Deadpool: Good guys, as soon as this girl reaches out… Just turn Jackie Chan into a mouse, what a beautiful job! O(∩_∩)O haha~

John Constantine: Why, do you think back to your time as Pikachu?

Deadpool: Ha, you less sarcastic me, what’s wrong with being Pikachu? At least people are cute!

Runaway Lori Jinx: Hahaha! That Xiaoyu is really handsome, and that momentum is simply awe-inspiring!

Tian Xiaoban: Hey, are you exaggerating?

Tian Xiaoban: Didn’t she just let out a flame and blew up a door?

Tian Xiaoban: This kind of thing… I can do it as long as I transform into a flame man!”

Tian Xiaoban: Also, if I turn into a flash star, the speed will definitely not be worse than the rabbit charm!

Lori Jinx: Boy, do you have to compete with a little girl? Then I ask you…

Lori Jinx: Can You Be Invisible? Can you levitate in the air while being invisible and then go into superspeed?

Tian Xiaoban: ………… (⊙_⊙)

At this time, Xiaoban was really speechless.

In fact, Omnitrix can transform him into countless aliens, which is definitely a first-class artifact.

However, the 12 spells that Xiaoyu mastered… But they can be superimposed on each other!

In the eyes of Xiaoban, this is simply cheating!

After all, until now, he couldn’t help… Superimpose those alien abilities!

Bruce Wayne: It seems that this Xiaoyu really treats the warehouse of District 13 as his own backyard.

Bruce Wayne: Whenever she wants a spell, she picks it up!

Natasha Romanoff: This kid… It should be about 10 years old, it’s really not simple.

Natasha Romanoff: When I was my age, I was far worse than her.

Bruce Wayne: So small, with such amazing skills, plus the power of spells! Wish…… When this girl grows up, she will be able to walk on the right path.

Loki Odinson: Little young master, you’re starting again… ╮(╯_╰)╭

Loki Oddinson: What is the right path? Like you, dress up as a bat every day and swagger?

Bruce Wayne: I’ve never asked anyone to be like me…

Bruce Wayne: I just… I don’t want Xiaoyu to become some “Queen of the Ghost Legion” again.

Daddy: Don’t worry, Daddy I’ll watch her.

Dad: Moreover, although Xiaoyu is mischievous, she is still a good boy at heart…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[With Jackie Chan, who turned into a mouse, invisible Xiaoyu, all the way to the Holy Lord’s single confinement room. ] 】

[But the Holy Lord has disappeared, and a big hole has appeared in the ground. 】

[It turns out that in this prison, the legend of “secret cave” has always been circulated. 】

[And the Holy Lord seems to have accidentally discovered this underground cave when he was in solo confinement, and then fled into it. 】

[“Uncle Long, hurry up and change back! “】

[As soon as Xiaoyu stretched out his hand, he used the monkey charm to transform Jackie Chan from a mouse back to a human. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu jumped directly into the underground cave, seemingly trying to catch up with the Holy Lord. 】

[Seeing this, Jackie Chan quickly reached out and pulled the little girl up. ] 】

[“Xiaoyu, the next battle is too dangerous, you better stay here. “】

[Hearing Jackie Chan’s words, Xiaoyu suddenly smiled slyly:]

“Uncle Long, do you mean to let me stay alone in this prison? “】

“Uh… This…”

[Directly choked by Xiaoyu’s words, Jackie Chan was suddenly speechless. ] 】

[Really did not dare to leave Xiaoyu in prison, Jackie Chan had to take her into the cave. ] 】

[But when walking in the cave, Jackie Chan still did not forget to teach Xiaoyu:]

[“Xiaoyu, don’t follow me so closely. “】

[“Also, watch how I do and study hard…”]

[And just when Jackie Chan only cared about guiding Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu quickly warned him:]

[“Uncle Long! You…”

[Xiao Yu’s words are not finished, Jackie Chan who twists his head and walks… Just hit a person. 】

[Or rather, he bumped into the wind demon that transformed into an adult, Howling Wind!] 】

[“Haha! Jackie Chan, you actually sent it to the door! “】

[The howling wind laughed, and the figure suddenly turned into a tornado. 】

[And after the fierce wind dissipates, this wind demon… A toad-like body actually appeared! 】


[Facing Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu, the big toad whistled and opened its mouth violently and took a deep breath! ] 】

[“Hula la! “】

[A strong and incomparable suction force turned into a whirlwind and swept towards Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu! ] 】

“Wow! “】

[Jackie Chan desperately tried to stabilize his figure, but his body still kept floating towards the blood basin of the howling wind! ] 】

[Seeing this, Xiao Yu quickly raised the dragon charm and shot out a bursting light! ] But unfortunately… Still crooked. 】

[“Abominable! “】

[Jackie Chan grabbed the little jade and ran desperately backwards in place, but he still couldn’t resist the terrifying attraction of the howling wind. ] 】

