Warhammer World, Planet Cous.

“Demon? Originally…… This is how these monsters were born. ”

It was seeing the image on the screen in front of him, Kiliman’s eyes were deep, and his mind suddenly remembered that in the “Great Expedition”… What has been experienced.

In order to reconquer, the human empire, which has been divided for thousands of years, led the emperor’s fleet and constantly conquested in the galaxy.

And many of the human planets they encountered have become dens of demons.

Kiliman himself once fought the “devil” face to face.

However, even as the commander of the Extreme Warrior Legion as a genogen, Kiliman is not very clear about the source of the demon.

It is only known that these monsters are related to “psionics” and “subspace”.

And now, although he knew the origin and root cause of the demon, a strange thought suddenly appeared in Kiliman’s heart.

“These things about demons and subspace… Does the emperor know? ”

At the same time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the complete demise of the ancient saint, those “enslavers” who swept the entire galaxy also mysteriously disappeared. ] 】

[Regarding the mysterious disappearance of this spiritual creature, people in later generations have various speculations, and some people think that they have returned to subspace. 】

[Some people also think that there are not many creatures left in the galaxy, so… The enslavers then went beyond the galaxy in search of more intelligent life. 】

[As a race of cosmic gods and machines, enslavers pose no threat to star gods and space necromancers.] 】

[So, just after the enslavers disappeared, they became the final victors in the battle for heaven.] 】

[This war, which destroyed almost all life in the galaxy and completely disrupted subspace, has finally come to an end. 】

[At this time, there are only a few star gods left. 】

[But just when they were rejoicing, the star gods seemed to forget that they had forgotten that they had… What they did to the fearful of the dead! 】

[And at the same time, the sole ruler of the space necromancy… The King of Silence has finally waited for the opportunity for revenge.

[Soon, all the space necromancers in the galaxy heard the edict of the Three Holy Councils! ] 】

[“Star God is the enemy! “】

[In order to defeat this powerful enemy who destroyed the Fear of the Dead, the Space Necromancers used the black technology that they had reached the peak of the physical level to create… A terrifying weapon capable of subverting the laws of the universe! 】

[Next, the great war between the space necromancer and the star god swept the galaxy again! ] 】

[Because of the long-term cannibalism, there are only a few star gods left alive, but all of them have terrifying power that is enough to shake the galaxy! ] 】

[After unimaginable battles and bloody battles, the Space Necromancers finally won! ] 】

[Even though the Star God is a part of the material universe, the Space Necromancers still use their overriding black technology weapons to destroy and kill one of them. 】

[This hapless star god is Llandugor the Skinner.] 】

[Before being completely destroyed, this star god used his last strength to curse the space undead. 】

[And this curse based on the laws of the universe, even the black technology of the space necromancers, cannot be removed. ] 】

[Since then, the space necromancers infected by the curse have been infected with some kind of “peeling virus”. 】

[This virus can even infect the mechanical brains of space necromancers! ] Let them lose their minds and give birth to a crazy desire for the flesh and blood of living beings! 】

[Those space necromancers affected by the virus will think that they are still feared of death with flesh and blood, frantically killing other intelligent beings, and then peeling off their skins… Drape it over yourself! 】

[After seeing with his own eyes the subjects who were affected by the skinning curse and turned into “flesh and blood madmen”, King Silence finally gave up the idea of completely destroying the Star God. 】

[But even so, through further research on black technology, the space necromancer still found a way to deal with the star god. ] 】

[They used the powerful basic energy of the universe to scatter the star gods into tens of millions of fragments, and then bound the fragments to the multidimensional space labyrinth, so that they could never regroup together! ] 】

[Not only that, the space necromancers even used these Star God fragments as an energy source for some kind of extremely powerful “ultimate weapon”! ] 】

[Even in a state of being scattered and shattered, the Star God Fragment still has almost unlimited power! ] 】

[In addition to destroying planets and smashing reality, these fragments can also subvert the laws of the universe, banish each other to other dimensions, and even manipulate the flow of time to affect the law of cause and effect! ] Erase the presence of enemies from space and time! 】

[Even if there are only fragments left, God is still God! ] 】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Bruce Banner: Manipulating time flow and causality? Am I not mistaken? (⊙o⊙)

Carol Danvers: Star God… Is it so powerful?

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: Is this the god of matter? Equivalent to the material world… The existence of the laws of the universe itself!

Ganata, daughter of Star Swallowing: I can’t imagine I would say that. But these star gods may already be close to the level of the five gods of (⊙_⊙) creation.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): How did those space necromancers defeat such enemies?

Thanos Thanos: Isn’t that easy? Those skeleton racks… Stronger than these gods!

