[While Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were fighting each other, Professor McGonagall was finally back. 】

She took these new students to the auditorium hall. 】

[In this hall, there are 4 long tables, representing each of the 4 houses. 】

[And on the top seat, there is a white-bearded old man, who is the strongest white magician… Head of Hogwarts, Dumbledore. 】

[But for these new students, the most amazing … Or the roof of the hall. 】

[Harry and the others looked up, and saw that the deep night sky could be seen on the roof, and there were twinkling stars in it. 】

[As if sensing Harry and Ron’s surprise, Hermione said with a smile again:]

“This is not true, just magic… It is just an illusion of the night sky. “】

“I read about it in the History of Hogwarts. “】


Harry looked back at Hermione with some surprise, a hint of doubt in his eyes. 】

[How many books did this girl read?] 】

[Could it be that she really knows everything?] 】

[Before enrollment, these new students must also go through one last ceremony. 】

[That is… Branch! 】

[On the long table at the very front, there are some strange wizard pointed hats, which seem to have facial features on them.] 】

[Next, Professor McGonagall, holding a sorting hat in one hand and a list of freshmen in the other, called out Hermione Granger’s name. 】

[“Relax… Just relax. “】

While cheering herself up, Hermione stepped forward and sat down in the chair under the sorting hat. 】

[Professor McGonagall put the sorting hat on Hermione’s head, and then, the facial features on this hat’s face… He showed a pensive look. 】

[At the same time, Ron, who had long seen Hermione’s displeasure, also brought his mouth to Harry’s ear and whispered:]

“I’m telling you, this girl’s brain is definitely not normal. “】

[And remembering Hermione’s previous series of actions, Harry also nodded slightly. 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Hermione Granger: These two… Little bastard who speaks ill of people behind his back! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○

Charles Xavier: Hermione, if you think Harry and Ron are naïve, then… You shouldn’t be so naïve about it.

Hermione Granger: ……… Mr. Charles, do you think they are doing the right thing?

Charles Xavier: Ahem, of course there is something wrong with this, and if they were my students, I would definitely criticize them.

Hermione Granger: Hmph, two boys, what don’t you dare to say in person, but you have to say it behind your back! What a shame.

And looking at Hermione’s angry look, Charles also secretly shook his head.

He also has a degree in education, and he can see at a glance what is going on.

To put it bluntly, this little girl is just too smart and has read too many books, so she always wants to show that she is different.

However, her performance without looking at the occasion can easily sting the other … Not that good people.

For example…… Ron.

Thinking of this, Charles quickly changed the topic.

Charles Xavier: Hermione, what exactly is that hat? Do you know?

As soon as she saw someone asking her a question, Hermione instinctively searched her memory.

Hermione Granger: Of course, according to the History of Hogwarts, this hat originally belonged to Godric Gryffindor.

Hermione Granger: Later, including him, the four founders of Hogwarts… Worried that future students would not be well assigned, he cast a magic spell on this hat and let “it” assign students to 4 houses.

Morty: A hat, how do you divide students? That’s weird.

Hermione Granger: Don’t underestimate the Sorting Hat! The book says… This hat concentrates the wisdom of the four founders!

Hermione Granger: Moreover, “it” is also a master of seduction, which can directly read students’ memories and thoughts.

Stephen Strange: Mind-taking? Are you talking about “mind reading”?

Hermione Granger: yes, it’s very advanced magic, I don’t know when I’ll learn it?

Charles Xavier: Can use mind reading… Hat? (⊙_⊙)

Magneto: Hahaha! Charles, maybe you can go and talk to this hat, you will definitely have a lot of common language.

Charles Xavier: Ahem, actually, I rarely perform mind-reading on my own students.

Hermione Granger: What are you talking about? Will you read your students’ minds? (⊙o⊙)

Charles Xavier: This… It’s not what you think.

Just when Professor Charles was embarrassed, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Placed on Hermione’s head, after several minutes, the Sorting Hat finally shouted out loud:]

“Gryffindor! “】

【“yes! “】

[Assigned to the house she wanted to go to, Hermione immediately cheered with joy. 】

[And then, Malfoy was sorted into Slytherin as he wished.] 】

[Looking at the arrogant smile on Malfoy’s face, Ron whispered to Harry again:]

“Those guys who turned into evil dark wizards are said to be from Slytherin. “】

[And just as the freshmen were receiving the Sorting, Harry suddenly felt… The lightning scar on his forehead hurts! 】

[He turned his head and saw a gloomy-faced, black-haired man staring at him deadly. 】

