sports supervillain

1010. The Real Purpose Of The Competition

Stephanie jumped into the ring and dissuaded everyone who was still fighting. At the same time, let other people stabilize the rest of the WWE players, and don't give them the opportunity to continue to come up and make things big.

"Okay, okay, Ye, it's almost done."

Stephanie whispered something in Ye Fei's ear, and then looked at the WWE players in the ring: "You don't feel ashamed, so many of you go together. That's it for today, if you want to fight again in the future, I will find you A chance. Let us now, bring up today's special prize.

Ye Fei came to WWE to fight these arrogant hunks by the way. Now that they have been beaten to vent their anger, there is no need to continue the game.

WWE players, seeing Stephanie coming up, knew that there was no possibility of continuing to fight. And if they really want to continue fighting, they may not be willing to fight. Especially those who have fought against Ye Fei, they think they are singled out, and they may not be able to bring Ye Fei down, or they may be the one who gets beaten.

Dwayne Johnson, Brother Daxiu and others are lessons from the past. They don't want to become Ye Fei's background board. Once forced to retire from WWE, they 373 are likely to lose their jobs.

After Ye Fei finishes this game, he can return to the NBA to continue making money. They don't have to, and lose their careers.

The staff brought a glittering golden belt to the stage, and Stephanie came over and presented the golden belt to Ye Fei with both hands.

"Let's congratulate Ye, for becoming a special WWE champion, please accept your golden belt."

One can tell at a glance that this belt is of great value, and it weighs a lot in the hand. Ye Fei accepted it contentedly, and then, with Stephanie's gesture, Ye Fei said: "Thank you WWE for giving me this opportunity, and thank you all Thanks to your cooperation, I have the opportunity to get this golden belt, thank you, I will come back again!"

This is the end of Ye Fei's first WWE match tour.

But after the video about this game was uploaded on the Internet, the popularity soared wildly, attracting countless viewers to discuss it enthusiastically.

"I'm afraid that I watched a fake video. Is Ye Shen so cruel? Like chopping melons and chopping vegetables, knocking down a lot of WWE players to the ground, should he be so fierce?"

"Ye Shen deserves to be Ye Shen, he is a (cddg) super villain himself. After seeing those WWE players, who were so angry by Ye Shen, they went to the ring but were beaten by fancy tricks

The expression of exasperation is very enjoyable. "

"In the NBA, he killed the Quartet, and in the WWE League, he is also slammed. And Ye Shen's fighting ability is comparable to Sakuragi Flower Road. The opponent's attack is so violent, and the props are broken. Still can't beat Ye Shen, what a fucking OP ."

"I didn't see that Ye Fei himself said, thank you for the cooperation of others. It is obvious that those WWE players deliberately let Ye Fei, otherwise he can be so arrogant? And seeing that he has a close relationship with Stephanie, everyone knows Ye Fei's woman What is the fate, he is used to eating soft food, maybe he cooperates with WWE and earns money from fans.

"The brain upstairs was eaten by sperm? Or is it that you have no brain at all! Hey, go and cooperate with others to see if you can achieve this effect?"

"WWE is mostly performances, but it is definitely not a fake fight. There are so realistic fake fights, the stool is smashed, and the stick is broken? Is Ye Shen only allowed to play basketball well, and he is not allowed to wrestle? Are you an expert?"

No matter what the audience thinks, Ye Fei won't care. His real purpose of participating in the competition is not to sensationalize and attract people's attention.

He waited for Stephanie's post-match arrangements.

It's just that Ye Fei's performance on the WWE stage shocked the entire NBA.

Draymond Green, who was beaten into an egg by Ye Fei and was still recovering from his injuries, watched this WWE duel in front of the TV screen.

He thought Ye Fei would be beaten mercilessly, after all O'Neill was so miserable. Never expected that Ye Fei's ability to resist attacks is so strong.

What should I do next season?

Should I just kick him in the balls again?

But now Green only has one left, and he is afraid that Ye Fei will not keep one for him when the time comes.

Egg hurts.

Fortunately, I can still feel it.

After watching the video, Green's teammate Stephen Curry just wanted to scold his mother, such a horrible monster, why did he play in the NBA, can't he fight?

With such terrifying physical resistance and resistance to blows, how many impacts can my small body withstand?

don't say anything.

Tomorrow, I will practice three-point shooting and COSCO shooting. In the game against the Los Angeles Lakers, I will not even rush to the basket.

After watching the video, Lebron James, the core core of the Cleveland Cavaliers, was shocked: Ye Fei is too fierce, and his ability to fight and fight is too terrifying.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t form any five-star lineup to play brother basketball with Anthony, wouldn’t I?


Tomorrow's training volume will be increased. James called his trainer: "Arrange for me tomorrow, and double the size of the tires. Give me a new training plan. I want to become stronger and harder."

If a domestic player sees the tires used by James for training tomorrow, he wonders if he will die of shame.

They are not the only ones, some teams aiming to hit the championship. Whether it's the owner, the general manager, the coach, or the players, after seeing Ye Fei perform on the WWE stage, they feel that they have to do something.

Team owners and general managers said: "All deals with the Lakers are temporarily on hold, and they can no longer buy suitable players. It is useless for us to get high-quality players in the free market. Don't let the Los Angeles Lakers win. This damn villain is such a headache!"

Leaving aside whether Ye Fei has improved technically, how many players in the league can stand up to his abnormal physical talent?

The coach racked his brains to figure out how to avoid Ye Fei's tactics.

Some all-star players, while increasing the intensity of training, also think about how to avoid physical confrontation with Ye Fei.

A WWE match disrupted the plans of many teams and players.

It's all the fault of that damn supervillain Ye Fei.

Ye Fei knew nothing about it.

Despite a brutal fight on the WWE stage, Ye Fei was unhurt. Let a professional physical therapist help him relax after the game, and Ye Fei's body slowly recovers.

During this period of time, Yingmu Huadao didn't suffer so many beatings in vain, everything was worth it.

Because Stephanie sent a message and signaled Ye Fei to wait for her in the parking lot, the two started a new round of talks. .

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