedures now, walk out. Baptism with three minutes of “memory clearing gas”, then all information about 3125 will be forgotten. “】

[“In this way, maybe it’s okay for the time being, but in the long run, it’s chronic self-brake! “】

[“One day, 3125… Or the cosmic starfish behind it. Will come to Earth! “】

“At that point, everything will come to an end!”] “】

At this moment, Marianne looked at the containment room she was in, and her eyes suddenly lit up. “】

“If anyone who knows 3125 will be killed, then… Where did this containment room come from? “】

[And those rules, “Every few weeks, the anti-meme department must send someone to the containment room, and after going out, they will receive memory clearing”, where did it come from? “】

From the interior walls, glass, and various architectural styles of this containment room, Marianne could easily tell that this must have been built by the famous Dr. Hughes. “】

“However, this Dr. Hughes is dead. “】

【“!!! “】

And at this moment, Marianne suddenly remembered something. “】

“Just below this 41 site, there’s a huge vacant lab, almost the size of a football field. “】

“No one knows what this laboratory was built for, as if everyone had forgotten its usefulness. “】

[“Oblivion! “】

Marianne suddenly took a deep breath, and the whole person became excited. “】

[“Could it be, the space under this base… That is, where weapons are built in secret? “】

“If so, should she give it a shot?” “】

[“After taking the Strengthening Memory Clearing Potion, Marianne has forgotten… The founder of the anti-meme department at the time, and what she said. “】

“So, she didn’t know that there was indeed something in that huge space underground.” “】

“But that’s not some secret weapon against 3125, it’s an anti-meme bomb!” “】

“But now, Marianne feels… I am already in a desperate situation. “】

“If what he said on the screen was right, just three years ago, there were more than 4,000 people in the anti-meme department! “】

“But right now, there are only 38 left. “】

“3125 is eating them up one by one. “】

“There is no time. “】

“Fight to the death or sit still.” “】

As a supervisor, Marianne quickly made a decision. “】

He left the containment chamber and entered the compartment outside filled with memory clearance gas. “】

“As long as she stays here for three minutes, she can forget everything that happened in the cubicle. “】

But Maria held her breath, she wasn’t breathing. “】

Three minutes later, she kept her memory of 3125 and walked to the corridor of Base 41. “】

Looking at his panting boss, the young agent suddenly felt that something was wrong. “】

[“You seem to have forgotten something, look at your neck…”

[“Huh? “】

Even her own young subordinates had pushed themselves into a corner, and Marianne was feeling a little annoyed. “】

[“Suddenly… I saw a flash of cold light. “】

I saw the young man holding a Swiss Army knife in his hand and stabbing her right into the neck. “】

[“Hell, this guy is already under control! “】

During the scuffle with the young man, Marianne noticed the look in the other’s eyes. “】

“Or rather, nothing. “】

[“He is no longer himself, but 3125! “】

[“Bang! “】

Marianne kicked the young man and escaped from the containment unit. “】

“But now, the whole of Base 41 has become hell. “】

“All the people turned into those empty eyes and began to kill each other. “】

“Damn! Damn it! How so? “】

“After escaping into an elevator, Marianne shouted violently with an alien weapon in her hand. “】

[“This is too much, I just went to work on the first day!”] “】

【“??? “】

As soon as the words came out, Marianne suddenly felt that something was wrong. “】

As if going through countless times, Marianne began to search for fragments of her own memory. “】

Soon, she thought of the pharmacy, an orange box with a black “Z” on it, and countless “warnings.” “】

She remembered that the box, which required triple authorization to open, contained the foundation’s ultimate potion against inverse memes. “】

[“Z-rated memory enhancer. “】

“As long as you inject this agent, you will have absolute memory ability and perfect immunity to all inverse meme effects. “】

