[“Wow! “】

[Seeing the dragon group holding all 12 charms, the Black Hand Gang and the others were suddenly frightened, quickly got up, escaped from the temple, and did not even dare to look back. ] 】

[Just now, they all lost with spells in their hands! ] 】

[Now, the spells are in the hands of others, how can this fight be fought?] 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Watching the enemy rushing with his head, the dragon team and the others immediately cheered:]

“Now, all the spells are in our hands!”] ^_^”】

[But just when they were happy, an angry voice suddenly came from the side:]

“Spells don’t matter! “】

【“??? “】

[Jackie Chan and the others were startled by the roar, and when they looked back, they found that their father was standing by the wall, pointing to the inscription on the wall with an unhappy face:]

[“This is what the text above is important!”] “】

[Next, Papa explained the meaning of the inscription to the people of the dragon group:]

[“The Holy Lord is one of the great demons of the 8 ancient eras! “】

“Every demon has its own specific magic! “】

[“Flames! Sky! Moon! Thunder! Earth! Mountain! Wind! Water! “】

[But in the end, these demons were defeated by the 8 legendary immortals of ancient times! “】

“These immortals, with powerful qi spells, banished these demons to hell outside the world. “】

[“Then use the Panku treasure box and seal them in that world!”] “】

[“Every demon has been sealed to a door by a spell, and only Panku treasure box can find it… And open these doors! “】

[At the mention of Panku treasure box, Dad suddenly nodded with a look of satisfaction:]

[“Fortunately, the Holy Lord didn’t snatch the Panku treasure box…”

[But at this moment, Xiaoyu suddenly ran over and shouted loudly:]

[“It’s not good, the Holy Lord escaped with the Panku treasure box! “】

【”Oops!!! “】

[Dad was taken aback when he heard this, and involuntarily let out a scream:]

[“This is trouble, we must quickly find the Panku treasure box! “】

[“The Holy Lord must not be allowed … Use it to open the gates to hell! “】

“Otherwise, those demons will escape!”] “】

And seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Wanda Maksimov: Hahaha! The black hand gang these fools, even if they give them spells, they won’t use it. (*^▽^*)

John Constantine: It’s stupid to have someone banging a wall with a spell.

The Flash Barry Allen: Actually… If you are too fast and don’t practice enough, it’s easy to bump into things.

Tian Xiaoban: That black tiger Afu is really strange, what is he reading in his mouth? Tiger…… Leopard…… And fish?

Master Mordo: This is an oriental martial arts move.

Master Mordo: But this guy Afu… It’s really outrageous, who reads so many moves before he does?

Stephen Strange: Mordo, you even know this!

Master Mordo: An excellent mage should have been familiar with martial arts! That’s what Karma Taj is all about.

Master Mordo: If you listened carefully every time you practiced martial arts, you wouldn’t be so surprised now.

Daddy: Oops! Jackie Chan, this idiot!

Daddy: I said that the spell didn’t matter, he still only cared about fighting with those gangsters, and it turned out… Lost the Panku Box!

Daddy: Right now, the Holy Lord will use this treasure box to open the gates of hell and release the demons!

Stephen Strange: Daddy, you know… How to deal with these demons?

Dad: I don’t know, I still have to continue to look up ancient books.

Dad: But since these demons have been sealed by immortals once, then… With the right procedure, it should be possible to seal them for the second time!

Hermione Granger: Wow! Daddy, you sound so reliable, worthy of being an Archmage.

Daddy: Huh… Never doubt Daddy’s words!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[Back to the base of the Mafia Gang, the Holy Lord and the others have exhausted all kinds of methods, but they just can’t open the Panku treasure box. ] 】

[“Look at my head smashing walnuts! “】

[Black Tiger Afu jumped into the air violently, and slammed his head mallet on the top of Panku treasure box. ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[This swift head hammer only left a strange mark on Afu’s forehead, and the Cangpanku treasure box did not even have a single scratch. ] 】

[“Damn it! “】

[After all the attempts were ineffective, the Holy Lord was extremely emotionally unstable, and for a while let Varon’s consciousness control the body! ] 】

[But soon, the Holy Lord regained control:]

[“Varon, you listen to me! “】

“Only when I find those gates of hell and free my demon brothers will you be freed. “】

“What? “】

[After gaining control of his body again, Varon snatched the Panku treasure box with an unhappy look, but was soon injured by the “righteous magic” on the treasure box. 】

[“Abominable! This damn broken box! “】

[Varon’s heart was full of frustration and anger, and he kicked Panku Treasure Box out fiercely. 】

[“Snap! “】

[But surprisingly, after being kicked by the Holy Lord and hit the wall, the treasure box began to operate automatically. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[I saw that the treasure box automatically changed the combination like a Rubik’s cube, and finally, a map suddenly projected! ] 】

[“Okay! “】

[When the Holy Lord saw it, his eyes immediately widened:]

“That’s the map to the first gate to hell.”] “】

[And a mafia gangster next to him also read out the text on the map:]

