
[With Quicksilver's super speed, it only took him 3.7 seconds to rush to the battlefield of Utopia Island!]

[At this time, Magneto and Iron Man also hit the ground from the sky.] 】

[And as soon as Quicksilver arrived, he punched his father in the face with a hard punch!]

["Pietro, you're still so stupid!"]

[Magneto, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, fell to the ground, raised his head hatefully, and looked at his son:]

"I just want you to tell me...... You didn't involve your sister!"]

[At this time, on Utopia Island, the battle between the X-Men and the Avengers is also intensifying. 】

[Storm Girl" Auroro confronts her husband, T'Challa, King of Wakanda!]

[And Laser Eye also started a new round of fierce battles with Captain America!]

[But no matter how hard the X-Men try, their numbers are still too small.] 】

["Secret Guest!"]

[Seeing that the battle situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to his side, the laser eye shouts without looking back.] 】

["Back Door!"]

["Got it!"]

[Hearing this code, Coloss's sister "Secret Guest"...... Liana Rasputin said yes, and disappeared into the battlefield. 】

["Mystery" is not only a powerful mutant, but also a disciple of Doctor Strange!

[In addition, she has even mastered a dimension of her own, "Hell Frontier", which can be regarded as a dimensional lord!]

["Captain, she handed it over to me. "】

[Watching his disciple disappear, Doctor Strange Stephen only left a sentence, and his body turned into nothing on the spot. 】

[As the supreme mage of the earth, Doctor Strange directly opened the portal and entered the border of hell. 】

[Here, Doctor Strange meets his former disciple:]

["Liana, you are a very talented girl"]

"But you really think you can escape my eyes and pass through the borders of hell...... Escape with that friend of yours?"]

[The mutant superpower of "Mystery" is to create portals, and as long as she uses the border of hell as a transit station, she can travel around the earth at will. 】


[Looking at the master in front of her, the demon warlock Liana Rasputin showed the prototype of the "half-demon" and laughed out loud:]

"Doctor Strange, actually...... I did it on purpose for you to find out!]

["It's just that I really didn't expect it. You're really stupid enough to enter my dimension!"]

[At this time, in the midst of the chaos, Wolverine and Spider-Man secretly left the battlefield and infiltrated the interior of Utopia Island. 】

[Their goal is Hope!]


[Rushing into a room, Wolverine looked at Hope, who was releasing golden flames all over his body, and his pupils shrank sharply!]

[This scene in front of me is so familiar!]

[At the beginning, Jean Gray, who turned into a black phoenix...... That's it!]

"Child, this is not a personal vendetta, but ...... Gotta do what I have to do!"]

[Wolverine showed the Eldman alloy claws of both hands and rushed forward like this!]

["Hey, what are you doing?"]

[Spider-Man watched from the side in surprise, but it was too late to stop it.] 】

["Huh, what must be done?"]

[Hope snorted coldly, and the terrifying flames seemed to come to life, entangled Wolverine's whole body!]


[This mutant who has lived for hundreds of years and has been through a hundred battles, without even touching Hope's body, fell to the ground, almost burned to charcoal!]

[A few minutes later, when the Avengers and X-Men also burst into the room, Hope was gone.] 】

[Next, in the face of the Avengers, who are far superior in strength to their own side, the X-Men announced their surrender. 】

[But after surrendering, Doctor Strange suddenly appeared in his true form, and it turned out that he was pretending to be a "secret guest"!]

[In the big battle in the Hell Border, Doctor Strange lost to his female disciple and was impersonated!]

[In front of all the Avengers, the "Mystery" unleashed his own portal, and was able to pass all the X-Men away. 】

[In this battle, the Avengers won on the surface, but they did not take advantage of the slightest. 】

[After the first battle between the Avengers and the X-Men, Wolverine and Captain America had a disagreement on the plane. 】

[Wolverine insists that the phoenix's host, Hope, must die, and only in this way can the phoenix be prevented from taking over her body and destroying the world.] 】

[But Captain America resolutely disagreed, and the more the two talked, the more stiff they became, and finally they simply moved. 】

[With Ant-Man's help, the captain throws Wolverine off the plane.] 】


Wolverine fell from a height of thousands of meters to the Antarctic continent like a big rock. 】

[With his self-healing ability and steel bones, this height can't kill him. 】

[Next, Wolverine can only brave the wind and snow and trek on the Antarctic continent. 】

[But it didn't take long for him to see a woman in the ice and snow.] 】

[That's the Hope he swore to kill him as soon as possible!]

