Looking at Bruce Wayne's ugly expression, the rest of the people in the live broadcast room ...... Most of them showed regret.

By now, it can be said that everyone is already clear about what this clown is after...... It's not killing, it's not even simple chaos.

What he wanted was to unearth the darkness and ugliness of human nature, to force humanity to fall, and then to appreciate what the world would look like after it had fallen into chaos and despair.

And just now, the Joker was openly mocking Batman for not being able to do anything about him.

How could it be that after only a second, he immediately revealed the position and plate of Rachel and Harvey?

There must be a deception in this!

"No, you should come to your senses quickly!"

And Bruce Wayne watched the Batman on the screen rush out of the police station with a roar, rushing to the position of "Rachel" without looking back, and his eyelids were jumping in a hurry, eager to rush to the screen to wake up this stupid self.

Seeing this, Tonydak shook his head helplessly.

"Even superheroes are human beings, and when the woman they love is in crisis, it is estimated that no one can calm down. "

At this time, Loki's voice of schadenfreude sounded again.

"Superhero? Does that Batman really deserve that title?"

Hearing this, Bruce and Tony turned their heads to look at Loki and said proudly with a hint of a smile on his face

"In the previous video, that Batman also said that Harvey Dent is the Knight of Light in Gotham City!

"But this time, in the face of a life-and-death crisis, he didn't even hesitate for a second to abandon this Knight of Light and run to save his beloved woman!"

"In other words, this Batman dressed in black is not the embodiment of justice at all, and in a crisis situation, he will still put his personal interests ahead of the interests of the entire Gotham City like ordinary people!"

Seeing Bruce Wayne's face turn iron-blue, Loki smiled even more proudly:

"After all, this person is dressed in a fancy costume and runs to the streets to fight crime, just for self-satisfaction!

"If he really wants Gotham for the good, then why don't you just slaughter that clown!"

"Isn't it a hero who should sacrifice one of himself to buy peace for the whole city?"

Hearing this, Peter finally couldn't help it.

"You're a strong man!"

Peter was seen looking at Loki. Said with a dissatisfied face:

"What's wrong with saving someone you love? Doesn't that Batman have to be a hero if he watches Rachel die?"

"If you put me in his shoes, maybe ...... I'll do the same with him!"

Thinking of the "death of Gwen Stacy" seen on the previous video, Peter was also a little gloomy, and then continued to raise his head and say:

"As for killing people or something...... Is it wrong for superheroes not to kill?"

"Besides, that clown is a psychopath who likes to force others to fall!"

"What if Batman really degenerates into a supervillain after opening the killing ring?"

Hearing this, some people in the chat group couldn't hold back.

Charles Xavier: Well, I think what Peter said makes a lot of sense, superheroes are not saints, and if you have to use the standard of perfection to demand heroes, it is a kind of demand in itself.

Charles Xavier: As for killing...... If that's the principle and bottom line of that Batman, then it makes sense for him to insist on not giving up.

Wolverine: Principle, bottom line, inexplicable! Killing someone would be degenerate? Then I should have become a madman a long time ago if I killed so many people on the battlefield.

Bruce wayne:............

Natasha Romanoff: Maybe...... It's that everyone's psychological tolerance is different, and people like Batman may just not be able to bear the guilt of killing.

Ghost Rider: Phew, let a demon like the Joker live, and let him continue to poison the people, that's the real evil!

While the group was arguing, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Sure enough, the Joker took the initiative to tell Batman the location of Harvey and Rachel, which in itself was an evil experiment in human nature.] 】

[Actually, the real positions of these two people are opposite.] 】

[Batman came to Rachel's location in a hurry, and after knocking on the door, he found that it was Harvey Dent who was surrounded by a large number of bombs and oil drums!]

[Before dying, Rachel said to Harvey through the communicator:]

["Harvey, if you die, I don't want to live either!"]

[And seeing Batman who broke in, Harvey Dent screamed in horror:]

["Why did you come to save me?"]

["Why not Rachel?"

[Batman finally pulls Harvey out, and the two locations where he and Rachel are exploded at the same time.] 】


[In the explosion, Rachel was killed on the spot!] and half of Harvey's body was also covered in flames, and he was burned to death. 】

[At the same time, the Joker, who transferred Batman and Sheriff Gordon at the same time, also escaped from the police station through his own pre-design. 】

[The Joker successfully played all the police and Batman in the palm of his hand, not only killing Rachel, but also blowing up Harvey Dant, the Knight of Light, so that people don't look like people, ghosts don't look like ghosts!]