“We have to find something that can run, but can’t go, so that we can get to that … A mouth that can’t speak! “】

[After seeing that map, the Holy Lord and the others prepared to go to Inazuma Country, where the first gate of hell is located. 】

[And at the same time, in Daddy’s antique shop.] 】

[“Oh, daddy, my age is really not young. “】

[Feeling that he was old, his father suddenly had a whim and was ready to find an heir for “Qi Magic”. ] 】

[“I, of course it’s me”]

[Xiaoyu was cheering when she heard it, and she was about to jump up:]

“I’ll definitely study your tricks!”] “】

[But no one expected that the daddy turned his head sharply and looked at the tall and strong former sumo wrestler next to him:]

“Tru, it’s up to you to be my magic apprentice! “】

[“What? That big fat man? “】

[Xiao Yu listened to the whole person stiffen in place, and the expression on his face was indescribably wonderful. 】

[How come?] 】

[How can this big fat man of several hundred pounds become any magician? ] 】

[But Dad didn’t listen to Xiaoyu’s objections at all, and still accepted Tru as a disciple.] 】

[It’s a pity that this guy Tru has developed limbs and a simple mind, and it is difficult to learn any magic. ] 】

[Even though Dad gave him a copy of the “Beginner’s Guide to Qiqi Magic”, he still fell asleep watching it. 】

[“Hehe, Tru, since you don’t read it, this book will be good for me.] “】

[Seeing Tru snoring in his sleep, the eccentric little jade immediately appeared and stole the magic book. ] 】

[Next, Xiaoyu created a “copy potion” according to the records in the magic book. ] 】

[“Whew! “】

[I saw Xiaoyu pick up the potion and blow at a precious vase! ] The vase stained with the potion was immediately copied into two! 】

[“Haha! I really am a magical genius! “】

[Just when Xiaoyu was overjoyed, he suddenly heard that Jackie Chan was calling Daddy:]

[“Daddy, come with me quickly, Sheriff Black has already found out where Varon and the others are going, and they are rushing to Inazuma Country! “】

[And Dad directly rejected Jackie Chan:]

[“Don’t be kidding, I don’t even know who the demon behind that door is, what’s the use of going?] “】

“You should go to Inazuma and tell me which hell gate Varon started!”] “】

[“Only in this way can I research the right Qi magic to seal it!”] “】

“Good night! “】

[After doing this, Dad turned around and left without hesitation, leaving only the lost Jackie Chan. ] 】

[Seeing Jackie Chan’s lonely appearance, Xiaoyu hurriedly rushed forward:]

[“Uncle Long, take me! Take me, I’ll be able to help. “】

[“Xiaoyu, don’t joke. “】

[As soon as Jackie Chan turned his head, his face suddenly showed … Daddy’s look on him just now:]

“You have school tomorrow, and you haven’t finished your homework yet.”] “】


[Looking at Jackie Chan who turned his head and walked away, Xiaoyu also became lost. ] 】

[But just as she walked through a floor-to-ceiling mirror, Xiaoyu’s eyes suddenly lit up. 】

[“That’s right! Mirror…… Copy the magic! “】

“I can copy a me!”] “】

[Next, Xiaoyu directly followed the recipe on Daddy’s magic book and created a large number of copy potions, and then sprinkled them on himself. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a ray of light, Xiaoyu really turned into two! ] 】

“You… That’s me! Hahahaha. “】

[Looking at the exact same self in front of them, the two Xiaoyu were first startled, and then laughed at the same time. 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This scene… How I look a little familiar.

Wanda Maximov: Hahaha, I remember, isn’t that how Strange is at Karma Taj?

Wanda Maksimov: The fat mage surnamed Wang refused to borrow his magic book, and as a result… He used portal magic to steal!

Stephen Strange: ……… →_→

John Constantine: Haha, that Strange who stole books… Finally became a Supreme Mage!

John Constantine: In this way, Xiaoyu can also become a big man in the future.

Hermione Granger: Witch! She will surely become an amazing witch in the future!

Gen-la Mordo: You guys are happy too early.

Master Mordo: I don’t know how this qi magic works, but… Copy a living person? I always think this is dangerous.

Daddy: Of course it’s dangerous, that stupid little jade!

Daddy: This copy potion… It can indeed be used on living people!

Daddy: But after it works, you must stop its effect, otherwise, there will be terrible side effects!

Hermione Granger: Side effects? What is that?

Daddy: It’s just endless copying, and finally… Let Xiaoyu become more and more!

Hermione Granger: This… That’s an exaggeration. (⊙o⊙)

Tony Stark: Bear kids with infinite value? This is really bad. (╯_╰)

The thought of being like little Wanda… A little girl like Xiaoyu will grow indefinitely, and Tony only feels a little chill on his back for a while.

