【Image continues】

[Seeing that he inexplicably traveled to the past, Xiaoyu was suddenly shocked, and even the “children’s version of Jackie Chan” didn’t bother to say hello, and directly found an excuse to flee the classroom. ] 】

[Walking around the corridor, Xiaoyu quickly thought of the reason for the problem:]

“It’s that green light, that light… Changed the rabbit charm! “】

[Looking at the rabbit charm in his hand, Xiaoyu immediately decided to use it again and return to the future! ] 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[Xiaoyu frantically used rabbit charms to shuttle, but in the end, he could only appear in various places in the city, and there was no way to travel through time. ] 】

“What should I do?” “】

[Xiao Yu, who was sad-faced, sat on the side of the street, and the whole person turned gray. ] 】

[Now, she is trapped in 76 years and can’t go back! ] 】

[At this time, in the future world, the gangsters of the Mafia Gang returned to Varon’s side and reported to him and the Holy Lord what they saw. 】

“That little girl first accelerated, and then jumped into an energy hole… It’s gone. “】

[“What do you say? Energy hole? “】

[Hearing the report of the gangsters under him, Varon’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t understand it at all. 】

[But behind him, the statue of the Holy Lord said in a clear voice:]

[“Varon, just now, I did feel a time fluctuation! “】

“It is very likely that that kid used the ‘Speed Charm’ to open a tunnel to the past! “】

“But the tunnel of time is one-way, and if you want to snatch that spell back, you need this. “】

[While saying unfathomable words, the Holy Lord summoned the Black Shadow Legion and handed a crystal ball to those gangsters. ] 】

[Looking at this crystal ball that seems to have stored magic and can open the time channel, those gangsters are a little worried:]

[“How long ago did that time tunnel lead to?”] “】

“Should we… Go back to the age of dinosaurs, right? “】

[Looking at the pale subordinates in front of him, Varon suddenly roared:]

“Even if that passage leads to the Big Bang, I don’t care! “】

[“You clowns, hurry up and get me the rabbit charm back!”] “】

And seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Deadpool: Hey, what’s going on? How did that strange dragon become a statue again?

Stephen Strange: I think the paragraph we are looking at should have happened before “Jackie Chan vs. Holy Lord”.

Violent Lori Jinx: What the hell, even the video order is chaotic! This system… It won’t go wrong, right?

Big bones boiled into soup: time travel! Did that little girl travel through time? Is that the spell you relied on?

Tian Xiaoban: It’s so interesting, I want such a charm too!

Tian Xiaoban: In this way, I can go back… Look at Grandpa when he was young!

Wanda Maksimov: Young? If Jackie Chan is still a little furry child at this time, what about Daddy?

Daddy: Ahem, in 76, Dad was still a handsome young man! I don’t know how popular it is!

Wanda Maksimov: Popular with old ladies? ^_^

Daddy: Little girl, never doubt Daddy’s words!

Daddy: One more thing!

Daddy: When I was young, Daddy’s martial arts were also super high! Jackie Chan’s kung fu is still learned from his father.

Wanda Maksimov: Really? But I remember very well that when facing that Tru, he stood and let you hit, and you couldn’t hurt him a single hair! (*^▽^*)

Daddy: Humph! If it weren’t for Daddy’s penance in recent decades of practicing magic and abandoning the practice of kung fu, he would have defeated that fat man with one punch!

