And just when Kiliman was shocked, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[While the ancient saints were obsessed with their plan to “spread life”, an unfortunate race in a remote corner of the galaxy struggled to grow up in extreme pain. 】

[This race is very unlucky, the sun in their galaxy has aged and has begun to spread terrifying ionized solar wind and strong radiation storms around! ] 】

[Under the influence of this toxic radiation, the body of this race, even before birth… He has contracted terrible cancers and various diseases related to solar radiation. 】

[These creatures not only have extremely short life cycles, but also, in their short lives, they must also endure countless diseases! ] 】

[These unlucky creatures are also called “fear of death” by later generations! ] 】

[For those who fear death, because their lives are so painful, death… Instead, it becomes liberation. 】

[In this environment, the culture of the fearful of the dead is full of fear of death, and finally even evolved into worship! ] 】

[In the eyes of the fearful of death, life itself has no value, only the long sleep after death is sacred. 】

[The lives of those who fear the dead are based on the expectation of perish. 】

[Their city was built like a pyramid, full of all kinds of coffins, which is simply a large tomb! ] 】

[In these tomb cities, those living are only “temporary residents”, only the dead are real “permanent residents”! ] 】

[However, this painful and short-lived state of life gives the fearful of death a strange “boost” effect. 】

[Because life is short, those who fear the dead hope to do some amazing feats so that they can be remembered by future generations.] 】

[Moreover, most of the fears of the dead also hold some illusion that perhaps this amazing “contribution”… It allows them to live a better life in the “afterlife”. 】

[Driven by this strange motive, scientists who fear the dead are desperately inventing new technologies, making the level of science and technology of the fearful rises rapidly like an explosion! ] 】

Although the lives of the fearful may only be twenty or thirty years on earth, they have studied all kinds of incredible results. 】

[For example, “living metal” that can grow on its own like a living organism and even “heal” itself! ] 】

[For example, it can affect a part of the space, so that the time inside is almost stagnant force field! ] 】

[But no matter how the fearful of the dead researched, they still couldn’t find a way to cure their bodies. 】

[In desperation, they began to develop space navigation technology, wanting to leave their dangerous planet and find a new home in the galaxy! ] 】

[In this way, those who fear death should live a normal life and will not continue to suffer from illness and premature death. 】

[Although the fears of the dead did not discover the existence of subspace and the technology of faster-than-light travel, they still used living metals to create a large number of subluminal spacecraft. 】

[However, these spaceships, from the appearance … Still very reminiscent of a coffin. 】

[Next, the fear of the dead created a large number of coffin spaceships, rode on them, left the home planet that was subjected to terrifying radiation all day, and began to colonize the galaxy! ] 】

[Relying on sub-light navigation, they colonized one planet after another,]

[But soon, the fears of the dead discovered a terrible thing.] 】

[No matter which planet the fearful immigrate to, their next generation is already doomed to disease before they are born, and will die soon! ] 】

[After thousands of years of toxic radiation on the home planet, the DNA of the fearful of the dead has been permanently affected! ] 】

[Wherever they fled, the result … Nothing will change! 】

[In this desperate situation, the fears of the dead began to frantically study medical technology to heal their bodies. 】

[Finally, they discovered another harsh truth.] 】

[If you want to patch them… A body that is already fragmented at the genetic level is not impossible. 】

[But as a result, the Fear of the Dead will become a completely different race!] 】

[And this, for one’s own culture and ethnicity… It is almost impossible for the fearful of death, who are extremely proud. 】

[If this is really done, then the race of the feared dead… It’s like dying! 】

[After hitting a wall one after another, the fear of death began to study ways to fundamentally “cure” this genetic disease. 】

[And at this moment, they finally encountered the true ruler of the galaxy… Ancient Saint. 】

[In fact, it was only when the empire of the fearful expanded to a certain point that their rulers realized…]

[The planets with the best geographical location, the most adequate resources, and the most beautiful environment in the galaxy have basically been occupied by the “ancient saints” and their “creations”! ] 】

