Seeing Bruce Banner’s speculation, everyone in the group was taken aback.

Who would have thought that the zombies that destroyed the whole world were not caused by viruses, but by a group of bugs!

Wanda Maksimov: This group of bugs can actually think and learn human speech! It’s incredible.

Deadpool: But there’s one thing… I really don’t understand.

Deadpool: Didn’t that Franklin Richards have the strongest power to modify reality, and even the universe could be created?

Deadpool: Such a powerful guy, how did he first be defeated by those zombies, and now… Simply lost all abilities?

Tony Stark: Who knows, there are so many reasons.

Tony Stark: But not only is that kid incapable, but he doesn’t even grow up physically, which is really abnormal.

There was a faint thought in his mind, which made Tony feel… Some are ridiculous.

If that’s the case, how has this kid eaten and drank Lasa in the past few years?

Moreover, how could he not have found out himself?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Peter Parker finally convinced… Richards brothers and sisters who saved their parents’ hearts. 】

[And just as they were packing their bags and preparing to leave the X Academy, the scene of the arrival of the Planet Devourer reappeared in his mind. 】

[That night, Spider-Man, Franklin and others were shot down from mid-air by a gang. 】

[The little spider had just straightened up from the road when he found Franklin using his superpowers to catch his sister. 】

[But his girlfriend Mary Jane is missing at this time.] 】

[Spider-Man just wanted to go to his girlfriend, but was knocked out by an invisible force field. ] 】

[It’s the superpower of the invisible woman Susan!] 】

[“Susan… You! “】

[Spider-Man was lying on the ground, barely opened his eyes, and saw the magical four heroes with seven holes bleeding, standing in front of him with a hideous face, and the zombie Susan sneered and said:]

“Spider-Man, thank you so much for taking care of my child. “】

“Wow! “】

[In panic, Peter opened his eyes again and found that he was having another nightmare. 】

And when Peter looked around, he was taken aback. 】

[The Richards brothers and sisters who originally slept next to her are now nowhere to be seen! ] 】

[This pair of little ghosts really went to find their parents! ] 】

[“Franklin! “】

[Peter Parker was so shocked that he quickly shouted while frantically searching in the forest. ] 】

[But in the next moment, a golden light suddenly blasted him out! ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[Peter finally got up, and suddenly there was an extra woman in front of him. 】

[It’s the moonstone that just made a deserter! ] 】

[However, now that she is bleeding, she has obviously turned into a zombie! ] 】

[The most terrifying thing is that not far behind the moonstone, there are Richards brothers and sisters! ] 】

[“Die! Peter! “】

[Zombie Moonstone reached out and pinched Peter Parker’s neck, and his right hand condensed golden light, and he was about to take his life immediately! ] 】

[At this moment of crisis, a sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded in the air. 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[The expression on Moonstone’s face suddenly stiffened, and just before he could make a move, this zombie woman’s body turned into pieces in front of Peter! ] 】


[After the remnants of the moonstone fell to the ground, a black man with two knives appeared in front of Peter and the others. 】

[This person is the famous vampire hunter… Blade Warrior! 】

[It was him just now, using extremely sharp double knives combined with exquisite knife techniques to chop the moonstone. ] 】

[“Just overheard, you guys are going to find the blood nest of the planet devourer? “】

[The Blade Warrior said with a calm face:]

“Please be sure to bring me.”] “】

[Seeing that the other party had saved his life, and now he really lacked manpower, Peter Parker and the others took this extremely combative blade warrior and prepared to go to the base camp of the zombies together. ] 】

Just when Nana, the sentinel robot that everyone was riding on, was flying in the air, Peter couldn’t help but remember the past. 】

[Originally, after the Planet Devourer descended on Earth, the Zombie Fantastic Four appeared! ] And the zombie Susan even caught her unconscious biological son… Franklin! 】

[In front of the fallen Spider-Man, the zombie Susan took a bite and bit Franklin’s neck! ] 】

“Nope! “】

[Spider-Man rushed up with all his strength and saved Franklin! ] And rushed with him to the location of the Supreme Sanctuary. 】

[Supreme Mage, Doctor Strange, may be the only one who can save Franklin!] 】

[And just remembered here, Peter Parker’s thoughts suddenly stopped. ] 】

[Sitting on the back of the sentinel robot Nana, Peter Parker sees a mechanical city below. 】

[This city, called the Wall of the Phalanx.] 】

[In order to resist the invasion of zombies, S.H.I.E.L.D. and “Pioneer Technology” joined forces to create a group of robot legions. 】

[But in the end, this group of robots failed to defeat the endless zombies.] 】

After controlling their own human death, these robots somehow gained “self-awareness” and no longer obeyed humans, but built their own cities. 】

