[Unlike other universes, in the ultimate universe, the skulltomy is still just a teenager. 】

[Because he has shown extraordinary scientific talent since childhood, he was recruited by Susan Stone's father to Baxter House as a candidate for the Gifted Junior Program. 】

[Later, Craniotomy also gained the superpowers of the Rubber Man during a scientific experiment, but even so, he was still under the control of Professor Stone, that is, Susan's father, and did not fully read it.] 】

[And the quarrel between Cranioderm and Susan this time also originated from a time shuttle machine he had made before.] 】

["Susan, I found ...... My time shuttle has received a signal from another alternate universe. "】


[The invisible woman Susan was a little surprised to hear this:]

["I thought my father had forbidden you to study this machine, he said it was too dangerous. "】

[Craniotomy argues a little unwillingly:]

["But this is a parallel universe Earth, except for a few subtle places, it is basically exactly the same as our earth. "】

[Seeing that Craniotomy paid so much attention to scientific research, but didn't want to accompany herself, Susan was very upset, and walked out after a few complaints. 】

[And just after Susan left angrily, another half-white-haired Reed Richards suddenly appeared next to the craniotomy and comforted him with a smile:]

"Don't worry, my Susan will never be angry for more than three hours. "】

"After three hours, all you need is a kiss to finish her. "】

[It turns out that the craniotomy has already made contact with himself in other parallel universes. 】

[And this white-haired Reed is a hologram from another universe.] 】

["In your universe, superheroes don't need to be controlled by people, and no one can command you. "】

[Knowing the state of other universes from the white-haired Reed, the skullopener felt very envious. 】

[After communicating with each other for a while, Cranioderm finally made up his mind to go to other parallel universes through the space-time shuttle machine he developed! 】

[But after traveling to other universes, the skullopener was immediately frightened. 】

[I saw that this world was in ruins everywhere, and the streets were full of corpses, it was like hell on earth!]

[Cranioderm was standing alone on the street in a panic, and suddenly, 4 figures appeared behind him!]

["Now you feel this new and wonderful world, Reed Richards!"]

[This is the magical four corpses!]

[It turns out that the zombie Li De has been trying to restore the time shuttle invented by Tony Stark, but has never been able to fully restore the function of the machine. 】

[So he retreated and used this shuttle to send a signal to the skulltomy of the ultimate universe, and through communication, lured him to shuttle to the zombie universe!]

[In this way, the zombies can travel backwards to the ultimate universe and feed on the humans there!]

[In the face of the ferocious magical four corpses, the skull-opening was shocked, and hurriedly ran for his life, and finally escaped. 】

[Looking at the hellish parallel universe in front of him, Cranioderm was full of remorse, and couldn't help but scold himself:]

["Idiot, you are such an idiot!, how could you fall for such a fool?"]

[At this moment, a cobweb suddenly shot over, sticking the craniotomy to the wall!]

[It's zombie Spider-Man, and there are other zombie heroes!]

[And among these zombies, the most murderous ...... None other than the Zombie Hulk!]

["Get out of the way...... This rubber kid belongs to the Hulk!"

[Just as the zombie Hulk roared in the sky, as if he was about to swallow the craniotomy in his mouth the next moment, a giant truck suddenly fell from the sky, and the zombie Hulk pressed the ground fiercely. 】

[Seeing this scene, the captain of the zombie rice country immediately shouted in panic:]

["Oh my God, it's him here, everyone retreat quickly. "】

[Before the words fell, hundreds of cars of all sizes poured down in the sky like a raging storm. 】

["Boom ......"]

[For a moment, the sound of explosions was incessant, and the firelight completely lit up the streets of Manhattan.] 】

[When the zombies were beaten by the rain falling from the sky, a figure wearing a hood and a cloak appeared in front of the skull. 】

"Come with me, I know you're freaking out."] "】

"But now...... I am your only hope. "】

[This hero who fell from the sky is none other than Magneto!]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Deadpool: Holy! How could this young German be so stupid?

Wolverine: This kid is only a teenager, and he's still a student at heart, and he was tricked by that zombie Reed...... Nothing unusual.

Stephen Strange: But ...... There are so many Reid Richards in the multiverse, and there are all kinds of people.

Wanda Maximov: What about Reid in our group, why haven't we seen him speak for a long time?

Reed Richards: My life is over. o(╥﹏╥)o

Starlight: Huh, Mr. Reed, how did you do that? What happened?