[Beside this man, there is also a man with his head wrapped in a cloth, who is facing away from Harry. 】

[Next, Ron was sorted into Gryffindor like Hermione. 】

[And when it was Harry’s turn, the Sorting Hat groaned on his head for several minutes. 】

[“Difficult! It’s really hard. “】

“Not a bad guy, very talented, but eager to prove himself. “】

[Hearing the muttering of the Sorting Hat, Harry quickly repeated it in his mind. 】

[“Don’t be Slytherin, don’t be Slytherin! “】

[In any case, he doesn’t want to stay in the same house as the Malfoy guy. 】

[What’s more, Ron’s previous words also left a deep impression in Harry’s heart. 】

[People born in Slytherin can easily degenerate into evil wizards! ] 】

[“Oh? “】

[The Sorting Hat seemed to hear Harry’s heart and asked in a low voice:]

“Don’t you really want to go to Slytherin? “】

“I hear you, you want to achieve great things!”] “】

“And Slytherin can help you to glory, there’s no doubt about it!”] “】

“But if you really don’t want to go…”

[Finally, the Sorting Hat finally opened its mouth:]

“Gryffindor! “】

[“Yay! “】

“Harry Potter is coming to us!”] “】

[Hearing Scarlet Moon’s call, the Gryffindor students all applauded excitedly.] 】

[And looking at the excited look on his good friend Ron’s face, Harry Potter also showed a happy smile. ] 】

[At this time, in the highest main seat, Dumbledore was also uncharacteristic, gently puffing out his palms. 】

[Previously, no matter which student was assigned to the academy, he would only pat the back of his right hand with his left hand. 】

[After the sorting ceremony, there will be a dinner to welcome the new students.] 】

[But while the students were eating, several ghosts suddenly appeared on the table! ] Scare the freshmen. 】

[After the dinner, the new students will go to the dormitories of their respective colleges to rest. 】

[There is a portrait hanging at the door of Harry Potter and others’ dormitory, and the “fat lady” on the portrait is alive! ] 】

[Only when the students say the secret password will the fat lady open the door and let them in.] 】

[After entering the dormitory, Harry Potter looked at the moonlight outside the window, almost unable to believe his situation. 】

[Yesterday, he lived on a desolate island with his aunt and others. 】

[And today… He arrived at a magic school ready to become a wizard! 】

[A new life is waiting for him ahead! ] 】

And seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Hermione Granger: Oh? It was really surprising that this kid didn’t even enter Slytherin.

After seeing Harry echo Ron… After saying that she had a problem with her brain, Hermione had no good feelings for this glasses imp at all.

Bruce Wayne: It seems that deep down, this kid is … In fact, he is not an unscrupulous person, who can speak snake language, which may also be an accident.

Ghost Rider: Hahaha, I see, he just hates that little imp named Malfoy and doesn’t want to be with him.

Ghost Rider: Besides, how come there are ghosts in this school?

Hermione Granger: This is called a ghost, and it seems that wizards become after death, and they don’t hurt people.

Hermione Granger: But… What exactly they are, the book does not clearly write. Excuse me.

Ghost Rider: Ha, little girl, I didn’t ask you again, what are you embarrassed about?

Ghost Rider: You don’t really think of yourself as a living computer, do you? The knowledge in this world is endless, and you will always have something you don’t know.

Hermione Granger: No, I want to know everything about magic! That’s my wish!

Reed Richards: It’s great that young people have an endless thirst for knowledge.

Bruce Banner: yes, I think of… I used to spend time studying at university.

Deadpool: Oh? How many years ago was that? 30 years? Or 40 years?

Bruce Banner: ……… →_→

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the following studies, Harry Potter behaved almost like other students. 】

[When he was in Potions class, he realized that the black-haired man who stared at him before turned out to be a professor at Hogwarts, named Snape! ] 】

[During a flying broom class, unfortunately there was an accident. 】

[Neville Longbottom couldn’t control his broom well, and as a result, he fell from a height and broke his wrist. 】

[The teacher was sending Neville to the infirmary when Malfoy picked up Neville’s fallen crystal ball from the ground, and it seemed that he didn’t plan to return it. 】

[Harry couldn’t stand it, and stepped forward to ask Malf, but Malfoy instead rode away on a broomstick! ] 】

[Flying above the sky, Malfoy laughed at Harry Potter with a look of disdain:]

[“What’s wrong? Po Ter! You can’t reach it at all. “】

[Hearing Malfoy’s provocation, Harry angrily mounted his broomstick and wanted to fly up and fight him.] 】

