Karma Taj.

“How is that possible?”

Strange’s gaze froze on the screen above, and the whole person was completely petrified.

This extraordinary Spider-Man… But people from another universe!

That little fat Ned, how did he “bring it over”?

Could it be that he really opened the portal to another parallel universe?

When he thought of this, Strange was shocked, and the figure of another person suddenly flashed in his mind.

The one who destroyed a universe to save his girlfriend… Demonize Dr. Strange!

This extremely powerful “self”, when fighting against Infinite Ultron, once opened a portal to the zombie universe! Summoned countless zombies and buried Infinite Ultron underneath!

However, Dr. Demonization is a strong person who has absorbed countless evil gods of different dimensions and has “multiverse-level” magical power!

And that little fat man has never even learned magic for a day!

How could this little devil have the power of the level of a demonizing doctor?

Next, when I thought about when I first learned portal magic… With the time and effort it takes, Strange almost doubts life.

Because this shock was too great, Strange even had an illusion at the moment.

Don’t…… Compared to me, that little P boy named Ned is more suitable to be a Supreme Mage?

Ancient Mage, in fact, he should pass on the seat to him!

And looking at Strange’s blank eyes and earthy face, the ancient mage’s brows moved slightly.

This young man… It still needs more honing.

And looking at the magic apprentices in the square, there was also some commotion, and Gu Yi finally spoke:

“That kid named Ned is just a beginner in magic with some talent.”

“This Spider-Man from another universe may have opened the portal before Ned… It’s already in that dimension! ”

After all, he must also know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man!


Master Mordo suddenly realized.

“So, that kid just opened a portal in the ‘main world’ and didn’t cross dimensions!”

Upon hearing this, the non-mathematicians in the square also let out a long breath.

“Whew… It scares me to death. ”

“I really thought there was another Doctor Demon.”

“Just kidding! How can a character like that be so easy to come out with the second?”

And listening to the exclamations of the apprentices, a thought suddenly arose in the heart of the ancient mage.

That little ghost named Ned, without any guidance, held a suspension ring and used the portal spell!

Moreover, it can also “locate and find people”!

The talent of this person… Amazing indeed!

“If Ned and Peter Parker were the same year, they would be almost six or seven years old this year…”

After seeing so many images, Furuichi also faintly felt that it was a little unreliable to bet the future of “Karma Taj” on Strange…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Facing Ned and MJ, the Amazing Spider-Man… Peter Parker recounted his own experience. 】

[It turns out that yesterday he was still in his own world, but today somehow … I ran to this strange world. 】

[However, the suspicious, MJ still forced “The Amazing Spider-Man” to crawl around on the roof, showing his “Spider-Man ability”, which convinced him. ] 】

[Realizing that he had found the wrong person, Ned had to put on the suspension ring again and open a new portal while chanting “Find Peter Parker”. 】

After repeating his words, a new golden door finally opened in the living room. 】

[But this time, what came out of it was a middle-aged man in ordinary clothes. ] 】

[Moreover, this man not only has thick dark circles, but even some eye bags, and looks quite haggard. ] 】

As soon as he saw him, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Oh my God! This…… This is me!

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): How could I be so old? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Looking at the tired middle-aged man on the screen, Peter couldn’t help but swallow his spit for a while, and his heart jumped uncontrollably.

Do you say… Being Spider-Man really had such an impact on his life, and he turned himself into a middle-aged loser?

That’s too miserable.

Wanda Maximov: Okay guys, this is already the third Spider-Man, how many more are coming?

Deadpool: Hahaha! To be honest, I’d rather see that Gwen Spider-Man, after all… He looks so beautiful!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Gwen? What did you say? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Deadpool: Ha, I’m just kidding, don’t be so serious.

Agent J: Actually, I would rather meet the little black spider… Miles.

John Constantine: Please, like you said, this video is going to become “Spider-Man Parallel Universe”!

Deadpool: Hahaha! Do you think it’s not now?

Charles Xavier: Forget it, anyway, with these two variants, that “Peter Parker” is not alone.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, this little ghost, if you still can’t learn to be ruthless, I’m afraid… He will kill these two “spiders” too!

