Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Starlight: Wow, that’s amazing!

Starlight: It’s the first time I’ve seen Stan Lee praise a superhero!

Bruce Banner: yes, I remember in the previous video, someone told Stan Lee… There are superheroes in New York, and he doesn’t believe it yet.

Wanda Maximov: That’s amazing, Parker, you didn’t already know that Stan Lee.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Huh? No, in my world, I have never met him.

That being said, Parker’s heart couldn’t help but feel a little joyful.

Not only was his actions recognized by everyone, but even the Creator God recognized him!

He took out his personal time, risked countless risks, and did all this, not unrecognized!

Thinking of this, Parker even faintly had a thought in his heart.

If one day, he really meets that Stan Lee on the street, should he go up and say hello?

While Parker was alone and cranky, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, in the square of the city, a celebration related to Spider-Man was held. 】

[Parker also disguised himself as Spider-Man and appeared at the venue. 】

[“Look at that! That’s Spider-Man. “】

[“Our hero! “】

[Upon seeing Spider-Man appear, the audience at the venue all cheered, and even some people applauded! ] 】

[And while Spider-Man was enjoying applause, a chase battle was being staged on the street not far from the venue. ] 】

[Mark, who managed to escape from prison, was discovered by a patrolman on the street.] 】

“Hey! You give me a stop! “】

[Two policemen chased Mark to a sand truck, but suddenly he disappeared.] 】

[Sensing that sand was constantly falling on the sand truck, a policeman grabbed a shovel and climbed onto the truck.] 】

[But at this moment, a giant hand made of sand suddenly appeared, beating the police out. 】

[Immediately after, a huge “sandman” emerged from the truck. 】

[“Fire! Fire! “】

[Looking at the terrifying monster several meters tall in front of him, the policemen on the ground were all shocked and desperately pulled the trigger on it. ] 】

[But their bullets, how can they hit dead sand?] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The sandman raised his huge fist and knocked a policeman away with one punch! ] 】

[Then, his body turned into a desert storm, swept away in an instant, and disappeared into the air. 】

[No one expected that the “sandman” who turned into a storm did not want to escape, but wanted to take the opportunity to rob another money truck. ] 】

[Just when Sandman broke into the inside of the money truck and reformed into human form, Spider-Man also fell from the sky! ] Got your hands on him! 】


[Spider-Man punched the Sandman fiercely, indeed punching a hole in his sand-like body. ] 】

[And the Sandman immediately condensed into a giant fist of sand, and punched Spider-Man out. ] 】

[Next, Sandman and Spider-Man started a dogfight.] 】

[Facing such an enemy that is impossible to kill, Spider-Man was immediately stunned. ] 】

[In the end, although he also saved the two guards in the money truck, he also let the sandman run.] 】

[And on the 2nd day, Aunt May and Parker were called to the police station.

[The sheriff personally told them that the murderer of Uncle Ben turned out to be Mark who had turned into a man of sand! ] 】

[And the suspect who was killed before was just a driver! ] 】

[Hearing this news, Parker was taken aback! ] 】

[And after the shock, a strong anger surged into my heart! ] 】

[After so many years, the murderer who killed Uncle Ben is still at large! ] 】

[After learning the news, Parker’s heart was filled with hatred. 】

[He wears a battle suit every day, listening to the police’s communications, wanting to catch the murderer in advance! ] 】

[And just when Parker was full of anger, the venom symbiote that had been hiding in his apartment finally couldn’t hold back and attached to his body! ] 】

[When Parker came to his senses, he suddenly found that the suit on his body turned pitch black, and he … Also left the apartment and came to the building outside! 】

[“What for?”] This…”

[When Parker looked confused, he suddenly felt it… That powerful force gushing out of the body! 】

“This feeling … That’s amazing! “】

[The “new Spider-Man”, who has been merged with Venom, looked at himself on the glass mirror of the building, and his face suddenly showed a satisfied smile. ] 】

[Now he can be said to be stronger than ever, and he is sure to defeat any strong enemy! ] 】

[After becoming Venom Spider-Man, Parker finally waited for information that Sandman appeared. 】

