Seeing the strange scene of the Supreme Superman making trouble in the DC editorial department, everyone in the group was stunned and couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Wanda Maximov: This ...... This little superman...... It's actually in the comics? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: Isn't this universe his home?

John Constantine: Is it ...... These comics, who drew comics, created their own universe?

Wolverine: Created yourself? What kind of creator is this?

Stephen Strange: Probably, in these editorial offices, there are people like Stan Lee!

Stephen Strange: Just make up a story and you can directly change the reality of the multiverse!

Wolverine: What? You mean, the Creator went to the newsroom...... Comics?

Wolverine: If there is such a person, why would he do it?

Deadpool: Hahaha! Have you forgotten Stan Lee?

John Constantine: But ...... If there really is a "creator" like "Stan Lee" in that DC Comics editorial department, why didn't he teach that little Superman a lesson?

John Constantine: Let the madman Superman smash in his own "territory", doesn't the "Creator" care at all?

Deadpool: Hey, you see, that little Superman has ruined a universe, but did he kill anyone in the DC editorial board?

JHN CONSTANTINE: !! you mean...... (⊙o⊙)

Deadpool: That's right, just like my variant "Slaughter the Marvel Universe", Superman made trouble in the DC editorial department, which may have been arranged by the "Creator"!

Deadpool: It's a show from start to finish......!

Stephen Strange: It's terrifying! Superman thinks he's still resisting, but as a result, even the "resistance" is designed by someone else!( ̄△ ̄;)

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hehe, this madman, I don't sympathize with this fate at all.

Jerome Valeska: No, you should think like that.

Jerome Valeska: If everything about Superman was designed by the Creator, then his previous madness and slaughter ...... It's also part of "design"!

Jerome Valeska: Killing Superman and destroying the universe are, in fact, "tasks" assigned to him by the Creator!

Jerome Valeska: This kid is just a marionette.

Stephen Strange: What???

Tian Xiaoban: Creator......? Can he still control everything in the universe?

Dr. Manhattan: Actually...... Everyone is a puppet, and even I can only see the thread that controls the puppet.

Clark Kent: ( ̄口 ̄)!! !

Everyone was shocked to hear this appalling analysis, and the most shocking of them all...... None other than Clark himself!

Clark stood in the live broadcast room, his mind in a mess, as if he was stunned by this terrifying thing.

Originally, when he saw Little Superman fall and blacken, his heart was still full of disappointment and compassion.

But now Clark knows that Superman's tragic life is likely to ...... It's all the result of a "creator" behind the scenes!

If this Creator is not such a bad taste......

This teenager with the same name as him, perhaps, can become a real hero!

Moreover, if you think about it a little deeper, Clark is even more cold!

At the beginning, when watching "Superman Man of Steel", many people questioned:

A civilization as developed as Krypton finally shrank to a dying planet and perished!

As long as the yellow sun is basked, this planet is a superhuman in energy!

Why, is it going to end like this?

But...... If the "creator" tampered with the future of Krypton, then all this will be explained!

"DC Universe...... Creator?"

Bruce Wayne stood to the side, his teeth clenched, and the green tendons on his forehead bulged.

Could it be that the blackening of the laughing bat, and even his own miserable life, are all because of a certain ...... A creator disguised as a "comic editor"?


Why is this the case?

The Stan Lee of the Marvel Universe didn't act so cruel and dark!

At this time, someone in the chat group asked weakly.

Starlight: Well, aren't any of you curious about the Creator than about it...... What is that "Darkest Night"?

Wolverine: Do you need to ask? It must be a zombie virus outbreak! Look at those zombies all know.

Wonder Woman Diana: In the DC Universe, there is also a zombie crisis? Is this also the setting of the Creator?

Deadpool: Haha, who knows, if so, please be strong and survive. ^_^

Wonder Woman Diana: ............ (⊙_⊙)

Just when everyone was speechless, a new image appeared on the screen.

[After threatening the DC editors, Superman Supreme started a bloody battle with the black light zombies. 】

[Black light zombie Luthor, even in the editorial office, picked up a cartoon of Little Superman and his girlfriend :]

["Kryptonian kid, you hate things you can't control, even ...... Including the girl you love!"]


[Looking at his girlfriend who stood with him in the comics, Superman was completely furious!]

