[“Boom! “】

[In order to avoid the awakened flame Gorzan, the Xincheng team members quickly manipulated the drill tank to reverse backwards! ] But I accidentally hit the rock wall! 】

[“Crackle! “】

[Sparks appeared on the dashboard of the tank control room! ] Obviously the damage was not light! 】

[To make matters worse, the connection between the tanks and the TPC headquarters was broken.] 】

[Unable to get in touch with the tank again, TPC headquarters immediately decided to send all its forces to fight Flame Gorzan to the death near the volcano! ] 】

【”Drilling beam emitted! “】

[Facing the flame Gorzan in the hidden field, the TPC side first used a special beam to try to lure it to the ground! ] 】

[And TPC’s killer feature is the one that once smashed the stone monster Gakuma… Texas Rays! 】

[Roar! “”】

[Just after the TPC emitted the drilling beam, with a roar, the flame gorzan really came out from the ground. 】

[“Shoot Texas rays!”] “】

[Seeing the monster appear, the pilot on Feiyan 2 immediately pressed the button, and a green light suddenly shot out! ] 】

[At the same time, the automatic battery that had long been deployed nearby also began to frantically pour artillery fire on the monster in front of him. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[“Boom! “】

[I saw that Flame Gorzan’s body was full of fire, covering his huge body for a while! ] 】

[But when the fire and smoke dissipated, everyone at TPC was shocked to find out… The “Texas Ray”, which is enough to smash the stone monster Gakuma, can’t hurt the monster in front of him at all! 】

“Unbelievable! “】

[Looking at the unscathed flame Gorzan on the screen, the director of TPC even widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of shock. ] 】

[At this time, Dagu, who was trapped in an underground cave, was drilling outside the tank to overhaul it. 】

[But because the flame gorzan rushed to the surface, it directly caused the magma under the volcano! ] 】

“That’s magma! Oops! “】

[The members of the new city in the drilling tank were shocked when they saw this, and quickly shouted:]

[“Daigu! Come on in! “】

【“!!! “】

[Seeing the terrifying heat wave rushing towards you, the magma is almost in front of you! ] 】

[Daigu’s eyes were cold, and he suddenly took out the “Diga Divine Light Rod” from his arms. 】

[“Transform! “】


[With a violent explosion, Digga Ultraman actually broke through the crater and flew straight into the sky from a huge amount of magma! ] 】

[And in Diga’s hands, he was holding that drill tank! ] 】

[“Drink! “】

[After landing, Digga first carefully put the tank on the ground, then looked at Gorzan and took a fighting pose! ] 】

“It’s Digga! “】

[Seeing that Ultraman finally arrived, Munakata, who was in charge of the frontline command on the ground… Suddenly he let out a breath, and a smile appeared on his face, 】

[Looking at the “defeated subordinate” Gorzan in front of him, the Ultraman in the composite form did not hesitate to rush up with a punch! ] 】

[“Touch! “】

[No one expected that when this punch was hit, Flame Gorzan’s figure did not shake, and Ultraman himself was shocked back a step! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Diga Ultraman’s face suddenly changed a little. 】

[How did Gorzan’s defense become so strong? ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Flame Gorzan, who was covered in crimson veins, roared, raised his fist, and slammed a punch on Diga Ultraman’s head. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[The power of Flame Gorzan’s punch is unimaginable! ] 】


[Ultraman was not only beaten and flew out, but even circled in the air before falling to the ground! ] 】

[“Ultraman! “】

[In Feiyan 2, Lina saw Diga Ultraman fall downwind as soon as he came up, and suddenly opened her mouth in shock. ] 】

[But after being knocked out by Flame Gorzan’s punch, Digga Ultraman immediately climbed up. 】

[However, although he had already noticed that the opponent’s attack and defense were amazingly strong, Diga did not change his style of play, but continued to rush up and attack! ] 】

[“Bang! Touch! Syllable! “】

[In the face of Ultraman’s attack, Flame Gorzan can’t dodge at all! ] 】

[But Diga’s fists and feet fell on it, as if tickling.] 】

[After lurking under the volcano and absorbing magma energy, the strength of this monster… It has been strengthened so much! 】

[“Boom! “】

[And not only is the skin rough and thick, the strength is infinite, the Flame Gorzan’s movements are also quite agile, and with a casual blow, Ultraman is sent flying again. ] 】


[After finally getting up from the ground, Digga looked at the monster not far away, and finally gave up his plan to rush up to fight in close combat. ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Digga waved his right hand and shot a “compound hand knife” at Flame Gorzan! ] 】

[“Hula! “】

[Under Diga’s astonished gaze, I saw that after the compound hand knife hit the flame gorzan, it actually stirred up a new red vortex on it, and then… Gone! 】

