In the live broadcast room.

Watching little Wanda talk, as if he was already an “alien god expert”, Tony raised his eyebrows, and was a little surprised in his heart.

In his heart, this little girl is a brutal and willful bear child.

But now it seems that as long as it is something that little Wanda is genuinely interested in, she will still learn it seriously.

At this time, Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice next to him:

“Then it seems to me that in this world of Cthulhu, there are also some rules.”

“First of all, in the face of those mysterious and strange tales and supernatural events, it is best not to delve into it!”

“Especially those relics that may be related to ancient civilizations, if you are not careful, you will involve the old dominators and even foreign gods.”

Hearing this, Tony clapped his hands and said indifferently:

“If the people of that world really can’t fight against the outer gods…”

“Perhaps, they should set up an organization similar to the SCP Foundation and contain all these items related to the foreign gods so as not to cause disaster.”

Young Master Wayne listened silently, but did not nod…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

That strange narration voice also sounded again.

[Hundreds of years ago in Britain, there was a notorious family named “De la Pour”. 】

[Later, a man in this family named Walter Derple suddenly killed all his relatives and destroyed the entire family! ] 】

[However, the local judge did not blame this man, and even the law enforcement authorities did not arrest him, and the local nearby villagers regarded him as a hero and dissuaded him… Run away. 】

In this way, Walter left his homeland and came to Virginia, where he married and had children, establishing a new Delapeur family. 】

[After coming to the United States, this new Delapur family has a tradition. 】

[It was an ancient letter in an envelope.] 】

[This letter, only when the head of the family is about to die, will be passed on to his eldest son, that is, the next generation of family heirs.] 】

[But unfortunately, once, a fire broke out in the mansion of the New Delapur family, bringing the old owner at that time, together with the envelope that has been passed down for hundreds of years… It’s all burned! 】

Since then, no one in the family has known what was written in the letter.] 】

[Time flies, come to the period of World War I. 】

[The son of the current head of the Delapour family, he joined the army and became an aviation soldier. 】

[This son, who came to Britain during the war, met a Briton named “Norris”. 】

[Even more coincidentally, this Captain Norris’s hometown is near the ancestral home of the De La Pur family! ] 】

[Originally, after Walter De La Pour killed his entire family and absconded to the New World, his family’s ancestral home was also confiscated and then auctioned. 】

[Over the centuries, the mansion changed hands several times and finally fell into the hands of a man. 】

[This man happens to be Norris’s uncle. 】

[After learning about this series of events from his son, De La Pour was surprised and ready to allocate a sum of money to buy this centuries-old ancestral home. 】

[In his opinion, his own family, after all, is a branch of the Derape family, and he also has some responsibility for this ancestral home. ] 】

[But… As if cursed, the thought had just arisen when his son retired from the war wounds. 】

[Two years later, his son died. 】

[At this time, Delapeur, who is more than half a hundred years old, suddenly became a lonely old man, accompanied by only an old black cat. ] 】

[After suffering this blow, De La Pleton was disheartened and didn’t even want to do his career. 】

[His only remaining wish is to return to his hometown, renovate the ancestral house, and then spend his life in it.] 】

[After returning to his ancestral homeland…”, De La Pour also met Captain Norris, a friend of the deceased son… Formed a year-end friendship. 】

[When Captain Norris heard that Delapour wanted to buy the house from his uncle, he immediately patted his chest and promised that he would help him negotiate the deal.] 】

[In fact, ever since his uncle was obsessed with buying this infamous mansion, he couldn’t sell it!] 】

[Learned from my nephew that someone wanted to buy it, and my uncle was immediately pleasantly surprised, and directly sold the house at the lowest price. ] 】

[Next, faced with this dilapidated house that has fallen into disrepair for hundreds of years, De La Pour is determined to completely renovate it and restore the glory of its ancestors to the world. 】

[In the process of restoration, De La Pour discovered… The local villagers, full of disgust and fear of this mansion, were unwilling to cooperate at all, and even made it impossible for him to recruit workers. 】

In desperation, Grapur had to go out of town to recruit construction workers.] 】

[In addition, De La Pour is also in the local area and has heard more terrible legends. 】

[It turns out that this ancestral home of their family was originally a monastery, and before this monastery was built, it was a temple of ancient civilizations! ] 】

[This temple is said to have been built in the time of ancient Stonehenge. 】

[Moreover, although the origin of this temple is unknown, many scholars believe that it may be a prehistoric druid temple.] 】