[In the police communication, this guy seems to be robbing the vault of a bank! ] 】

[Venom Spider-Man hurried to fight Sandman for the second time. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! “】

[After being possessed by venom, Spider-Man shot fiercely and beat Sandman to defeat. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[The flying sandman suddenly fell into a puddle in the ground, and the body formed with sand suddenly turned into mud and began to gradually melt in the water. 】

[“Huh? “】

[Finally discovered the enemy’s weakness, Venom Spider-Man did not hesitate for even a second, and directly opened the underground water pipe in front of him! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The raging water rushed out and washed away the whole person of the sandman! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Under the washing of the water, the sandman let out a sharp roar, but in the end, it gradually turned into mud and eventually melted. 】

[Looking at the sand man who was completely absent in front of him, Venom Spider-Man said a word coldly:]

“Rest in peace. “】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Deadpool: Wow, Spider-Man kills, really kills!

Carol Danvers: It turns out that this kind of sand people are afraid of seeing water, which is really interesting.

Wolverine: Good kill! This kind of murderous robber is simply dead!

Wanda Maksimov: Yes, this is also a real revenge for Uncle Ben!

Deadpool: I don’t care about anything else, but that black Spider-Man looks so handsome, even my heart is starting to cute… Get moving! ^_^

Bruce Wayne: No, Spider-Man isn’t supposed to be the type that kills.

Bruce Wayne: It must have been that Venom symbiote that influenced him!

Venom: Huh? What do you mean? My Uncle Venom has no interest in influencing others!

Venom: Wait, why do you say that black guy is me?

Venom: There are many black symbiotes! I don’t admit it… What does this kind of guy who can’t even say anything have to do with me!

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): ……… Venom…… Uncle Ben… ╥﹏╥

At this moment, Parker was completely in chaos.

And because he had seen the video in advance, he successfully prevented Uncle Ben’s death.

But if something similar really happens, can you kill this kind of killer yourself?

Parker really has no answer!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After fusing with the venom symbiote, Parker’s temperament gradually changed, becoming arrogant and even a little violent. 】

[At this moment, Harry Osborne suddenly recovered his memory and wanted to take revenge on Parker. ] 】

[But he didn’t expect that Parker at this time was not the good old man before. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Breaking into Harry’s house, Parker knocked Harry away with a few punches, and even broke through the wall all the way into Norman Osborne’s secret room.] 】

[Although Harry was defeated, he still threw the Green Goblin bomb and wanted to sneak attack. 】

But Parker took the bomb without hesitation and threw it back. 】

[“Boom! “】

[The Green Goblin bomb exploded violently around Harry, and the shattered building immediately buried him. 】

And Parker didn’t even look back and left directly. 】

[Under the influence of venom, Parker became more and more blackened. 】

[He first passed the lift… newspaper, drove Eddie Bullock out of the Daily Clarion and replaced him as a regular employee. 】

[Next, in order to be ashamed to leave his Mary Jane, Parker also specially took his new little girlfriend to the bar and danced in front of Mary Jane. ] 】

[The bar owner saw that Parker was not good and asked someone to throw him out, and Parker didn’t say a word, and directly hit someone! ] 】

[Mary Jane stepped forward to persuade, but slapped Parker hard in the face and knocked him to the ground. 】

[Mary Jane, who fell to the ground, looked at Parker who was unrecognizable in front of her, and asked in disbelief:]

“Who are you?” “】

[Looking at Mary Jane’s sad eyes, Parker suddenly woke up. 】

[Myself… It’s actually become not yourself. 】

[Frightened, Parker came to the top of the church and tried to rip off his Venom suit. 】

[And in the midst of his struggle, he accidentally touched the church bell.] 】

[“Dang! “】

[The strong sound wave is the weakness of the symbiote, and with the help of the sound of the bell, Parker successfully expelled the symbiote from the body. 】

[But it’s good to die, the Eddie Bullock, who was kicked out of the newspaper, happened to be inside the church! ] 】

[Just after being kicked out of Parker’s body, the venom symbiote happened to be attached to Eddie Bullock’s body. 】