[In the face of such a bad situation, Jackie Chan can only count on that… The dad who can seal the devil. 】

“Daddy, where are you?”] “】

[Just when Jackie Chan made a helpless pleading, Dad came to an old lady accompanied by “Rabbit Charm Tru”. 】

“I’m sorry!” 】

[Dad reached out and took a paper fan from the old lady:]

“Thank you very much, I’ll return it to you later.”] “】

[After doing it, Tru took his father to urge the rabbit charm, and it disappeared in an instant.] 】

[And at this time, in the cave, Xiao Yu saw that Cheng Long was sucked by the howling wind, and quickly took out the charm in his arms and prepared to fight! ] 】

[But Xiaofeng is also very sharp-eyed, seeing Xiaoyu aiming the charm at himself, he immediately changed his inhalation to exhalation! ] 】

[In an instant, with an attractive whirlwind… It turned into a huge typhoon! 】

[“Wow! “】

[Xiaoyu and Jackie Chan were both blown out by the storm, and Xiaoyu was careless for a while. ] The two charms he was carrying were also swept away by the fierce wind and disappeared at the end of the cave! 】

[And at this moment of great crisis, “Rabbit Charm Tru” with his father finally appeared in front of Jackie Chan and Xiao Feng! ] 】

[“Oops! This old man will seal demons with magic! “】

[Seeing Dad take out props and prepare to cast spells, I have already seen the Holy Lord who Bogang was sealed… Immediately shocked! 】

[“Howling wind! Hurry up and stop the old man, otherwise… Once you let him cast a spell successfully, you’re done! “】

[“Haha! I won’t give him that chance! “】

[Howling Wind laughed loudly, opened his mouth sharply, and spewed a strong storm at Daddy! ] 】

[“Hula la! “】

[Under the sweep of the terrifying storm, the father did not stand, and the whole person was actually blown out by the storm. ] 】


【”Master!! “】

[Seeing that the father was blown out of sight, Tru, who was a disciple, was suddenly anxious. ] 】

[But soon he came up with a clever trick and threw the rabbit charm directly in his hand:]

[“Master! Hurry up and catch the Rabbit Charm! “】

[Hearing Tru’s voice, Daddy’s eyes were quick, and as soon as he took the opportunity, he reached out and caught the rabbit charm blown by the storm! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Daddy’s speed suddenly became a hundred times faster, and he instantly rushed to the front and picked up the magic weapon that was blown away. ] 】

[But even though he is fast, Dad still can’t be in the howling wind, the storm that spews out… Strive against the stream! Seeing that the whole person is about to be blown away again! 】

[“Oops! Although the rabbit spell is fast, the demon’s air flow is stronger! “】

[At this time, Xiao Yu, who was hiding behind the rock wall of the cave, heard his father’s call, and suddenly moved and shouted at Tru:]

[“Tru! Use your body to block the wind for Daddy! “】

[“Ah! I see! “】

[Tru immediately understood as soon as he heard it, and quickly walked to his father’s body, stretched out his hands to grab the rock pillars on both sides, and blocked the storm blowing from the howling wind for his father! ] 】

[“Okay! “】

[Hidden behind Tru, Daddy took out the potion from his arms and poured it on the god token…”Fan”, and chanted the incantation at the same time:]

[“Devils and monsters leave! Devils and monsters leave! “】

[“Abominable! Can’t let that old ghost continue to cast spells! “】

[When the Holy Lord heard the sound of his father’s mantra, he was immediately shocked, and quickly ordered his gangsters to obstruct. ] 】

[But Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu also stood in front of their father and fought with these gangsters. ] 】

[“Bang! Touch! Crash! “】

[After a series of soul battles, although the Holy Lord once snatched Daddy’s fan, Jackie Chan still kicked him and snatched the fan back. ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[After being defeated, the Holy Lord and the three gangsters under him were blown out by the howling storm and fell into the garbage heap outside. 】

[Seeing this, Dad quickly shouted at Jackie Chan:]

[“Jackie Chan! Immediately fan at that devil! “】

【”Good! “】

[Trying to stand up straight, Jackie Chan raised the green fan in his hand and fanned it against the storm in front of him! ] 】

[“Hula! “】

[Surprisingly, after Chen Long waved the fan, he did not fan out the wind, but “fanned” the storm spewed out by the howling wind! ] 】

[“Whew! Call! Call! “】

[Jackie Chan keeps fanning, and at the same time keeps walking towards the howling wind, and under the protection of the treasure fan, the hurricane that is enough to blow Tru away has no effect on him at all! ] 】

[Resisting the hurricane all the way to the front of the howling wind, Jackie Chan grabbed the treasure fan with both hands, and slammed it hard against the ugly toad in front of him! ] 】