[At this moment, a group of flying zombies suddenly appeared in the air, shooting down the sentinel robot Nana! ] 】

[As soon as Peter and the others landed, they were besieged by the zombie army. ] 】

[Fortunately, the robot legion in the city rushed out and eliminated the zombies! ] 】

[And among these robots, Peter actually saw familiar faces.] 】

[That’s the Punisher who completely transforms into a robot… Frank Custer, and the robot daughter created by Vision himself… Vivian! 】

[Vivian brought Peter and Blade Warrior and others into the “Wall of the Phalanx”]

[Inside this mechanical city, Vivian finally told the truth. 】

[It turns out that human beings cannot survive at all in this “zombie apocalypse”, and the only way is to turn into robot creatures through “mechanized viruses”! ] 】

[Moreover, Peter, they have been seen by zombies, so they can only be forcibly infected with this virus and then turn into robots! ] 】

“What? “】

[Peter Parker was shocked to hear it, but at this moment, an invisible force field had already “covered” them inside. 】

[And the mechanized virus will soon be poured in! ] 】

[In a hurry, Franklin’s sister shouted: “No, Vivian, we are going to the blood nest! Save our parents. “】

[“Rescue? “】

[Robot Vivian shook her head:]

“Those zombies are not sick, but infected with a … Parasites with collective consciousness! “】

“Once they parasitize, they kill the host and occupy the host’s shell. “】

“So… Zombies are unsaved! “】

[Robot Vivian’s tone is very sincere:]

“And you can only survive if you are transformed into robots here.” “】

[“The city cannot be pursued, and no enemy can break in…”

[“Boom! “】

[As soon as Vivian’s words fell, the whole building suddenly shook wildly, and then a big hole was opened in the wall, and a large number of zombies rushed in! ] 】

[And the green zombie in the lead is the Hulk Hulk! ] 】

[“Run away!!! “】

[Seeing that the robot’s side was defeated, Peter Parker and others quickly seized the opportunity when the force field was destroyed, turned around and ran! ] 】

[Peter and others, and the robot Vivian… Quickly boarded the repaired sentinel robot Nana! 】

[But the zombie Hulk still chased after him without mercy! ] 】

[Seeing that the situation was not good, Vivian seemed to have figured out something, and suddenly looked back at Peter Parker and shouted:]

[“Tell me! Peter! Why on earth did you go to the blood nest of Devouring Stars? “】

“I’m for them, Franklin. Peter whispered in response. 】

[“That’s not right! “】

[Vivian seemed to see Peter’s heart, and instantly vetoed this answer. 】


[Looking at the mechanical girl in front of him, Peter Parker lowered his eyes and whispered:]

“Because I also want to be like those two children, and believe… There is still hope in this world! “】


[After hearing this answer, a smile appeared on Vivian’s face, casually took out a package and handed it to Peter Parker, and then took the initiative to jump on the back of the sentinel robot. ] 】

[“Peter! Keep up the faith! “】

[“Vivian! No! “】

[Seeing Vivian facing the zombie Hulk head-on, Peter Parker was suddenly shocked. 】

[It turns out that this mechanical girl is ready to sacrifice herself to ensure that they can successfully escape! ] 】

[And at the next moment, the sentinel robot “Nana” accelerated sharply! ] The huge body rushed straight into the sky like a rocket! Leave the battle below completely behind. 】

[Looking at the heroic actions of the mechanical girl, everyone on Nana’s back was silent. 】

[And in this sad atmosphere, Peter Parker involuntarily reached out and opened the package that Vivian handed him. 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at the contents of the package, Peter’s eyes widened sharply, and his eyes showed a light of surprise. 】

[I saw that inside the package, there was an intact spider silk launcher. ] 】

[It turns out that this is Vivian’s last gift to Peter Parker! ] 】

[With this thing, Spider-Man can truly be resurrected! ] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Deadpool: I’ll go! That kid Franklin was actually bitten by a zombie!

Deadpool: Then why didn’t he turn into a zombie?

Stephen Strange: Could it be that he used his superpowers to kill the parasites?

Bruce Wayne: No, as you can see from that Peter Parker’s memories, Franklin had fainted at that time and couldn’t use superpowers at all!

Stephen Strange: That… What’s going on here?

Tony Stark: The body bitten by the zombie, but not infected, and Franklin’s body has not grown in the past few years.

Tony Stark: When you rule out all the impossible, the rest, no matter how unbelievable, is true!

Wanda Maximov: Stark, what are you talking about?

Tony Stark: That little ghost named Franklin is no longer human, his body has definitely been transformed into a machine!

Reed Richards: The Divine Horse??? ( ̄口 ̄)!!

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