[In this game, the clown can be said to have won an absolute victory!]


Watching Rachel on the screen being blown up alive, while Harvey Dent struggled and screamed on the ground under the flames, Bruce Wayne was so angry that the muscles on his forehead protruded, and the muscles in his face twitched.

At this moment, there was really a trace of murder in his heart!

If I could find that hateful clown, I might have ...... him in advance

Just when this demonic thought had just been breeding in his heart, Young Master Wayne suddenly heard Tony Dark's sigh:

"The guy called the Clown...... Was it luck, or was it really that smart?"


As soon as he heard the name Joker, Master Wayne's attention immediately focused.

Brusway looked at him, and Tony shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I just thought of it. "

I saw Tony pointing to the screen, with a look of exclamation on his face:

"In this universe, Rachel and Harvey seem to be genuinely in love. "

That's why she said...... Don't want to live in a world without Harvey. "

Bruce Wayne's brain was already smart, and when he heard this, his face instantly turned white, and he immediately understood.

"Huh, Stark, what are you talking about?"

Little Wanda blinked, as if she hadn't reacted yet.

Seeing this, the black widow opened her mouth and said calmly:

"This man and woman love each other, so ...... No matter which one Batman rescues, the one who survives will be in agony. "

Even if he succeeds and saves Rachel, she who has lost Harvey will never be ...... with Bruce again With Batman. "

"And like the current situation......"

With that, Black Widow shut her mouth. But everyone else understood.

Judging from the video, although Harvey survived, he not only lost his beloved, but half of his face was also burned.

And Batman also lost Rachel at the same time, as well as the Knight of Light that he used to replace him in his heart.

"Too bad. "

After thinking about it, Peter drooped his head in discouragement.

In his opinion, the question released by the clown is simply a proposition!

No matter which one Batman chooses to save, the result is a disaster!

How can there be such an evil and perverted person in the world?

[Video continued]

[No one thought that the clown's plan had just begun. 】

[Because of that explosion, half of Harvey Dante's face was completely burned and turned into a two-faced man.] 】

[Compared with the physical pain, the pain and remorse in Harvey's heart are even deeper. 】

[Because he already knew that the person who kidnapped Rachel was none other than the gangster's inner ghost planted in the police.] 】

[Harvey had warned Director Gordon that there were traitors under him, but Gordon was just unwilling to act. 】

[Now Rachel is dead, and he is also ruined.] 】

[Just when Harvey was at the lowest point in his life, the clown actually dressed up as a nurse and appeared in front of him. 】

[Looking at Harvey, whose face was full of anger and despair, the Joker directly began his trick plan. 】

[The Joker claims that the kidnappers of him and Rachel are not his own men, but other gangsters in Gotham City.] 】

["The police have a plan, the gangs have a plan, and even Gordon has a plan. "】

"You know what? they're all conspirators. "】

["Even you yourself have been eaten into this way by your own plan. "】

[The Joker describes himself as a mad dog who just wants to introduce chaos.] 】

["Only chaos can break the established order, and I am the messenger of chaos!]

"Do you know what chaos is? Chaos can bring absolute fairness. "】

[After uttering this gibberish, the Joker hands Harvey a pistol and points it at his head.] 】

[Facing the seemingly crazy clown, Harvey actually took out a coin and prepared to use the coin to decide the life and death of the madman in front of him. 】

[Seeing this scene, a smug smile appeared on the clown's face. 】

"What an idiot. "

At this point, Tonis Dark's face showed a look of tears and laughter.

Becoming an expert in weapons manufacturing, he could tell at a glance that the clown seemed to be pointing a gun at his head, but his finger was ...... But it has been buckled to the hammer of the revolver!

In this situation, no matter whether Harvey Dant pulls the trigger or not, the bullet will not be fired!

This gamble of the clown, from the very beginning by cheating...... Invincible!

"No plan, just chaos?"