Bruce Wayne: He’s only 18 years old after all, and it’s normal to be a little immature.

Rocky Odinson: Really? This kid… But experienced the battle with Thanos!

Rocky Odinson: After this experience, I acted like a naïve child! It’s unbelievable, are all earthlings so naïve?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): ……… (╯_╰)

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Ahem, I…

For a while, Spider-Man in both universes was speechless. Can’t think of anything to defend the teenage Spider-Man.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

“Hello everyone, I’m Peter Parker. “】

The middle-aged Peter waved at Ned and MJ, with a smile on his face. 】

[At the same time, obvious wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes.] 】

[After the middle-aged Peter saw the extraordinary Spider-Man, the two were stunned at the same time, and then shot spider silk at each other! ] 】

[“Ugh! Swish! “】

[The two Spider-Men flipped over in the living room at the same time, avoiding each other’s attacks. 】

[But the extraordinary Spider-Man was still entangled in the spider silk of middle-aged Peter. ] 】

[After some spider silk shooting, the two looked at the strange man in front of them in disbelief, and their eyes finally showed a clear color. ] 】

[In this living room, Spider-Man meets Spider-Man. 】

[Next, the two Spider-Men also made a request to Ned and them.] 】

“Ever since I came into this world, I can feel… Spider-Man in your world needs help! “】

[Middle-aged Peter said in a deep voice:]

“He needs my help. “】

And the Amazing Spider-Man picked up: “He needs ‘our’ help.'” “】

[Under the reminder of the two Spider-Man, MJ finally thought of the little spider… Where it might be staying now. 】

[When they finally found the little spider, they found that this Peter who was covered in scales had completely fallen into self-blame. 】

[Ned and MJ first comforted the little spider, and then introduced him to the two… “Spider-Man of another dimension.] 】

[Looking at these two “selves”, the little spider also fell into chaos and sadness for a while. 】

[“Aunt Mei will die, it’s all because of me, she died meaninglessly! “】

[In a state of extreme self-blame, the little spider just wants to take back the box of the Vishan Emperor. ] 】

[Then, put the two Spider-Men in front of you… All visitors from the other world, send them back! 】

“After they return to the original world, that’s your problem! “】

“I’ve had enough. “】

[The more the little spider spoke, the more sentimental it became, and tears began to roll in his eyes. ] 】

[Seeing this, the middle-aged Peter said in a deep voice:]

“My Uncle Ben was also killed, and that incident^ was all my fault. “】

[Upon hearing this, tears also appeared in the eyes of the extraordinary Spider-Man:]

“I lost Gwen, it was all my fault, and I couldn’t forgive myself for the rest of my life.”] “】

“But … I still have to cheer up! “】

[The Amazing Spider-Man sniffled, his face showing bitterness:]

“I still have to keep doing what I am… Friendly neighbor Spider-Man. “】

“But after that, I became irritable, irritable, and ruthless! 】

“I just don’t want to… You become just like me. “】

[Hearing this, the middle-aged Peter also picked up and said:]

[“After Uncle Ben’s death, I desperately went to hunt down that murderer! “】

“I want him to die!”] “】

“And in the end… Sure enough, he died. “】

“But that didn’t let me go. “】

[Hearing this, the little spider said with some excitement:]

[“When I find the Green Goblin, I must kill him and smash it into ten thousand pieces!”] “】

[“Aunt May… Just as Aunt May was dying, she was still telling me that I was doing the right thing! “】

[“She said: the greater the ability…”]

[As soon as he heard the little spider say this, the middle-aged Peter suddenly changed color slightly, and continued directly:]

[“The greater the responsibility! “】

[Hearing this familiar sentence, the three Spider-Men looked at each other, and their expressions changed drastically. ] 】

[In this moment, they find an emotional resonance. 】

[Next, the three Spider-Men decided to return to the previous “treatment plan” and use his ingenuity to try to “cure” the problematic supervillains. ] 】

“Leave Dr. Connors to me.”] The extraordinary Spider-Man changed into a white coat and said calmly: “I can cure him once or twice.” “】

[Middle-aged Peter, want to replace Osborne… Developed a serum that heals dual personalities. 】

