Hermione Granger: Motherland, are you talking about the man who looks a lot like Superman?

Clark kent:............ →_→

Diana, Wonder Woman: Clark, you don't really have to worry about it.

Wonder Woman Diana: Don't say that this native is not a variant of you, even if it is ...... It is also common for several dark variants to appear in the multiverse.

Loki Odinson: Hey, in my opinion, that "Super 7" is simply a copy of the Justice League!

Rocky Odinson: It's all psychologically twisted perverts, though!

Wanda Maximov: Hey, speaking of mental twists, Loki do you have the right to point fingers at others?

Rocky Odinson: Hmph! I'm not like that perverted motherlander, who, when I'm old, still likes to drink women's milk!

Hermione Granger: Wow! What are you talking about? (⊙o⊙)

Ada: It would be a disaster for such a pervert to have powerful superpowers.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Walter Company. 】

[The Motherland comes to the office of the former female executive ...... "Madeleine", whom he killed with his own hands. 】

[Looking at the renovation in front of me, it has long been unrecognizable. room, he was extremely emotional for a while. 】

[Unable to hold back the throbbing in his heart, the motherland took out a bottle of milk from a secret refrigerator. 】

["Squeak squeak!"

[The eyes of the motherland shot a laser light, and immediately thawed the frozen milk and warmed it. 】

["Gollum ......"]

[Putting the melted bottled milk to his mouth, the motherland drank it with an intoxicated face. 】

[It turns out that this bottle of milk is a "relic" left by the former female executive "Madeleine"!]

[The motherland uses this method to "remember" her. 】


[At this moment, a woman suddenly opened the door and rushed in. 】

[This person is the former PR director of "Madeleine", who had already been fired, but the Motherland called him back. 】

[The female director told the Chinese that she had found a superpower who could replace the "transparent man" who was killed by Huey and others. 】

[But the Chinese followed the female director over and looked at it, and they were immediately stunned. 】

[This person called "Blind Spot" is actually a blind Asian man!]

[It turned out that the female director took a fancy to this person's two identities of "Asian" and "disabled". 】

[She is also going to find another minority woman, so that the "politically correct" buff is stacked!]

[Listening to the chattering female director, although the motherland's face is still smiling, his eyes are already full of anger. 】


[Next, he directly called this "blind spot" to his side and slapped his palms...... It destroyed his eardrums!]


[The "Blind Spot" screams and rolls around on the ground, blood running out of his ears.] 】

【"( ̄口 ̄)!!"】

[Looking at the terrifying and bloody scene in front of her, the female director's face turned pale, her whole body trembled slightly, and she was stupid. 】

["Ashley, what's wrong with you?"]

[At this time, the motherland pulled down his face and scolded the female director:]

["How can I let a disabled person join a super 7 group?"]

[In the face of the angry motherland, the female director was so frightened that she couldn't possess her body. I can only nod my head again and again. 】

[The proud claim of the motherland: From now on...... Who can join the "Group of 7", only he can have the final say!]

[Moreover, from now on, all public relations and marketing activities must be decided by the people of the motherland!]

[This man is ready to be anti-customer-oriented, overriding the Walter company!]

[Just when the motherland was domineering and triumphant, Huey and others encountered new troubles. 】

[The Mexican named "Franci" collaborated with others to engage in smuggling, and as a result, Lou Zi was stabbed.] 】

[This group of people turned out to be just smuggling arms, but then they became bold and started smuggling illegal immigrants!]

[But many people in the mountains eventually met tigers, and that night, among the immigrants they smuggled into the country, a superpowered terrorist was mixed in!]

[That terrorist had just landed on the shores of the United States, and he used his superpowers to lift a ship, almost crushing Frankie's accomplice into meat sauce!]

[After the black-robed inspection team explored the scene, the Asian wolf girl in the team found something and was immediately shocked. 】

[The wolf girl didn't speak English, so she had to take out a piece of paper and write the noun "BOY" on it, but no one knew what she meant. 】

[Facing a superpowered terrorist on the run, everyone in the black-robed picket team is worried. 】

[In the end, it was at Huey's prompt that everyone decided to go to the female deputy director of the CIA "Susan" whom they knew before. 】

[Just halfway to the drive to see the female deputy director, the black "milk" was still complaining to Xiu Yi:]

["You don't always go to see Starlight, if it's exposed, she's finished!"]

"The closer you are to her, the more dangerous she becomes. "】

[Huey is silent, speechless.] 】

[In a remote place, Xiu Yi and the others met the female deputy director. 】

[After listening to what they said, the female deputy director "Susan" suddenly realized. 】

["Compound 5, the super terrorist you are talking about, must have taken Compound 5!"]


[Seeing that Huey and the others still didn't understand, "Susan" simply picked it out:]

["There must be infighting within Walter Company!"]

["One of the factions leaked compound No. 5 in order to create a super-terrorist ......"]

[Before the female deputy director "Susan" finished speaking, blood suddenly flowed from her nose. 】

["Your nose ......"]

[The kind-hearted Huey wanted to remind the other party, but I didn't expect that in the next second, the female deputy director's head suddenly exploded like a rotten watermelon!]


[Blood mixed with brains, spraying Huey and the others all over the face!, even the minivan they were riding...... It's all splashed red!]

["Oh my God!"]

["What's going on?"]

["Run, run!"

[Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, smelling the pungent smell of blood in his nostrils, Huey and "Milk" were all frightened, and desperately boarded the van and fled. 】

[Sitting in the van, Huey and Frankie look at each other and shout almost at the same time:]

["There must be a superpower next to you!"]

["It's a superpower...... Blow up Susan's head!"]

Seeing this terrible scene, the chat group also became lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Good guy, if you don't agree with each other, you will get a headshot. (⊙o⊙)

Tian Xiaoban: Are the superpowers of this world so cruel?

Ida Wang: It should have been sent by Walter Company!

Ida Wang: These big companies do bad things, there is no bottom line, absolutely extermination of humanity!

Bruce Wayne: No, if the person who started it was the Walter Company, why did he only kill one female director and not Huey?

Bruce Wayne: I think there's only one person with the superpower who shot it!

John Constantine: A person? Is it ...... Is this a third force?

Starlight: No, is there such a dangerous creature in our world? (⊙_⊙)

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