Hearing Thanos’ speech, there was silence in the chat group for a while.

All of them…… They were all shocked by the achievements of the space necromancers.

Divine Kesha: Slaughter the gods with the power of technology, and turn the fragments of the gods into their own weapons!

Divine Kesha: Those space necromancers are amazing, pioneers in the world of technology!

Deadpool: Ahahaha! I suddenly remembered something.

Deadpool: Words and sayings… In some future, you seem to be broken into pieces and scattered throughout the galaxy, right? ^_^

Divine Kesha: Ha, thank you for remembering.

Although she acted casually, Keisha was also a little happy at the moment.

Fortunately, there is no such perverted race as the space necromancers in the Shenhe universe!

Otherwise, even if she really possesses an immortal “divine body”, she may be beaten to pieces by someone and then used to charge her weapons!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although it completely destroyed the remaining star gods, turned them into fragments, and sealed them, the space necromancers also paid a heavy price. ] 】

[After a million-year-long battle of heaven and a great war with the Star God, only the King of Silence remained in the Three Holy Council, and hundreds of dynasties disappeared forever. ] 】

[At the same time, those ancient spirits who escaped the “calamity of enslavers” because they retreated into the network also reappeared in the galaxy. ] 】

[These races that look a bit like space elves were specially created by the ancient saints… Used against the existence of the Star God! 】

[Every ancient spirit race is innate… Has terrifying psionic energy! Moreover, they also have a long lifespan far beyond ordinary intelligent life. 】

[What’s even more terrifying is that the ancient spirit race even has its own subspace gods! ] 】

[According to the inference of the later spirit race, the “god” of the ancient spirit race is likely to be the ultimate spiritual energy weapon created under the guidance of the ancient saint. 】

[Gu Sheng’s research on subspace is more than anyone else! ] 】

[Therefore, they used the beliefs of the ancient spirit race to create their own god of chaos! ] 】

[After the ancient saint was destroyed, the ancient spirit clan also easily inherited… The vast majority of the knowledge and heritage of the ancient saints. 】

[In the face of the thriving ancient spirit race with the help of the gods, the necromancer race that has been exhausted by the long war. ] It is no longer possible to meet the next big war. 】

[Seeing this, the King of Silence addressed all the space necromancers. The final edict was issued. 】

[That is to use the tomb world, and the “static force field” in it into a deep sleep, and then after tens of millions of years, the spirit race is no longer strong, and even has perished… Wake up again! 】

[King Silence believes that flesh and blood life is limited, and only these mechanical bodies represent immortality! ] 】

[Time, on the side of the space necromancers! ] 】

[This action. It is the “Great Sleep” of the space necronomicons! 】

[And just after all the space necrons obeyed the order and went into a deep sleep.] King Silence made other choices. 】

[He ruined himself… Enough to manipulate the “control protocol” of all his subjects, then piloted the spaceship alone and traveled beyond the galaxy. 】

[Some people in later generations believe that he did this in order to believe the promise of the Star God before and destroy the entire family of the feared dead… and seek self-exile. 】

[It is also believed that the King of Silence wants to go beyond the galaxy to find a way for them to regain the flesh of his people. 】

[Only in this way can he truly redeem the big mistake he forged. 】

[After the space necromancers went into a deep sleep, the ancient spirits were undisputed… became the new overlord of the galaxy. 】

[Just when the civilization of the ancient spirit race was thriving, after countless years of evolution, on the earth of the solar system, human beings finally appeared! ] 】

[Time flies, after thousands of years, psionics have finally been born among human beings. 】

[In ancient times, these psionics, known as shamans, began to peek into the vision of subspace through their psionic energy. 】

It took a long time for these shamans to finally come to a common conclusion. 】

[That is… Not only will the aberration of subspace not get better, but it will continue to deteriorate, and in the future… Endangering the survival of humanity! 】

[In order to avoid the arrival of this extinction event, one day. All shamans on earth. Using their psionic energy, a grand secret meeting was held. 】

After a long discussion, the shamans finally made a surprising decision. 】

[They gathered all their spiritual power, gathered them into a new soul, and then “reincarnated” again.] 】

[In this way, although these shamans died, their spirit and will came alive in this newborn baby. 】

[Countless souls fused into one! ] 】

[An unprecedented super psychic who bears the responsibility of saving mankind. Born in 8000 BC. 】

[This baby boy. It is the human emperor of the later generations! 】


Seeing this, Kiliman stood up from his seat with an incredulous look in his eyes.

The emperor turned out to be the aggregate of countless shamanic souls!

If these are true, then… Does he really have his own independent personality?

PS: Uncharted and The New Batman will start playing next week!

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