[SCP-689, a green skull statue, is said to be the god of death in the mythology of a civilization.] 】

[This statue, like the little peanut, is in urgent need of human observation...... Or attention!]

[As long as it is under the constant gaze of a human, SCP-689 is a completely harmless ordinary statue.] 】

[But as soon as someone looks away, death will appear!]

[Unlike SCP173, this green statue does not break anyone's neck.] 】

[However...... "it" seems to have some kind of attention, remembering all the people who have watched "it"!]

[If the statue is left in an "unobserved" state, it will disappear immediately.] 】

[Subsequently, a human who has seen "it" will randomly die.] 】

[And this green statue will appear on the body of that person.] 】

Moreover, this is just the beginning. 】

[If no one observes the statue after a person dies, it will continue this "journey through the killing"!]

[SCP-689 will continue to kill until all sapient beings who have ever seen "it" are dead.] 】

[In this sense, even 173 is far less terrifying than it. 】

[At least, little peanuts don't need to be watched 24 hours a day.] 】

[And, even in the worst-case scenario, SCP-173 will not be teleported outside the containment facility.] 】

[The SCP's ability to traverse, and its horrific means of inflicting massive amounts of death, make SCP-689 an extremely terrifying containment target!]

[In order to prevent SCP-689 from breaching containment by means of teleportation, it has been placed in a ...... by the Foundation There is always light in the room. 】

[And, in any case, there will always be two D-class personnel in the room.] 】

[They have only one mission, and that is to observe SCP-689!]

[Don't even blink your eyes!]

[Moreover, the Foundation also has extremely strict regulations.] 】

[In addition to the D-class personnel tasked with watching SCP-689, there is also a staff member wearing special glasses in the monitoring room, who is responsible for monitoring them.] 】

[As soon as anything unusual appears in SCP-689's containment chamber, the "glasses" will immediately press a button to detonate the bomb collar, killing the two D-class personnel in the room.] 】

[This was done to ensure that these two individuals do not become transit agents for SCP-689.] 】

[Otherwise, if these two D-class personnel are allowed to run around the Foundation and then killed by this death statue, then ...... No one knows how many more Foundation personnel will be killed by this statue!]

[While both SCP-173 and SCP-689 possess extremely terrifying killing abilities and the property of desperately needing to "watch", they also have their own nemesis.] 】

[That's SCP-131.] 】

[This pair of small monsters looks like they are only thirty centimeters tall, with teardrop-shaped bodies and a huge eye in the middle of their bodies. 】

[In addition to their identical appearances, this pair of "Eyed Peas" are also very curious, and like to run around the Foundation's base. 】

[Due to the cute appearance of this pair of eyepeas, as well as their harmless nature, many staff members of the Foundation love them as pets. 】

[Many people didn't expect that this pair of little things could one day save the lives of countless people. 】

[According to Foundation regulations, the containment chamber of SCP-173 must be cleaned by three D-class personnel.] 】

[One of them is responsible for cleaning, and the other two are responsible for observing 173 so that it does not erupt into murder.] 】

[On this day, the two D-class personnel responsible for observing SCP-173...... Suddenly, something went wrong. 】

[One of them had a very severe migraine and had a sudden attack!]


[The D-class yells, involuntarily closes his eyes, and covers his head with his hands.] 】

[Seeing this, another D-class personnel involuntarily looked at his companion. 】

[At this moment, the eyes of the two D-class personnel in room 173 ...... All moved away. 】

[Next, there are three crisp bones breaking sounds in the room.] 】


[The three D-class personnel in the room, including the unlucky guy who was cleaning...... All of them were broken by 173's necks. 】

[And, as if the situation wasn't bad enough, the guards in charge of guarding Containment Chamber 173...... , this time I even forgot to close the door!]

[This time 173 not only killed the guard, but also physically ...... from the containment chamber Came to the outdoor promenade!]

[SCp173 has officially breached containment!]


[One Foundation personnel after another, their necks were broken by the little peanut!Countless people began to scream and flee in all directions!]

[And according to Murphy's Law, when things can get worse, then they must get worse!]

[At this point, in the monitoring room on the other side of the base, a female supervisor is observing SCP-689 through the surveillance screen, as well as the two D-class personnel in charge of keeping an eye on the statue.] 】

[Her task is to press the button and kill these two D-class personnel when something happens!]

