“The gunman was inside that building. “】

[A policeman pointed to the building across the street and shouted:]

[“It was the Riddler who shot!”] “】

[Batman immediately rushed into the opposite building, but the gunman had already fled. 】

[But soon Officer Gordon received a report that witnesses had seen someone escape from the building after the gunshots rang out and were now hiding in a café.] 】

[The police immediately rushed and caught an accountant named Edward Naston in the café. 】

[He’s the Riddler.] 】

[But capturing the Riddler does not mean the end.] 】

[This guy has gathered a group of followers on the network through many live broadcasts! ] 】

[And in order to find out the truth, Batman came to the prison and had a meeting with the Riddler.] 】

[In the face of Batman, Edward knows everything and tells everything he knows. ] 】

[It turns out that Edward has long known the true identity of Batman, and all he did was to pull Bruce Wayne in! ] 】

[Edward grew up in that orphanage, and when Thomas Wayne died, all his support disappeared. 】

“You think you’re an orphan? “】

[Edward sneered and said:]

[“Living in your big manor and sitting on billions of property, this is not an orphan! “】

“Those of us who stay in orphanages and starve are orphans! “】

[Looking at the dumbfounded Batman in front of him.] Edward laughed proudly :]

“It was because of you that I came up with this plan! “】

“It is because of you that my plan succeeded. “】

[From the beginning, Edward the Riddler wanted to use Batman, that is, Bruce Wayne… to deal with Falcone. 】

[He knows that he is not capable of taking down this gangster boss, but Bruce Wayne does!] 】

[Now it seems that the Riddler has indeed achieved perfect success.] 】

[The scariest thing is that the Riddler even claims that the real good show is yet to come!] 】

[Hearing this, the vigilant Batman was immediately shocked. ] 】

“What exactly did you do?”] “】

[Feeling that disaster was coming, Batman hurried back to the Riddler’s residence. ] 】

[Here, through a reminder from a police officer, Batman uncovers the carpet in his house and finds a map.] 】

[Next, Batman found his real plan on the Riddler’s computer.] 】

[This madman, who has ordered his followers in advance, wants to want the day the new mayor takes office, that is, tonight… Blow up the dam in Gotham City! 】

[The Riddler will flood the entire city with great water!] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Thundered! “】

[At the moment when Batman discovered the truth, the entire Gotham City heard a deafening roar! ] 】

Dams and water supply systems have been blown up everywhere, and raging water has poured in from all directions. 】

[Not only that, at the venue of the inauguration ceremony of the female mayor, a large number of thugs dressed in the same equipment as the Riddler appeared and began to kill people with guns.] 】

[Seeing that the situation was critical, Batman hurried to the venue. ] 】

[He teamed up with Catwoman, and it took a lot of effort to finally defeat these thugs and save the new mayor! ] 】

[Not only that, Batman has also saved a lot of ordinary people in a dangerous state. ] 】

[From this moment on, Batman began to really reflect… Your own role in the city. 】

[It’s a terrifying bat that only knows how to fight crime,]

[Or the Dark Knight who saved the people from fire and water?] 】

[After all the dust settled, Catwoman invited Batman to leave Gotham City with him and become a free couple. ] 】

[But Batman refused.] 】

[This is his city, he will do everything in his power to protect… And save Gotham! 】

At this time, the screen gradually dimmed.

[“Batman” is over. 】

In the live broadcast room.


Young Master Wayne let out a long breath, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

Fortunately, in this universe, “own” father is not an evil sinner.

Although Thomas Wayne did something wrong, he did try to make amends afterwards, and even lost his life and that of his wife.

In this sense, this version of Thomas is better than the hypocritical and arrogant elite in the world of “Joker”… I don’t know where strong it is!

Just then, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky items…]

[Selected: SCP-999!] 】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “SCP Foundation”! ] 】

“Wow! Finally there is SCP again! ”

Hearing the sound of the system, Little Wanda suddenly became excited, and even his eyes released light.

However, the thought of the cute “tickle monster” falling into Jinx’s hand, little Wanda’s eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

If she had a choice, she would also want a cute SCP!

Soon, new images appeared on the screen.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen,

A strange narration voice also sounded in everyone’s ears. “】

On this day, the SCP Foundation received a letter of unknown origin. “】

“After multiple verifications, the O5 committee can finally determine that this letter comes from the SCP Foundation in another universe! “】

[“It turns out that the SCP Foundation has long explored the existence of the multiverse, and in other parallel universes, there are all corresponding SCP Foundations! “】

In order to ensure the continuation of the multiverse and the security between the foundations, foundations located in different parallel universes once came together and settled on a “multiverse foundation alliance agreement.” “】

“This agreement contains only two articles. “】

[First, once the SCP Foundation of a certain universe faces a “world destruction scenario”, then they are absolutely not allowed … Move to other parallel universes, or timelines! “】

“Because doing so is likely to lead to the spread of destruction.” “】

Second, although the transfer of personnel is not feasible, if there is such an inevitable apocalypse, the SCP Foundation must record the relevant apocalyptic scenarios and then “teleport” them to all known parallel universes. “】

“I do this so that the foundations of other universes are reminded, and… Prevent something like this from happening in your own world! “】

[In other words, what is recorded in this mysterious document is the end of a certain world! “】

“According to the documents, in that parallel universe, the SCP Foundation created a superweapon, but it was this weapon that destroyed everything they knew! “】

“This ultimate weapon… It’s called “Project (ANTIKILL)!” “】

[“The SCP Foundation, the reason why it wants to create such a dangerous weapon is only one purpose! “】

[“That is the complete and final execution of someone… You can’t kill a monster no matter how you kill! “】

“This monster, with unimaginable vitality and regenerative abilities, has no known way to kill it. “】

“And, no matter how badly wounded it is, it heals at an astonishing rate, and at the same time … You can also gain your tolerance for this attack. “】

“After countless failed executions, the SCP Foundation has finally lost patience! “】

“They want to develop an ultimate weapon that can solve this monster once and for all and completely erase him from the universe!” “】

“But no one expected that the foundation’s move would give themselves, and even the whole world… All bring ultimate destruction! “】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, little Wanda took a deep breath, but before he could speak, Peter Parker was next to him, and he already blurted out:


“What the foundation wants to kill should be that big lizard!”

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