["John, are you alright?"

[Looking at the man in sunglasses who walked over from the side with a guide cane, John Wick's expression suddenly changed slightly:]

["You knew I was going to come here?"]

"I guessed it. "】

[Kane sat down around John Wick with a big grin, and didn't seem to mean to do anything to him immediately.] 】

[Seeing this, John Wick said coldly:]

["Now, there is a personal grudge between you and me. "】


[Hearing this, the "Big Golden Tooth", the director of the Berlin Region who was sitting at the high table opposite the two, showed a weird smile on his face:]

["Interesting, I seem to smell gunpowder."] "】

[Kane picked up the coffee on the table and sighed softly:]

John Wick thinks. I am to blame for the death of one of our "mutual friends". "】

["But Koji didn't kill me. "】

[Anyway, his eyes are blind, and Kane has no scruples about talking nonsense:]

["You were the one who killed him, John!"]

["Ha ......"]

[The big golden tooth looked at the two people in front of him who were also friends and foes, and said with a smile:]

["This kind of grievance and hatred between old friends is really heartbreaking to hear. "】

"And in view of the situation between you, I have a proposal. "】

[The big gold tooth pulls out a gun and aims it at John Wick.] 】

["Let me kill him, and the problem will be solved."] "】


[Kane is startled and pulls out his gun and aims it at the big gold tooth.] 】

[Apparently, he didn't allow anyone else to kill John Wick.] 】

[And it was in this state of stalemate that the black killer with the dog was also brought in by the men of the big gold tooth. 】

["You, me, him, all three of us want to kill John Wick!"]

["So ......"]

[Looking at the three killers in front of him, the big gold tooth suddenly put down the pistol and took out a deck of cards. 】

"Let's play a game. "】

"The victor will decide the life and death of others. "】

[In the face of this stalemate, all three people, including John Wick, agreed.] 】

[But after the big gold tooth was dealt, the three of them looked at the cards in their hands with different faces. 】

[Of the three, John Wick has the worst hand, the black killer has the average hand, and Kane has the best hand.] 】

[However, the big gold tooth showed 5 cards of the same value in the surprised eyes of others.] 】

["Cut! What a thousand out of the street!"]

["That's right. "】

[While compounding Kane, John Wick turned his head and handed a color to the black killer, and then stood up violently!]


[I saw him grab a poker card on the table, and with a wave of his right hand, he cut the neck of the big gold tooth!]

[In John Wick's hands, a pencil can kill three people!]


[Seeing that John Wick had already made a move, Kane even pulled out his gun and raised his gun in the direction of the sound around him!]

[One shot, you will definitely take away an enemy!]

[And after running out of bullets, Kane even took out two shock flashbangs from his arms and threw them out without hesitation. 】


[With a violent flash of light and a thunderous roar, all the enemies around Kane fell.] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[But Kane, who is blind, was unharmed, but pulled out the sword in his hand with a smile. 】


[I saw that his shot was like lightning, and he easily killed all those enemies who fell to the ground!]


[He casually threw out the sword, and even pierced a distant enemy with a sword. 】[]


[At the same time as Kane's killing, the big golden tooth with a neck injury hurriedly got up from the ground and fled towards the exit as if he was dying. 】

[And John Wick also caught up with a gun.] 】

["Boom la la ......"]

[The two fled outside, only to see that there was another dance floor with countless people. 】

[John Wick was on this dance floor, engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the Great Golden Tooth. 】


[Just at the beginning.] Big Gold Tooth used his heavyweight advantage to suppress John Wick and even kicked him off the second floor. 】


[With his experience in a hundred battles and his excellent fist and foot skills, John Wick finally knocked the big gold tooth down the stairs with one blow after a scuffle.


[Seeing that the big gold tooth was no longer breathing, John Wick punched him in the mouth a few more times, knocking the gold tooth off his mouth as a token of taking this person's life. 】

[Got his things, John Wick left the place with the rest of the chaotic crowd.] 】


[But on the high platform not far away, the black killer was also armed with a sniper rifle and aimed at John Wick!]

[However, just before the black man pulled the trigger, a sword was already against his neck!]

[It's Kane!]

"He is mine, and you are not allowed to kill him. "】

[Unaware that he had just walked through the ghost gate, John Wick returned to his own family's residence. 】

[With the golden tooth of the Great Golden Tooth, he obtained a certificate from the female head of the family that was enough to participate in the High Table duel. 】

[That's a brand on the arm.] 】

[However, in order to participate in the duel, John Wick needs a deputy, and his choice is Winston.] 】

And Winston gladly accepted the task. 】

[Then Winston came to the Marquis with John Wick's challenge book and handed it to him.] 】


[Looking at the challenge book, the marquis was full of displeasure, but he couldn't disobey the rules of the high table, so he could only pinch his nose and accept it. 】

[And Winston also put forward his own purpose at this time:]

["Once John Wick wins the challenge, then he will end all obligations with the High Table, gain absolute freedom, and no longer be hunted down."] "】

["And as his deputy, my excommunication will also be canceled, my title in the High Table will be restored, and my Continental Hotel will be rebuilt, and all expenses will be paid by the High Table!"

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