Torrecchia: Hehe, it looks like the screen is playing Beria from another parallel universe!

Big Bone Soup: Parallel Universe?(⊙o⊙)

Torrecchia: That's right, since there are multiple universes, there will naturally be parallel universes.

Torrecchia: In the parallel universe, there may still be countless you, and countless mes!(* ̄) ̄*)

Beria: No wonder! I think this "me" on the screen is particularly cowardly!

Deadpool: Cowardice?

Deadpool: It's the father of Ultra who robbed your sweetheart......! As long as it's a man, you'll want to report it!

Beria: ............

Starlight: Uh, maybe that'...... can make you feel a little better.

Starlight: The Mother of Ultra, named Mary, may just be a friend of you.

Starlight: You see, in the video, she is very polite when she talks to you. Instead, and the father of Ott......

Beria: Shut up! I didn't ask you!(╬ ̄ ̄)

Torrecchia: Tsk, that's a pity.

Torrecchia: Beria, if you do marry the Mother of Otter, then either Tyro will not be born, or ...... It's going to be your son!O(∩_∩)O haha~

Beria: Get out! I don't want that stupid son.

Bruce Wayne: That golden weirdo was able to whisper in Ultraman's ear and lure him into falling!

Bruce Wayne: This kind of tactic reminds me of Cthulhu!

Wanda Maximov: What? Do you think this little golden figure is an old god? or an old god? (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: I'm not sure, but in this parallel universe, since the golden man has already made a move, I don't think ...... He'll stop.

Torrecchia: Oh, and you think that this golden man has lured Beria to fall...... For what?

Bruce Wayne: I'm afraid they want Belial to break with the Land of Light so that he can take him under his wing.

Bruce Wayne: A lot of street gangsters, let me find a way to ...... Let the new members break with their own families so that they can completely absorb each other into the gang.

Bruce Wayne: I've seen a lot of them in Gotham City.

Beria: Taken under his command?

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Hah! First the Ray Bron Duo Stars, and now this little Golden Man.

Rampage Lori Jinx: You ...... Is there something that attracts the "Great Demon King"? ^_^

Beria: Human imps!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although I heard the whispers of the little golden man, Belial is an outstanding Ultra warrior after all, and he has not lost his mind so easily. 】

[But since then, the relationship between him and "Jian" has become worse and worse. 】

[On this day, during the daily training, Beria became more and more angry, and even used a ferocious killing move, as if he wanted to seriously injure "Jian". 】

[Beria's killing moves were defeated one after another, and "Jian" finally couldn't help it and shouted:]

["Wait a minute, Beria! It's just training!"]

[But at this moment, Beria seems to be already angry, and his mind is a little unclear, but he keeps attacking frantically:]

["I'm obviously better than you, why are you the captain?"]


[Seeing that Beria's move was fatal, "Jian" finally couldn't bear it anymore and used Ultra Light during training!]


[Beria, who had an overheated head, didn't flash at all, and was hit head-on by the light of the father of Ott, flying upside down for several meters, and was not lightly injured. 】

[Seeing this, Ken hurriedly stepped forward to apologize: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. "】

["Get out!"]

[Although "Jian" stretched out his hand and wanted to pull Beria up from the ground, the other party didn't appreciate it, and instead knocked his outstretched hand away. 】

[Next.] Beria dragged his injured body, ignoring the pointing and whispering of dozens of Ultramans around him, and staggered out of the training ground. 】

["Damn, hateful, hateful!"]

[Physically and mentally devastated, Beria came to the wilderness alone and began to vent the anger in his heart frantically. 】

["Boom ......"]

[Under the attack of Belia's powerful rays, the surrounding surface was cratered, and some rocks even melted into magma!]

[In this state of confusion, Beria heard the strange voice again. 】

["Do you want to change your fate?"]

["Do you want to be powerful?"

["Do you want to get what you want?"

[Hearing these strange whispers, Mei Beria covered her head, and her face showed a look of confusion:]

["What's going on lately?"] I keep hearing these weird voices. "】

But soon, his eyes changed. 】

["Yes! power!"]

["As long as I have power, I can do whatever I want...... Get whatever I want!"]

["Even change my fate!"]