Bruce Wayne: I think it's a video of Zombie Reed, which scared the hell out of his companions.

Clark Kent: That's a little too unfair, isn't it, it's something from other parallel universes, how can you blame him?

Bruce Wayne: yes. No one dares to say that in the endless parallel universe, there is no such evil version of themselves!

Bruce Wayne: But it should only be seen as the exception! not as the norm.

"Mmmm, that's right. "

See Master Wayne's speech. Clarke's eyes showed an approving look in his eyes, and he nodded slightly.

Although he doesn't think that there will be any evil version of himself in the parallel universe, the tolerance shown in Wayne's words is still quite appetizing to Clark.

Alice: Anyway, that Mr. Magneto's superpowers are really handsome, those zombies...... was beaten by him.

Looking at Magneto's divine might, Alice was also excited for a while.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think in her heart: If she also has such a terrifying superpower, what zombie, what red queen...... Even Ambrera can ignore it.

Wolverine: I think ...... He was just atoning for his deeds.

Wolverine: After all, this guy unleashed the zombie virus and destroyed the world!

Magneto: ............

At this moment, Magneto himself was a little skeptical about life.

In another universe, is that old version of yourself really that powerful?

Can even such a terrifying zombie virus be created?

You know, Magneto himself doesn't know anything about biology, chemistry and technology!

So he really had some doubts, where did this zombie virus come from in the first place?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[After saving Germany, Magneto led him to a secret shelter. 】

[Since the outbreak of the zombie virus, it has only been three days, but in such a short period of time, the whole world has completely collapsed. 】

[Germany suddenly thought that the zombie version might use the time shuttle he created to travel to the ultimate universe!]

[Sure enough, at this moment, there was also a change in the ultimate universe!]

[The Fantastic Three of the Ultimate World, who couldn't find the whereabouts of Germany, came to his laboratory. 】

[At this time, the time shuttle in the laboratory suddenly started automatically, and the magical four corpses rushed out of it!]

[This time the Ultimate Three Heroes, against the magical four corpses, the two sides suddenly started a scuffle. 】

[The Ultimate Three seized the opportunity to escape from the laboratory and sealed the sealed door. 】

[But no one expected that the zombie Reed actually turned his body into a form like flowing water, got out of the crack in the door, and entangled the ultimate stone man!]

[In this moment of great crisis, "Ultimate Susan" used her own mental power. Melted the cranial nerves of "Zombie Reed". 】


[With a terrible scream, this terrifying zombie monster finally turned into a puddle of mud, and collapsed to the ground weakly and lost consciousness. 】


In the laboratory of the Baxter Building, Reed Richards suddenly felt a chill.

He turned his head to see Susan, the invisible woman, staring at him intensely, with a hint of thoughtful meaning in her eyes.

As a first-class smart man, Reed suddenly came back to his senses.

Oh, my God!

Susan probably after watching the video...... You want to do something similar to me!

Looking back at the paralyzed "zombie Reed" on the video, Reed only felt a chill down his spine, and the cold all over his body was rising, and for a moment the idea of asking for help in the chat group actually rose.

My ex-girlfriend wants to turn me into cerebral palsy!

What am I going to do?

Online and more!

[Video continued]

[In the subway station shelter of the zombie universe, Magneto and others are planning an escape plan. Suddenly, the zombie army rushed out from under the ground!]

[The leader is the Thor Zombie, and there is even the zombie Iron Man!]


[Seeing this, Magneto let out a loud shout and directly controlled a subway car to beat these zombies to the ground. 】

[The survivors who escaped the catastrophe fled for their lives, but after leaving the back door of the station, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them. 】

[I saw that the street was filled with countless zombies, it was as if a sea of zombies was sweeping towards them!]

[But at this moment of despair, countless zombies covered their eyes at the same time and screamed loudly. 】

[It turns out that after defeating the zombie Reed, the Fantastic Three of the Ultimate Universe came to the Zombie Universe with a time shuttle!]

[Just now, it was the ultimate Susan with her superpowers...... Broke the optic nerve of these zombies!]

[And seize the opportunity, the ultimate thunderbolt fire also flew into the sky, spraying a large amount of flames at the zombie army, and a zombie barbecue came!]

["Hulk is going to eat you!"]

[At this moment, the zombie Hulk actually rushed up against the flames, wanting to eat these survivors. 】

["Get out!"]

[The Ultimate Stone Man confronted Hulk head-on, punched hard, and actually beat this big monster to vomit blood and fly back!]