[This monster… Unexpectedly, he absorbed Ultraman’s energy attack! 】


[Looking at the almost flawless monster in front of him, Ultraman was also a little stunned for a while. ] 】

[At the same time, Flame Gorzan is gaining momentum! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[I saw this monster roar, took a big foot, and rushed towards Diga! ] 】

[“Boom! Syllable! Whoops…”

[In the face of Flame Gorzan’s unforgiving series of attacks, Diga Ultraman was suddenly beaten to such an extent that he could only retreat. ] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[I saw a red light flashing on Flame Gorzan’s head, and finally gathered on his forehead, aiming at Ultraman and shooting a golden ray! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[This super ultrasonic ray did not hit Diga, but only made a big hole in the ground! ] 】

[But just seeing the power of this blow surprised Digga Ultraman! ] 】

[This ultrasound ray… It is also several times stronger than “before”! 】

[This Gorzan, how did he become so powerful? ] 】

[“Ha! “】

[Seeing that the enemy was already two “monsters” before, Diga Ultraman was not ready to stay! ] 】

[I saw Di Jia first cross his arms and casually wave to the left and right, and his body suddenly turned pure red. ] 】

[This is the “Power Mode” with enhanced strength and melee attacks!] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[After transforming into Power Mode, Ultraman’s strength has greatly increased, and he can finally fight with Flame Gorzan! ] 】


[Digga Ultraman, with his super strength and combat skills, threw Flame Gorzan to the ground again and again. 】

[Seeing that this monster didn’t get up on the ground for a while, Diga immediately seized this opportunity! ] 】

[“Drink! “】

[Di Jia shouted, and his arms drew a semicircle on the left and right, condensing super strong golden-red energy balls. 】

[“Ha! “】

[Concentrated the energy ball on the right hand, Diga pointed into a knife, and slashed down, and was released by the quasi-rocket Gorzan released a golden energy wave! ] 】

[This is the most powerful killing move under Diga Ultraman’s “Power Mode”: “Dirachum Light Flow”! ] 】

[“Hula! “】

[Surprisingly! ] After Dirachum light flow, slashing the flame gorzan… The monster did not fall in response, but roared, and that golden vortex appeared on its body again. 】

[This monster actually absorbed Diga Ultraman’s big move! ] 】

【“??? “】

[Seeing such an incredible sight, Ultraman was also surprised. 】

[“Ding-dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! “】

[And at this moment, the timer on Diga’s chest also rang! ] 】

[The time for his transformation is almost up! ] 】

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Morty: Wow, how can this monster be so powerful, it’s outrageously strong!

Starlight: It’s terrible, even Diga’s big move has been absorbed by him, it’s simply invincible!

Carol Danvers: Well… This Digga Ultraman seems to be a “super-powered warrior” who fights by skill, and his physical attacks are not very strong.

Carol Danvers: Now that the skill is completely restrained by the other party, it is really difficult to win.

Hermione Granger: yes, Digga is like a mage, if the spell doesn’t work, then how can it be beaten?

Big bones boiled into soup: mage? Me? (⊙_⊙)

Seeing everyone’s evaluation of himself, Daigu was also stunned for a while.

In his heart, Ultraman, a giant of light with a huge body, should be a melee warrior, how can it be a mage?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Watching the signal light flickering on Digga Ultraman’s chest, Flame Gorzan was even more morale-boosted, and he rushed over with a step. ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at this monster that seemed to be unable to kill anything, Diga actually took several steps back for a while! ] 】

[But in the next moment, his expression changed! ] 】

[“Drink… Yes! “】

[Digga Ultraman roared, his arms from the bottom up… A circle was drawn in the air, and at the same time, an unimaginably powerful force was condensed. 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying energy condensed on the right fist, and Diga rushed forward and aimed a punch at the chest of Flame Gorzan. ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[This punch literally knocked Flame Gorzan back several steps, and even made this monster raise his head to the sky and let out a roar of pain! ] 】

[The positions that were hit by Diga Ultraman actually burst into sparks! ] Triggered an extremely strong energy reaction! 】

[“Touch! “】

[Digga Ultraman rushed up and flew up again, this time… Simply kicked the flame gorzan into the air! 】

[“Ha! Ha! Ha! “】

[It’s like a changed person, Diga Ultraman’s punch and kick are condensed with terrifying energy! ] Beat the flame gorzan to the ground! 】

[This monster’s proud tough skin, under this energy attack… I couldn’t resist it at all! 】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, everyone was a little stunned for a while.

“It’s putting the energy in the body… Concentrated on the fist? ”

Tonis Dak narrowed his eyes and looked at it, and a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Is this kind of attack a physical attack or a magic attack?

Wouldn’t it… This Digga Ultraman is really a magician, right?

PS: Next time you put Ultraman, decide it’s Nexus! Noah and Zaki! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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