And just as everyone was arguing, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, in the modern 13th district, Jackie Chan received an “angry call” from his father. 】

[“Jackie Chan! You are so neglectful of discipline, Xiaoyu’s teacher just called me and said that she skipped class. “】

“Back then, when I was taking care of you, I never let you do this! “】

“Skipping class? “】

[Jackie Chan was slightly startled when he heard this, and quickly looked for Xiaoyu’s traces in District Thirteen. ] 】

[Soon, he found Dr. Kepler’s laboratory.] 】

“What, Xiaoyu once came to you, and was almost hit by your dangerous ray. “】

“My rays are not dangerous at all. “】

[Dr. Kepler took a detector casually:]

“Anyone who has been hit by my rays will appear on this detector. “】

[Next, Dr. Kepler led Jackie Chan to look for Xiaoyu everywhere in the city. ] 】

[At the same time, the gangsters under Varon also took the crystal ball of the Holy Lord and came to the wormhole where Xiaoyu disappeared. ] 】

Before leaving, the Holy Lord told them that as long as they held this crystal ball, they could return from the future to the present. 】

[But looking at the weird wormhole in front of them, they are still very scared. 】

“Uh… This is a bit too dangerous. “】

[“Will there be a Tyrannosaurus rex in it?” “】

[Looking at the faces of these gangsters who were pale and hesitant, Tru didn’t say a word, directly lifted them up and threw them into the wormhole, and then went in himself. ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[After passing through the wormhole, Tru and others found out that they had come to the year 76.] 】

[The spell radar in Tru’s hand also reacted. 】

[“Rabbit Charm… Right in that direction! “】

[At the same time, Xiao Yu, who was sad, accidentally met “Little Jackie Chan”. ] 】

[And in the conversation with Xiao Chenglong, Xiao Yu suddenly woke up:]

“Yes! Dad! Why didn’t I think of that? “】

[Excited Xiaoyu quickly pulled Xiao Jackie Chan and rushed to Daddy’s antique shop. ] 】

[Looking at Xiaoyu who seems to be familiar with the road, Jackie Chan is also a little puzzled:]

“How do you know I live here?” “】

[“Huh? How has it changed here? “】

[Looking at the “antique shop” of his father, who was completely unrecognizable and did not see antiques at all, Xiaoyu was also confused. ] 】

[I saw that this store was full of all kinds of audio and video products, and the most… Or some kind of very “classical” huge tape. 】

[“Little girl, don’t move blindly if you don’t buy it. “】

[Suddenly, a middle-aged man with thick hair and glasses took the tape from Xiaoyu’s hand. 】

[Xiaoyu recognized it at a glance, this person is the father! ] 】

[“Wait a minute, what about antiques? Where did so many antiques go? “】

[In the face of Xiaoyu’s question, the middle-aged version of the father directly replied:]

[“Although I once thought about doing an antique business, I felt … Eight-track tape is the future. “】

“Hmm… How do you know I want to sell antiques? “】

[Looking at the puzzled father in front of him, Xiaoyu quickly shouted loudly:]

“I’m your niece, and I’d like advice on magic!”] “】

“Magic? What is that? “】

[Dad tilted his head, his face full of puzzlement. ] 】

“Oh… Oops. “】

[As if thinking of something, Xiaoyu lowered her head bitterly. 】

“I forgot, you’re years later… He just started learning spells from the Archmage. “】

[And at this moment, Tru and the gangsters of the Mafia also found Daddy here. ] 】

[“Ah! That’s Jackie Chan, but it’s still small! “】

[“Okay! “】

[A bastard rubbed his fists and said:]

“Then we’ll kill him now, so… He will never grow up! “】

[“Up! “】

[Seeing Tru and the gangsters rushing over together, the middle-aged father’s face did not change at all, and he beat those gangsters to the ground with a gesture. ] 】

[“Drink! “】

[I saw Dad fly up and kick Tru far away, hitting the wall fiercely! ] 】

“Wow! “】

[Looking at the scene of daddy fighting one against four, still incomparably brave, Xiaoyu was first shocked, and then suddenly realized. ] 】

[“By the way, Jackie Chan’s kung fu was taught by his father! “】

[And next, Dad didn’t want Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu to be involved in the battle, and quickly ordered them to run quickly. ] 】

[And Xiaoyu also used the power of the rabbit charm to take Jackie Chan with him… I fled far away at once. 】