[Guided by a strange whisper, Beria finally took that step.] 】

[He infiltrated the Plasma Spark Tower and reached out to touch the treasure of the Land of Light...... Plasma spark!】


[But it backfired, this spark of infinite energy did not give Beria any power......]

[Instead, it eroded her body!!] He was in extreme pain and let out a terrifying scream!]

["Wow...... It hurts...... Uh-uh......"]

[Under the severe pain of life and death, Beria staggered away from the Plasma Spark Tower. 】

[At the gate of the Spark Tower, he was surrounded by the Ultraman in charge of guarding!]

["Beria, what did you do?"]

["Get out of my way, don't get in my way!"]

[Due to the intense pain, Beria has fallen into a state of madness at this moment, and he did not hesitate...... Unleashed "Ultraman Rays" at these Ultramans!]


[All the Ultramans who stood in front of him were seriously injured and fell to the ground, and some even lost their lives!]

[At this time, "Jian" finally appeared!]

[He asks Beria why he touched the core of the spark!]

[But at the moment, Beria is in no mood to talk nonsense with him :]

["Shut up, I don't want to hear your righteous nonsense again!"]


[Violently released the strongest Ultraman ray!] Beria injured the unprepared "Ken" with just one blow. 】

[Immediately after, he dragged his injured body and fled from the Land of Light. 】


[Falling on a strange planet, Beria only felt that his whole body was almost torn apart by pain, and he fell to the ground for a while, unable to even stand up. 】

[At this time, a strange man wearing golden armor appeared in front of him!]

[Looking at the strange man in front of him, Beria asked with a shocked face:]

["You...... Who are you?"]

["I am the warrior of the Absolutes!the ultimate lifeform, Absolute Tartarus!"]

[The little golden man said proudly:]

["I come from the distant future tens of thousands of years later!"]

[Speaking of this, he suddenly stretched out his hand and transmitted a strange vision into Beria's mind:]

["Now, let me show you what the future looks like!"]


[Feeling the illusion in her head, Beria couldn't help but hold her brain and screamed. 】

[At the same time, the voice of the little golden man still came into his mind uncontrollably!]

["You will merge with the Rebrondo to obtain a new dark form and become the first Dark Ultraman in history!"]

["But your ambition will be destroyed again and again by an Ultra warrior named Sero!"]

"And the one who really decides your fate...... It's a new Ultraman created with your genes!]

["Ultraman G&D!"]

[Hearing this name, Beria's body trembled even more violently. 】

[It was in his mind that he did see a strange young Ultraman...... Stand in front of yourself and defeat him!]

"He defeated you, who became the ultimate lifeform. "】

["And make you go up in smoke!"]


[Feeling the scene of "herself" dying, Beria's body first shook violently for a while, and then ...... Suddenly, he nervously threw his head up and laughed. 】

"Hahaha! that's ironic."] "】

["I have gained strength through all my hard work, and in the end...... He died at the hands of his own son!"]

[Seeing Beria's collapse, the little golden man put his hand on his shoulder and said in a serious voice:]

["Wait for me to come, I will change your fate!"]

[After rushing, the little golden man waved his hands and opened a golden portal behind Belial's back, encountering a double blow of body and soul, and the ignorant Belia could hardly think...... Brought into the portal by the little golden man. 】

[And in the strange space inside the portal, he saw several terrifying powerhouses with hideous descriptions. 】

[It seems that these monsters are the subordinates that the little golden man has searched for in various timelines and parallel universes!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Big bones boiled into soup: Wow! Beria, it turns out that you still have a son. His mom ...... Is that your wife?

Beria: ............ This...... That's impossible!(⊙_⊙)

In the cosmic prison, although Beria's body could not move, he still opened his mouth stupidly, and the expression on his face was ...... It's like seeing a ghost!


Where did he come from?

In this life, nothing but fighting is fighting.

The only woman I like is Ultraman Maryly, and in the end, I empathize and fall in love with Ultraman's father!

In this case, did that Ultraman G&D fall from the sky?

Torrecchia: Oh, a genetically created "son......"? It's better to clone a human!

Beria: Clone? Who would dare to clone me?

Beria: Damn, I'm going to kill him!

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