But this “perfect memory” can also cause irreparable damage to the brain. “】

“People who are injected can only live another hour at most. “】

Looking at a small pinhole in her arm, Marianne fell silent. “】

Memories flooded into her mind. “】

“She remembered everything. “】

She knew that she was now going to fight 3125, and 3125’s inverse meme ability was no longer effective against her. “】

In this state, Marianne saw a new button appear on the elevator. “】

[“Thirty floors underground. “】

“Due to the influence of inverse memes, normal humans can’t see this button. “】

“But she can. “】

Maria took the elevator to the 30th basement floor and struggled through the hallway to the door of the huge underground laboratory. “】

“Because of the potion, she can remember, see, hear, smell, feel along the way… everything. “】

Such a large-scale information onslaught has overloaded her brain. “】

“Maria is going to die soon. “】

Just before entering the underground laboratory, Marianne remembered the origin of this underground space. “】

“Years ago, they discovered the existence of 3125. “】

“To counter this horrific anti-meme, the Foundation built this underground space and had Dr. Hughes fak his own death. “】

“In this way, he can create secret weapons in this space without interference from the outside world.” “】

“The rest of the foundation is trying to keep things going. “】

“The way to fight 3125, Marianne has also remembered. “】

“3125, or the cosmic starfish behind it, is a conceptual being. “】

However, since conceptual creatures can influence reality, “reverse manipulation” is certainly possible. “】

[That is, find a physical entity, extract the idea of “it”, and then expand it countless times and upload it to the concept space! “】

[“This “concept” is “anti-3125 weapon”! “】

[“A concept specially designed for the 3125 battle! “】

[“With ideas, you can kill ideas!”] “】

“I remembered that it was all our plan! “】

Marianne muttered, ”

“I am the carrier of that idea, I am the final part of this weapon. “】

“Dr. Hughes is waiting for me!”] “】

With the last of her willpower, Marianne endured the sharp pain in her brain, pushed open the door, and walked in. “】

[“Hughes! It’s time! “】

Marianne shouted, expecting to find a huge machine inside, as well as Dr. Hughes. “】

“Then, she can do her last part!” “】

[“Go into a conceptual existence, go and fight 3125 to the death! “】

Then Marianne saw an empty space. “】

“This underground lab is empty, with only a truck parked at the edge. “】

“Can be immune to the influence of all anti-memes, Marianne recognized at a glance, what was placed on the truck was an anti-meme bomb. “】

“But it didn’t work at all. “】

“After this inverse meme bomb explodes, it can completely wipe out the entire No. 41 base. “】

“No person, thing, or thing can prove that this site ever existed, everyone will forget it, and the anti-meme department will disappear completely.”] “】

“This can temporarily slow the pace of 3125, maybe a year, maybe a month, maybe a day.” “】

“But it didn’t work. “】

“3125 will definitely come again. “】

“At that point, no one will be able to stop it.”] “】

“Human civilization will be completely erased as an abstract concept. “】

[“Snap! “】

Marianne’s knees could no longer support her body, and she first fell to her knees, then lay down. “】

“Fortunately, I’m tired too. “】

[“Destroy. “】

Mary lay quietly on the ground, seemingly waiting for the last moment. “】

Not long after, the base employees who were occupied by 3125 also came to this underground space through the elevator. “】

Looking at Marianne who fell to the ground, their faces showed expressions other than humans. “】

“In the next moment, the inverse meme bomb was recharged. “】

“But except for Marianne, no one in this room heard, saw, or sensed the presence of the bomb.” “】

“The bomb itself is an inverse meme. “】

Just now, Marianne used her last strength to activate this bomb. “】

[“Boom! “】

“The next moment, everything fell into darkness. “】

The screen also gradually dimmed.

[End of “SCP Foundation 3” broadcast.] 】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

After a long time, Little Wanda’s incredulous voice sounded.

“How so?”

“That woman… Did he die in vain? ”

PS: “The New Batman” has been confirmed to be introduced, entered, released! O(∩_∩)O haha~

PS2: Spider-Man 2,3 coming soon!

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