
[Armed with a high-tech weapon, Rick rushed straight into the restaurant.] 】

[It turns out that there is an underground gang hidden here, carrying out some shady transactions. 】

["Da Da Da ......"]

[Rick is unequivocal, holding a laser pistol, and shooting wildly at these gangsters.] 】

[Soon, with the help of black technology weapons, Rick killed the gangsters in the restaurant, leaving only two alive.] 】

[But it wasn't until this time that these gangsters found out that the old man was not from the Drug Enforcement Administration, but came to inquire about fortune cookies. 】

["Cookies, all the biscuits in the restaurant are from the company Lucky 500?"]

["Other...... Are you really not from the Drug Enforcement Administration?"]

[Rick laughed out loud when he heard this, and threw away the gun in his hand directly:]

["Stop kidding!"] 01

[Seeing that there was a misunderstanding between the two sides, these gangsters were also extremely open-minded, and they didn't hold Rick accountable for the killing at all, so they shook hands and made peace. 】

[From the gang's mouth, it was learned that the Lucky 500 company's truck was parked behind the restaurant, and Rick and Jerry got on the truck directly, pretending to be the company's outspokenness, and drove all the way to the headquarters of the Lucky 500 company. 】

[As soon as he entered the company, Jerry, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was shocked by the scene in front of him. 】

[Realizing that there are all kinds of advanced technologies everywhere in front of you, and even retinal scanning, it feels like entering an alien base.] 】

["Oh my God, how can you make so much money for this company with the free fortune cookies, and where do their profits come from?"]

[Rick casually used the microrobot he carried with him to help Jerry and himself escape the retinal scan. 】

[Then he used black technology to notice that there are monitoring systems everywhere in this company, and there are almost no dead ends. 】

[In order to avoid the camera, Rick directly used the black technology equipment he carried with him to change himself and Jerry into office clothes. 】

[The two sneaked all the way into the company's large conference room, only to see that the female president was popularizing their means of "manipulating fate" to the people in the audience. 】

[These audiences included Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and heads of state.] 】

["Fifteen years ago, I was still in my parents' garage...... Eating instant noodles from the toilet. "】

But then I discovered the mystery of fate, if you want to know more, you have to spend money to become a higher level of investor. "】

["What the hell is this company selling?"]

[In order to unravel the truth, Rick takes Jerry to continue to investigate in the company.] 】

[Eventually, they found out that the bigwigs who paid to become investors would get a fortune cookie from the company.] 】

[And the small note in the cookie reads about the "lucky future" of these bigwigs.] 】

[These futures are all first-class good things, and they will be 100% realized.] 】

[But if someone can't raise enough money, then they will get some very bad future.] 】

[For example, in some accidents, the loss of one's own biological * organ ......]

["Good guy, it seems that this company really controls the means to control its fate!"]

[Gave birth to a science madman, Rick, who very much wants to unlock this ultimate secret. 】

[But unfortunately, the company's internal security guards have discovered these infiltrators.] 】

["Catch them!"]

["Hmph! "】

[As soon as Rick pressed the button, a large number of advanced weapons and equipment grew from his body. 】

[These weapons...... Enough to destroy a country!]

[But those security guards suddenly took out some lucky little notes:]

"Your next battle will be very successful. "】


[Before Rick could react, all the technological devices on his body failed at the same time!]

[These little notes of fate can actually modify the future!]


[In the face of the security guard who received the blessing of the power of fate, all of Rick's abilities were invalid, and he was soon beaten with a blue nose and swollen face!]

[And just after Rick was knocked down 067, the two "super lucky security guards" even pulled out their pistols. 】

["Not good!"] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Seeing that the situation is not good, Rick suddenly notices something unusual. The bullets fired by the security guard seemed to actively avoid Jerry. 】

[That's right!]

[Remembering that Jerry got that little note of fate before, Rick was overjoyed!]

[He then rushes up and grabs Jerry's body, using it as a shield.] 】


[Of all the bullets fired by those lucky security guards, none of them were able to hit Jerry!]

[And with this invincible shield Rick, he found an opportunity to escape with Jerry. 】

["Haha, I guessed right. "】

[Pulling Jerry to hide in the company's ventilation ducts, Rick has a confident smile on his face again.] 】

[It turns out that Jerry has drawn a lucky note, so he will never die until the things on the note come true!]

[This is fate!].

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