[Back then, Adam's father once inadvertently invented something called a "magnetic particle accelerator". 】

[Out of love for his son, his father named the accelerator "Project Adam". 】

[Just as Deadpool was explaining to little Adam, he suddenly found out...... The family dog behaved unusually. 】


[Deadpool immediately becomes alert and motions for Little Adam to pack his travel bag and prepare to escape.] 】

[Soon, a group of enemies wearing high-tech equipment broke in!]


[Deadpool first knocked down two enemies with a spherical bomb, and then used physical skills and a bizarre "lightsaber" to knock the enemies flying. 】

[But in the next moment, a stealth spaceship appeared in mid-air. 】

[In the cockpit of the spaceship, there stood a middle-aged woman who was not too old. 】

[This person is the mastermind behind all this, the big boss who stole Adam's father's technology and used it to make trouble...... Maya!]

[Seeing the spaceship appear, Deadpool had no choice but to give up resistance. 】

[Seeing this, "Captain Scar", who was previously knocked down by Deadpool with a round bomb, also walked out of the house. 】

[This person was originally a college classmate with Deadpool, but later took refuge in Maya.] 】

[Although he gave up resistance, Deadpool was still unforgiving. 】

[He kept sarcastically mocking Captain Scar as an insidious person and now disfigured...... Just right for his ugly soul. 】

["Oh my God, have you ever been told too much nonsense?"Hearing Deadpool's endless thoughts, Captain Scar finally couldn't help it. 】

[Upon hearing this, Deadpool and Little Adam nodded at the same time:]

["Someone always says that!"]

【“......... (⊙_⊙)"】


[Seeing that Deadpool is still selling lip service, "Maya" in the cockpit finally can't help it. 】

[He flashes his machine gun on the ship, aims it at Adam Jr., and threatens Deadpool with his life to surrender.] 】


[Seeing that Deadpool was about to be captured, suddenly, an explosion occurred on the spaceship Maya was on!]

[It turned out that a black woman hiding in the forest was using a high-tech weapon to fire at the spaceship.] 】


[Looking at this woman's face, Deadpool's eyes widened!]

[That's his wife...... Laura!】

[It turns out that Laura not only did not die, but also came to 2022!]


[Seeing his wife come back to life, Deadpool's spirit came all at once!]


[He not only jumped up from the ground violently, but also snatched his "single" and knocked down several enemies like a cloud. 】


[And the gun in Laura's hand is even more powerful, as long as the enemy he hits will be wiped out immediately, and there will be no dust left.] 】


[Seeing that the situation was not good, the big boss Maya hurriedly activated the stealth mode of the spaceship. 】

["Not good!"]

[Seeing this scene, Deadpool and Maya hurriedly dragged little Adam, got into a car, and began to flee as fast as possible. 】


[Little Adam, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, was dizzy by the bumpy car, and couldn't help but ask:]

"Why are you driving so fast? No one is chasing us. "】

[Laura said angrily:]

["Don't look at the back, look at the top. "】


[Little Adam turned around in the back seat of the car with a confused face, but as soon as he looked up, he saw mid-air...... The high-tech spaceship has reappeared. 】

[It turns out that this spaceship was only invisible before, but it didn't leave!]


[It seems that she was enraged by the previous attack of Deadpool and Laura, and Maya on the spaceship did not warn, but directly released the missile!]


[The forest path suddenly exploded, and the flames soared into the sky!]

[Although she barely escaped the direct attack of the missile, Laura had no choice but to drive the car into the woods. 】

[In the dense forest, Deadpool took advantage of the environment and killed several enemy soldiers one after another, and finally forced Maya to retreat. 】

[After turning the corner, Deadpool and the other three find a safe place and begin exchanging information.] 】

[Laura tells her husband that she immediately noticed something was wrong after traveling back to 2018.] 】

[She found out in the travel record that others had also gone back to 2018!]

[After investigating, Laura discovers that the person who secretly travels time...... It's Maya!]

[She secretly went back to 2018 and told her "younger self" about the future stock information. 】

[In this way, "young Maya" became super-rich! and completely controlled the "time machine" invented by Adam's father!]

[But Maya also noticed something unusual, so she planted a bomb on Laura's time spaceship, preparing to blow her up and kill her!]

[Laura narrowly escaped with her life, but due to the destruction of the spaceship, she was also trapped until 2018.] 】

[From 2018 to 2022, Laura could only hide and secretly spy on Little Adam's home, hoping that her husband would ...... To be able to travel back in time to find her again!]