[The little spider himself has perfected the “desuperpower device” prepared for the electric light man and the sandman. 】

When everything was ready, the three Spider-Men made up their minds. 】

[They chose a place far from the city, which is the Statue of Liberty, which is under repair. 】

[Before the war, the extraordinary Spider-Man in a white coat looked at the middle-aged Peter and asked:]

“What about your Spider-Man suit?” “】

“Don’t you think… Wear this casual dress and fight those villains. “】

[Middle-aged Peter didn’t answer, just pulled his shirt down, revealing the spider suit inside. ] 】

[At this time, Ned handed over the “spider silk ammunition box” used to replenish to the little spider. 】

[Peter is very curious:]

“What is that?” “】

[Faced with this problem, the little spider is also a little strange:]

“This is the spider silk liquid, used to fill my spider silk launcher, why are you asking this?”] “】

[The middle-aged Peter tilted his head, just stretched out his right hand, and the cobwebs shot out “whoosh”, entangled in a shelf next to him. ] 】

“Wow! You shot spider silk directly from your body? “】

“It’s incredible. “】

“yes, can’t you do it? The middle-aged Peter looked at the other two Spider-Men with a puzzled expression. 】

“This… What is this principle? “】

[The extraordinary Spider-Man stared at the middle-aged Peter, and seemed to want to study his body right away! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, little Wanda pouted slightly:

“It’s really inexplicable, until now, they actually want to cure those villains!”

Loki sneered:

“These guys are simply incurable!”

“Have they never heard of ‘kindness to one’s enemies is cruelty to one’s own people?”


Hearing Loki and Wanda’s words, Peter’s head was full of black lines, and he raised his hand and said weakly:

“You should also think about it, if those visitors from the other world all die in this world. Then the universe they are in will also have time and space disorder!”

“At that time, no one knows what will happen.”

“What are you talking nonsense?”

Loki stretched out his finger and pointed at the screen and glanced sideways at Peter with a look of disgust:

“If killing them will cause time and space disorder and cure them from villains to ‘good people’, don’t you think it won’t?”

“These are all changes to the timeline! It’s just a degree. ”

Seeing that Peter was speechless by Loki’s words, Bruce Wayne quickly said:

“Anyway, these Spider-Man… There is no right to kill! ”

“If they can really cure these supervillains, at the very least, they can create a whole new universe.”

Loki looked at Master Wayne obliquely, and it took a long time to spit out a word:


At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In order to lure the supervillains over, the little spider first broadcast live on the Internet and informed them of their own addresses:]

[“If you want this Emperor of Vishan Box, then come to me on the Statue of Liberty!”] “】

[While waiting for the arrival of the supervillain, the three Spider-Men couldn’t help but nag each other. ] 】

“You said… You’ve all fought aliens before, and I’m the most… That is, a winterman in a rhinoceros suit. “】

[The extraordinary Spider-Man said with self-pity:]

[“Am I inferior? “】

[“Hey… You’re not inferior at all! This self-perception…”

[The middle-aged Peter was trying to comfort him, and suddenly, the sky above the Statue of Liberty… There was a loud thunderclap! 】

[“Peter! You give me that box and let me ruin it! “】

“So… I’ll spare your life!” “】

[I saw that the electric light man was wearing a brand new device, wrapped around a dazzling thunder, and appeared like a thunder god descending into the world, above everyone’s heads! ] 】

[This guy actually used this device… Tie the Ark reactor to him as a source of energy! 】

【“mj! Catch this for me. “】

[Seeing that an enemy was deceived, the little spider quickly handed over the box of the Vishan Emperor to MJ through the open portal. 】

[But in the next moment, Ned suddenly found that he didn’t know how to close it… Open the portal yourself! 】

[“Oops, I will only open the door, not close it!”] “】

[In the secret laboratory, MJ and Ned looked at each other, looking at the portal leading to the Statue of Liberty in front of them, speechless. 】

[And at the next moment, Dr. Lizard was also from the sea… Climb to the island where the Statue of Liberty is located! 】

[“Crackle! Crash! “】

[In the face of the powerful electric light man, the three Spider-Men could not gain the upper hand for a while. ] 】

