
[In order to retrieve the precious magic weapon...... Sandman Helmet, Sandman decides to go to the hell where the demon is in person!]

[Even for him, this move is quite dangerous. 】

[For supernatural "monarchs" like the "King of Dreams", there is an unwritten law that restricts their actions. 】

[A "Sovereign" can only enter the realm of another "Sovereign" if invited.] 】

[However, for the Sandman, that helmet is the source of his strength!]

[Only by putting the helmet back on can he have enough mana to sense the last remaining magic weapon...... The location of the rubies. 】

And by retrieving the ruby, he will be able to regain all the power of the "Dream King" in his heyday. 】


[In order to show that he was not sneaking in, the Sandman unabashedly sounded the gong in front of the "cursed big ~ door" of hell. 】


[With the sound of heavy footsteps, the gatekeeper of Hell slowly walked to the door. -】

["Who's coming?"]

[Looking at the familiar king of dreams, the janitor looked arrogant, and even opened his mouth to laugh at him:]

["You say you are the king of dreams, but what about your helmet?"]

["Without a helmet, you're like a human king without a crown! "】


[Although it is already a "fallen phoenix", the Sandman still showed amazing deterrence, and said coldly:]

["Even if I don't have a magic weapon, I still have the ability to make you fall into an eternal dream and become a walking corpse!"

["So, you can't open the door?"]


[In the face of the majestic Dream King, the Gatekeeper of Hell did not dare to joke with his life after all, and opened the gate honestly. 】

[And the king who rules the whole hell is the former king of angels!]

[The most beautiful, the wisest, and the most powerful angel, Morning Star Lucifer!]

[In the face of Lucifer, even the "dream" of the Endless Family has to bow down. 】

[What's worse is that the King of Dreams at this time not only came uninvited, but also lost most of his divine power. 】

[If Lucifer wants to be against him, he doesn't even have the strength to resist.] 】

[Even so, in order to retrieve his helmet, the Sandman still had the courage to enter Lucifer's Hell Demon Palace. 】

[In the center of the Demon Palace, he saw a woman who was snow-white and had two black wings on her back. 】

[Who would have thought that this blonde and blue-eyed woman, this is the strongest angel in the world, and her strength is second only to the existence of the Creator!]

["Lucifer, Morning Star, I came to your Hell to find my helmet. "】

[In the face of the king of hell, the Sandman still maintained his dignity and said neither humbly nor arrogantly:]

"This helmet. Now fall into some demon in hell. "】

["Oh, what's that demon called?"

[With a mysterious smile on his face, Lucifer asks the Sandman a question he can't answer.] 】

[And in order to make the Sandman even more embarrassed, Lucifer even summoned all the demons in Hell and asked him to ask them one by one. 】


[Looking at the malicious smile on Lucifer's face, the Sandman decides to take a desperate gamble. 】

[He gave up asking one by one, and instead used the magic of the sandbag to directly summon the demon holding the "helmet". 】


[In the swirl of sand, a demon holding a nebuta helmet appeared. 】

[This demon is the Duke of Hell "Currenzong.] 】

[It's a pity that the "Currenzong" got the helmet from a human woman through a fair exchange. So ......]

["If you want to get your helmet back, then have a duel with me!"]

[In the face of the king of dreams, the "Curren Sect" is not afraid. An invitation to the battle was made directly. 】


[Looking at the hell demon in front of him, the Sandman agreed without even a second of hesitation. 】

"If I win, you give me back the helmet."] "】


["Kerenzong" said with a strange smile on his face:]

["If you lose, then you will stay in hell forever and be my slave!"]

[But just after the Sandman agreed to the duel, "Koren Zong" said an astonishing sentence:]

["Lord Lucifer, I would like to ask you to represent me. "】


[The Sandman's face changed suddenly, and his eyes showed a look of understanding. 】

[Only then did he finally know that he had fallen into a trap!]

[The Sandman slowly turned around, only to see that Lucifer's whole body had turned pitch black, obviously preparing to go to war. 】

"I'm sorry, Dream. "】

[Lucifer lowered his eyes and said with a smile that he couldn't help but say:]

["According to the laws of hell, I have decided to fight for him. "】

[In the face of the king of hell, the sleeping demon whose divine power is now greatly damaged is impossible to win!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

[But the Sandman knows that if he still wants to recover the helmet and regain all the power of the Dream King, this is the only chance!]

[So before he went to war. He wanted his crow messenger to take the first step and escape back to the dream. 】

"No, my lord, I won't leave you and run for my life. "】

[However, the loyal crow did not intend to escape alone and insisted on staying. 】

[Finally, amid the cheers of countless demons and souls in hell, the Sandman and Lucifer walked onto the arena. 】[]

[Seeing that the Sandman was so persistent, Lucifer also took a step back and took the initiative to choose the "Dream Showdown" that the Dream King is best at. 】

"I am...... Hungry wolf. "】

[Seeing Lucifer turn into a wolf in his dream, the Sandman immediately transformed into a hunter who hunted wild wolves. 】


[The hunter shot an arrow, and immediately shot the wolf, and at the same time injured Lucifer's body!]

[Next, Lucifer transforms into a viper and bites the hunter's horse, and the Sandman transforms into an eagle again.] Hit the viper hard!]



[Lucifer's body trembled slightly, and a scar from the eagle's talon appeared on his face.] 】

[This is the horror of the dream duel、]

[Once you are injured in a dream, the same wound will appear in reality!]

["Hum Hum ......"]

[Wiping the wound on his face, Lucifer said hatefully:]

["I am a bacterium, I can infect any living thing and make them die in agony!"]


[The body of the eagle infected by the bacteria festers and falls to the ground from the sky.] 】

["Woo woo woo ......"]

[And the Nebuta, who is the main body, also knelt on the ground in pain and struggled. 】

[Just when the Sandman's body also began to decay, he suddenly changed his style of play, no longer attacking, but changed his body into the world itself!]

"I am the world...... Giving birth to all life ......"]

Even bacteria are only a part of life and can be perfectly contained by the "world". 】

["The world?"]

[Seeing the Sandman incarnate into the world, Lucifer seems to have decided to move really. 】

["I am a supernova, burning the world, destroying the planets at the snap of a finger!"]


[Under the terrifying supernova explosion, the world incarnated by the Sandman was instantly surrounded by a sea of fire, and it seemed that it would soon be burned to ashes!]


[The blackened Sandman fell to the ground, dying, as if he was about to be defeated,

And at the last moment, he suddenly made an astonishing move. 】

["I...... I am the universe!"]

["I embrace everything, containing everything!"]


[In the dream world, the body of the Sandman suddenly incarnated into the universe itself, completely encompassing Lucifer's "supernova" in it. 】

[Every second, I don't know how many trillions of supernovae explode in the universe!]

[This kind of destruction that is enough to destroy the world is not worth mentioning at all for the universe. 】

【“............ I am anti-life. "】

[Facing the "ultimate incarnation" of the Sandman, Lucifer also released his final ultimate. 】

["I am the Beast of Judgment!"]

["I am the darkness that devours everything!"]

["The End of All Things in the Universe!"]

Even the universe has an end day. 】

[And Lucifer is the essence of the incarnation of himself as the essence of the end and destruction!, completely annihilating the universe of the Sandman's incarnation.] 】


[Lost in life, the pale face of the Sandman collapsed to the ground, and it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to breathe. 】

[This is the anti-life force, even the "universe" can't resist it!]

Seeing that in the chat group here, someone suddenly bubbled.

Darkseid: Hahaha! The "Anti-Life Equation" is truly invincible!

Darkseid: Even the Endless Family can't resist the power of "anti-life"!

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