At this time, in the live broadcast room, the eyes of other people looking at Young Master Wayne were also like looking at monsters.

"With this guy's body...... Can you open a portal to the dark universe?"

Loki looked Bruce Wayne up and down, his eyes full of weirdness, as if he wanted to reach out and pinch him to see if this guy was really human.


Seeing that everyone's eyes were becoming more and more strange, Young Master Wayne couldn't help but swallow his saliva and opened his mouth...... But I didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, this thing is so strange!

More than 20 years after his birth, Bruce Wayne has always considered himself a pure-blooded human.

But now, his idea is starting to waver a little.

How can an ordinary person's body be used to open a portal to another dimension?

Logically, this is simply impossible!

Think again of the Dark Multiverse...... Those world-destroying nightmare Batman can even directly lead to the early destruction of the universe, and Bruce Wayne's mind is even tightened in an instant.


Considering all these circumstances, no matter how he thinks, he can only draw one conclusion.

Bruce Wayne's "existence" is not simple!

In him, I am afraid that there is a great mystery!

And as soon as he thought of this, Young Master Wayne immediately thought of it...... A name that has been mentioned in previous videos.

Owl Court!

Although he had never heard of this organization, since this court knew about it...... If the portal can be opened with Bruce Wayne and the Exotic Metal, they must know some other secrets!

At this moment, Young Master Wayne had already decided in his heart that as long as he left this live broadcast room, he would use all means. Go find the trail of this owl court.

Unless he is on the Earth plane, there is no such organization at all.

Otherwise, Master Wayne has confidence...... I'm sure I'll find out for myself!

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Start playing Nightmare Batman Destroyer]

[Main Universe, Earth 0.] 】

[Metropolis, Planet Daily.] 】

[Looking at Jimmy, a worried colleague in front of him, Superman's wife, Louise, advises him to close the page and stop looking at the gossip sites.] 】

[Now the Internet is full of all kinds of apocalyptic rumors. 】

[Moreover, Jimmy also saw from the news that many of the cities protected by superheroes have been captured by mysterious enemies.] 】

[Not only that, but all the members of the Justice League are now missing, and no one can contact them. 】

[The combination of these news made Jimmy even more worried, and he almost despaired. 】

[Facing Jimmy's gloomy face, Louis said...... No matter what happens, she believes in Superman and believes that justice will win in the end!]

[After encouraging Jimmy, Louis walks out of the office.] 】

[And she had just left the Planet Daily building when she ran into a familiar man on the street.] 】

"Bruce, what are you doing here? The world is in crisis right now."] "】

[Seeing the friend in front of him, Louis was surprised and delighted and hurriedly asked about Superman's situation:]

["I'll be honest with you, when I was facing my son at home before...... and pretend to be strong"]

"But I do want to know...... Is Clark alright?"]

[Looking at Louis with a worried face in front of him, Bruce Wayne gently reached out his hand, as if to shake her hand.] 】

[Just when the hands of the two were clasped together, Bruce spoke and said coldly:]

"No, Luis, Clark is in trouble, and...... He's in big trouble. "】


[At this time, Louis suddenly felt that the feeling in his hand was wrong, looked down, and was immediately shocked. 】

["Your hand!" ......]

[I saw Bruce's palm sticking out of the cuff of his suit...... Covered with hideous and terrifying exoskeletons, it is not so much like a human hand as it is the claw of some kind of monster!]

["Click......" Just as Louise screamed, I saw Bruce Wayne, who was in a suit and leather shoes in front of him, suddenly swelled up wildly! Soon it turned into a huge monster!]

[I saw the monster in front of me, the hideous and terrifying body was like a hill, and the body was full of bone spurs!]

[It's Doom Day!]

["Oh my God, Bruce, what did you do to yourself?"]

[Looking at the familiar terrifying creature in front of her, Louise's face was full of horror, the blood on her face disappeared instantly, and even her body couldn't help but tremble slightly. 】

[Bruce Wayne, who turned into Doom Day, said in a hoarse voice:]

["I made a ...... So that he will never be able to hurt me again. "】

["You ......"]

[At this moment, Louise also noticed that her hand was wrong, and when she looked down, her face suddenly changed. 】

[At this time, Doom Bruce continued to say in a deep voice:]

["Luis, I want you to listen carefully to my ......"]

"It's something I've always wanted to do, but in my world...... I don't have a chance to do ......"]

"Everything I do...... It's all about getting you out of that guy's hands!"

[And at this moment, the picture suddenly turned,]

[This is the Dark Multiverse, the Negative One Earth. 】

[Metropolis. 】

[This was many years ago. 】

[No one knows what the cause is. 】

[Maybe it's because the solar wind has changed his mind, maybe it's Darkseid, or maybe it's the new kryptonite developed by Lex Luthor.] 】

[The entire Justice League spent weeks searching for answers, because no one wanted to believe ......]

[This man will actually fall! Will be blackened!]

[He used to be the greatest hope in the Justice League, and he used to be the best and most powerful of all superheroes!]

[But Bruce was the first to find that they were all wrong.] 】

[When he found out...... After Superman kills his wife, Louis, with his own hands, Batman is almost on the verge of collapse. 】

[At that moment, Bruce finally understood that it didn't matter what caused Superman to become like this.] 】

[He just wants Superman to know...... How much does his blackening hurt to himself!]