Loki smiled lightly and nodded appreciatively:

"A good lie is to mix falsehood with truth. "

Black Widow also nodded indifferently:

"This clown not only has a plan, but also has a great insight into human nature, and is able to use the weaknesses of the other person's personality to customize the most effective plan. "

"If you think he's crazy, you're a fool. "

"It's a pity. "

Tony shrugged:

"The bright knight with a bright future is now a madman and a fool. "

[Video continued]

[After being fooled by the Joker and thus falling into the abyss, Harvey Dant, or "Two-Face", begins his mad revenge. 】

[At the same time, the clown also faced the people and released a new proposition. 】

[He unleashed a lie, claiming that he had planted bombs in tunnels and bridges, forcing people to board two cruise ships.] 】

[He then dropped a bomb on each of the two cruise ships and put the detonator on the other.] 】

[Next, the clown didn't pretend anymore, and claimed directly through the radio that he wanted to do a "social experiment"!]

[If any of the people on either of these two ships choose to blow up each other, they will survive. 】

[But if neither ship is blown up before 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, then the clown himself will press the button and blow them all up into the sky!]

[This time.] The people on both ships were all fried. 】

[And the worst thing is that one of these two ships is loaded with ordinary citizens, and the other is loaded with a group of criminals. 】

"We should discuss this. On the boat, immediately a citizen stood up and said. 】

["Yes, the people on that ship must have been discussing how to blow us up by now!"]

Seeing this, the expressions of everyone in the live broadcast room became very strange.

"This ...... Isn't it just a chain of suspicion?"

Little Wanda's mouth gradually widened, and her eyes showed a look of horror.

According to the principle of the chain of suspicion in the three-body problem, the two parties in this situation cannot confirm the good and evil of the other party to themselves.

And, even if I want to believe you, how do I know...... Do you think I'm trying to kill you?

Even if I have good intentions towards you, but you are ready to kill me first, what should I do?

The end result of this chain of suspicion is the Dark Forest!

To discover is to destroy!

Only by destroying you can I be safe!

"It's a problem. "

The relaxed look on Tony's face was suddenly swept away, and even a hint of regret was revealed.

In his opinion, both ships are probably finished.

In the case of this chain of suspicion, no one can hold it for a long time...... The urge to press a button.

Not to mention, if neither of the two ships presses, wait until 12 o'clock the clown will strike and blow them all up!

In the face of such a threat, those who can endure it are simply saints!

"Damn, is this clown really a demon in the world?"

Bruce Wayne clenched his fists, and his whole body trembled.

In this case, if the people on one ship decide to blow up the other, even the law may not be able to hold them accountable!

The clown's scheme is so terrifying!

At this moment, Bruce suddenly thought of what Ah Fu said in the previous video.

"There are people who don't want to be famous, they don't want to be profitable, they just want to see ...... The world is hell!"

[Video continued]

[In the face of the imminent crisis, Batman does not hesitate to use high technology to hack everyone's mobile phones and search for the Joker's traces throughout the city. 】

[In the end, Batman finally finds the Joker and rushes into the building where the opponent is located to start a big battle with the Joker's men.] 】

[In the fierce battle, the clown has been looking into the distance expectantly, wanting to see the brilliant fireworks in his mind. 】

[But unexpectedly, the people on both ships finally decided to give up the detonator.] 】

[They would rather die than become murderers.] 】

[Faced with this unexpected situation, the clown was stunned for a while. 】

[In desperation, he decides to blow up the two ships together with a detonator, but Batman seizes the opportunity to stop him with a dart and throws the Joker off the stairs.] 】

[In the end, Batman, who abides by the principle of not killing with his hands, still threw a rope to wrap around the Joker's leg and hang him in mid-air. 】

[Seeing that the clown has been defeated and lost, but at this moment, this strange man suddenly laughed again:]


["You don't kill me out of some kind of self-righteous righteousness, and I won't kill you, because ...... You're so interesting. "】

"I think you and I are destined to play like this forever. "】

[Batman said angrily, "You should be locked up in a mental hospital."] "】

["Hehe...... Then you should share a room with me!"]

[The clown has a weird smile on his face, claiming that he has another trump card, and that is Harvey!]

["I took the Knight of Light from Gotham and pulled him to the same level as me!"]

[Looking at Batman, whose face has changed greatly, the Joker said nonchalantly:]

["Madness is like gravity, you just need a gentle push ......"]


PS: After Batman is over, it will be the hellish detective Konstantin played by the ancient one. ^_^

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support!

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