[Mi Jun’s bullet hit the Transformer “Vertigo”, it was like tickling, and there was not even a trace left! ] 】

[In the face of these small humans, the vertigo that has completed the “humanoid transformation” is merciless, and directly fires and shoots. ] 】

[“Tap-da-da! “】

[The terrifying alien bullet rain swept by, and I don’t know how many meters were beaten into a sieve! ] Even the trucks on the side were swept into scrap metal! 】

[“Pon! “】

[And in the next moment, vertigo released his housekeeping skills… Electromagnetic pulse burst! 】

[“Boom! “】

[Under the terrifying electromagnetic shock wave, even the armored car was blown out like dead branches and leaves! ] 】

[Under one blow, the incomparably strong electromagnetic pulse swept wildly, and the countless electronic devices in the base all lost their effect, and even the electric lights went dark! ] 】

[“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! “】

[Terrifying explosions sounded one after another! ] 】

[In the face of a large extent… The Mi army, who had become blind and deaf, was dizzy and merciless, and continued to launch a strong attack, blowing up the Mi army on their backs and running around! 】

[And the most terrifying thing is that what the vertigo releases is not an ordinary explosive bomb, but an electromagnetic pulse bomb! ] 】

[Every explosion will release a strong electromagnetic impact! ] Sweeping in all directions! 】

[This Decepticon, with the power of one person, attacked the entire base land and beat the rice army to the ground! ] 】

[After defeating and collapsing the resistance of the entire base, Vertigo shattered the roof of the base’s data center, reached into it, and grabbed an electronic database! ] Turn on direct reading of the information inside! 】

[It turns out that this huge robot is not here to fight at all. 】

[His goal is to capture data!] 】

[However, because an officer cut the data cable, Vertigo did not succeed in seizing the required information, and in anger… He released a mechanical scorpion monster to clear the field! 】

[Except for those lucky guys, almost all the Mi troops present were killed. 】

And seeing that the chat group here is also lively.

Big bones boiled into soup: Oh my God, where did that robot come from? Why attack that base?

Morty: So handsome, a robot that can turn into a helicopter!

Just after the cheers, Morty suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Morty: Uh… I’m not saying that robot killing is correct, I just think… He’s cool.

Runaway Lori Jinx: Little ghost, don’t hide it, really powerful weapons are cool, kill with such weapons… It’s even cooler! ^_^

Nick Fury: A robot that can transform into an airplane! Tony Stark! And the one in your hands … It’s exactly the same.

Tony Stark: Hmm. It seems that this robot is the same kind of Megatron.

Big bones boiled into soup: Wait a minute, you know the origin of this robot, then… Who exactly is manipulating it?

Tony Stark: No one manipulates! These are Transformers, a living robotic lifeform!

Tony Stark: As you can see from the first paragraph of the video, these mechanical lifeforms are all from a planet called Cybertron!

Tony Stark: And the thing that created them was probably the one… The “source of fire” that fell to the earth!

While saying this, Tony only felt that his heart warmed up.

A treasure that can create an entire race of mechas!

Who could have imagined… How much power is there?

Bruce Wayne: Strange, this Transformer spent so much effort just to capture that database?

Bruce Wayne: Can’t the technology of these mechanical lifeforms be hacked into it directly?

Tony Stark: Maybe they didn’t expect that.

Tony Stark: However, these alien Transformers… You actually want to steal human data!

Tony Stark: Could it be that the whereabouts of that Tinder Source are hidden in those data?

Captain America: What? Tinder Source… In the military·· Square hand?

Tony Stark: I think that’s a big possibility!

Warhammer Universe, planet Kos.

“Living, living mechanical lifeforms!”

Kiliman’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold gleam flashed in his eyes.

Tens of thousands of years ago, human beings were almost destroyed by such intelligent mechanical creatures!

So until now, the Human Empire… All artificial intelligence is still strictly prohibited!

Moreover, this mechanical creature in front of him is actually an alien alien!

