[Surprisingly, after breaking out of the cell, Captain Carter did not rush to escape. 】

[Down the hallway, she came to another wooden door.] 】

[Through the railing above the wooden door, Carter sees the people in the room.] 】

[It was a man with an iron mask on his face.] 】

"You're here. "】

[Through the railing, Captain Carter said in a deep voice:]

"Rogers once mentioned you to me...... Monster with an Iron Mask!"]

"And I need your help now. "】

[The man in the iron mask curled up on the bed and didn't even look back:]

"Let's go, I don't want to get into any trouble. "】

["I've had enough!"]

[The man suddenly sighed leisurely:]

"It's quiet and peaceful in the cell, and I love it here. "】

["Bruce...... You're not, aren't you?"]

[Looking at Bruce Banner, who only knew how to escape from reality in front of him, Carter shook his head slightly. 】

[Facing the crisis of the world's extinction, she needs the help of the Hulk to fight against the 04 King of Thor who holds a scepter. 】

["Hey, there's the prisoner!"

[And at this moment, the guards in the prison also found Captain Carter who had escaped from prison. 】

["Bang bang bang!"

[The guards didn't even rush up to arrest them, but just raised their guns and shot them.] 】

[A storm of bullets did not hit Carter, but instead hit the door of Bruce Banner's cell.] 】


[Facing the sound of gunfire in his ears, the masked man, who was still enjoying calm and peace, desperately covered his ears and let out a hoarse roar. 】

[It seems that Bruce Banner of this universe is particularly intolerable to the noise.] 】


[A few seconds later, with a thunderous roar, a large hole was punched in the wall of the cell! 】

[Behind the big hole that appeared was a Hulk with a cape. 】

["Hulk wants peace!"

["Hulk is coming!!"]

[The Hulk who broke out of the cage was like an unstoppable locomotive, rushing frantically towards the end of the corridor!]

[And Captain Carter also took the opportunity to jump on Hulk!]


[With a loud bang, the Hulk bursts through the wall at the end of the hallway and jumps into the air.] 】

[Even with Carter on his back, Hulk still jumped dozens of meters away and landed on the roof in the distance. 】

["Hulk hates the world!"]

["Hulk wants peace!"

[While shouting inexplicable words, the Hulk ran farther and farther away with Captain Carter on his back, and soon disappeared into the night.] 】

[And by the time dawn dawned, Bruce Banner, who had regained his human form, had already taken refuge in Tony Stark's blacksmith shop. 】

[In this, Tony shows Carter and Banner his new invention.] 】

[It was a rectangular box that looked very delicate.] 】

[There is a notch directly above the box, which is used to place the Time Gem.] 】

[According to Tony, as long as the gem is set in, this box can find the "future traveler" who caused the destruction of the world!]

[In this way, with Captain Carter, Steve Han as the leader, plus Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes and others, the "Avengers" of 1602 are assembled!]

[In order to save the world and seize the gem in the hands of King Thor, the Avengers and others decided to disguise themselves and infiltrate the palace party. 】

[They even brought the device Tony had made. 】

[As long as you get the gem, install it on the device on the spot, so as to find the traverser and save the world!] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["His Majesty the Great King, the Most Respected ...... of Thor, Odinson"]

[With Harpy Hogan's voice, Thor slowly stood up from the throne with the scepter in his hand and assumed a majestic posture. 】


[Suddenly, with a thunderous sound, the entire party hall shook.] 】

[Everyone looked up in amazement and saw green thunder, which actually bloomed on the roof of the hall!]

[It's a spatial rift!]

[This time, this kind of spatial crack that can suck in everything actually appeared above the head of the royal gathering!]

"Oh my God, it's a crack. "】

"We're all going to die. "】

["Be careful, everyone!"]

[The Scarlet Witch roared, and her hands shot out a crimson light, right in the middle of the crack in the air!]

[It seems that she wants to use her magic power to delay the opening of the crack!]


[At this moment of chaos, with a roar, the Hulk actually broke through the 680th wall of the wall and rushed into the hall!]

[And this is the signal of the action of the hated alliance!] []

["Do it!"]

[Seeing the Hulk breaking in, Captain Carter and the others hurriedly took off their outfits, drew their weapons, and rushed towards King Thor!]


In the midst of the scuffle, Steve Han confronted Harpy Hogan! The two engaged in a fierce sword fight. 】


[With a wave of the long sword in Steve's hand, he just cut off the hat on Hogan's head!]

["Roaring !!"]

[Seeing half of the hat fall to the ground, Harpy Hogan's eyes were suddenly bloodshot, and the green tendons on his forehead were also protruding, and then his body began to swell wildly!]

["Oh, you've him off, so good luck. "】

[Seeing the enemy transform, Scott Lang hurriedly turned around and ran after dropping a beautiful word. 】

["Roar, roar!"]

[With just a wild roar, Harpy Hogan turned into a purple Hulk in front of Steve Han!]

[It turns out that Harpy in this world also has the ability to transform into a Hulk!]

[And just when Steve encountered a strong enemy, Captain Carter finally faced her great enemy...... King Thor. 】。

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