[Some scholars believe that the temple enshrines… By no means a natural deity, but some unspeakable being. 】

[After the Roman conquest of the British Isles, the doctrine of “Sible”, the goddess of nature in the Mediterranean, was introduced. 】

[Every time I ask the nearby villagers about this monastery, I will see the extreme fear and disgust on the faces of the villagers. 】

As he gradually learned about his ancestors, Grapur also understood where this disgust came from. 】

[The legends left by the Grapur family in the local area are without exception… It’s all full of grimness and evil. 】

[It is said that the descendants of this family, as long as some healthy, positive character traits appear, they will mysteriously die. 】

[In other words, the heirs of each generation of the Delapper family are often sick men who look a little abnormal. 】

[Moreover, those women who marry into this family will eventually become crazy and abnormal. ] 】

[Some women even transform into the protagonists of local horror children’s songs after they get married! ] 】

[The most outrageous thing is that there was once a side member of the Delapur family who personally killed his wife because he could not bear her evil and madness. 】

[Later, the member, unable to bear the condemnation of his conscience, ran to a priest on earth to repent. 】

When the member’s confession reached the ears of the local judge, the judge immediately pardoned him. 】

[It seems that in the hearts of the locals, any member of the Delapur family is a fortunate thing, not a crime. 】

[With the deepening of Delapeur’s investigation, all kinds of strange legends are constantly popping up. ] 】

[For example, not far from the Delaple family house, there is a small cliff. 】

[It is said that hundreds of years ago, in the valley below this cliff… There are often terrible wails, and terrifying roars! 】

[After the rain, the air wafting out of the valley will be filled with a rotting corpse-like stench.] 】

[It was also claimed that as long as it was night, there would be a huge demon in the shape of a bat, wandering near the homestead.] 】

[Moreover, these bat demons are always eating.] 】

[However, the villagers who saw this scene were too afraid to approach. 】

[So, no one knows what the bat demon is eating. 】

[The most bizarre thing is that more than one person claimed that when they rode past the vicinity of the monastery, they would be in the vegetable patch next to it… Step on some kind of big white piece of meat! 】

[When these “pieces of meat” are trampled by horses’ hooves, they will also make strange screams! ] 】

[Not only that, these vegetable fields around the mansion actually have strange legends related to them. 】

[It is said that those bat demons were all kept in captivity by the people of the Delapour family. 】

[And in order to feed these demons, they will specially grow inferior vegetables near the mansion that far exceed the needs of the family number.] 】

The quality of these vegetables is so poor that the people of the Delapper family will not eat them at all. 】

[Apart from feeding demons, what other possibilities are there?] 】

[Of all these bizarre, incredible legends, the most conclusive one is… The creepiest one! 】

[It is said that more than a hundred years ago, that Walter Derp, after killing all his relatives in the family, fled the country and went to the New World. 】

[Next, the house was vacant, and no one dared to approach it again.] 】

[But just three months later, from the Delapour family’s mansion, a terrifying army of rats poured out! ] 】

[These hungry rats devour everything in their way, whether it is poultry, cats and dogs, pigs and sheep… All of them go into their stomachs. 】

[Worst of all, there were even two villagers who were eaten by these rats.] 】

[And because these rats all emerged from the Delapur family’s mansion, the nearby villagers… The hatred for this cursed family became more and more profound! 】

[After spending a lot of energy and collecting all the legends related to his ancestors, De La Pulton only felt that the wind was messy, and the whole person was not good. ] 】

[Devils again, ghosts again, and man-eating mice!] 】

[The reputation of his own family has actually been so bad! ] 】

[At this time… Grapur couldn’t help but think of the mysterious letter handed down by his ancestors. 】

“Perhaps, it was in that letter that our ancestors warned us, the descendants, never to return to Britain and face these bad legends. “】

[Although I think so, De La Pour is already riding a tiger at this moment. 】

[Not only did he buy his ancestral mansion, but even the reconstruction of the mansion was already halfway through! ] 】

[Can’t give up! ] 】

[Having long given up the family business and lost his son, for the current Delapel, the only goal in life … It is to revive the glory of the ancestors! 】

[So, he wanted him not only to rebuild this mansion, but also to prove it to the world… The Delapour family is not all so crazy and evil! 】

[Under this psychological trend, De La Pur spent a huge amount of money and two years to finally abandon this ancient house that has been abandoned for more than a hundred years… Restored as new! 】

[But this is just the beginning of a real disaster!] 】

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