This level of danger has simply risen to another level!

“These mechanical aliens, in order to seize the so-called fire source, seem to be descending on the earth!”

“Can the level of science and technology and military power on that earth withstand these monsters?”

“What if… Human beings really controlled, the source of fire that claimed to have created the entire planet, its level of science and technology… Shouldn’t it be so low? ”

While Kiliman was pondering, his mind suddenly moved, remembering something he had heard about from other genogenitors a long time ago.

A few decades ago, on a remote planet in the galaxy, the Human Empire encountered a group… Robots that act autonomously!

Those robots look like skeletons, but the weapons in their hands are amazingly powerful, and they can dissolve the entire fighter to nothing!

But in the short exchange of fire, these skeleton robots quickly disappeared again, as if they had been teleported away.

They haven’t been seen since.

If it weren’t for Kiliman’s computer-like memory, he wouldn’t have been able to remember it.

“Those mechanical skeletons… Is it also a living robot? ”

Just as Kiliman’s brain was racing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The screen turned and I came to a college campus. 】

[Sam is an ordinary college student with little money on hand. 】

[On this day, in order to buy a new car, he actually personally peddled it in class… A broken glasses left behind by his great-grandfather. 】

[There is no suspense… The glasses were not sold, and Sam was taught a lesson by the teacher. 】

[After school, Sam pestered his dad to buy him a car.] 】

[As a result, Dad ran to the car dealership and prepared to buy Sam a used car.] 】

Sam was disappointed at first. 】

[But soon, he was attracted to a yellow car in the dealership.] 】

[However, Sam had no idea that this yellow car… Actually a Transformer! 】

[At this time, on the other side.] 】

[In the face of the attack of strange mechanical lifeforms, the United States High Layer suddenly fell into chaos. ] 】

[Who exactly started the attack?] 】

[What data does the enemy want to steal?] 】

[During the “Stun” attack, a network signal was recorded from the base. 】

[The U.S. defense minister has summoned a group of experts in signal analysis from all over the country and asked them to analyze this. 】

[And it didn’t take long for a blonde to spot a similar signal! ] 】

[The enemy has invaded again! ] 】

[And this time, the enemy’s target turned out to be the president’s Air Force No. 1! ] 】

[It turned out that a small robot “confused” itself as a tape recorder, so as to blend into Air Force No. 1 and successfully steal the data! ] 】

[Surprisingly, the information that Confused wanted to steal… It was actually related to Sam, a college student, and his great-grandfather! 】

[After escaping from the plane, Confused came to a police car, and this police car was also transformed from his kind, called “Barricade”! ] 】

[“The information of the Tinder Source has been found, and it is in the hands of that human imp! “】

[I saw the confusion on the computer of the police car constantly operating, and soon searched for the auction items that Sam put on Ebay.] 】

[That’s the broken glasses that belonged to his great-grandfather!] 】

[These aliens spent a lot of effort and did not hesitate to attack a Mi Army base, actually… Just to find this one glasses! 】

[This morning, Sam looked out of the window of his house and suddenly found that the little yellow car that had just arrived had actually driven out by himself! ] 】

“Someone stole my car!”] “】

[Seeing this, Sam quickly found a bicycle and chased the car frantically while calling the police! ] 】

[But in the process of chasing, Sam encountered a “roadblock” that turned into a police car! ] 】

[“Oh my God! Help me! “】

[Looking at the police car in front of him, it suddenly turned into a huge robot, Sam was so frightened that he turned his head and ran! ] 】

[But how could he possibly outrun the Transformers?] He was quickly caught and thrown out. 】

[“Bang! “】

[As soon as Sam landed, the big face of the barricade came up:]

[“Is your username Prince Charming 217?”] “】

[“Huh? “】

[Looking at this terrifying robot in front of you… Actually asking such a nonsensical question, Sam’s whole person was stupid. 】

[“Yes… I am…”

