In the live broadcast room.

“How come! Stan Lee actually chose to be a superhero? ”

See on the screen… Stan Lee, who showed his son a superhero costume, Tony Dak’s eyes widened in amazement.

In his opinion, it was this old man who created almost all superheroes!

Is it necessary for a Creator to imitate his own creation?

At this time, Peter Parker suddenly said weakly:

“This… It’s probably called cosplay. ”


Tony turned his head and saw Peter scratching his head, and said with a little wry smile:

“I’ve seen it on the Internet, and there are a lot of people who like to dress up as characters from anime or games.”

“That’s cosplay.”

“A creator who loves cosplay?”

Everyone in the live broadcast room listened to each other, and no one knew what to say for a while.

In the end, it was little Wanda who burst out laughing:

“Speaking of which, this Creator God is really powerful.”

“First he made himself a billionaire, but at the same time he was in a mansion… Prepare a superhero equipment room! ”

Speaking of this, little Wanda rolled her eyes and secretly glanced at Bruce Wayne.

Although she did not speak, how sensitive Young Master Wayne was, she noticed the little girl’s gaze in an instant, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Does this little girl think of herself?

But…… If that Stan Lee was really cosplaying him Bruce Wayne, shouldn’t he have built the secret base into a hole in the ground?

Just when everyone was thinking about it, the sound of the system suddenly sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected object: Thanos Thanos]

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Thanos VS Deadpool”]

[This live broadcast will start in one minute! ] 】

Cosmos, on Temple 2.

“What? Will I go to war with that lower creature? ”

Thanos, who was sitting on the throne, frowned slightly, and there was a rare look of surprise in his eyes.

The previous images didn’t mean much to him, so Thanos didn’t see much at all.

But this notice of the system was indeed unexpected by Thanos.


This mud monster with some self-healing ability… What is it?

What qualifies to be their own opponent?

And in another universe.

“Hahaha! Did I go to war with that purple potato monster? It’s so much fun! ”

Deadpool sat on the sofa and let out a smug laugh, and the whole person danced.

Since acquiring near-immortal superpowers, Deadpool has become increasingly cynical.

No matter how powerful a strong enemy is, he wants to provoke it!

And the object he wants to challenge the most at this time is the purple potato monster who always looks very serious!

If there is a chance, Deadpool even wants to flick this guy’s big nose and say:

“Why so serious?”

At this moment, the screen that had been dim lit up again.

And a calm narration voice also sounded in everyone’s ears.

【”This is the Earth of Universe 616″】

“Many years ago, Deadpool … At the time, he was still called “Wade Wilson” and was caught by weapon X and forced to conduct a terrible experiment. “】

“During that miserable incarceration, Wade Wilerson encountered the goddess of death. “】

“And what surprised the goddess of death was that this ugly man in front of her, who was unrecognizable, was able to see her with the naked eye! “】

“This should be impossible! “】

[“How can a living person see the God of Death? “】

Because of this, the goddess of death became deeply interested in Wade Wilson and eventually gave him a text. “】

Before leaving, the goddess of death gave Wade a promise. “】

“If one day he dies, then… to be with yourself. “】

“And this adventure in his imprisonment career also made Wade fall in love with that … A goddess who represents the concept of “death” throughout the universe! “】

“But unfortunately, as a result of the experiments that Weapon X conducted on Wadway and Xon, he obtained … Probably the strongest self-healing ability on the entire planet. “】

“Since then, whatever Wade … Or how Deadpool dies, he just can’t die! “】

“So, Wadeweison and the goddess of death, this strange couple are so separated that they can no longer live together. “】

“However, even with the strongest self-healing ability, Deadpool has suffered several death crises. “】

[“Once, his whole person was shattered by a powerful explosion! Only half a hand remains! “】

“Being crushed to this point, theoretically, no matter how strong Deadpool has the ability to heal himself, he is dead. “】

[But surprisingly, with only half a hand, Deadpool actually “grew back” again! “】

[After this resurrection, Deadpool’s whole body was heartbroken, and he was in pain for missing out on the reunion with his beloved “death” again. “】