[Seeing this, Hermione quickly stopped him:]

[“Before the teacher left, he said that we were not allowed to fly! “】

“Besides, you haven’t learned how to ride a broom?” “】

[But Harry completely ignored her and flew directly. 】

[Looking at the determined Harry Potter, Hermione reached out and covered her forehead:]

“This guy… What an idiot. “】

[Seeing Harry Potter riding up noisily, Malfoy laughed at him first, and casually threw out the crystal ball in his hand. 】

[“Not good! “】

[Seeing that the crystal ball was thrown somewhere, Harry immediately urged the speed of the broom to the extreme and chased straight after it. ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[At the last moment, he actually caught the ball in the instant before hitting the castle! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[And the scene of Harry Potter heroically receiving the ball was also seen by Professor McGonagall in the castle. ] 】

[“Yay! Harry caught the ball. “】

“He said it’s so fast, it’s amazing! “】

When Harry returned to the ground with the crystal ball, the rest of the students all came up to greet him excitedly. 】

[And Malfoy and the others were all livid and clenched their teeth on the side. 】

[But Harry only had time to rejoice for a few seconds when a serious-looking Professor McGonagall came up and called him away. 】


[Thinking that Harry Potter was going to be punished by Professor McGonagall, Malfoy and his two men all laughed proudly. 】

[While Harry was apprehensive and thought he was going to be punished, Professor McGonagall led him to a boy named Wood. 】

[It turns out that this Wood is the captain of Gryffindor House, the Quidditch team. 】

[And Professor McGonagall’s trip is specifically to introduce Harry to him as the team’s new Seeker! ] 】

“Wood. I saw this kid swoop 50 feet and grab that thing, and he won’t let you down! “】

[Listening to Professor McGonagall’s recommendation, Wood’s eyes as he looked at Harry also changed. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Hermione Granger: Quidditch? How could that first-year Harry be a Seeker? That’s an exaggeration.

Morty: What? What are you talking about?

Hermione Granger: Quidditch! This is the most popular contest in our wizarding world!

Hermione Granger: Simply put, it’s two teams riding broomsticks to play!

Hermione Granger: And the “Seeker” is a very important player! If he performs well, he alone can seal the victory!

And speaking of this, Hermione’s heart was also a little sour.

Her family knew her own affairs, and Hermione had long known that she was positioned as a top student, not an athlete.

She couldn’t compete in a sport like Quidditch.

But seeing that Harry Potter had only been enrolled a few days before he could join the academy team, Hermione was also full of doubts for a while.

Instead of punishing Harry, Professor McGonagall directly introduced him to the team.

Don’t…… This is the welfare of the legendary savior?

The official members of the first grade, this kind of thing, I have not heard of this in 100 years!

Could it be that this kid really has a talent for sports?

Well-developed limbs and a simple mind?

Just as Hermione’s eyes rolled and her mind was messy, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Soon, the news that Harry joined the Quidditch team as a first-year freshman spread throughout Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 】

[For a while, I don’t know how many people were discussing this name. 】

“Harry… Porter! “】

[However, Harry himself did not show much confidence. 】

[Hermione took him to the certificate display area of the house, where Harry Potter saw his father as a Seeker… Trophies to stay! 】

[It turns out that his father is also a famous Quidditch player!] 】

[After learning about this, Harry was very excited and calmed down for a long time. 】

[But just as Harry Ron Hermione and the three left, the stairwell in the air suddenly moved, sending them to a strange secret room. ] 】

[Looking at the desolate appearance in the secret room, Hermione muttered again:]

“We shouldn’t have come here, the 3rd floor is forbidden. “】

[But just as they were about to leave, they bumped into the cat of Filch, the dormitory administrator.] 】

[“Run! Can’t be caught by Filch! “】

[The three panicked, fled to the secret room, and finally fled to a locked door. 】

Just as Ron and Harry were almost giving up, Hermione stepped forward with her wand, chanted a spell, and opened the lock. 】

[The three quickly entered the door, and then closed the door again.] 】

[But just when these three little ghosts just breathed a sigh of relief…]

[They saw the monster in front of them. 】

[That’s a three-headed demon dog bigger than an elephant!] 】

[Sensing that someone had entered, all three heads of the demon dog were raised and looked at Harry and the others. 】


[Seeing the terrifying scene in front of him, the blood color on Harry’s three faces completely disappeared, and a chill instantly soaked his heart and lungs! ] Almost cold to the bone! 】

[“Aaaa “】

[The terrifying scream suddenly tore the air! ] 】

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