Morty: Slytherin? Who is that?

Hermione Granger: He was one of the founders of Hogwarts!

Hermione Granger: Thousands of years ago, the Beaters went on witch hunts because they were afraid of magic!

Hermione Granger: The 4 greatest wizards of the time, united to create Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hermione Granger: Slytherin is one of them!

Stephen Strange: Oh, turned out to be a senior in the mage world?

Stephen Strange: Listening to your previous statement, the wizards of your world seem to be passed down by blood.

Stephen Strange: So, Harry Potter was able to perform magic because he was bleeding Slytherin blood.

Hermione Granger: Either parent can have magical bloodline…

Hermione Granger: But… Slytherin… I really didn’t expect it.

Hermione Granger: According to the books, Salazar Slytherin is a very shrewd person.

Hermione Granger: It is said that this wizard loves people who are ambitious, resourceful, and even unscrupulous to achieve their ends!

Hermione Granger: I have the impression that Harry Potter is supposed to be a hero, not a careerist.

Loki Odinson: Ha, little girl! What do you understand?

Rocky Odinson: Heroes who have no ambition will never end well if they are either used or killed.

Rocky Odinson: If you want to live well, shrewdness and cunning are absolutely indispensable.

Hermione Granger: ……… Is it? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Captain America: Loki, don’t instill your toxic thinking in little girls!

Captain America: Besides, I don’t agree with the theory of blood and lineage!

Captain America: That Harry Potter can talk to snakes, doesn’t necessarily mean that he is an unscrupulous person.

Loki Odinson: Well, that’s great, but… What does it take to become a wizard?

Loki Odinson: Haha! I remember, there must be wizard blood! ^_^

Captain America: …………

Loki Odinson: In addition, I remembered another thing, when you became the captain of the United States, it seems that it was not by blood.

Loki Odinson: It’s about relying on… Hit the potion! ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Captain America: Abominable! You guy! (▼へ▼メ)

Morty: Well, don’t you guys fight.

Morty: Actually, there’s one thing I never understand.

Morty: Look at that Harry Potter, at my aunt’s house… Live that unlucky life! Even had to sleep in the stairwell!

Morty: If he really was the hero who killed the Dark Lord, how could he have to live this life?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, that’s what I mean, the fate of heroes!

Rocky Odinson: If the hero has no ambition, the end result must be betrayed and forgotten.

Loki Odinson: That old man Dumbledore is really ruthless! Deliberately put this Harry kid… Exiled to the mortal world!

Loki Odinson: In this way, he is insulated from the wizarding world and can only be an outdated hero in a storybook.

Hermione Granger: No! ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Although she had never seen Dumbledore with her own eyes, in Hermione’s heart, the strongest white mage in the world was definitely a benevolent and amazing person.

But thinking of Harry Potter’s bad life for 10 years, Hermione’s mentality was also a little shaken.

Judging from the image, at the beginning, the female professor McGonagall also felt… Harry’s aunt’s family was terrible, but Dumbledore insisted on keeping Harry here.

Not only did this lead to such an unfortunate childhood, and by the time Harry was ten years old, he still didn’t even know anything about magic.

This…… And why?

And just as Hermione’s mind was in chaos, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the zoo.] 】

[Just as Harry was talking to the snake excitedly, his cousin Dudley saw that the snake had woken up, and quickly rushed up, pushing Harry to the ground. 】

[“You! “】

[Looking at Dudley’s appearance lying on the glass window, Harry, who was lying on the ground, was suddenly furious, and a wave of anger rushed to the top of his head. 】

[And in the next moment, the glass window disappeared instantly, and my cousin suddenly lost his balance and planted himself in the snake hall. ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Falling into the pool of the snake hall, my cousin’s whole body was soaked with water. ] 】

[And when my cousin wiped a handful of water on his face, he immediately saw the big snake swimming in front of him, and he was suddenly so frightened that his face turned pale and his whole body trembled. ] 】

[The big snake came to Harry Potter, thanked him, and then left the zoo all the way. 】

[“Mom! “】

“That’s a snake! “】

[“Flash away!”] “】

[Seeing the big snake crawling all the way to the door, the audience in the zoo all exclaimed! ] I don’t know how many people are screaming and fleeing. 】

[Seeing that the snake was gone, my cousin finally plucked up the courage and stood up from the pool of the snake hall. ] 】

[But when he wanted to come out, he found that… The glass that disappeared before has returned somehow! 】

[“Mom! Come and save me.” “】

[Hearing her cousin’s screams, Harry’s aunt came over to see it, and she immediately screamed in fright. 】

[Her son was actually locked up in the snake hall. 】

“My baby son, how did you run in?”] “】

[Looking at the mother and son screaming through the glass window in front of him, Harry Potter was lying on the ground. ] Laughed happily. 】

But his aunt noticed Harry’s smile. 】

[Back home, my uncle first questioned Harry, and finally locked him in the stairwell. 】

[In the end, the uncle only left a word for Harry:]

“There is no magic in this world. “】

And seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Charles Xavier: This Harry Potter… Is this awakening superpowers?

Magneto: No, is he a mutant?

Hermione Granger: This… Not superpowers, but spells.

Hermione Granger: I’ve read in books that some people with wizarding blood, even if they have not received formal magical training, may unconsciously cast spells when their emotions are extremely turbulent.