“And this… Thanos wants to see exactly what he wants. “】

“Entangled by the goddess of death since childhood, Thanos has long been deeply in love with this woman, and even did not hesitate to give her the life of the entire universe. “】

“Because of this, when it is learned that … The goddess in his mind actually had a “relationship” with that dirty creature on the earth! Thanos was immediately furious. “】

[“If it’s another enemy, Thanos can go and slaughter him directly!”] “】

But in the face of this situation, Thanos, who was cursed by knowledge, immediately took another means of revenge. “】

“He cursed Deadpool in a special way, making him forever unable to die. “】

[In this way, Deadpool will never be able to reunite with the Goddess of Death, and it will definitely not be possible to take away his beloved Goddess! “】

“At least…”theoretically” it is. “】

[“But not long after, a strange thing happened…”

[Many years later, on a spaceship in the universe. 】

[Two men are fighting fiercely. 】

[To be precise, a weirdo in a red tights… is being flattened by a purple potato monster. 】

“You poor bug! “】

[“Inferior idiot! “】

[Thanos scolded Deadpool while punching Deadpool:]

“What makes you feel… A low-level creature like you can challenge a god? “】

[“Bang! “】

[Thanos’s heavy punch fell on Deadpool’s body like a rainstorm, beating him into a human form! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Blood splattered everywhere, and even splashed on the statue of the goddess of death next to it. ] 】

[“Hehe, you can’t beat me to death anyway. “】

[All four limbs are broken, and his body is soaked in blood, but Deadpool is still so hard-mouthed. ] 】

“So I thought… Why not give it a try? “】

[“Bah! You disgusting bug. “】

[Thanos grabbed Deadpool’s head and yelled loudly:]

“Years ago, I cursed you with the darkest magic spell to immortality. “】

[“Wade Wilson, earthling, I have given you eternal life! “】

[While scolding, Thanos raised his right fist high:]

[“But you scum, you dare to be presumptuous in my temple today! “】

“So… I will take back my gift to you! “】

[As soon as the words fell, Thanos’ heavy punch smashed on Deadpool’s head. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[A punch fell, and the terrifying cosmic energy roared and rushed in all directions. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Deadpool’s entire body was shattered by this blow. It seems to be about to fall apart! 】

[This tight-clad weirdo who seems to never die, is it… Die at the hands of Thanos now? 】

And seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: Unbelievable! The person of the goddess of death… Still above my father! I would actually like that… That ugly beast?

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing species: There must be something wrong. ( ̄△ ̄; )

Deadpool: Wow hahaha! Sure enough, my Uncle Wade’s charm is so strong! Even the gods of the universe can’t resist! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Agent J: Uh… Is it necessary for you to be so happy?

Agent J: The so-called goddess of death is the ruler of the dead.

Agent J: If you really marry such a Grim Reaper, wouldn’t you have to deal with ghosts and corpses all day?

Deadpool: As long as it’s for love, this kind of trifle… I can totally overcome it.

Deadpool: Just… I still haven’t seen the true face of the goddess of death, I don’t know how beautiful she is.

Thanos Thanos: Humph! I am such a low-level creature that I can only be seduced by beauty.

Deadpool: Hahaha, why did I rob your goddess and feel uncomfortable?

Thanos Thanos: Joke! I’m only interested in saving the universe, what goddess… Not worth mentioning in my eyes!

Thanos Thanos: Also, are you a little worried about seeing your variant being killed by me?

Deadpool: Che, what’s there to worry about if he dies… It’s actually good to be able to meet your beloved goddess.

Wolverine: Good guy, don’t even want your life in order to chase women! ╮(╯_╰)╭

While everyone was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Go back in time to a day ago.] 】

[On this day, Deadpool is dying everywhere again, trying to assassinate Dr. Doom. ] 】

[As a result, he was hit by the Doctor without suspense and fell into the deep sea. ] 】

[At the moment before he was almost drowned, Deadpool saw the goddess in his mind again in the near-death experience. ] 】

[But this time… It’s a little weird. 】

[The goddess of death is not like before… Tell jokes with him, and don’t sit in Deadpool’s arms and exchange heartfelt feelings with him. 】