[Because of this, Bruce decided to put his heart into action the plan he had in mind......]


[Just thinking of this, a scarlet heat ray shot straight over, cutting off Batman's right arm!]

[Batman's right arm, along with the kryptonite spear held in his right hand, fell to the ground with a "snap".] 】


[Holding the severed cut in his right arm, Batman even distorted his face, and he looked at the steel body floating in the air, and the pain in his eyes was even more palpable. 】


[Looking at Batman lying in a pool of blood, there is not the slightest emotional fluctuation on Superman's steely face. 】

[And his eyes seem to be looking down on a slightly larger ant.] 】

["It's over."] "】

[Superman said in an indifferent voice:]

["For years, I couldn't understand that when the rest of the Justice League was talking in private, they always thought you could beat me. "】

Even though both of us were doing our best, they still thought so. "】

"I really don't know...... How can they be so sure?"]

[Glancing at Batman's bleeding right arm, Superman's tone already had a hint of arrogance in it:]

["I only need to look at you to tear you in two, and I only need to exhale to freeze you into ice. "】

["Even if you touch it with the gentlest force, you can break every bone in your body. "】

["And what tricks do you have?"]

["The kryptonite spear?"]

[Superman said softly:]

["Do you know how big the gap is between you and me?"]

["That's not even from 1 to 10,000, but from zero to infinite......"]

["Ahem...... Yes, I know ......"]

[Batman coughs up a mouthful of blood from his mouth.] 】

[Obviously, in the previous battle, he has been deeply injured by Superman.] 】

[Batman struggles to reach for the kryptonite spear that fell not far away, but Superman emits another ray of heat and knocks the spear away without a trace.] 】

[Seeing this desperate situation, Batman seems to have finally given up on something.] 】

[He turns his head and looks at Superman with sad eyes.] 】

["Clark, I really loved you......"]

["I once believed...... You will bring us a better future, a better world. "】

"But now I know that it was all a lie. "】


[As he spoke, Batman pressed a button on his belt with his remaining left hand.] 】

[Soon, his body underwent amazing changes, and even Batman's eyes radiated a dazzling red light. 】

["Clark...... From now on, I won't let you hurt me again!"]


[At this moment, the terrifying momentum erupted from the dying Batman!]

[His body began to swell wildly, and terrible scales covered his skin!

[Not only that, but the right arm that was cut off by Superman before also has a new claw from the fracture!]

[Doom Day!]

[Just now, Batman activated the Doom Virus that he has been cherishing to this day!]

[Since defeating Doom Day with Superman back then, in order to prevent any accidents, Batman secretly created this virus by studying Doom Day's corpse!]

[But he really didn't expect that one day, he would have to ...... to his beloved Superman Unleash your last nirvana!]


["Doomsday Batman" threw a punch fiercely, and he just knocked Superman flying!]

[After the "complete transformation", the current Batman already has a power far above Superman!]

[Looking at Superman who was knocked flying, Batman...... There was a hint of numbness in the Destroyer's eyes. 】

"Clark, before...... I've been dreading this moment for a long time. "】

["I know that the Doom Virus I designed can make me strong enough to defeat you in heads-up, or even kill you!"]

"In the past, I always thought I couldn't do it. "】

["Even after you have done so many horrible things, I still feel ...... I don't have the courage to unleash this power and kill my best friend!"

"But now, I'm different from before. "】

["After so many years, I am finally freed from the pain of loving you deeply!"]

["And I'm ...... now It feels so good!"]

[Bruce, who has become a destroyer, has infinite power in his gestures, just like his wife who has suffered domestic violence...... turned over and became the master, beating Superman to the ground, without the power to resist. 】


[Bruce the Destroyer grabs Superman's head and slams it to the ground, as if he were playing with a doll.] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Bruce the Destroyer lifted the bloodied Superman in front of him, opened his mouth of blood, and spewed out a mouthful of green kryptonite gas!]


[Eroding his body by the poisonous gas of kryptonite, Superman immediately let out a miserable cry. 】


[Bruce the Destroyer smirks smugly:]

["Clark...... Who's the weak now?"]


[As the green kryptonite poison gas entered his body, Superman struggled painfully on the ground.] 】

But his pain soon ended. 】


[Bruce, who transformed into the Destroyer, seems to have completely severed the relationship between him and Superman, and directly used a bone spur...... It pierced Superman's murderous chamber!]

[Krypton's steel body died like this!]

[Looking at the bloody Superman corpse on the ground, Bruce the Destroyer suddenly had a smile on his face. 】

[Originally, he also thought that he would feel pain and sadness for killing Superman with his own hands. 】

But he was wrong. 】

[Now, Bruce the Destroyer can only feel endless rage!]

[His anger towards Superman is as strong as his love for Superman, and ...... It's been suppressed for too long!]

in the live broadcast room.

"I wipe ......"

Seeing this, not to mention Peter Parker and the others, even Tony Stark opened his mouth wide in shock, and his jaw was about to fall to the ground.

In this dark universe, Batman actually ...... A bitter love for Superman?

What kind of operation is this?

Little Wanda's eyes were even more excited at this time!

She turned her head to look at Bruce Wayne, who had a wonderful face, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Original...... This is the relationship between you and Superman!"

"It's really lovely! You two hug each other and let me see!"

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