Hermione Granger: That Harry Potter, too, was angry and lost that piece of glass.

Magneto: Awakens the ability in anger. Isn’t this exactly the same as a mutant?

Magneto: Moreover, this ability to transfer space is very strong, and I would like to have such a subordinate.

Hermione Granger: ……… (⊙_⊙)

Stephen Strange: Hermione, you’ve said before that when a child awakens a mage bloodline, even if he is a half-blood, he will be detected by the wizarding world and absorbed into the magic school.

Hermione Granger: Yes, that’s how I am!

Hermione Granger: In the wizarding world, all children with magical talents are registered.

Hermione Granger: Then when he’s 10 years old, someone will come and invite him/her to join the school of magic.

Stephen Strange: So, this Harry Potter should also be invited, right?

Loki Odinson: Well, if that Dumbledore really wanted to hide him, he probably wouldn’t have invited him.

Loki Odinson: Perhaps, he’s ready to take it further… This so-called “hero”! In that case, it’s another story.

Bruce Wayne: Listen to you, whatever Dumbledore does, it’s wrong.

Loki Oddinson: Hahaha. If you don’t believe it, you can do it when I didn’t say it.

Hermione Granger: ………………… (O_O)

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Harry Potter came to the door to receive the letter, and suddenly found a letter addressed to him. 】

[And the most pulling thing is that the money on this letter turned out to be: ]

[“4 Privet Road, Harry Potter in the closet downstairs.”] “】

[Obviously, whoever sent the letter knows what kind of life he usually leads. 】

[When the uncle saw the words “Hogwarts” on the envelope, he was immediately shocked and quickly took the letter away. 】

Over the next few days, things became increasingly bizarre. 】

[The envelope marked “Hogwarts” appeared more and more frequently, but all of them were taken by the uncle and destroyed. 】

[Finally, the angry uncle even used a wooden board to seal the opening of the envelope on the door.] 】

[But on day 2, when my aunt opened the egg, she found that there was nothing else in the egg, only the Hogwarts envelope. 】

[But even so, my uncle tried his best to burn all the envelopes he received.] 】

[Finally, I waited until Sunday, and my uncle was still full of joy, thinking that no one would pay attention on Sunday. 】

[But when Harry opened the curtains, he saw that the door was already full of owls delivering letters. 】

[Next, I only listened to the sound of “rumbling”, and from the chimney of the house, countless letters were frantically spewed out! ] 】

“Oh my God, what is this?”] “】

[“Mom! What happened? “】

[Faced with the overwhelming envelopes, Harry’s aunt and family were all stunned. 】

[His cousin was even hugging his aunt, shivering.] 】

[Seeing their silly appearance, Harry Potter finally showed a happy smile. 】

[But under his aunt’s obstruction, Harry still couldn’t read the contents of the envelope. 】

[Moreover, in order to completely stop the endless envelopes, my uncle even moved to a remote island with his family. ] 】

[Out of some strange superstition, he seems to think… Whoever delivers the letter cannot cross the sea. 】

[This day is the eve of Harry Potter’s birthday. 】

[That night, Harry used ash to draw a birthday cake for himself and silently wished himself a happy birthday. 】

[But at this moment, the closed door suddenly emitted a loud roar! ] 】

[“Boom! Rumble! “】

[It’s as if some monster is ramming outside.] 】

[“Mom! “】

[Looking at the terrifying image in front of him, my cousin screamed in shock again.] 】

[And at the next moment, the entire gate collapsed, and a giant walked in from outside. ] 】

[This person is Hagrid. 】

[After Hagrid entered the door, he first easily bent the shotgun in his uncle’s hand. 】

He then gave Harry a homemade cake to congratulate him on his birthday. 】

[After learning that Harry Potter knew nothing about the wizarding world, Hagrid was first extremely angry and then told him the truth. 】

“You’re a wizard! Harry! “】

[It turns out that Hagrid came to invite Harry Potter to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! ] 】

[Hearing this incredible news, Harry Potter was completely stunned. 】

[The aunt and wife next to them finally couldn’t bear it anymore and wanted to continue to prevent Harry from enrolling. 】

[In the midst of their argument with Hagrid, the aunt finally revealed the truth of the matter.] 】

[It turns out that Harry’s mother, the aunt’s sister, once attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! ] 】

[However, my aunt herself is a squib, so she has always been jealous of her sister.] 】

[And… Harry’s parents did not die in a car accident at all. 】

[It was while everyone was talking, Harry’s cousin secretly ate the cake Hagrid gave Harry. 】

[Hagrid was originally very angry, seeing this, he directly used the umbrella in his hand to conjure a pig’s tail on his cousin! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

“O my son! “】

[Seeing this scene, the aunt’s family was all frightened and screamed around their son. 】

[Now, they no longer have the guts to stop Harry from enrolling. 】

[On Day 2, Hagrid left the island with Harry. 】

[But before entering Hogwarts, they also have to buy a lot of wizarding things. 】

[The most important of these is a magic wand!] 】

[But where did Harry get his wand?] 】

Hagrid laughed and told Harry not to worry. 】

[Where they are going next, they can buy everything on the admission list.] 】

[There is the shopping street of the wizarding world, aka … Diagon Alley! 】

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