[And seeing Xiaoyu escaping with the rabbit charm, Tru and the others were suddenly at a loss, not knowing what to do next. ] 】

“Oops, if we return empty-handed, Varon will definitely be angry.”] “】

[“Walloon! That’s right! “】

[One of the bastards came up with a good idea:]

“We can go and ask Varon, he knows what to do.”] “】

[I also want to come to this gangster to run to the phone booth to look through the phone book, and actually found the 1976 Wallon. ] 】

[And just when these gangsters found Varon’s residence, a child who was no more than 10 years old, but dressed in a suit and full of arrogance, opened the door and said coldly:]

“You clowns… What do you want to do? “】

[Although he was scolded, one of the gangsters laughed happily :]

“Wow! This is definitely a real Walloon. “】

[Looking at the strange gangsters in front of him, Little Varon said impatiently:]

“Who are you?” Who sent you? “】

[“It’s a long story…”]

[A gangster lowered his head and said:]

[“Actually… You sent us. “】

[“Huh? “】

[Although he is young, this little Varon is indeed a character. ] 】

[After listening to the cause and effect, Xiao Varon not only immediately saw that the gangster was not lying, but also came up with a conspiracy. ] 】

[That is to first go and capture Daddy, and then use Daddy as a hostage to force Jackie Chan to appear! ] 】

“In this way, we can catch Jackie Chan!”] “】

[Looking at the excited little Varon, the other gangsters splashed a basin of cold water. ] 】

[“I’m sorry, you used this trick when you met Jackie Chan for the first time. “】

“And it’s useless. “】

[“Oh? “】

[Little Varon pondered for a while, and a confident smile appeared on his face again:]

“If that’s the case, you guys can take that Jackie Chan… Just leave it to me to deal with! “】

[Next, Varon personally took action, stunned his father with a special drug, and kidnapped him. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, the gangsters of the Mafia Gang sent a threatening letter to Daddy Antique, claiming that Daddy was in their hands and wanted Jackie Chan to go to the rescue! ] 】

[Xiaoyu was worried that Xiao Jackie Chan’s accident would affect the future, so he went alone, but Xiao Jackie Chan was worried about his father, so he also followed. ] 】

[On this side, in the future world, that Dr. Kepler used his instrument to find the place where Xiaoyu disappeared, and judged… Xiaoyu entered an unimaginably high speed, causing his time particles to form a wormhole! 】

[After learning that Xiaoyu had time traveled, Jackie Chan immediately jumped into the wormhole without hesitation and also came to the past. ] 】

[Just returned to the past, Jackie Chan instinctively came to his father’s antique shop, and happened to see the threatening letter thrown away by Xiaoyu on the ground. ] 】

[“Oh my God, the Mafia Gang caught Daddy, this is not good news…”

[“Huh? Mafia? “】

[Jackie Chan’s expression immediately became a little weird:]

“These people, how did they run to the past? “】

[At the same time, Xiaoyu came to the location written on the threatening letter, ready to use the power of the rabbit charm to secretly look for his father, but he was still discovered. ] 】

[“Little girl! Hand over the spell! “】

[Cru and the others immediately rushed up, wanting to capture Xiaoyu. 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[Due to the speed of the rabbit spell, no one can touch a single cold hair of Xiaoyu. 】

[But at this time, Little Jackie Chan also ran over. ] 】

[“Daddy! I’ll save you… Ah. “】

[Little Jackie Chan has just broken into the battlefield. ] Just got caught by a gangster. 】

[“Let go of Uncle Long! “】

[In order to rescue Xiao Jackie Chan, Xiao Yu flew up with a kick! ] Knocked out the gangsters! But also unintentionally… Kicked Jackie Chan into the pool. 】

[“Gollum… Help me! “】

[Looking at Xiao Jackie Chan, who was struggling desperately in the swimming pool and seemed to be about to sink to the bottom, Xiao Yu’s eyes widened in amazement:]