[“Hula! “】

[I saw a green light flying from the fan and hitting the howling wind! ] 】

[“No, no, no! “】

[The howling wind only had time to let out a scream, and the huge body was wrapped in this green light and flew up, flying all the way out of the hole and straight into the laundry room. ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[I don’t know when, the green gate to hell has also opened again! ] 】

[The howling wind wrapped in green light also shot into the gate of hell and disappeared completely! ] 】

[This time, in Daddy’s magic. Xiaoyu’s reminder. Under the struggle with Jackie Chan, the wind demon howling wind was also sealed again. 】

[Seeing that the problem has been solved and the work is about to be completed, but at this moment, Jackie Chan was suddenly caught by two prison guards. ] 】

“Hey, boy, we’ve found your prison number! “】

“Now, you can go back to your confinement room for us.” “】

“What? Wait! “】

[Seeing the two prison guards grabbing themselves and walking backwards, Jackie Chan suddenly shouted in horror:]

“I’m not Chance Jackson, just look at my face!”] “】

[“Help!!! “】

[It seems that Jackie Chan may have saved the world this time, but next, he needs to be saved. ] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maksimov: This ABC… It looks so weak, except for blowing and sucking air, there is no ability.

God of War Kratos: No, this demon is actually very strong.

God of War Kratos: If it weren’t for the special terrain underground, that fat man was able to block the hurricane with his own body, then the old man… There is no chance to cast spells at all.

God of War Kratos: If I change to this big toad, I must blow it before it blows… Shot and slaughtered him!

God of War Kratos: Otherwise, you may not even be able to get close.

Wanda Maksimov: Haha, at the end of the day, the one who came up with Tru as a wind wall … It’s still Xiaoyu!

Hermione Granger: Uh-huh, it seems that among Jackie Chan’s gang, Xiaoyu is really intellectually responsible!

Hermione Granger: Every time, she came up with great ideas!

Hermione Granger: I want to be such a smart girl too, so that everyone else respects me! O(∩_∩)O

Morty: What do you guys do to that Cheng Xiaoyu… It’s too much.

Tian Xiaoban: Yes, without Dad and Jackie Chan, she would not be able to do anything just as a little girl.

Wanda Maksimov: Hee-hee, in previous images, you have had several times… It was also saved by your grandfather and Xiaowen!

Tian Xiaoban: What? This……

Wanda Maksimov: It seems that without grandpa and Xiaowen, you alone may not be able to do anything! o( ̄▽ ̄)d

Just when Xiao Ban was speechless by Little Wanda, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, Sheriff Black received a message that the Holy Lord and others were preparing to go to the famous film and television city to open the gates of hell. ] 】

[Jackie Chan also rushed to the film and television city after receiving a warning from Black. ] 】

[But in the face of such an adventure, how can you miss the trick-or-treating ghost Xiaoyu?] 】

[Halfway through, Xiaoyu encountered the three gangsters of the Mafia Gang again, and stole the map of the “New Hell Gate” from them. ] 】

[But Jackie Chan accidentally broke into the set of a martial arts movie and fought with a samurai weirdo. ] 】

[But it’s because of this battle. Let a producer fancy Jackie Chan’s kung fu and prepare to ask him to make a movie! 】

[On the second day, Jackie Chan came to the studio by appointment, but he happened to meet the Holy Lord and others here. ] 】

“That’s the Panku Box! “】

[Jackie Chan saw the green treasure box in their hands by the Holy Lord, and quickly found an opportunity to rush up… Grab it! 】

[And immediately afterwards, Jackie Chan and A Fu and others launched a chase battle in the studio. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! Giant axe chops down big trees! “】

[Seeing that Jackie Chan escaped onto a high platform, Black Tiger Afu immediately swung his iron fist and broke the bottom of this high platform! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[Jackie Chan fell into a room from a high platform like a kite with a broken wire! ] 】

[And seeing this scene from a distance, the famous producer was still joking with Xiaoyu on the phone:]

[“Miss, what you said is not wrong at all, this Jackie Chan… I really do stunts myself! “】

[“Uh It hurts! “】

[Fell on the sofa in the room, Jackie Chan was lucky not to be killed by falling. ] 】

[But at the next moment, the Holy Lord and the others also rushed into the room and started a battle with Jackie Chan! ] 】

[In the midst of a melee, the Panku treasure box in Jackie Chan’s hand suddenly flew up automatically, embedded in a prop door! ] 】

[“Haha! That’s the gates of hell! “】

[Seeing this, the Holy Lord clenched his fists with excitement! ] 】

[Jackie Chan, this guy, is simply a child of the world! ] 】

[As long as you follow him, you will definitely find the right location of the Gate of Hell! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[With a green light hell gate, it suddenly opened, and from inside came a giant monster covered in blue and green-faced fangs! ] 】

[He is the Thunder Demon… Sino-Soviet! 】

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