[In the melee, the lizardmen also rushed up! ] 】

[Halfway through, looking at the familiar extraordinary Spider-Man in front of him, the electric light man Max laughed proudly:]

“Look who this is, my old friend Spider-Man!”] “】


[The Amazing Spider-Man sighed slightly:]

“Max, I was trying to save you. “】

[“Bah! You never wanted to save me, and I don’t need you either! “】

[The more the electric light man Max spoke, the more angry he became, and he emitted an electric light, almost hitting the extraordinary Spider-Man! ] 】

[And just as they were fighting, a huge statue of a sandman suddenly rose out of thin air from the ground! ] 】

[As soon as the sandman statue reached out, he grabbed the little spider! ] 】

[There are more and more supervillains! ] 】

[In the chaotic battle, because they don’t know how to cooperate with each other, the three Spider-Men were beaten to pieces. ] 】

[And the Lizardmen also discovered the portal created by Ned, broke all the way into the secret base where Ned was, and drove him and MJ to the Statue of Liberty! ] 】

[Seeing that the situation was extremely bad, the three Spider-Men quickly got together and started a wartime meeting:]

“It’s so bad, I don’t know how to work with other people. The Amazing Spider-Man opened his hands and shouted excitedly. 】

“But I know! I’ve been in the team! “】

[Little spider hurriedly said:]

“I don’t want to brag about it, but I did join the Avengers!”] “】

[“The Avengers? “】

[Hearing this term, the other two Spider-Men were shocked. 】

“That’s awesome! “】

[The middle-aged Spider-Man asked with an excited look:]

“But what is the Avengers?”] “】

【“………… (●—●)” The little spider was almost speechless. 】

“No, don’t you have Avengers in your world?”] “】

[“Forget it! Never mind! This is not important! “】

[In the end, they finally decided to give each other a number first.] 】

[The little spider in this world is Peter 1, the middle-aged Peter is Peter 2, and the extraordinary Spider-Man is Peter 3! ] 】

[The little spider poses as the leader and explains the plan to the other two Spider-Mans.] 】

“We have to focus, trust our spider senses, and then work well. “】

【”Choose a target first, and then solve them one by one!”] “】

[“That’s it! “】

[After the combat meeting, the three Spider-Men who decided to work together stepped into the battlefield again! ] 】

[Under a series of cooperation, the middle-aged Peter of No. 2 first used a special device to transform the sandman back to his original form! ] 】

[But in the face of the electric light man, Spider-Man is in trouble. ] 】

[This guy can release electricity all over his body, and he can’t get close at all. ] 】

[And just when Spider-Man was in a bitter battle, two mechanical tentacles suddenly appeared and grabbed the two Spider-Man. ] 】

[It’s Dr. Octopus!] He even came out of nowhere! 】

[“Hmph! Give me these spiders. “】

[Dr. Octopus’s face is gloomy, and he seems to have become a villain again. 】

[Seeing this, the electric light man shouted loudly:]

“I don’t need your help, I can do it myself!”] “】

[But at the next moment, a mechanical tentacle violently grabbed the Ark reactor in front of the electric light man! ] 】

[It turns out that this whitewashed Dr. Octopus… I was acting just now! 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Dr. Octopus first unplugged the Ark reactor on the electric light man, and then took the “anti-superpower device” created by Spider-Man… Rest on him. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Along with the desperate screams of the electric light man, the energy in his body… It was all sucked dry by that device. 】

[“Bang! “】

[Completely losing his superpowers, the ordinary black engineer “Max” fell to the shelf. 】

[With the help of Dr. Octopus, the three Spider-Men have won another victory. 】

[At the same time, the extraordinary Spider-Man also seized the opportunity to throw the antidote he made with his own hands on Dr. Lizard. ] 】


[Surrounded by green smoke, Dr. Lizard staggered to the ground, and his body gradually changed from a lizard to a human. ] 】

[At this time, there are still remaining supervillains, only Norman Osborne is left! ] 】

PS: After the end of Homeless, it will be a new live broadcast, and three new members, including Papa Blue, will join.

There will also be changes in the live broadcast room! ^_^

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