Big bones boiled into soup: Wait a minute, what is a created character, what does it mean? ∑( ̄△ ̄*|||

Wolverine: Don’t panic! Brat!

Wolverine: It’s actually very simple, the universe we all live in… All are created by certain higher beings.

Wolverine: Your universe, as for yourself, is no exception!

Big bones boiled into soup: the universe and me… All created? (⊙_⊙)

Robert Kiliman: ……… This is a terrible heresy.

Carol Danvers: Believe it or not!

Carol Danvers: But, there’s something I really can’t figure out!

Carol Danvers: How could a character like Stan Lee, Dr. Manhattan, be killed by some “hypermetaphysical” meme weapon?

Carol Danvers: Isn’t that a joke?

Dr. Manhattan: It must be corrected that my current capabilities are far from comparable to OAA.

Dr. Manhattan: And the so-called upper narrative is not necessarily very strong…

Carol Danvers: What? What do you mean?

Deadpool: Hahaha! Maybe it’s really like I slaughtered the Marvel Universe and created the SCP universe… Also a group of cartoonists!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): You want to say… This SCP-5999, will everyone jump out of the comic book and kill them after reading them?

Deadpool: Who knows, maybe that’s the case. (*^▽^*)

Tian Xiaoban: Just kidding, if that’s the case, I won’t dare to read comics in the future. ╥﹏╥

Just when the group was in chaos, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

That strange narration voice also sounded again.

[There are all kinds of staff in the SCP Foundation, including field staff who are on the front line and countless weird and desperate fights… There are also ordinary employees who carry out various logistical support in safe rear bases. 】

[But the SCP Foundation is not the same as the ordinary workplace. 】

[Even ordinary daily paperwork has the opportunity to encounter… The most mysterious and terrifying weird existence in the universe! 】

Although employed by the SCP Foundation, David Rosen is just a regular IT staff member who handles all sorts of things related to computers and databases. 】

[David got his current job because his ex… “Patrick” mysteriously disappeared.] 】

[Since taking office, David has often complained to those around him that Patrick’s ghost is harassing him. 】

[But… No one took his words seriously. 】

[This is so because David is indeed a very bad person. 】

Not only was he rude and impatient, but he was also particularly fond of complaining and whining. 】

[Even if it is just a small matter, he will make all kinds of complaints, which annoys his superiors. 】

[One day, a strange thing befell this nasty ghost. 】

David Rosen’s computer received a repair request email called SCP-000. 】

[As soon as he saw this email, David immediately became angry. 】

[As long as anyone who has worked in the foundation knows that there is no such thing as SCP-000! ] 】

[The original SCP started from 001! ] 】

[And when David Rosen opened the repair email at random, he found that it was full of all kinds of “[email protected]!^…” garbled characters. 】

[For the project classification of sc-p000, it is designated as “NULL” which means “invalid”.] 】

[The “special containment measures” for it are a series of garbled characters plus “do not exist.”] 】

[Looking at this endless garbled code, David Rosen suddenly became angry. ] 】

[He decided that the repair email was just a failure of the foundation’s internal database.] 】

[So, he threw the SCP-000 email directly into the recycle bin on his computer.] 】

[After that, as long as he saw any emails related to SCP000, he would delete them directly and not even look at them.] 】

What the careless technician didn’t notice was that in the space below that document was the real SCP-000.] 】

[Or rather… SCP-000’s distress signal! 】

[SCP-000, is in a completely blank space… was born. 】

“It” doesn’t know who it is or why it’s here. 】

[But this nameless monster can observe and think. 】

[The monster spent a long, long time exploring this blank world.] 】

[In the process of exploring, the monster saw a lot of strange existences. 】

[Among them are doctors wearing robes and beak masks.] There is a monster dressed in white that likes to curl up in the corner and refuse to look up…]

[It’s even seen before…] An evil god with crimson eyes and endless oppression! 】

[From the mouth of that crimson god, the monster heard a word for the first time. 】


[The monster doesn’t know what the foundation is, but with the endless wandering on the white wilderness, its heart begins to be filled with hatred and anger! ] 】

[And these emotions all point to the existence of the “foundation”. 】

“Is it… Is that the ‘foundation’ that trapped me in this damn place? “】

[Day after day, year after year.] 】

[The monster explores and thinks, and eventually “it” learns to pronounce sounds, and then starts screaming! ] 】