See here. Many people were surprised.

Wanda Maximov: No, how can the Fantastic Four in this parallel universe be so powerful?

Bruce Banner: Unbelievable! That invisible woman wiped out so many zombies in an instant! And this stone man defeated Hulk with a single punch!

Bruce Banner: Is this guy on the same level as Thanos?

Seeing the scene on the screen, Bruce Banner only felt that his heartbeat was twice as fast!

He really didn't expect that Hulk would be defeated so easily!

Even in a parallel universe, this is the first time he has seen such a thing!

Stephen Strange: It looks like the level of this new parallel universe may be even higher than we thought.

Carol Danvers: Rank?

Stephen Strange: That's what the Ancient One said about it, and the power levels are different in different multiverses.

Stephen Strange: Some universes are so-called low-magic, low-powered worlds, with no magic and not many powerful superpowers.

Stephen Strange: But this new universe definitely belongs to that kind of high-level world!

[Video continued]

[Under the cover of the Ultimate Three, the survivors of the remnants of the Zombie Universe are ready to escape to the Ultimate Universe with the Ultimate Fantastic Four through the German space-time teleportation device. 】

[But just before the teleportation began, Magneto decided to stay alone.] 】

[It turned out that in order to prevent the zombies from using this teleportation device to enter other universes, he had decided to sacrifice himself, after the survivors teleported away...... Destroy this portal with your own hands!]

[Watching the Fantastic Four disappear into the portal with the survivors, Magneto smiled and waved his hand, completely destroying the teleporter. 】


[The sun illuminates the heavens and the earth, and the terrifying explosion shakes the sky!] The Baxter Mansion in the zombie universe is completely engulfed in flames. 】

[The shuttle that can travel to parallel universes has been completely destroyed.] 】

[Dan...... Magneto's catastrophe has just begun!]

[Countless zombie heroes have surrounded him densely!]

["Let's face it, Magneto, you have no way to escape. "】

[Zombie Spider-Man said coldly.] 】

["Give up, continue to resist, it will only make your death more painful!"]

[And the zombie captain also said indifferently:]

["Magneto, if you are willing to surrender, I will definitely let you die a more comfortable death. "】

[In the process of destroying the space-time portal, Magneto has also been injured. 】

[But even at the last moment, this king of mutants is not ready to give up!]

["Monsters, if you want to kill me, come and come."] "】

["Whoosh ......"]

[Under the magnetic control of Magneto, the nearby steel bars and countless metals poured down like a torrential rain, beating this group of zombies to pieces. 】


[Captain Zombie tried his best to fight, but the vibranium shield he threw was pushed back by Magneto's magnetic force. 】


[The shield that rotated at high speed slashed into the head of the zombie captain, and even cut off half of his head!]


[Zombie Hawkeye shot a cold arrow into Magneto's body, but he was immediately cut off by the vibranium shield controlled by Magneto!]

[Zombie Captain, Zombie Thor, Zombie Spider-Man......]

[One zombie hero after another, all of them were beaten to the ground by Magneto!]

["You idiots, there's reinforced concrete everywhere!"]

"You think you're here...... Can you defeat me, the master of magnetism?"]

[Just as Magneto was killing all directions, a small figure suddenly approached him from behind. 】


[Zombie Wasp shrunk her body and bit Magneto's neck hard.] 】

[Magneto's body froze, and he was suddenly grabbed by the zombie Thor and grabbed his cloak!]

[Immediately after, the zombie Hulk tore off his left leg again and stuffed it into his mouth!]

[In the face of an old man in his 70s, this group of zombies still used this kind of trick that does not speak of martial virtues, and used the means of secret calculations and sneak attacks to achieve the final victory!]

"Eric, you're ......"

In the tavern, the bare-headed young Charles was shocked, and his face showed an extremely complicated look.

He really didn't expect that Magneto, who had always hated humans, would give his life to save the humans in the parallel universe!

Even if it's just a variant in a parallel universe, it still gives Charles a great shock!

[Video continued]

[Faced with a large crowd of hungry zombies, Magneto was quickly devoured. 】

[After eating, the group of zombies sat on the ground again and seemed to come to their senses. 】

[But at this moment, a silver figure flashed in the sky.] 】

[That's Silver Surfer standing on a space surfboard!]

[This star-swallowing messenger actually descended on this zombie earth!]

PS: After the zombie heroes, there is "Venom 1" and "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"!

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support! ^_^

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