[After breaking up with the X-Men, Hope uses his psychic abilities to find Wolverine's whereabouts and flies the plane to Antarctica. 】

[In the face of the tense Wolverine, Hope was very indifferent. 】

[Hope tells Wolverine that the power of the phoenix does not necessarily lead to destruction.] 】

[If you can control it, you may be able to bring rebirth to the mutant race.] 】

["However, if you are right, I am controlled by the power of the phoenix, then you are responsible for killing me so that I do not destroy the world. "】

[Looking at Wolverine with a calm face, Hope said slowly:]

"Are you willing to bet this with me?"

[Looking at Hope, who was only a teenager in front of him, but calm and mature, Wolverine finally agreed to her. 】

[At this time, the Avengers are still on the road, searching for Hope's whereabouts all over the world. 】

[Just when they had no clue, Iron Man suddenly informed Captain America:]

["Captain, the bad news is: according to the probe, it will take no more than 10 hours for the Phoenix to reach Earth. "】

["And the good news is: by simulating the Big Bang, I think I have understood the essence of the power of the phoenix!"]

"As long as I can solve it...... The question of how to stop the expansion of the universe can create a "Phoenix Killer", that is, an anti-phoenix suit!"

["Huh, the universe expands?"]

[Hearing these unfathomable words, Captain America suddenly looked confused. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Garnata of the Star Swallower: Anti-Phoenix Armor!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: How could a mere mortal make such a thing? (⊙o⊙)

At this moment, Tunmei was really shocked, and even her eyes widened.

The phoenix is a multiverse-level existence!

If that Iron Man can really destroy even such a multi-god, then can he still be considered a human?

Tony Stark: Hahaha!

Reed Richards: Science! The ultimate force in the universe is still science!

Reed Richards: As long as you master the ultimate scientific mysteries, even "gods" can bind and even kill!

Bruce Banner: Reed, calm down.

Robert Killiman: The science that even gods can kill is terrifying......

Robert Killiman: If this science goes astray, then who else can stop "it"?

Rampage Lori Jinx: Now that the world is coming to an end, what are you still thinking?

John Constantine: So strong, the superheroes of that world are so powerful.

Wanda Maximov: Haha! Of course, unlike those stupid Justice Leagues, the heroes of our world have brains. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Clark kent:............

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, in outer space, another team of the Avengers is preparing to deal with the phoenix rushing towards the solar system!]

[And the leader among them is Thor, the god of thunder!]

[As the strongest of the Avengers, Thor's duty is to intercept the power of the phoenix and not let it enter the solar system!]


[Shouting the name of Thor's hammer in a loud voice, Thor, the god of thunder, gathered all his divine power and ...... this hammer Thrown at the phoenix. 】


[Hit head-on by Thor's hammer, the phoenix's body even let out a wail, as if it was injured!]


[In the next moment, the injured phoenix rushed to a nearby planet, completely devouring it and turning it into dust!]


[Seeing this terrifying scene, Thor's pupils contracted!]

[Next, in order to get close to the power of the phoenix, the X-Men, the Avengers, as well as Hope and Wolverine...... They all came to the moon by their own means!]

[Just when these two groups of people looked at each other with hostility, and were about to start fighting again, a meteor suddenly fell from the sky and fell on the surface of the moon. 】


[Looking at the deep hole that appeared not far away, everyone was stunned. 】

[That's not a meteor, it's Thor, the scarred thunder god all over his body!]


[Thor was speechless, he used his last strength to point his finger to the sky. 】


[Everyone followed the direction of her finger and turned their heads to look at ......]

[I saw a huge firebird appear right in front of their eyes!]

[This is the true body of the phoenix!]

[The phoenix has arrived!]


[In the next moment, Hope let out a terrible scream. 】

[The terrifying phoenix flames ignited uncontrollably on her, and swept madly in all directions!]

[Due to the advent of the phoenix, the power of the phoenix in Hope's body exploded again!]

["Not good...... I...... I can't control it!"

[Hope shouted in despair:]

"I'm so naïve! you...... You have to kill me!"]

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