[Left for the fearful of the dead, only those second-rate, third-rate, or even non-current planets. ] 】

[Because of this, the fears of the dead have already looked at the ancient saint very unhappy. 】

[But through contact with each other, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the ancient saint… It turns out that it can live forever! 】

[The family of fearful people who have been ravaged by illness and short life for countless years immediately made a request to the ancient saints at all costs, wanting to get the secret of their immortality. 】

[As long as you can get this, no matter what the cost, the fear of death will not hesitate.] 】

[However, the ancient saint’s answer was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Shocked all those who feared death. 】

[The ancient saint believes that all life has its existence value and should not be easily changed! 】

[Therefore, they refuse to change the life form of the fearful of the dead, so that they become immortal. 】

[Maybe… The words of the ancient saints came from the heart, and they truly believed this. 】

[But for the feared of death, this is simply a vicious irony! ] 】

[“What is the value of our short life, which is suffering to the extreme?” “】

“You damn lizardmen, are you laughing at us? o(▼皿▼;)o”】

[Just after the fears of the dead encountered the categorical rejection of the ancient saints, they encountered even greater trouble. 】

[The Empire of the Dead is a thoroughly feudal ruler, a colonial commander scattered across planets, known as overlords.] 】

[Overlords can colonize the planet and establish their own dynasty (dynasty), but all overlords are subject to… The “Council of the Three Holy Saints” composed of the three highest ranking “pharaohs”. 】

[The highest-ranking pharaoh in the Three Holy Councils, known as the Silent King, has the highest power and status. 】

[The King of Silence was forever silent in front of his people, only conveying the Holy Will through the other two pharaohs. 】

[On the mother planet of the fearful of the dead, the reign of the King of Silence and the Three Holy Councils has been carried out very smoothly. 】

[But after entering the universe and starting to colonize the galaxy, it encountered a big problem. ] 】

[All because the Fear of the Dead does not have the technology to communicate and sail faster than light!] Their fleet, at the fastest, can only reach sub-light speed. 】

[As a result, the Fear of the Dead Empire is simply unable to control the colonial dynasties scattered throughout the galaxy. 】

[Even if the King of Silence wants to issue orders to the overlords of these dynasties, it may take several years to convey them! ] 】

[If the other party refuses to obey the order, it may take decades for the Three Saints Council to transfer the crusading fleet! ] 】

[In this case, if the empire wants to rule effectively, it is simply an impossible task! ] 】

[It didn’t take long for the Three Saints Council to lose control of the empire, and the entire Fear of the Dead Empire began to fall apart and fall into civil war! ] 】

[In order to prevent this civil war from destroying the entire race, the Three Holy Councils and the Lord of Silence… Came up with a brilliant idea. 】

[As long as there is one foreign enemy that can unite everyone, this continuous civil war that led to the collapse of the empire can be stopped! ] 】

[And this powerful enough and hateful enough foreign enemy… It’s the ancient saint! 】

[Fortunately, almost all the dynasties that fear the dead have a deep hatred for the ancient saints! 】

[“These bastards occupy the best planet in the galaxy and can live forever! “】

“Moreover, they still refuse to teach us the secret of immortality! “】

[The Three Saints Council took advantage of the hatred of the Fear of the Dead Race against the Ancient Saints and successfully transferred the internal contradictions to the outside! ] 】

[Moreover, the three giants, including the King of Silence, also declared to the dynasty overlords that as long as they can defeat the enemy, they can obtain the technology of the ancient saints and eternal life! ] 】

[Under such temptation, almost all the dynasties stopped the civil war, reunited under the Three Saints Council, and launched a surprise attack on the ancient saints. 】

[This legendary war that changed the entire galaxy, and even the material and immaterial worlds, is what the Ida Ling clan calls in the future…”Battle of Heaven”! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Peter Parker’s eyes widened, and he suddenly lost his voice and shouted:

“These fears of death are similar to the Trisolarans!”

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