And right at this moment. At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Image continues.] 】

[After copying one of his own homework, Xiaoyu secretly followed Jackie Chan and came to Inazuma Country. ] 】

[But she didn’t expect that the little jade that she copied before was also the same as the real little jade… Have the same character! 】

[Walking on the road, Xiaoyu accidentally found that his replicator actually followed him here! ] 】

“Hey! You should go back and do your homework! Xiao Yu stomped her foot and said angrily. 】

[“Huh! Why don’t you do it? Another Xiaoyu said nonchalantly. :】

[Two Xiaoyu are in a stalemate on the street, and no one can convince anyone. 】

[But at this moment, one of the Xiaoyu suddenly began to copy himself again, and suddenly became two! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[Looking at the two selves in front of him, Xiaoyu suddenly exclaimed. 】

[At the same time, Jackie Chan finally tracked down the Holy Lord and the others, and from one of the gangsters. ] Overheard the riddle of the location of the gate. 】

[Next, Jackie Chan found an opportunity to steal the Panku treasure box from the gangsters! ] 】

[“Damn, it’s Jackie Chan again! Catch him for me! “】

[The Holy Lord led the Black Hand Gang to chase after him, and finally jumped to a … Hands of huge dolls. 】

[“Jackie Chan! Watch my crow fly! “】

[At this time, Black Tiger Afu suddenly made a wonderful pose, jumped, and also jumped onto the palm of the toy. 】


[Jackie Chan was trying to stop him, but it was too late! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The arm of this toy can’t withstand the weight of Jackie Chan and everyone in the black hand! ] Suddenly, the empty space broke and fell into a toy store below! 】


[Jackie Chan who fell from the sky, although he was not seriously injured because he had toys as a cushion, he was also injured by Panku treasure box… It was pressed to the waist. 】

“Jackie Chan, you have finally fallen into my hands. “】

[Just when Jackie Chan was injured and fell to the ground, Black Tiger Afu suddenly picked him up and snatched back the Panku treasure box from him. ] 】

“Wait a minute, Afu! “】

[Just before Fu could make a move, the smiling Holy Lord suddenly stopped him, and retreated with the people of the Black Hand Gang. 】

[Although I don’t know why the Holy Lord let him go, Jackie Chan is still very frustrated because he lost the treasure box again. 】

[But after the war, Xiaoyu found that Jackie Chan, who was pressed to the waist by the treasure box, left an engraving on the treasure box! ] 】

“What? Above the two broken lines, there is a complete line? “】

[In Daddy’s antique shop, Daddy listened to Jackie Chan describe the shape of the “engraved” on the phone, and immediately recognized it. ] 】

【This is the symbol of the “mountain” in the 8 trigrams! ] “】

[“Holy Lord, what they are looking for is the mountain demon! “】

[Daddy listened to the whole person became excited:]

[“Now that I know the bottom line of the demon, I will immediately prepare the materials needed to seal the magic, and then rush to you! “】

[And at this time in the hotel, Jackie Chan was still thinking… The meaning of that riddle he overheard:]

[“Will run, but will not go, have a mouth but do not speak…”]

[Originally, Jackie Chan couldn’t guess it, but under Xiaoyu’s reminder, he guessed it by mistake… The mystery is the river! 】

[And just after Jackie Chan guessed the mystery, he also found out… Dozens of small jade have been copied. 】

“You’re right here… Wait for Daddy to come, perhaps, he can solve your problems. “】

[There was simply no way to pay dozens of Xiaoyu, so Jackie Chan locked up all these bear children in the hotel and went alone to find the location of the Gate of Hell. ] 】

[But Jackie Chan never expected that the reason why the Holy Lord let him go in the first place was to let him be a guide and show them the way! ] 】

[“Hahaha, when you encounter difficulties, it is really the best choice to give the problem to Chen Long. “】

[Through the telescope in the distance, the Holy Lord and his party followed Jackie Chan and also came to the gate of hell! ] 】

[And just when the Holy Lord and the others approached the gates of hell, that Panku treasure box… Suddenly, a green light shot out automatically. 】

[“Oh! “】

[The green light hit a keyhole on the building in front, and then on the keyhole, the shape of 8 trigrams appeared. 】

[“Haha! Jackie Chan, thank you for bringing us here! “】

[Seeing that they had found the right place, the Holy Lord and the others immediately walked out triumphantly, and Black Tiger Afu even grabbed Jackie Chan and made him unable to move! ] 】

[“Snap! “】

[At the next moment, the Panku treasure box suddenly flew up automatically, merging with the 8 trigram symbol on the keyhole, releasing a huge green light! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[This green light, right in front of everyone, turned into a gate of hell! ] 】

[Immediately after, a huge green paw… He poked out the door! 】

[First the claws, then the arms, and finally, a huge body.] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With the sound of this green monster landing on the ground, Jackie Chan’s expression completely stiffened! ] 】

[This monster in front of you is like a green hill! ] 】

[It is the essence of the Holy Lord before, compared with “her”, it is not worth mentioning! ] 】

[“Take a good look, this is my sister’s victorious return! “】

The Holy Lord laughed arrogantly. 】

[What appeared from the gates of hell is the eldest sister of the 8 demons, the mountain demon – “Bogang”! ] 】

[She has got rid of the seal of the immortal and returned to the world! ] 】

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