[In order to prevent accidents, the female supervisor and the two D-class personnel can also communicate through the intercom.] 】

[Dan...... Something terrible happened suddenly. 】

[No one expected that although the female supervisor was not very old, she suffered from fatal heart failure!]

[And at this moment, her illness attacked.] 】

["Ah...... My heart ......."]

[The female supervisor fell to the ground of the monitoring room and let out a scream. 】

[And if she doesn't die, her screams are also transmitted through the intercom to the two ...... in SCP-689's containment chamber D-Class Ears!]

[Panic...... Start spreading!】

[Moreover, the two D-class personnel soon heard it again...... Exclamations and fleeing voices from outside the containment chamber!]

["Run, 173 has breached containment!"]

"As long as someone looks at that monster, they can stop it."] "】

["Stupid, just blink an eye and you'll die! Run!"

【“............ ( ̄口 ̄)!! !"】

[Just as the two D-class personnel in the containment chamber were terrified, Murphy's Law began to really exert its power.] 】

[Due to the large number of deaths and chaos in the base, there was even a power outage!]

[And this directly leads to...... The lights in the containment chamber are out!]

[Now, these two D-class personnel can't continue to look at that statue anymore!]

[Under normal circumstances, the female supervisor in the surveillance room should immediately press the button and blow the heads of the two D-class personnel off.] 】

[But this woman is about to stop breathing at this moment because of heart failure......]

[And worse...... Still to come. 】

[Because of SCP-173's containment breach, Foundation guards are already quite panicked!]

[After hearing the screams of the two D-class personnel in the containment chamber, one of the guards actually opened the door directly and wanted to execute them with his own hands!]

[And the result...... One of the D-class personnel in the room panicked and rushed out of the door to the containment chamber. 】

[The next moment, the statue crossed over to the D-class, killing him and ...... He was also observed by the guards. 】

[Seconds later, both men are dead.] The green statue was also seen by researchers and guards passing by. 】

[SCP-689's "Death Journey" begins!]

[SCP-173 and SCP-689 have set off a killing frenzy in the base!]

[But fortunately, there are two other small things in this base.] 】

【SCP-131...... Eyed peas!】

[Although these two little things only have the IQ of a cat, they are in this dangerous situation for some reason...... We made the perfect response. 】

[This pair of eyed peas immediately split into two ways, one ran in the direction of 173, staring at "it" with his eyes. 】

[If it's a human, such a gaze...... At most, it can only last for ten minutes. 】

Because humans need to blink. 】

[SCP-131 does not need to.] 】

[This small monster with the item level "Save" can stare at each other with big eyes almost endlessly!]

[And the little peanut he was staring at suddenly froze in place, completely unable to move. 】

[Meanwhile, on the other side, SCP-689, which is on a killing spree in the Foundation, has encountered a similar situation.] 】

[After being stared at by the big eyes of the other eyepea, the green statue ...... It was also frozen in place. 】

[After some time, the Foundation, which finally reacted, summoned a special advance team to take a look at SCP-173 and SCP-689 and returned them to their original containment chambers. 】

[The performance of the pair of "eye-eyed peas" during this containment breach caused the Foundation to begin to formally consider it...... Let them serve as permanent "caretakers" of SCPs like SCPs 173 and 689!]

[Under their never-resting eyes, the little peanut and the green statue may never be able to breach containment again!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Big bones boiled into soup: It's so amazing, these two little things look cute and lovely, I didn't expect that they could turn the tide and save so many people!

Hermione Granger: The Eye Monster that doesn't blink, that's interesting, if only I could have one.

Nick Fury: It seems that even the SAFE class has a lot of abilities in Foundation containment!

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[On the planet where the SCP Foundation is located, there are various mysterious organizations, most of which are in a hostile relationship with the Foundation. 】

[But that doesn't mean it...... These organizations are evil. 】

[Or rather, they and the Foundation are just different philosophies.] 】

[Of these organizations, the most powerful is the Global Occult Coalition!aka GOC!]

[In the eyes of the SCP Foundation, which advocates the concepts of control, protection, containment, and the concept of control, the values of the Global Occult Coalition...... Very simple and straightforward. 】

[See...... Instant kill!]

[As long as the "weird" enters their sight, the Occult Alliance will immediately mobilize its forces and completely wipe it out!

[Even if this anomaly is human, or even seems to be a harmless little girl, the Occult Alliance...... There will be no mercy either!]

[Dan...... Is that really the case?]

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