
["Little Spider" desperately tried to straighten up, but unexpectedly, he unintentionally loosened his foot wrapped around the box. 】

["Wow wow!"]

[Like a kite with a broken string, the "little spider" was blown away by the high-altitude wind in an instant!]


["Little Spider" bumped around on a series of boxes, but because of this, he seized the opportunity and desperately grabbed one of the cargo boxes!]


[Trying his best to grab the strap on the box, the "little spider" finally stabilized his body.] 】

[At this time, he looked up and saw a huge transport plane directly above, but the door behind the cabin was open, and a series of cargo boxes fell out of it!]

And he is now at the end of this string of boxes. 】

[Gritting his teeth, the "little spider" was about to crawl into the transport plane, and suddenly, one of his feet was actually grabbed by a person!]


[Looking back, the "little spider" saw a bearded man coming out from behind, with a fierce face, not only grabbed his left foot, but even took out a gun...... I'm going to shoot!]


[Seeing that life and death were at stake, the "little spider" raised his right foot without thinking...... Kicked it hard, and kicked the beard away. 】


[The bearded man only had time to scream miserably before falling from a height of several thousand meters. 】

["Oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm just a reflex!"]

[Seeing that the beard quickly turned into a small black dot, the "little spider" was full of horror, and instinctively said something like an apology. 】

But then, he gritted his teeth, turned his head, and jumped desperately towards the cargo box above. 】

[For today's plan, only by climbing back into the transport plane as soon as possible can there be a glimmer of life!]

[Otherwise, in the end...... Maybe you'll end up like that bearded man!]

[But the house leak happened to rain overnight, and the "little spider" was climbing up, and another enemy actually appeared above him, pulled out his gun and shot at him. 】



[While dodging bullets, the "little spider" jumped up in the air, and suddenly the danger was everywhere, and the hearts of those who watched were tense. 】

[But maybe Jiren has his own natural appearance, with the help of the blocking of the cargo box, the "little spider" really climbed and jumped all the way and sneaked behind the enemy!]


["Little Spider" pulls hard, and the enemy is dragged down!]

[But this enemy is not easy to mess with, although the pistol dropped, but he still grabbed the strap on the back box alive and chased after him all the way. 】

[And just when the young man and the enemy were chasing each other on the cargo box, a huge box actually fell out of the cargo hold of the transport plane!]


[The "little spider" was shocked and quickly lowered his head to dodge the box, but the enemy behind him was not so lucky and was directly hit head-on!]


[Seeing the enemy being knocked away by the box, the "little spider" was not happy at all. 】

[It turned out that he had climbed to the top of the cargo box at this moment!] But the rope that hung these boxes was worn out because of this time...... It's about to break!]

["No !!"]

[At the last moment, the "little spider" jumped up desperately and jumped onto the rear door of the plane. 】

["Hoo ......"]

["Little Spider" just breathed a sigh of relief, but he ...... in his ears Suddenly, I heard the sound of the wheels of the car turning. 】


[Before the "little spider" could stand up, he just looked up, and the expression on his face immediately stiffened. 】

[I saw a limited-edition red luxury car, which was sliding all the way...... Bumped into him!]

["Please ......"]

[Before the "little spider" could finish speaking, he was hit by this car and fell off the transport plane!]


[The "little spider" dances in the air, but there is nothing around him that can be caught!]

[And at the moment of falling from the sky, the brain of the "little spider" ...... Suddenly, like a marquee, scenes in life flashed!]

["Help, I'm going to fall."] "】

[Suddenly, a hand reached out from above and grabbed the "little hand" of the "little spider". 】

["Don't be afraid, I've already caught you!"]

[I saw a boy, fourteen or fifteen years old, grab the hand of a twelve or thirteen-year-old imp and lift it up. 】

[The boy's name is Sam Drake, and the imp is his younger brother, Nathan Drake.] 】

[Sam came to the museum tonight to steal something, and his brother ...... also secretly followed. 】

[In the museum, the brothers see a portrait of Magellan, and their true goal...... The world's first world map. 】

["Do you know what Magellan was really looking for?"]

[Sam pointed to the map in the glass case and said to himself]

["It's gold!"]