[“Wade Wilson!!! “】

[The goddess of death screamed while waving with open hands, just like a little girl in danger and asking for help. ] 】

[“Baby? You…”

[Before Deadpool could come to his senses, the goddess of death disappeared from his sight. 】

[The next moment, he opened his eyes.] 】

[Deadpool’s self-healing ability began to work, and the sea water could not drown him at all. ] 】

[At this time, Deadpool found that he had been rescued and placed in a fishing boat. 】

[Right in the cabin is a shabby television with sensational news playing on it.] 】

[On a global scale, no one can die!] 】

[Even those who are mortally injured can only live in pain. 】

[This situation is called “death stagnation”! ] 】

[Next, Deadpool ran to consult a wizard. 】

[The wizard doesn’t know exactly what happened, but he sees the curse on Deadpool.] 】

“This curse is not earthly, but I see a name in it, and that is Thanos!”] “】

[“Thanos? “】

[When Deadpool heard this, he suddenly realized. 】

[“Yes, it should also be that purple potato monster who kidnapped the goddess of death! “】

[“In this way, no one in the universe can die, so no one can approach the goddess of death!”] “】

[Halfway through, Deadpool suddenly broke his mouth and cursed:]

“This purple sweet potato maniac, he thought… So that no one can rob a woman with him? “】

[Because of this whim, Deadpool snatched a spaceship on Earth and ran to the depths of space to find Thanos. ] 】

[And the end is… He was beaten into a pool of meat and loaf by Thanos. 】

[“Waste! “】

[Looking at the lump of meat and mud on the ground, Thanos raised his hand with disdain:]

[“Right now, all living things in the universe cannot die, whether it is the lowest level bacteria or the highest group of heavenly gods… It’s all the same. “】

“But the only exception … It’s you! Wadeweison! “】

“The reason why you have survived to this point is because of my curse! “】

[Speaking of this, Thanos waved his right hand, and a purple mist turned into a poisonous snake and flew out from Deadpool’s body. ] 】

“Now, I have withdrawn my curse! You can die now! “】

[And at the same time that Thanos withdrew the curse, Deadpool also entered the near-death experience again and met the goddess of death. ] 】

“Wadeweison, come and save me.”] “】

[This time. The goddess of death, like a princess captured by a dragon, cried out for help to his hero :]

“You must find me and bring the universe back into balance!”] “】

“I know you can do it, my love!”] , because you are my real… The only hero! “】

[Listening to the voice of the goddess of death, Deathpool only felt that his heart was broken. ] 】

“Honey, don’t go, I can’t live without you! I…”

[Deadpool still wanted to continue calling the goddess, but in the next moment, he opened his eyes. 】

【“??? “】

[Looking at the purple potato monster standing in front of him, a series of question marks suddenly appeared on Deadpool’s head. ] 】

[Isn’t this guy trying to kill himself?] 】

[And what’s going on now?] 】

[Looking at Deadpool with a puzzled face, Thanos’ face was difficult to see the extreme, but he still said in a deep voice:]

“I know that the goddess of death has been kidnapped, but I can’t find any clues. “】

“However, through the black curse I placed on you, Fangcai… I also came to the land of the dead and saw everything. “】

[It turns out that the picture of the goddess of death “asking for help and courting” to Deadpool just now all fell into the eyes of Thanos! ] No wonder his expression is so ugly now. 】

[As a man who loves the goddess of death to the bone, Thanos’s heart at this moment… It was as painful as being bitten by countless poisonous insects. 】

[Until now, he didn’t know that he was snatched by Deadpool’s knife… Loved? Or abandoned by the goddess of death? 】

[But when he thought of his goddess, Thanos still gritted his teeth and said to Deadpool:]

“For reasons I don’t know, the goddess will only communicate with you. “】

“To save him, I need you!”] “】

[Thanos stretched out his hand, and his palm was full of various jewels:]

[“Lowly mercenaries, you will accept these rewards and help me find… The goddess of death we all love? “】

[When he said the phrase “we all love deeply”, Thanos almost crushed his teeth. 】

[“Ha! “】

[Deadpool smiled softly:]

“Dude, put those stones back in your wallet. “】

“This time… Free of charge! “】

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