["I'm going to kill you, Luther!, even if you're dead, I'm going to kill you again!"]

["Hahaha! Clark, you can't win the black light!"]

[Alexander Luthor, let out a smug laugh.] 】

[After being resurrected several times, Superman's strength is not as good as before, and even these zombies are difficult to win. 】

"Yes, maybe I won't be able to win against you. "】

[Seeing that the situation is critical, the Supreme Superman is in a hurry:]

["In that case, then I'll join you!"]

[He grabbed a black light ring and put it on his hand.] 】

[In the next second, a cold voice sounded in Little Superman's ears:]

["Clark Kent ...... from the Origin Earth"]



[The black light instantly spread all over Little Superman's body, turning him into a black Superman! ]

[In the next moment, his body erupted with the light of 7 emotional spectrums!]


[First it was black, then it turned green, orange, yellow, red......]

[These radiances represent death, will, mercy, greed, fear, anger, ......]

[And in the end, what radiates is the purple brilliance that represents "love"!]


[Purple love light swept everywhere!] Burned all the black-light zombies present to ashes. 】

[Although all the enemies were destroyed, the Supreme Superman was not happy at all. 】

["Woo woo ......"]

[He cowered in the DC editorial office and cried bitterly, for his own destiny and for his life...... Feel heartfelt sadness. 】

[Originally, he could have become a great hero!]

[But now, even zombies are laughing at him!Say it's a laughing stock in the multiverse!]

[All of this is the fault of the DC Comics editorial department!]

[At this time, Superman's girlfriend ran over. 】

[She excitedly told Superman that DC's editors had decided to let him go!]

[They promised...... No more playing with Superman's life. 】


[Superman is very excited and hugs his girlfriend. 】

[It's just that he was too excited, but he didn't notice that his girlfriend was wearing a black light ring on her finger!]

[And this lamp ring is testing the emotional spectrum of the Supreme Superman. 】

["Detected...... Hope!"]

[It turns out that everything about Superman until now. It's all still under the control of the DC editorial department. 】

[He will never be able to escape the clutches of DC......]

[And the tragedy of the Supreme Superman is really not over yet. 】

[Years later, he came to the main universe again through a black hole. 】

[This time, the strength of the Supreme Superman has become weaker again. 】

[Just Super Girl and Super Boy teamed up to defeat him and seal him on the Wall of Origin.] 】

[When he is a Supreme Superman, he can also shuttle through the Wall of Origin as he likes. 】

[But now...... The Supreme Superman, who has no strength in a hundred, can only struggle helplessly on the wall, screaming, but can no longer move. 】

[This is the end of the Supreme Superman...... Is it?】

[The broadcast of "Supreme Superman" ends.] 】

Seeing this, there was a little silence in the chat group.

It seems that everyone ...... were all touched by the tragedy of Superman.

And just when everyone was silent, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

【Target: Torrecchia】

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "Phantom Blue"]

[This live broadcast will start in a minute!]

"Oh? Is this my story?"

Floating in the starry sky of the universe, Torrecchia raised his eyebrows with a bit of excitement.

With an almost insane curiosity, he wanted to know how this mysterious system would tell his life!

And the next moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

A calm narration sounded as well.

["Three million light-years away from the Milky Way, there is an M78 nebula. "】

"Within this huge nebula, there are tens of millions of stars, one of which is the Star of Ultra, also known as the Land of Light. "】

["Due to the disappearance of the sun by an explosion more than 200,000 years ago, scientists in the Land of Light invented the plasma spark tower. "】

["Under the illumination of this artificial sun's rays, the Land of Light not only gained light, but the "Tifaret rays" contained in the light also caused the people's bodies to undergo super-evolution!"]

["The people of the Land of Light have become giants of light...... Ultraman!"]

["Among all Ultramans, there are three major races: the Red Candle with great strength and fighting talent, the mysterious Silver Clan, and the erudite and delicate Blue Clan. "】

"And Torrecchia is such a Blue boy. "】

["His strength is not very strong, but he has a lot of thoughts, and he likes to think very much, and he is extremely curious about the unknown. "】

["Torrecchia's life was turned upside down when he met another Red boy. "】

"This boy is the son of the father of Otter...... Taylor. "】

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