[I saw this white-haired hippie with a strange device tied to his body, and he was constantly emitting sparks. ] 】

[It wasn’t until afterwards that Philip Shelton knew… This device is used to control the powerful magnetic force in his body. 】

[But it’s good to die, the detective in black before pushed casually, and actually broke the device. ] 】

[Now this white-haired hippie… The terrifying magnetic force in the body has been completely uncontrollably released! Crazy swept the entire airport! 】

[“Boom! “】

[All the metal fabrications in the airport began to twist and deform, even the huge passenger plane… All were torn apart by this incomprehensible magnetic force! 】

[“Squeak! Whoops! “】

[Countless metal fragments were torn to the limit by magnetic force and torn abruptly! ] Then it was like a rain of bullets, turning the entire airport into a hell with sharp blades. 】

[“Swoosh! Sou! Sou! “】


[The miserable screams continued to sound, and I don’t know how many people were swept away by metal fragments in all directions… Cut to pieces! 】

[After half a day, Philip Hilton was shocked… Crawled out of countless building debris. 】

[I saw that the airport had been completely razed to the ground, and the strange man who emitted infinite magnetism was also attracted by the magnetic force on his body… Hit to pieces. 】

[Although his life hung in the balance just now, Philip still took a lot of photos with the instinct of a photographer. 】

[But afterwards, the photos were stolen.] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is lively again.

Magneto: That white-haired old man is… I? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Charles Xavier: Who else besides your variant can induce such a powerful magnetic force?

Charles Xavier: Eric, I’ve always said that strength is not better if you can’t control it…

Magneto: Damn, how can my variant be so cowardly, what device can be used to suppress his superpowers!

Charles Xavier: Did you not listen to me at all? (▼ヘ▼#)

Charles Xavier: Look at Raven, because she abused her transformation ability too much, she broke her brain!

Charles Xavier: We mutants may have superpowers, but we are not gods!

Magneto: ………

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After encountering the terrible tragedy at the airport, if it was an ordinary person, he would have been scared to flee home. ] 】

[But Philip Shelton has long been put to death. ] 】

[Or rather… He already knew that he would not live long ago, so he was ready to do something valuable before he died. 】

[Next, Philip traveled to Texas and visited the secret prison of mutants under the guidance of the tall and strong “Wilson Fisk” warden. 】

[Under normal circumstances, journalists and photographers are not allowed to enter here at all, and even the existence of this prison is confidential.] 】

[However, Warden Fisk brought Philip in with a weird smile and made an exception. ] 】

[But before he entered the prison, the camera in his hand was taken away]

[It turns out that Fisk’s top boss… President X, who has long known about Philip’s “strange interview”. 】

[Moreover, the powerful president also knows Philip’s physical condition, so he will make an exception to let him enter here. ] 】

[Anyway, a photographer who doesn’t have a camera and won’t live long, even if he sees everything in prison… Nothing can be done either. 】

[In this prison, Philip saw an incredible horror! ] 】

[A man named Summers, because he couldn’t control the laser emitted from his eyes, burned all his family to ashes. 】

[After being put in the system mutant prison, Warden Fisk blinded his eyes.] 】

[Without eyes, he can no longer release “laser eyes”. 】

[And in another cell, there is a girl who can turn her body into an illusion, nicknamed Phantom Cat.] 】

[However, in the process of trying to escape from prison before, the phantom cat’s intestines were stuck due to the early transformation of the body into a solid. ] 】

[Although the Phantom Cat’s situation is terrible, compared to the young man in blue tights who is locked up on the other side… She was already quite lucky. 】

[This man nicknamed Quicksilver seems to have super speed. ] 】

[But because of multiple escapes, Warden Wesker simply cut off his limbs, making it impossible for him to run again.] 】

[Looking at the scene in front of him like hell, Philip trembled all over and couldn’t help but ask:]

“Why? Why are you keeping these … ‘superpowers’ here? “】

[“Ha! “】

[Warden Fisk grinned and laughed proudly:]

“These are all orders of President X, I just obey them!” “】

[“The President … Occasionally come here to see these prisoners with their own eyes! “】

“Once, I once heard him say that these prisoners belonged to this in the first place! “】

And seeing this, many people in the chat group exclaimed!

Wanda Maksimov: That was… Pietro ??? (⊙_⊙)

Due to excessive shock, Wanda’s whole person froze, and she didn’t know what to say for a while.

Magneto: This President X is really to kill, he betrayed his race! Convex (艹皿艹)

Magneto: Charles, what else do you have to say?

Charles Xavier: ……… There’s nothing to say, it’s a completely crazy world. ╥﹏╥

Charles Xavier: Maybe it’s full of crazy people!

At this moment, Charles’s mentality also collapsed.

Even if he knew that his variant was a “blackened version”, there was still some hope.

Perhaps, this President X still has some kind intentions for his fellow mutants.

After all, from the perspective of a mutant, a mutant president is always better than a “human president”.

But this scene in front of him completely shattered Charles’s illusions!

Regardless of whether his own variant is a mutant or not, his attitude towards other mutants is almost the same as Major Stryker’s!

Tony Stark: Unexpectedly, this President X… It turned out to be blackened to this point!

Tony Stark: No wonder, my variant wants to overthrow him at all costs!

Captain America: Unfortunately, he and I … It all failed in the end!

After seeing what President X did, the captain also firmly believed that this bald head in a wheelchair… Definitely the same evil existence as Hydra!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The world is too distorted, isn’t there a normal person?

Nick Fury: Who knows, maybe… This reporter named Philip is quite normal.

Nick Fury: It’s just that he seems to have lived for a short time.

Wanda Maximov: Abominable! This crazy and sick world is better to destroy it early!

Bruce Wayne: I think… I probably already understand why this video is called “ruins”.

Bruce Wayne: It’s like inside the Dark Multiverse… Those distort the world the same. This “ruined” world is over!

Bruce Wayne: What we’re seeing is that the world perished… The images left behind!

Tony Stark: What? Dark Multiverse?

Stephen Strange: No wonder the world is so dark and depraved!

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallower: A world destined to die…

And at this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After leaving the mutant prison, Philip wakes up and continues his “Amazing Man Investigation Project”. 】

[Based on his interviews, Philip discovered a series of appalling facts.] 】

[An unlicensed doctor named Philip Donald who claims to be Thor, the god of thunder!] He also single-handedly founded a sect that worshipped “Thor”. 】

[But according to the investigation, this guy just ate some poisonous mushrooms in Northern Europe, so he hallucinated…]

[In addition, there is a woman named Emma Forst, who runs a welfare home and adopts many children. 】

[But in reality, Emma Furst used the inheritance inherited from her parents to the brains of these children… Perform various surgeries! I hope it will give them “psychic abilities”! 】

[The more he investigates, the more desperate Philip becomes.] 】

[The subjects he investigated, whether ordinary people or superpowers, all seem to be crazy! ] 】

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