[“So where is your eBay 21153 product?”] “】

[“Where’s that pair of glasses?” “】

[“Wow! “】

[Sam, who had been frightened, couldn’t understand what the barricade said, but just found an opportunity and desperately escaped. ] 】

[In the process of fleeing, Sam met his dream lover Mikaela again, so he pulled this little beauty to run together. 】

[But before the two could escape, the barricade had already caught up! ] 】

[At this moment, the little yellow car that no one drove at all… Actually rushed over! He also opened the car door to Sam and the two. 】

[“Get in the car!”] “】

[Little Yellow drove Sam and the two, experienced a chase battle, and finally came to a factory. 】

[In this unmanned factory, the little yellow car finally does not intend to disguise. 】

[It first dropped Sam and Mikaela out of the car and directly unfolded the transformation.] 】

[“Hmm… Duh… Cha…… Cha! “】

[Accompanied by a series of crisp mechanical symphonia.] The little yellow car was in front of Sam and the two. Transformed into a yellow robot! 】

[This is the Autobots… Bumblebee! 】

[“Bang! Rumble! “】

[Two Transformers, Decepticon Barricade and Autobot Bumblebee, fight in this no-man’s land. 】

[And at the time of the exchange, the barricade did not forget the task! ] 】

[He released that little robot confused and went to attack Sam!] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[In the face of confusion, Sam is not an opponent at all, and he is beaten to the ground. 】

[Fortunately, his dream lover Mikaela is very fierce, directly picked up a chainsaw, and cut the confusion in half! ] 】

[At this time, on the other side, Bumblebee also knocked the barricade away.] 】

[After experiencing tribulations together, Sam and Bumblebee became good friends.] 】

[Next, because Mikaela disliked the old-fashioned and dirty model that Bumblebee transformed, Bumblebee turned itself into one by scanning other cars… Chevrolet concept sports car! 】

“Wow! “】

[Looking at the handsome sports car in front of him, Sam even let out light in his eyes! ] 】

[Next, Bumblebee took Sam and Mikaela to a clearing. 】

[It turns out that Bumblebee, who is a scout, has notified the Transformer brothers in the universe after obtaining accurate information. ] 】

[Now, the Autobots are all gathered on Earth! ] 】

[“Oh lala! “】

[One meteor after another streaked across the sky, right in front of Sam 2 people, and fell to the earth! ] 】

[They are the Autobots!] 】

[Ambulance, Sir! Tin! Optimus Prime! 】

[The first thing these Autobots did after they came to Earth was to scan the vehicles most commonly used by Earthlings, and then turned them into them! ] 】

[And after reuniting with Bumblebee, these only remaining Autobots in the universe have changed back to their original beings.] 】

[“Hmm… Duh… Cha…… Cha! “】

[“( ̄ mouth ̄)!!” 】

[Looking at the “car” that turns into a giant robot in front of his eyes.] Sam and the two were all dumbfounded, stupid, and even their brains were short-circuited! 】

[Even in their wildest dreams, it’s hard to imagine this kind of thing! ] 】

[Optimus Prime came to Sam and, after confirming his identity, told him all the causes and consequences. 】

“We came to Earth to find the source of the fire, and… We also have to get it before Megatron! “】

[Next, Optimus Prime unfolded a three-D phantom in front of Sam and the 2 people. ] 】

“Our planet, Cybertron, was originally very peaceful. “】

[But Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, started a war and killed everyone who resisted him! “】

“The war between us ended up destroying the entire planet! “】

And the source of fire also disappeared into the starry sky of the universe. “】

“And the source of fire that Megatron traced all the way to Earth, here… It was discovered by your great-grandfather. “】

[“Huh? “】

Sam listened with a look of bewilderment. 】

[Although he had heard of the legend of his great-grandfather, he always thought it was a story made up.] 】

[It turns out that many years ago, Megatron had an accident on Earth and crashed in the Arctic. 】