[He turned his head to look at his younger brother and said excitedly:]

"But Magellan died on the way, unable to bring the gold home. "】

[Little Nathan asked with a puzzled expression:]

"So the gold is gone. "】

["No ......"]

Sam holds out his finger and shakes it.] 】

["The gold won't disappear out of thin air, it must still be somewhere!"]

["Moreover, we have pirate blood in our veins!"]

[At the mention of his bloodline, Sam's face was suddenly full of pride:]

["We are descendants of Sir Francis Drake!"]

[It turns out that the two brothers are orphans and all live in an orphanage, but they both seem to be proud of their lineage and determined to do something great.] 】

[Next, this pair of fledgling thieves want to steal this world map. 】

[It's a pity that they didn't have the ability to go home and were caught red-handed by the museum's guards.] 】

[And, since Brother Sam before... Just because other petty thieves have been caught, although he is still only a teenager, so he must also go to prison. 】

[In order to avoid imprisonment, Sam found an opportunity to escape. 】

[Before escaping, he also gave his younger brother Nathan a ring that never left him. 】

[This ring has a line written on it in Latin, which means "the devil is in the details."] 】

[After his brother escapes, Nathan bakes a paper ball he left behind with a lighter, and a line of text appears on it:]

["Don't forget, you are also a member of the Derek family, I love you. "】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Stephen Strange: So in this world, that little spider is a descendant of Drake.

Wanda Maximov: Drake?

Deadpool: I think I've heard that she's a famous female pirate with a very good figure!(* ̄) ̄*)

Stephen Strange: No! Drake is a man!

Stephen Strange: But he was also a good pirate, and he left a lot of great deeds in history.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Forget what pirates don't care, what are we seeing now?

Rampage Lori Jinx: That little imp named Nathan...... A marquee before death?

Wanda Maksimov: No, he just fell off the plane and died?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): ......... (⊙_⊙)

Tony Stark: In this world, this little spider obviously has no superpowers, and falls to the ground from that height......

Hermione Granger: uh...... I don't want to see this kind of tragedy.

While everyone was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Since breaking up with his brother, Nathan has grown up on his own. 】

[As an adult, he became a bartender in a bar. 】

[With his handsome appearance and eloquence of good speech, Nathan has attracted the attention of many female guests. 】

[But the profession of bartender is just a disguise. 】

[Nathan's true identity is actually a thief!]

[He will first lock up those "fat sheep" with good family backgrounds in the bar, and then distract each other with rhetoric and steal all kinds of precious things!]

[On this night, he "locked" a girl from a large family and stole a valuable bracelet from her. 】

[Seeing that everything was going well, but just as the bar was closing, a middle-aged man suddenly looked at Nathan and asked:]

["Your target is an "innocent girl". "】


[Nathan turns his head, his face showing innocence:]

"I don't know what you're talking about. "】

[This middle-aged man identified himself as Victor Sullivan, claiming that he needed to make a big deal and needed to find a helper.] 】

[I don't know what the details of this person in front of him are, Nathan simply rejected him. 】

[After the other party left, Nathan suddenly realized that something was wrong!]

[The bracelet he just stole ...... It's gone!]

[In his trouser pocket, Nathan finds only a business card with Victor Sullivan's address and phone number.] 】

[It turned out that the middle-aged man just now was unaware...... played a game of black and black, not only stole the bracelet, but also stuffed his business card back. 】

["Huh! "】

Nathan didn't say a word, immediately changed his clothes and came to the outside of Sullivan's apartment building. 】

[He didn't report it directly, but first stole the key from the porter, and then directly opened the door of Sullivan's apartment and broke in secretly. 】

[Nathan had wanted to break into the other party's apartment and steal something to make up for the bracelet.] 】

[But unexpectedly, he saw something familiar in this apartment. 】

[That's the ...... The world's first world map!]

[At this moment, that Sullivan suddenly walked out from behind.] 】

[In the face of Sullivan, Nathan was unceremonious, and directly took the bracelet, and even took a jade lion as compensation. 】

[Seeing this, Sullivan did not get angry, but pointed to the world map and asked Nathan...... What else do you know!]

"This shows Magellan's circumnavigation of the world. "】

[Having already got the bracelet, Nathan also put his mind at ease, and casually pointed to the map and said:]

"I know he sailed not for expeditions, but for gold, but that's just a legend. "】

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