[Seeing that Deadpool really came, Laura was relieved to say her plan.] 】

["You must go back to 2018 again and stop the invention of the time machine so that you can avoid future chaos!"]

[After mastering the time machine, the "Maya" in 2050 has become the world's top and has made a mess of the world!]

[The only way to stop all this is to make the time machine never invented!]

[But Deadpool disagrees.] 】

[It turns out that he and Laura met in a time travel plan...... And in love. 】

[If "Time Travel" ceases to exist,

[In the new birth timeline, the two of them may never meet again.] 】

[Although Deadpool was reluctant, under Laura's persuasion of "putting the big picture first", he finally gave in. 】

[At this moment, the alarm set by Laura goes off.] 】

[Maya, they're coming to the door again!]

[In the face of the attacking enemy, Laura chose to let her husband leave first, and the time spaceship returned to 2018, changing the entire timeline, while she stayed to fight the enemy!]


[Although his heart was full of reluctance, Deadpool could only helplessly hold Little Adam and rush to the spaceship where he stopped. 】


[Just after they left, Laura, a black beauty, was blown away by the big boss "Maya" and died on the spot!]

[After sitting on the spaceship, Deadpool went through a hard battle, and finally opened the wormhole at the last moment!]


[When Deadpool and Little Adam flew out of the wormhole, they had already come to 2018. 】

[At this point in time, their father is not dead. 】

[After landing, the "two Adams" arrived at the university as soon as possible, and their father was giving a lecture to the students at the moment. 】

[Looking at his gray-haired father who was standing on the podium and talking, the two Adams were stunned for a while. 】

And in the chat group, it is also lively.

Bruce Banner: This ...... Is this me?(●—●)

Deadpool: Hahaha! That's funny, in this universe, my wife is not only Gamora, but also Hulk's dad! ^_^

Carol Danvers: ......... Is it worth rejoicing?

Deadpool: Of course it's worth it, if my dad were Hulk, maybe I could inherit some "gamma blood" and become a big monster when I was angry, how cool would that be!

Bruce Banner: Trust me, there's nothing to envy about this pedigree. ╥﹏╥

Deadpool: And if my wife is Gamora, then Thanos is my father-in-law!

Deadpool: There's such a powerful father-in-law, and he won't let me walk sideways in the universe.

Thanos Thanos: Inferior creatures, if you dare to come near my daughter, I can pinch you to death with one finger.

Deadpool: I can't beat you, but you don't want to kill me. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

While everyone was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Little Adam was very excited about his father who was still alive, and wanted to tell him about the car accident so that his father could survive. 】

[But Deadpool insists...... They can't just change history, otherwise unpredictable changes will happen!]

[Facing a serious look on his face, Little Adam could only agree uncomfortably in the end. 】

[When I saw Deadpool, who was already a 40-year-old middle-aged man, and his "father" who looked exactly like "Bruce Banner", I recognized him at a glance.] 】


[Immediately afterwards, little Adam couldn't hold back the emotions in his heart and threw himself into his father's arms. 】

[But after figuring out the reason for the sudden appearance of these two "sons", "Dr. Banner" was a little angry. 】

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't be here. "】

["Dr. Banner" said with a serious look at Deadpool:]

["Do you know how big of a problem this is?"]

"You should all stay in your own timeline and do this...... It's going to disrupt time and space!"]

[Looking at his father's stubborn appearance, Deadpool is angry again:]

["I'm sorry, do you think we lack fatherly love? There must be something important about us here!"]

["Whatever it is, you should all go back!"]


[The more you talk, the more angry you become.] Deadpool finally couldn't hold back and punched "Dr. Banner" in the face. 】


[Little Adam was amazed when he looked at it from the side:]

["Are you alright?"

["I'm fine......"]

["Dr. Banner" straightens up with his nose covered, suddenly jumps up, punches Deadpool in the nose again.] 】

["Listen up, you bastard, our family never does anything!"]

["Hell, what's the matter with you punching me?"]

["You brought it on yourself!"]

[After a bit of "fatherly kindness and filial piety", Deadpool finally tells Dr. Banner the truth.] 】

["What? Maya betrayed me, and she tampered with the future without permission?"]

[Dr. Banner is dumbfounded.] 】

[But he is stubborn by nature, he still doesn't want to believe it immediately, and has another quarrel with Deadpool.] 】

[After parting ways with his father, Big and Little Adam decided to take matters into his own hands and completely destroy the time machine that was still in its embryonic form in order to save the future!]

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