[These screams are both the monster’s emotional vent and its cry for help! ] 】

[However, it doesn’t know that it is not trapped in three-dimensional space! ] 】

[This white world is actually the database of the SCP Foundation! ] 】

[And the cry for help and screams issued by the monster have all been transformed into one “repair request email” after another! ] 】

[If the “Patrick” hadn’t left, he might have noticed something unusual in SCP-000’s distress email.] 】

[In the “blank” under that garbled code, there are a large number of completely normal statements and distress signals! ] 】

[But David Rosen is definitely not a patient person. 】

[So, he directly ignored and even ignored all these distress emails! ] And threw them all into the recycle bin. 】

[In a sense, David’s move not only saved himself, but may even save the foundation site where he is!] 】

[Because, this SCP-000 he encountered was a phase demon.] 】

[Xiangxiao Demon is not an ordinary entity, but a certain concept. 】

[They will be born in some very special space, and something like SCP-000… Abnormal files that don’t exist at all can be said to be an excellent hotbed of Xiangxiao Demon! 】

[The most terrifying thing about the Xiangxiao Demon is that… Their power comes from being “observed.” 】

[The more intelligent beings perceive and observe them, the stronger the Xiangxiao Demon will be! ] 】

[If there is a planet where intelligent beings have discovered the existence of the phase howling demon, then… They will descend on that planet and, with their own power, turn that planet into ruins! 】

[Xiangxiao Demon is such a terrifying existence! ] 】

[Moreover, David Rosen may really be the nemesis of the Whistling Demon. ] 】

[The reason why I say this is because… He has encountered the Xiangxiao Demon more than once! But as a result, it was all about turning the tide. 】

[One day, a research director named Winchester discovered that a file called SCP-S appeared in the foundation’s database. 】

[What is this thing?] 】

[If it is SCP, there should be a number at the back! ] 】

[Winchester opened this SCP-S full of doubts and looked at it, and found that there was only a strange picture inside.] 】

[In order to clarify the situation, the Winchester supervisor put the relevant IT staff… David Rosen called over. 】

[However, David is not a good talker. 】

[He glanced at Winchester’s computer and immediately claimed with a big grin that the SCP-S file was only used to test the system, and the image in it… Probably just a placeholder. 】

[He didn’t know that there was just a group of screaming demons in this SCP-S document! ] 】

[These monsters are all trapped in the source code of that image.] 】

[If you change to any IT staff with some sense of responsibility, you are likely to find the existence of the Xiangxiao Demons.] 】

[If he really did this and exposed the Xiangxiao Demon to the gaze of the Foundation personnel, it would directly lead to an increase in their strength and cause terrible damage! ] 】

[In other words, David Rosen, with his irresponsibility and bad temper, saved the SCP Foundation more than once! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Hahaha! Laughed me to death. ”

Seeing this, Tian Xiaoban suddenly leaned forward and laughed.

“Such an irresponsible fool actually saved the world twice!”

“It’s so interesting!”

When he was with his grandfather and Xiaowen, Xiao Ban would always be told by them to do things without using their brains.

So, he never thought that a reckless guy like David … It can even save the world!

“Cut, it’s just luck.” Little Wanda pouted.


Tony Stark spread his hands:

“I want to know more than this… Where did this kind of demons come from? ”

“Why were they born in those weird spaces?”

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Xiangxiao Demon, in fact, was originally born in another universe. 】

[This universe… It existed long before the birth of the universe in which our earth is located! It can be called the past life of our universe. 】

[This “past life” universe is called The, First, Hytoth! Also known as the multiverse α, the first universe! 】

[Countless billions of years ago, the first universe was born! ] 】

[After years of development, in the lower cosmic dimension, various civilizations began to attack each other! ] 】

[They want to destroy each other and ascend to a higher cosmic dimension!] 】

[The civilization that finally achieved this goal and became the apex of all civilizations was called the “main star civilization”. 】

[The power of the “Main Star Civilization” is unimaginable, they even found the gods of the first universe and killed him! ] 】

[This Lord Star Civilization of the First Hythro… It also left some creations to future generations. 】

[One of them, it fell to the earth. 】

[The earthlings call it the “fruit of blindness and foolishness”! ] 】

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