“No, hasn’t Uncle Long learned to swim at this age? “】

[And at this time, outside, Jackie Chan from the future suddenly found that his body began to gradually fade, and it seemed that he was about to disappear! ] 】

[“Oh my God! How is this done? “】

[Jackie Chan, who was terrified, quickly thought of something. ] 】

[Could it be that someone changed the past, which led to…the disappearance of the “present me”?] 】

[In the past, I… Dying? 】

[“Uncle Long! “】

[At this time, next to the swimming pool, in order to save Xiao Jackie Chan’s life, Xiao Yu had to throw a snake charm to attract the black hand gang, and then jumped into the pool himself. ] 】

[“Uncle Long, don’t die! “】

[And just when Xiao Yu rescued Little Jackie Chan ashore, the abnormality on Jackie Chan’s body in the future also disappeared. ] 】

[In the future, Jackie Chan hurried to the pool, and when he saw his old opponent coming, Tru and the others simply took the rabbit charm and left. ] 】

“Wow! You are…… I! “】

“Wow! I am…… You! “】

[The two “big and small Jackie Chan” by the pool looked at each other, and they were both stunned for a while, and after half a day, the two dared to be sure… This person in front of you is real! 】

[And just when these two Jackie Chan looked at each other, Xiaoyu stepped forward with an ugly face. ] Separated them :]

“I don’t want to disturb the precious time of the two of you, but just now that bastard said that he is going home! “】

[Jackie Chan blurted out when he heard it: “That is, they have a way to go back!”] “】

[And Xiaoyu’s head is also rotating extremely fast, and I quickly guessed it:]

“It’s the crystal ball, and they used that ball to return to the future.” “】

[“Oh? Are you talking about this ball? “】

[As soon as Xiao Chenglong stretched out his hand, he suddenly took out a crystal ball from his trouser pocket. 】

[It turns out that when he came into contact with the people of the Mafia Gang just now, he directly came from them… Stole this crystal ball! 】

[Next, in order to seize the rabbit charm in the hands of the mafia, Jackie Chan, Xiaoyu, and the younger version of the dad all found these gangsters and started a big war with them. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Under the joint efforts of Jackie Chan and the old and young daddy, these gangsters are not opponents at all, and even Tru can’t beat them! ] 】

[And just when the two sides were fighting, that crystal ball suddenly took effect and opened the green wormhole again! ] 】

[“Oops! “】

[“Uncle Long! “】

[Jackie Chan and others and the gangsters… All of them were sucked into the space-time wormhole, but even inside the wormhole, they continued to fight! 】

[“Bring the spell!”] “】

[In the final dispute, Jackie Chan snatched the rabbit charm from Tru’s hand and knocked several of them away. 】

[“Whaaaaa “】

[Tru and the others disappeared into the distance of the space-time wormhole, while Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu returned to the original timeline. ] 】

[After a long time, in the lair of the mafia gang, Varon was still waiting bitterly. 】

“Oh, what the hell? These idiots… How did it take so long? “】

[After waiting for another half a day, several old men who were in an old state suddenly opened the door and walked trembling in front of Varong. 】

[“Varon … It took us years to wait for this day. “】

[Including Tru, all these gangsters are full of gray hair, even walking on crutches, and seem to be unable to stand steadily.] 】

“Boss Varon, can you make me younger again. “】


[These “old subordinates” in front of him, Varon’s whole person was blinded. 】

And seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! What’s that all about? How did those people all become old men?

Nick Fury: Captain! Wouldn’t this be…

Captain America: ………… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Seeing the familiar scene on the screen, Steve Rogers’ eyelids jumped, and the expression on his face completely stiffened.

He remembers very well that in the image of “Avengers IV”, his variant is through the time gem, after going back in time… Stayed there!

And then, year after year, “lived” to modern times! Thus turned into an old man!

And Tru and those gangsters all went down the same path!

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