[Now, a new venom is born again! ] 】

[And at this moment, the sand man, who had already turned into muddy water, actually re-condensed his body from the water! ] 】

[Even water, it seems that it can’t kill him! ] 】

[Sandman has just been resurrected, and Venom has also found him. 】

[For the two of them, Spider-Man is a common enemy! ] 】

[And after these two supervillains joined forces, the first thing was to kidnap Mary Jane to lure Spider-Man into action. ] 】

[Moreover, they even put Mary Jane… It was put on a taxi at the top of a dilapidated building and openly declared war on Spider-Man via television. 】

[Knowing how powerful Venom and Sandman are, Spider-Man knows that fighting alone is sending him to death, so he can only bite the bullet and go to his old friend Harry Osborne for help. ] 】

[However, the blackened Parker before has already seriously injured Harry with the Green Goblin bomb, and even disfigured him! ] It also blew up one of his eyes! 】

[Faced with Parker who had harmed himself like this, Harry directly rejected him. 】

[But then, the butler of the Osborne family told Harry the truth. 】

[Norman Osborne, he really died on his own weapon! ] 】

[And at this moment, although he knew that he was not an opponent, in order to save Sister Mary, Spider-Man still went to the building. ] 】

[Sure enough, he just rescued Mary Jane when he encountered, and he joined forces with Sandman and Venom. 】

[Sandman is infinitely large, and Venom is agile, and in the face of these two well-coordinated enemies, Parker is quickly defeated. 】

[“Ah! “】

[Venom bound Spider-Man with spider silk formed by symbiotes, making him immobile, while Sandman raised his huge fist and hit him fiercely. ] 】

[Soon, Spider-Man was beaten half to death, unable to even lift his hands. ] 】

[Seeing this scene through the broadcast of the TV station, the people of the whole city lowered their heads in sadness. 】

[Could it be that their hero Spider-Man… Is it going to die like this? 】

[At this critical moment, a bomb suddenly flew to the sandman’s head! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a huge explosion, the sandman’s head was blown off by a small half! ] 】

[It’s Harry Osborne!] 】

[After knowing the truth about Norman Osborne’s death, he actually gave up his past grudges and came to help Parker, a good brother! ] 】

[Harry and Parker, a pair of friends, first turned against each other, and now they are back together, and finally stand together and fight side by side! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[During the battle, Harry Osborne used the flying bombs that came with the flying skateboard to completely smash the huge Sandman! ] 】

[But even if it was 1-on-1, Spider-Man seemed unable to beat Venom, and was quickly tied up by him. ] 】

[Just when Spider-Man was squashed by Venom, Harry, who had solved the enemy, hurriedly came to help. ] 】

[Just when the two were fighting, the noise generated made the venom on Eddie Bullock’s body begin to separate. ] 】

[Seeing this scene, Parker immediately remembered… The situation of getting rid of venom on your own before. 】

[This black symbiote is afraid of noise! ] 】

[But at this moment, Venom had already lifted, and Harry Osborne’s blade flying machine stabbed at Parker! ] 】

[At this moment, Harry Osborne actually rushed up and used his body to block this fatal blow. ] 】

[“Harry! “】

[Parker never dreamed that Harry would sacrifice himself… Just to save him! 】

[Irritated by the scene in front of him, Parker desperately broke free, and then raised the steel pipe on the ground. 】

[“Buzz! “】

[Parker used the steel pipe to form some kind of noise array, temporarily trapping Venom, and also separated Eddie Bullock from Venom.] 】

[Seeing that the symbiote had been separated, Parker raised the bomb left behind by Harry Osborne and threw it at Venom. 】

[But he didn’t expect that Eddie Bullock would rush forward obsessively! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a loud bang, Venom and Eddie Brook were all burned to ashes by the flames! ] 】

[With the help of Harry Osborne’s sacrifice, Parker finally defeated this terrifying alien symbiote!] 】

PS: Next is “Hulk”, and “The Strongest Superman” series! Stay tuned.

PS2: Happy Lantern Festival to everyone! ^_^

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