[Then, I was frozen by the extreme cold of the local area.] 】

[And Sam’s grandfather accidentally discovered the existence of Megatron, and he was still under chance. ] Launched its navigation system. 】

[At this time, the coordinate location of the fire source was stored on Sam’s great-grandfather’s glasses. 】

[As long as you get this glasses, you can get the Tinder Source! ] 】

[At this moment, the ambulance jacked out:]

“If the Decepticons find the source of fire, they can use its power to take all the machinery on your planet… Transform into a Transformer! “】

[Hearing this, Optimus Prime said with a solemn face:]

“At that time, your humanity will face doom. “】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Morty: Wow! It’s amazing to be able to turn machinery into an artifact of Transformers!

Nick Fury: Little ghost, calm down!

Nick Fury: If someone really activates this artifact, then all the machinery on Earth… will turn into terrifying robots!

Nick Fury: At that time, humans will be killed by them! The master of the earth will become these mechanical life forms!

Magneto: Well, if you stand in the shoes of these transformers. That’s a really good plan.

Magneto: Not only can you grow your own people, but you can also destroy nasty humans, which is really a double kill.

Robert Killiman: You… Isn’t it human?

Magneto: Humph! I am a noble mutant, and what does the life or death of mankind have to do with me?

Robert Kiliman: ………

Listening to Magneto’s arrogant words, Kiliman immediately thought of some psionics he had encountered, and… Those genoplasmic brothers of their own.

Because of the power far beyond ordinary people, there are many psionics who do not regard themselves as human beings, and the protogenes, let alone …

Now it seems that even in the multiverse, this kind of thing is very common…

Jerome Valeska: If anything, this Optimus Prime is a little strange.

Jerome Valeska: If their planet is finished, then… The so-called Transformers won’t be left in front of you, right?

Jeromé Valeska: This is already on the verge of extinction!

Jerome Valeska: In this case, knowing that the source of fire exists on this planet full of machinery, normal transformers… Shouldn’t we first expand the number of our own ethnic group?

Lori Jinx: Yes, led by Optimus Prime, these Autobots don’t seem to worry about themselves at all, but only about humans, what’s wrong with that?

Lori Jinx: They must have never been to Earth before, why is that?

Robert Kiliman: Probably… This is a conspiracy of these robots to paralyze the child so that he can obediently hand over his glasses!

Loki Odinson: Oh, if that’s the case, then these Transformers are still saved.

Loki Odinson: If not, these robots… Really care about humanity more than yourself, then… They deserve to be exterminated! ^_^

Robert Kiliman: Caring for humanity… It’s unlikely to be better than your own alien race…

Big bones boiled into soup: I think the universe is so big… Who knows?

While everyone was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

Sam returned home looking for glasses, when suddenly a group of secret agents dressed in black broke into the house and arrested him. 】

[The Autobots chased after Sam, but were intercepted by the fire of these agents, and not only Sam was captured, but even Bumblebee was captured.] 】

[And in the face of the captured bumblebee, Optimus Prime actually said strange words:]

“If we go to rescue the bumblebee, we will definitely hurt humans, so… Forget it. “】

[Despite the loss of Bumblebee and Sam, Optimus Prime and the others finally got the glasses and found the location of the source of the fire. 】

[But Ironhide still wants to rescue Bumblebee:]

[“We can’t see death without saving ah, in this way, bumblebees will become those human experiments, and they will disassemble it into pieces! “】

[Optimus Prime said solemnly:]

“If we can’t complete the mission, then Bumblebee dies in vain. “】

“Bumblebee is a brave warrior, and he will definitely want us to do this. “】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, there was a sudden silence in the live broadcast room, and everyone’s eyes were filled with disbelief.

“Did I make a mistake?”

Little Wanda’s eyes widened in amazement, and it took a long time before he muttered in a low voice:

“This Optimus Prime… No, are the programs of these Autobots out of order? ”

Loki, on the other hand, looked at him with disgust.

“I really hate myself… Guessed so accurately. ”

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